Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 181 Brothers and Sisters

Huo Yunxi didn't expect that Chen Xiaohan would say such a thing to her. Originally, he thought he would continue to talk about what he liked her. It seemed that she thought too much.

She most wants to see such a result. After all, the two have been friends for more than 20 years, and it's really a pity that they suddenly become like that, and she takes Chen Xiaohan as her brother from the bottom of her heart.

"Brother Xiao Han." She shouted excitedly and let go of the awkwardness in her heart.

The two have not known each other overnight. For more than 20 years, they have been getting along with each other almost since she was born.

"Well, you silly girl." Although Chen Xiaohan was still a little disappointed when he heard that she called him brother, it was enough to think that as long as she was willing to let him stay by her side, no matter what his identity was.

Chen Xiaohan stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair as before.

She did not avoid it anymore. Although she was still a little uncomfortable, she still tried her best to adapt to not make herself look awkward over there and make Chen Xiaohan more careful.

"Brother Xiao Han, how do you know that today is the anniversary of my father's death?" She changed the topic and didn't want to continue to pester that problem.

"I heard from my father say it two days ago. I happened to be here today when I had time. Uncle Huo and my aunt used to take good care of me. I should come to see them. Then wait for me here for a moment. I'll go to see them first, and then let's go back together." Chen Xiaohan slowly got up and walked towards the tombstone over there.

She looked at Chen Xiaohan's back and wanted to say that she had left first, but she didn't say anything.

Just sit there and wait for Chen Xiaohan to settle down together. Anyway, both of them are open, and there is no need to be awkward.

She was sitting there watching the sunset when Xizi and Lin Xiao ran behind her.

"Who is he?" Xizi asked in a low voice on her right.

She was shocked by Xizi's sudden sound, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She quickly covered her chest with her hand.

"Xizi, do you want to scare me to death?" She didn't know how nervous she was until she spoke. She was really shocked by Xizi just now.

"Who was that handsome man just now?" Xizi didn't care so much and quickly asked.

She took a look at Chen Xiaohan, who offered incense to her parents over there. He was indeed a rare handsome man.

How can you be interested? Are you going to abandon Dr. Xu? She was in a good mood and couldn't help joking Xizi.

As soon as Xi Zi heard Xu Zexun, his face immediately turned red, and his hand unconsciously reached to her waist and gently pinched him.

"Xizi, you bad woman." She only felt itchy and almost laughed and stared at Xizi.

Xizi pretended to look at her innocently, and then explored her hand to show that she was really innocent.

"Maybe he is the son of Uncle Chen Hao, Chen Xiaohan, the Fengyun senior in H City." She didn't sell anything and introduced Chen Xiaohan.

Xizi heard that his whole body seemed to be more petrified, and his mouth couldn't get together for a long time.

"It's him, my God, it's him, ohno! Do you know that he is my dream lover? Xizi looked like a nymphomaniac, which made her and Lin Xiao cover their mouths and laugh loudly.

Xizi finally felt that she behaved too much and put away her crazy expression.

"If you like it, I can introduce it to you." She deliberately made fun of Xizi, knowing that the relationship between her and Xu Zexun might be about to be settled.

"No, no, just keep the dream lover in mind." Xizi waved her hand quickly, and now she can't stand it, let alone others.

Looking at Xizi, she suddenly felt in a particularly good mood.

"Sister, why did he come to the grave for his father?" Lin Xiao looked at Chen Xiaohan as if he was unusual to his sister and came to visit his father's grave. Isn't he trying to chase his sister? Isn't his brother-in-law in danger?

"His father and father are very good friends. Their family and our family have always had a good relationship. They are friends, and it's not a curious thing to come to his father's grave." She tried her best to bring Chen Xiaohan's relationship with them to her parents' generation. Anyway, she just wanted them to see that he was interested in her.

Lin Xiao nodded as if he didn't understand, but he was sure that Chen Xiaohan was not malicious to his sister, so he was much more relieved.

"But Xizi, how do I think he is not simple on the surface? He seems to be..."

"It seems that he is my brother. Don't talk nonsense." Before Xizi could speak out, she interrupted Xizi's words and directly strangled what she wanted to say in the cradle.

Xizi curled her lips helplessly, as if she was not satisfied with her words.

"So anxious to get rid of the relationship, maybe the real relationship is not ordinary." Xizi whispered, as if he were talking to himself.

She heard Xizi's words and pretended not to hear it. Anyway, it's better not to explain it.

Soon Chen Xiaohan came from the cemetery and walked to her side.

"Well, let's go back now. I have a friend who is really good at sprains. Why don't I take you to have a look." Chen Xiaohan still didn't trust her feet and insisted on taking her there to have a look.

It was really difficult to shirk it. She simply agreed. Anyway, the injury on her foot was healed one day earlier, and it was always better.

"Well, that's fine. That's troublesome for Brother Xiao Han. Let me explain it to you. This is my good sister He Chenxi, but everyone likes to call her Xizi. This is my brother Huo Xiao. This is my good brother Chen Xiaohan and brother Xiao Han. She deliberately bit her brother very heavily, reminding the other three people.

Although Chen Xiaohan doesn't like to hear the word brother, this is also the only identity he can stand beside her, so he can only accept it.

Xizi looked at Chen Xiaohan with some excitement and nodded from time to time.

"Xizi, have you had enough?" She stabbed Xizi with her hand and looked at her as a commentator.

Xizi came to his senses and quickly put away his slightly nymphomaniac appearance.

"Hello, you can call me Xizi." Xizi stretched out his hand to get to know each other.

"Hello, Chen Xiaohan." Chen Xiaohan looked at Xizi and didn't plan to pay attention to it if he hadn't been Huo Yunxi's good sister.

Lin Xiao and Chen Xiaohan also shook hands, even if everyone knew each other.

Then the group walked together, but Chen Xiaohan insisted on carrying her behind his back.

"It's still unnecessary, Brother Xiao Han, I can walk there by myself." She insisted on walking there by herself, but she didn't want everyone to see her vulnerable side.

"Obey me. When I was a child, I didn't bother to ask Brother Xiao Han to carry it. Why are you embarrassed now? Come on, let's go back early." Chen Xiaohan squatted on the ground and couldn't get up. Both of them were deadlocked.

"Okay, okay. Anyway, I won't pay you for labor. Seeing that she really couldn't avoid it, she stopped insisting and joked with Chen Xiaohan as before.

"Tut, you stinky girl, take advantage of me every time." Chen Xiaohan pretended to be helpless, as if he was particularly helpless to her.

She smiled on his back, and the two seemed to really throw away and return to the purest friendship between them.

Xizi and Lin Xiao followed them and looked at the two people smiling with satisfaction.

She was carried to his car by Chen Xiaohan, and Xizi took Lin Xiao back together.

Xizi looked at Lin Xiao intentionally or unintentionally in the car, and then tentatively asked some questions.

"How's the work there recently?" Xizi asked casually while driving.

"For good, thanks to the help of my colleagues, if it hadn't been for their help, I wouldn't have done anything now." Lin Xiao was looking out of the window in a daze. Hearing Xizi's question, she immediately turned around and answered seriously.

Xizi seemed to chat casually. Hearing his answer, he did not immediately ask again, but drove at ease.

"Then what are your plans in the future?" After a long time, Xizi asked.

Lin Xiao listened to Xizi's question and always felt that she deliberately wanted to test something, with a layer of cold sweat on her back.

"Learn first, and then help my sister well in the future. I don't want her to work so hard. I hope I can help her share some." This is from the bottom of my heart. Lin Xiao really feels sorry for Huo Yunxi.