Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 199 Why can't she do this

After hearing Qi Yijue's voice, Meng Jiayue looked particularly happy and returned to her usual time.

"Hey, brother Yijue, I'm going to the drug rehabilitation center today. Can you go with me? I'm scared." Meng Jiayue's voice sounded trembling, as if she was really scared.

Qi Yi Jue frowned unhappily, and the expression on her face changed slightly.

Meng Jiayue said that she was injected with white powder by Huo Mingzhe and became addicted to drugs. Now it's not bad for her to quit drugs, and she also summoned up a lot of courage to tell this matter.

"Okay, I'll come over later. I'll take care of the work at hand." The scene of Meng Jiayue helping her block the knife constantly appeared in Qi Yijue's mind. Seeing her pale face, she suddenly agreed with a soft heart.

He knew that he only had a little gratitude and guilt for Meng Jiayue, which was not a feeling at all, but at this time he could not bear to refuse.

He never wants to owe anyone, so he tries his best to meet Meng Jiayue's requirements. In fact, he offered to give Meng Jiayue some financial compensation, but she refused all and said with tears that she didn't want money. As long as he could accompany her to take the poison, she would not bother him anymore, because she felt guilty that he agreed.

I just hope that Meng Jiayue can quit the poison this morning. After all, that is not a good thing.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home. Come to my house later." Meng Jiayue laughed happily when she heard that he agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Jiayue sat alone and laughed happily.

As long as Qi Yiyu agrees to her, she will have a chance. As long as she takes the road below, Qi Yiyu will abandon Huo Yunxi and return to her.

Thinking that Qi Yiyu will be her own in the future, Meng Jiayue smiled more and more brightly.

At this time, Du Qinyao suddenly came in and saw her smiling so happily. She walked over and sat beside her.

"What's wrong with Sister Jiayue laughing so happily?" Du Qinyao asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing. It's just that Brother Yijue promised to accompany me to the drug rehabilitation center. Yaoyao, why are you here?"

Du Qinyao's face darkened slightly when she heard that she went to the drug rehabilitation center. She knew about Meng Jiayue's drug use, but she once persuaded her, but she didn't listen, but now she actually wants to go to rehab. I don't know what she thinks, and she even cheated her brother to go together.

"Oh, I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm ready to go back to England. It's been so long since I came back this time. It's time to go home. Du Qinyao's attitude towards Meng Jiayue has changed, and she always feels that this woman's life is too chaotic.

As soon as Meng Jiayue heard that she was leaving, she immediately showed a reluctant expression.

"Why is it so sudden? Let's play for a few more days. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with you going back. I can't bear to leave you for a few more days." Meng Jiayue pretended to start retaining Du Qinyao, but in fact, she had other plans in mind.

Du Qinyao looked at her reluctant appearance. Although she knew that she was just polite and even a little hypocritical, she was still very happy.

"No, my father asked me to go back to work, and my fiance wants me to go back early to prepare for the wedding. I may get married next year. Come on, too!" Du Qinyao still refused Meng Jiayue's retention. She felt that Meng Jiayue was no longer the simple sister Jiayue and became a little strange and terrible, so she didn't want to stay here any longer.

And she knows too many secrets of Meng Jiayue. According to Meng Jiayue's current methods of doing things, she may cause her trouble at that time.

"Ah, really? Congratulations. I will definitely go to your wedding then. I think I will be soon, as long as I can succeed. Yaoyao, I have something I want you to help with. Meng Jiayue looked at Du Qinyao with pleading eyes.

"Sister Jiayue, what do you think?" Du Qinyao has roughly guessed it, but she still wants to hear what Meng Jiayue said.

Meng Jiayue thought for a moment, took Du Qinyao's hand and slowly opened her mouth.

"Yyao, you also know that I really love Brother Yijue. I can give up together and even become a vicious woman for him. Can you understand how much I love someone to the extreme? I don't have Brother Yijue, which is almost impossible to survive, so I have thought of so many ways to keep him. I know that the process may be a little too obscene, but I really love him too much. I hope you can help me keep those secrets, okay?" Meng Jiayue held her hand tightly and her eyes were full of prayers, but she saw a sense of threat.

Du Qinyao is not a fool. If she dares to say no at this time, Meng Jiayue will definitely not let her out of the H market.

"Of course, we are good sisters, and am I involved? I will never say it, but you should treat my brother well in the future. Du Qinyao quickly made sure and pulled herself in to increase Meng Jiayue's credibility.

Meng Jiayue was very satisfied to hear her say that, and then hugged her in her arms.

"Well, I knew Yaoyao would understand me. Thank you. Then you have returned to the UK, remember to contact more. I'll go to England to see you and your aunt when I have time. Meng Jiayue showed a treacherous smile behind Du Qinyao.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the UK, and I'll come back to see you when I have time. Be happy with my brother!" Du Qinyao showed a trace of cruelty behind Meng Jiayue. As long as Meng Jiayue dared to touch her, she didn't want to live.

The two people falsely hugged and said goodbye, both of whom had their own minds, but they still had smiles on their faces.

At this time, the servant knocked on the door and said that Qi Yijue was downstairs. When Meng Jiayue heard that Qi Yijue was coming, she was so happy that she couldn't wait to jump up.

"Then I'll go down first, Yaoyao, have a good trip. Call me when you get there." Meng Jiayue quickly got up from **, picked up the bag next to her, checked her dress in the mirror, and strode out without any problems.

When he went downstairs, he saw Qi Yiyu sitting on the sofa in a black suit. His deep eyes were very dim, as if he was worried about something.

"Brother Yi Jue, you're here. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Meng Jiayue walked to Qi Yiyu's side and said apologetically.

Qi Yijue looked up at Meng Jiayue's long bright yellow skirt, with her hair spread over her shoulders, looking fresh and elegant, with a little more weak breath that girls should have. This feeling can't be found in Huo Yunxi. She is always strong and indifferent.

"Well, let's go." Qi Yiyu closed his eyes and turned to walk to the door.

"Well, okay." Meng Jiayue followed him happily, with a happy smile on her face.

When she arrived in the car, Meng Jiayue sat in the co-pilot's seat, and her eyes had never left Qi Yijue. The more she looked at it, the happier she felt.

"Brother Yi Jue, you look down on me, don't you?" Suddenly, Meng Jiayue's mood fell down and was full of low self-esteem when she spoke.

"Hmm?" Qi Yiyu glanced at Meng Jiayue with some puzzlement.

"I take drugs. This is not a glorious thing. I know many people look down on me." Meng Jiayue lowered her head and said in a sad tone.

Qi Yijue didn't have any opinion on this matter. Anyway, he is usually too lazy to take care of his affairs, but now that Meng Jiayue is kind to him, he can't keep silent.

"No, you are forced. I don't blame you." Qi Yi Jue said simply.

Hearing Qi Yiyu's words, Meng Jiayue was obviously much happier, and the expression on her face was not as inferior as before.

"Really? Brother Yi Jue, I will definitely get rid of drugs. Meng Jiayue seems to be guaranteeing!

Qi Yiyu looked at Meng Jiayue and became so happy because of his words, and suddenly thought of Huo Yunxi. No matter what he said, he would never see her happy because of his words.

It will always be that expression, as if I have never been happy, and I have never been like a little woman.

"Well, come on." I don't know what's going on today, but he said so much to Meng Jiayue.

Meng Jiayue looked at Qi Yi Jue, who was usually silent. She actually said so much to her today and was still encouraging her. She became more and more happy in her heart and vowed to take Qi Yi Jue back.