Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 178 Fragile Qi Yi Jue

When Huo Yunxi heard Qi Yiyu's words, she was frozen in his arms, but she didn't want to open her eyes to answer him, because she didn't know what to answer, or even whether to agree to what he had just said.

It's not so much that she doesn't know, but that she hasn't thought about it. Marriage is too far away for her. She always feels that she is not perfect and is not ready to be a wife, so she escapes again and again.

Qi Yijue didn't seem to need her answer. She knew that she was awake, but she did not force her to answer, but hugged her tighter.

"Yunxi, do you know? It's really my luckiest thing. Let me love you and love you. I'm really afraid that you will leave me, so I've always wanted to keep you by my side. Qi Yijie was still talking to himself, with a low and gentle voice, which was not as indifferent as ordinary as thousands of miles away.

Her stiff body slowly recovered, lying in his arms, listening to his heartbeat at ease.

At this moment, Qi Yiyu seems to be much more fragile and gentle.

"Do you know what day it was yesterday?" Qi Yiyu lowered her head and kissed her hair, and then asked happily.

She wanted to answer, but she swallowed it again.

"Yesterday was the anniversary of our first acquaintance, do you remember? That cowherd hall, we met for the first time. Qi Yiyu talked to herself and told herself about what happened between them.

It seems that she only needs to be a listener, no need for her to answer, no need for her to agree, just need her to listen.

"Actually, yesterday was also the anniversary of my mother's death." Speaking of this, it is obvious that Qi Yiyu's body is beginning to feel cold, and the warmth just now has disappeared.

She heard a little about Qi Yijue's mother, but she didn't know the details. It seems that his mother's death was a big blow to him.

She didn't know how to persuade Qi Yi Jue, so she could only keep her mouth shut and listen quietly.

"My mother is a very beautiful woman. She is very gentle and a very good mother. But in the year when I was ten years old, she left me forever. I saw her jump downstairs with bright red blood on her pure white skirt. No matter what I called her, she didn't get up. She abandoned me and didn't want me." Qi Yiyu hugged her tighter and tighter, as if she was afraid of something, and her body was still shaking.

A string in her heart was touched, and she also understood the pain of losing her relatives, so she understood the pain of Qi Yi Jue at this moment.

She stretched out her hand and hugged Qi Yiyu and slowly raised her head.

"It's okay. It's okay. You still have me. I won't leave you." She felt the change in Qi Yiyu's mood, and her body trembled more and more.

Hearing her words, Qi Yiyu's trembling body slowly stopped, and her excitement slowly calmed down.

"Really? Are you really not going to leave me?" Qi Yiyu is like a child, holding her hand tightly, and his eyes are serious. The usually arrogant and indifferent he has disappeared. At this moment, he is a child waiting to be loved.

Maybe it's the role of maternal nature, she nodded heavily.

"Well, no. Everything will pass, and bad memories will pass. Forget those bad memories and don't remember them anymore!" In the dark, she couldn't see Qi Yiyu's face clearly, but she could feel the fear and expectation on him.

Qi Yiyu hugged her in his arms and then gently leaned his head on her shoulder.

"Thank you, Yunxi, thank you." Qi Yiyu's voice was extremely soft, as if it were about to disappear.

She leaned in his arms and listened to his heartbeat return to normal. Just now, his heartbeat was obviously much faster.

"Sleep, everything will pass." Her gentle voice sounded in Qi Yiyu's ear.

In fact, instead of persuading him, she was also persuading herself. She also thought of her mother's death just now. In fact, every time she thought of it, she would clenched her fists like crazy. She didn't stop until her nails fell into the flesh and blood kept pouring out.

This extreme way is not what she wants, but only this way can make her feel better.

The two comforted each other in the night and gave each other warmth.

Unconsciously, Qi Yiyu has fallen asleep, and she can't sleep. There are too many things in her mind, so it is especially difficult to fall asleep.

I was still wondering who the behind-the-scenes black hand was. The more I thought about it, the more upset I felt. Suddenly, a person came to her mind. Is it really Huo Mingzhe? He must not have died. This time, it is likely to be related to him. From Lao Li's description, it is basically in line with Huo Mingzhe. Is it really him?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Huo Mingzhe was suspicious and frowned tightly. If it was really Huo Mingzhe, she would never let him go.

Just as she guessed in her heart, Qi Yiyu beside her suddenly began to talk in her sleep.

"No, no, mom, no, mom, don't leave me, no, please." Qi Yiyu's voice sounded so pitiful, a little hoarse, and her hands kept moving.

She must have had a nightmare, and may have dreamed of the scene of his mother's death, as if she often dreamed of her mother's death, and every time she woke up with a cold sweat.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't be afraid. It's all over. It's over. She stretched out her hand and held Qi Yiyu's hand tightly, and then pulled out a tissue to help him wipe off the sweat on his forehead.

He whispered in his ear to keep him from struggling.

Because his hand was held, Qi Yiyu did not continue to move, but whispered something in his mouth.

She gently kissed Qi Yiyu's forehead and continued to comfort him in a low voice in his ear.

In this way, she slowly fell asleep, and the two hugged each other tightly.

In the morning, Qi Yijue woke up first and looked at the time at 7 o'clock. Seeing her sleeping in her arms, she couldn't bear to wake her up, and then closed her eyes to close her eyes to refresh herself.

She didn't sleep for a long time. She woke up at 7:30 and looked at the outside. It was not too late to see the head of the bed. Qi Yijue beside her was closing her beautiful eyes and sleeping quietly.

A year ago, if she turned around and looked, she would see Qi Yijue's quiet sleeping face. If Qi Yijue woke up at that time, maybe the fate of the two of them would change again.

stretched out his hand and carefully depicted Qi Yijue's exquisite facial features, staying on his thin lips.

Suddenly, Qi Yijue opened her mouth and held her finger. She was shocked and quickly took it back.

"You, you, you're awake." She was a little shy and her face turned red.

I just felt ashamed that I was caught.

"Well, it's still early. Would you like to sleep a while?" Thinking that it was 3:30 a.m. when they returned to the villa last night, and they had said so long that they have only slept for less than 3 hours.

She shook her head and still wanted to go to the company to see how the situation was. After all, the drawing was lost, and the direct loss was 10 million.

"I'll get up and go to the company." She was ready to get up from **, but she was stopped by Qi Yijue as soon as she moved.

Before she could react, she saw that Qi Yiyu had kissed her lips.

She was completely unprepared and was a little angry about Qi Yijue's sudden attack, but Qi Yijue took the opportunity to slide her tongue into her mouth.

She no longer struggled and began to seriously throw herself into this kiss. Anyway, she has let go, and there is nothing else to be pretentious.

Just as the two kissed themselves, the door was suddenly opened.

"Yunxi, it's time to eat, and it's time to go to work." Xizi's voice sounded at the door.

But it immediately froze and closed the door.

"Go on, I didn't see anything." Xizi closed the door and said loudly, and then ran away.

The two people who were interrupted by Xizi were not interested. They could only look at each other awkwardly and then quickly got up.

Qi Yiyu washed, then rinsed her face, squeezed toothpaste, and served her to wash.

She only felt very unaccustomed, but she still washed obediently under the pressure and temptation of Qi Yiyu.

After washing up, Qi Yiyu hugged her downstairs.

Xizi was eating at the table, listening to the footsteps upstairs with an ambiguous smile on his face.

But when she saw Qi Yiyu holding her downstairs, her ambiguous smile was even worse, and she didn't notice the gauze on her feet.

"Just now, I didn't mean to." After saying that, Xizi quickly drank the porridge in the bowl.