Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 213 Difficult Choice

Huo Yunxi was muddle-headed all the way, and even forgot how to go home. His mind had been thinking about the child. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his brain was blank, as if his whole brain had stopped thinking, and he could only see the child's two words.

Xizi looked at Huo Yunxi like this and was worried to death, but it was useless to be anxious. He could only stay by her side.

In fact, Xizi's idea is to get rid of the child. After all, the doctor has said that Huo Yunxi's current body is not suitable for this child, not to mention that this child may face the loss of a father in his life, which is not good for the child.

But although she thinks so, she will still respect Huo Yunxi's choice.

"Yunxi, you should eat less first, and then go to sleep." Xizi looked at Huo Yunxi, who was sitting on the sofa for an hour. He didn't say a word, and even the action of sitting on it was the same as an hour ago.

The eyes are empty and the face is very ugly, which makes people have to worry.

And Huo Yunxi still sat there without raising his eyelids, as if he hadn't heard Xizi's words.

"Yunxi." Xizi put the porridge in his hand on the coffee table, sat next to Huo Yunxi, and gently pushed her.

"Xizi, what's the matter?" She seemed to have just reacted and turned her head to look at Xizi.

"You didn't eat anything in the morning. I just asked the babysitter to make porridge. You can drink a little first and then sleep in peace." Xizi picked up the porridge from the coffee table, gently scooped a spoon and put it on her mouth.

She smelled a faint smell of porridge, but she had no appetite at all.

"Xizi, I have no appetite and don't want to eat. I'm tired. Let's go up and rest for a while. She shook her head feebly and got up directly upstairs.

Back in the room, she sat quietly **, holding her legs tightly with her hands and putting her head on her legs.

But suddenly tears flowed out and fell down without any warning.

She quickly stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears, and then hugged herself tightly.

Now she wished she could decide this matter decisively, but she found that it was really too difficult to decide.

If you are more rational, the child must not be kept and must be removed.

But it is because she is not rational enough now, and now she doesn't want to be so rational. She has been telling herself in her heart that this child is innocent, and now she actually has the idea of rejecting men. She really doesn't know whether she can have children in her life, so she wants to keep this child.

But if she leaves this child, how will she face the views of the outside world, how to face Qi Yi Jue, and even how to tell the child in the future.

These problems forced her to face, and the more she thought about it, the more she had a headache, which was a very difficult decision.

I don't know how long I've been sitting in **, and it's getting dark outside.

"Dongdong, Yunxi, are you awake?" Suddenly, Xizi's voice sounded at the door.

She knew that Xizi must be worried about her. Fortunately, Xizi was with her at this time, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

"Wake up, come in." When she opened her mouth, she was shocked, and her voice clearly seemed to be hoarse, which sounded dry and rough.

With Huo Yunxi's reply, Xizi slowly pushed the door open and turned on the light in the room, holding a tray in his hand and some food on the plate.

"Are you better? I haven't eaten all day, and now I have to eat less anyway. Xizi put the tray on the bedside table, and whether she promised or not, she put the food directly in front of her.

She looked at the food in front of her and ate it with no appetite at all.

The delicious food comes to my mouth, but I feel that it tastes like chewing wax. I can only chew it mechanically, and I don't even seem to swallow it.

"Xizi, I don't want to eat it." After taking a few bites, she felt that she really couldn't eat any more, but her stomach began to churning again.

quickly got up from **, strode into the bathroom, vomited, and vomited up what he had just eaten.

Xizi looked at Huo Yunxi and finally ate a little, and now he has vomited all of them. He is heartbroken.

"Yunxi, take off the child. Look at how you have been tortured." Xizi squatted beside Huo Yunxi and said as he helped her breathe, but his eyes were already wet.

She lay on the toilet and heard Xizi's words. Her body froze and her fingers tightly clasped the edge of the toilet.

"Xizi, do you also think I should remove the child?" She was silent for two minutes before asking Xizi.

"Yunxi, I know it's difficult for you to make a decision now, but I really don't think the child should stay. Regardless of the impact of this child in the future, that is to say, your current body can't stand it at all. The doctor also said that your current situation is not suitable for this child. You eat something now and vomit immediately. It's only one month now. What should you do with the remaining 9 months? Xizi gently patted her on the back and carefully analyzed the situation for her.

She has never spoken. In fact, she has thought about what Xizi said for a long time. Since she knew that she had a child, she has imagined all aspects.

But she just couldn't take off the child, which is of special significance to her.

"Xizi, what if I say I want to give birth to this child?" Although she was asking Xizi, she said a positive tone.

When Xizi heard Huo Yunxi's words, she was obviously stunned, but she also thought about this result, but she thought that she would not make such a decision with Huo Yunxi's reason.

"Yunxi, you know that no matter what decision you make, I will definitely support you. If you really decide to give birth to this child, then I will be the godmother of this child, and I will be by your side. But you have to promise me that you must eat well and protect your health no matter what. Xizi gently put his arms around Huo Yunxi's shoulder and put her head in his arms.

She knew that Xizi would support her every choice, and now she only feels warm in her heart.

"Xizi, thank you." She lay in Xizi's arms and whispered.

Xizi sighed heavily in her heart. If she really decides to have this child, her life will certainly be very hard in the future.

How will she get married in the future? If she really has a child, she is still an illegitimate child. How many men dare to have it?

"Yunxi, let's go there first. I have something to ask you." The floor of the bathroom is very cold, and Huo Yunxi's body is not good. In case of a cold, it is not good for the child.

She nodded, got up from the ground, and then walked to the bedside with the help of Xizi and sat down.

"Yunxi, have you ever thought about how you would explain this child if you fall in love in the future?" Xizi thought for a while, but decided to ask first and remind her.

She looked at the seriousness in Xizi's eyes, and she had thought about these things for a long time.

"Xizi, those are all things in the future, and I don't think I want to accept other men at all in my current mentality." She may have died for love, or she may be desperate for men, and now she just wants to manage the company well.

Xizi was completely stunned when she heard Huo Yunxi's words. She didn't expect Huo Yunxi to say so. Now that she is only 23 years old, it is the time of beautiful youth. How can she stop accepting other men?

"Yunxi, you are so young. Don't despair of a man because of Qi Yijue. In fact, I think Chen Xiaohan is really good. Maybe you can think about it. Even if you don't like Chen Xiaohan, there may be a man who will move you in the future. Xizi quickly persuaded her not to let her end her life like this.

"Brother Xiao Han? I don't think I'm suitable for him and I don't want to delay him. As for what you say, it will also be in the future. If he really loves me, he is bound to accept everything from me. If I can't accept it, then why should I? Although she said that, she knew in her heart that there were too few men like that, but this could be an excuse for her now.

Xizi was speechless by her and knew that almost no one could change her decision.