Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 222 Who planned all this

Huo Yunxi's hand holding the phone stiffened and his face became a little pale. This was simply unexpected. How could it be so sudden?

"Yunxi, what happened?" Xizi, who had just reached the door, saw Huo Yunxi's face very ugly and immediately turned back to ask her.

She only felt that this matter was too sudden and had a terrible headache, and now she had to come forward to solve it.

"You stabilize the situation first, quickly send the injured people to the hospital, and let people guard over there, waiting for the police's reconnaissance results. I'm leaving now." She took two deep breaths and then ordered the man on the other side of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she was still in a state of shock and pale.

"Yunxi, what the hell happened?" Xizi looked at her without saying anything and quickly took her hand to ask.

"A sudden explosion occurred in the supermarket in Yuncheng, and four people have died. Now the police are investigating the cause. I'm going there now. You should also deal with your affairs quickly." She came to her senses and tried to keep calm.

It has happened, and there is nothing we can do about it. We must keep calm.

After Xizi heard the news, he was stunned and his face slowly sank.

"How can all three things happen at the same time? It's so strange. There must be a conspiracy in it." Xizi said to himself with a calm face and a firm tone.

She was just thinking about why the supermarket, which is usually checked every day, suddenly exploded, and it basically coincides with the time when the two things happened in the morning. It is definitely not accidental, but absolutely inevitable.

"Whether someone deliberately framed us or not, let's control the situation now. Hurry up and go. I'll go to Yuncheng now." Seeing that time doesn't wait for people, if it is a little more fast, there may be a bigger basket.

"Yunxi, the matter in Yuncheng is too sudden and particularly difficult. I'll go to Yuncheng. You can go to Z City to deal with the processing factory. Yuncheng must be very messy. What if you make any mistakes when you go there? Xizi took the initiative to go to Yuncheng to deal with the explosion case and didn't want her to be involved in danger.

Huo Xiao stood there and worked in a hurry, because these two things were too tricky. He knew that he could not handle these two things well with his current ability, so he could only worry in his heart.

"No, I have to deal with this matter in person. You all have to do what you are doing first. You don't need to talk about it anymore. I'm leaving now. You should also go quickly." She looked serious and her tone was very firm, leaving no room for rebuttal.

This matter is the most serious and must be dealt with in person. She doesn't want to care about anything because she is pregnant.

Looking at her firm appearance, Xizi wanted to say something, but Huo Xiao stretched out his hand and pulled her, so Xizi had to shut up.

The three people strode out of the office and felt extremely heavy, especially Huo Yunxi, who was in a depressed situation.

Xu Zexun at the door looked at the three people coming out, got up from the chair and looked at them. He found that everyone's face was very heavy. It seemed that something big had happened, but as an outsider, it was not easy for him to ask.

"You follow Yunxi to Yuncheng and take care of her health. If anything happens, I will ask you." Xizi suddenly came to Xu Zexun and explained it to him in a commanding tone.

Before Xu Zexun realized anything, he only saw Xizi looking at him with threatening eyes and had to nod and agree.

"Well, okay." Although he didn't know what to do in Yuncheng, Xu Zexun knew that Xizi needed him to say that at this time, and he was willing to help.

Huo Yunxi took Xu Zexun to Yuncheng together. It took 3 hours to drive to Yuncheng.

She didn't say a word in the car. She took a tablet and began to almost watch the news in Yuncheng, wanting to see how the news reported the explosion.

However, the specific reason has not been reported in the news, but the number of casualties has been counted, and the police are still investigating further.

Looking at the passing of time minute by, she was very anxious and couldn't wait to go to the scene of the incident immediately.

Xu Zexun looked at the news she looked at and understood what was going on in his heart, and he also sweated for her.

It must be very messy to go there at this time. She is really not suitable as a pregnant woman. No wonder Xizi wants him to accompany her.

"Yunxi, don't worry. When you get there, try to avoid the crowd and keep your emotions calm." Xu Zexun began to give her psychological counseling in advance, afraid that she would be emotionally excited and cause physical discomfort.

She can no longer listen to Xu Zexun's words. She is thinking about going to Yuncheng and keeps checking the latest news about the explosion case.

A three-hour drive finally arrived at the destination Yuncheng, and the car drove directly outside their supermarket.

There was a group of people outside, and the inside circle was surrounded by a yellow cordon to prevent idle people from waiting in.

There are countless glass fragments in the warning line, which should have been a supermarket, but now there is still thick black smoke, and a burning smell permeates the whole air.

There are also police walking back and forth in the cordon, and radio reporters are filming at the place closest to the source of the explosion.

She sat in the car and looked at the scene inside and couldn't help feeling a headache.

I saw that firefighters were still entering and leaving the supermarket, as if they were checking whether there were any trapped people, and there were ambulances waiting outside.

And their staff, several people in charge were guarding there, staring at the supermarket one by one, and their faces were not very good.

She pushed the door and walked slowly. Seeing this, Xu Zexun immediately followed her, helped her block the others, and walked to the people in front of the people in charge.

"How's the situation inside?" She walked to several people and asked in a calm voice.

Another person who had been to a meeting at the head office immediately recognized her.

"President, I'm Qian Zongze, the manager of the supermarket. The casualties this time are very large. 20 people have died. 386 people are now known to have been injured, and they are still increasing." Qian Zongze first reported his situation, and then reported the situation.

When several other people heard the man calling her president, they immediately became very nervous.

"What reason has been found?" She was shocked to hear about the casualties.

This is a supermarket. That's the time to shop. There are indeed many people. Now I can only hope that the number of casualties will not increase.

"At present, the reason I heard from the police is that the natural gas in the basement suddenly exploded, and there is a large amount of liquor in the storage room next to it, which caused such a big explosion." Qian Zongze answered her words seriously.

She listened and frowned. She didn't know what the people who were usually responsible for the security inspection had done.

"Who is responsible for the security check?" There was a chill all over her body, and her face was very ugly.

"Report to the president, yes, it's me." A bloated man in his 40s spoke tremblingly.

The forehead is full of cold sweat, as if the fat of the whole body is shaking.

She took a look at the man and was not responsible at all. She scared him with just one sentence.

"You have been fired." She whispered.

The fat man didn't dare to say a word and walked away with his head down.

Because of the fat man's departure, the atmosphere became a little heavy, and everyone dared not speak. They stood behind Huo Yunxi and waited for her to speak.

Suddenly, all the reporters over there rushed over here and shot at Huo Yunxi, and they were surrounded.

Xu Zexun was afraid that those people would hurt her, so he protected her in his arms, as if she was held by Xu Zexun.

"Are you Miss Huo Yunxi, the president of Huo's Group? As the explosion of your Hongyuan supermarket chain, which caused so many casualties, what do you have to say? The reporter put the microphone in front of her, as if expecting her to give an answer.

She looked at the people around her. Because there were too many, she almost fell down. Fortunately, Xu Zexun helped her.

"We will wait for the results of the police investigation before replying to this matter. We will definitely give the citizens a satisfactory answer." She tried her best to maintain the etiquette, with a serious expression on her face, and did not show displeasure and impatience. She was a leader's manner.