Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 217 confidant

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunxi quickly changed his clothes and prepared to go to the company to have a look.

For Xizi's private alarm two hours late, she was both angry and felt very warm.

Maybe Xizi specially explained that as soon as she went downstairs, she was stopped by the nanny and told her to have breakfast before going out.

She thought for a moment. After all, she is not alone now. In order to eat more food for the child in her belly, she sat down and ate before driving to the company.

Now her mentality has changed. She will think of the child first, and she must think about whether it is harmful to the child in everything she does.

So driving is also slower than usual. Slowly driving and looking at the scenery along the way, I feel much more relaxed than before.

After arriving at the company, I didn't see Xizi's people. They should have taken Huo Xiao.

Sitting in the office holding the documents, I found that the documents in front of me were much less. It should be that Xizi took part of it for fear of her fatigue.

She just looked at it for a while and suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, thinking that Xizi was coming.

"Come in." Without raising his head, he continued to look at the documents in his hand.

I only heard that the footsteps did not look like Xizi's footsteps. Xizi was wearing high heels, and now the footsteps were obviously the footsteps of a man, calm and gentle.

When he realized that something was wrong, he quickly looked up at the people who came in at the door.

"Oh, Brother Xiao Han, how are you coming?" She couldn't help but be a little curious when she saw that the person who came was Chen Xiaohan.

Chen Xiaohan looked at Huo Yunxi's surprised eyes, pretended to be a little angry, and his face darkened.

"Why are you not welcome?" Chen Xiaohan came to her, stretched out his hand to hold the table, and looked at her.

She looked at Chen Xiaohan and knew that he was playing with her.

"Of course you are welcome, but I don't know why Vice President Chen came to our company today?" She slowly got up to help Chen Xiaohan pour a glass of water.

Chen Xiaohan followed Huo Yunxi's footsteps and sat down on the sofa.

"I came to sign an agreement with you today. I haven't seen you for days. I came to see you by the way. I saw that you were not in good health that time. Are you feeling better now? Chen Xiaohan asked with concern.

When she was asked about her physical condition, her expression was stunned for a moment, and then she recovered immediately.

"Oh, it's okay." Her heart was a little flustered, as if she was afraid that Chen Xiaohan would know about her pregnancy.

Chen Xiaohan looked at Huo Yunxi's expression and seemed to be something wrong. With his understanding of her for so many years, he saw that something was hiding something from him.

"But why don't I look like it? Are you hiding something from me? The little girl honestly told me that there was something she couldn't tell Brother Xiao Han. Chen Xiaohan's half-joking and half-serious tone, with imperceptible spoiling.

She was stunned and didn't expect that Chen Xiaohan was so observant. She had tried her best to hide it, but she was still found by him.

"Oh, it's really okay. Do you still want me to get cancer?" She was a little unhappy, but a little nervous.

She hasn't figured out how to tell Chen Xiaohan about this matter. Although she knows that this matter has nothing to do with Chen Xiaohan, she knows that Chen Xiaohan has always been for her good, and she can't bear to hurt anyone who is good to her.

Chen Xiaohan heard Huo Yunxi say that, and there was nothing he could do, but he still felt something wrong in his heart and silently wrote it down in his heart.

"Bah, what cancer, your scourge will harm you for thousands of years. As long as you are fine, I'm just afraid that your body can't stand it. A girl should not always socialize. If you have a bad stomach, you should take good care of it. This is the stomach medicine I sent from abroad from my friend. Try it first to see if it works. As Chen Xiaohan said, he took out the prepared stomach medicine from his bag and handed it to Huo Yunxi.

Huo Yunxi looked at the stomach medicine in front of her and suddenly wanted to cry. Her eyes were wet. Maybe she was pregnant. She became emotional and would be more easily moved. Maybe it's because Chen Xiaohan has always been so good to her, but she gave him any answer.

Why does Chen Xiaohan treat her so well? She is not worth it at all. He should have a good girl.

Looking at Huo Yunxi not answering, I only saw her bowing her head, as if she was thinking about something.

"Yunxi, what's wrong? If you don't want it, just forget it." Chen Xiaohan quickly withdrew his hand and looked at her worriedly.

"No, it's okay. I'm just very touched. Thank you, Brother Xiao Han." She slowly took the stomach medicine in Chen Xiaohan's hand and only felt warm in her heart.

Chen Xiaohan was relieved when he saw that Huo Yunxi had taken the medicine again.

"What's the matter with me? Then go ahead and I'll go back first. You can try the medicine back and take care of yourself. Chen Xiaohan was a little puzzled that he had to investigate it in person.

He is not the kind of person who pursues people's privacy, but he is very concerned about Huo Yunxi's physical condition. Even if it is wrong to investigate her privacy, he still needs to know her physical condition clearly.

"Oh, okay, then you go. Be careful on the way!" She got up and sent Chen Xiaohan to the door, holding the bottle of stomach medicine tightly in her hand, only feeling a little hot.

After Chen Xiaohan left Huo Yunxi's company, he did not go back directly, but went to investigate Huo Yunxi's medical treatment a few days ago.

When I got the information, it was already two nights later, in Chen Xiaohan's private villa.

He slowly opened the bag and looked at it carefully.

When he saw that Huo Yunxi was pregnant, he was stunned. His hands holding the paper kept shaking, and there was a trace of pain on his warm face.

"No, impossible, absolutely impossible." Chen Xiaohan threw away the paper in his hand and said loudly that it was impossible.

After a few roars, he sat down on the sofa, and his whole body seemed to have been drained.

"Why, why, Yunxi, why." Chen Xiaohan held his head in his hand and whispered why.

He couldn't believe it and felt incredible why Huo Yunxi was pregnant. The child should be Qi Yi Jue.

He had two more hatred for Qi Yijue in his heart, and his fists were clenched tightly. Now he can't wait to kill Qi Yijue immediately and take away his favorite baby.

The whole person seemed to have lost his soul. He stumbled to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of wine, opened the wine stopper and began to pour it up.

He has always been a highly self-disciplined person and has never been drunk, but this time he actually wants to get drunk, thinking that those things will become fake.

Huo Yunxi is already his beloved baby and the angel he protects.

There will be no Qi Yiyu, let alone children. He can protect her all the time.

After drinking all the wine in the wine bottle, he felt flustered and always wanted an answer.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Huo Yunxi's phone. Now he just wants to ask why.

Huo Yunxi was watching the news in the bedroom when he heard the phone ring. He picked it up and saw that it was Chen Xiaohan's, and he was immediately connected.

"Hey, Brother Xiao Han..."

"Why? Yunxi, why? Before Huo Yunxi finished speaking, Chen Xiaohan interrupted her and asked anxiously in a hoarse voice.

Huo Yunxi only felt very confused and did not understand the meaning of Chen Xiaohan's question at all.

"Brother Xiao Han, why? What's wrong with you?" Listening to Chen Xiaohan's voice, as if she were drunk, she couldn't help worrying.

"Yunxi, why are you pregnant with Qi Yiyu's child? Why? Why don't you accept me?" Chen Xiaohan revealed all the words suppressed in his heart, and with the current wine power, he could ask his heart unscrupulously.

She fully understood Chen Xiaohan's words now, but the expression on her face was frozen and she was solemn and impatient.

"You actually investigated me." Her voice was not as worried as just now, but became very indifferent.

"Yunxi, I love you. I have loved you for 8 years. Why can't it be me? Can you tell me? Is it that I haven't done well enough? I can change it. Chen Xiaohan didn't hear her at all, but just kept saying his heart.

She fully understood Chen Xiaohan's words now, but the expression on her face was frozen and she was solemn and impatient.

"You actually investigated me." Her voice was not as worried as just now, but became very indifferent.