Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 227 Unreliable

Huo Yunxi frowned. When he heard Qi Yiyu's name, he was very shocked and unbelievable.

has never said anything, but is immersed in his own thoughts. If this matter is really done by Qi Yiyu, it is also said in the past. After all, Qi Yiyu has not always wanted to get the Huo Group, but what does it mean for him to attack Chen Xiaohan's company for no reason?

"Did Uncle Chen really say that? Is there anything suspicious? Why did Qi Yiyu attack your company? She asked seriously with a calm face.

"Well, that's what my father said. Because my father said that several industries that our company was attacked will soon have the establishment of the same type, and they are all related to the Qi Group, and they can't be found except for Qi Yiyu. As for what I attacked our company for, I don't know yet, but I guess most of it has something to do with you. He knows that our two families have a good relationship and that I like you. I guess he intends to revenge. Chen Xiaohan analyzed it independently.

She kept listening to Chen Xiaohan's words. The more she listened, the tighter she frowned and squeezed her lips tightly.

According to Chen Xiaohan's analysis, it is reasonable, but the Chen family was attacked by Qi Yijue because of her. Although this was not her will, it did hurt the Chen family.

"So how many industries in your company have suffered losses now, and how much has it cost?" She was silent for a few minutes before slowly looking up at Chen Xiaohan and asking seriously.

Chen Xiaohan remembered, but the effect of alcohol made his brain not very clear.

"I haven't been to the company recently. My father came this morning and said that there seem to be two places, one breeding ground, and one is catering. The amount of loss has not been calculated yet. Anyway, it is not a small amount." Chen Xiaohan answered while stretching out his hand and rubbing his painful temples.

Huo Yunxi was silent again when he heard Chen Xiaohan's words. Combined with their company's situation, their company is a processing industry, real estate, and supermarkets. It seems that Qi Yijue is ready to monopolize the industry.

Chen Xiaohan didn't say anything more. He just kept looking at Huo Yunxi. How much he expected to keep looking at her and protect her, but now the relationship between the two of them is stiff, and maybe there will be fewer opportunities to meet in the future.

"I know. Let's wait until there is evidence. After all, these are just Uncle Chen's inferences." She felt Chen Xiaohan's hot eyes and was a little unnatural. She raised her head and said coldly.

"What if it was really made by Qi Yiyu?" Chen Xiaohan's speech speed was very fast, and he stared at her tightly, as if he was looking forward to her answer.

She glanced at Chen Xiaohan and saw the expectation on his face and knew what he was thinking. She just wanted her to say that she would not be soft-hearted and fight with Qi Yiyu to the end.

In fact, she just thought about it in her heart for a long time, and even had a trace of expectation in the deepest part of her heart. She hoped that it would not be done by Qi Yiyu, but she also believed that if it hadn't been for Qi Yiyu, there would have been no one else.

"No matter who it is, I am inseparable from him." She ignored the little expectation in her heart and said cruelly.

Listening to her answer, Chen Xiaohan seemed to be very satisfied with a reassuring smile on his face.

Although she said so resolutely, her mood is still very messy, and she is both angry and unwilling.

"You go back first. I will send someone to investigate this matter." She doesn't want to talk about this anymore. After all, she will never act randomly without evidence.

Chen Xiaohan looked at Huo Yunxi getting up and preparing to go upstairs. He was nervous. These days, he thought a lot and had a lot to say to her, especially what his father came to say to him this morning. He was greatly inspired.

His father told him that in pursuit of a successful woman, you must be more successful than her to conquer her. If you blindly fall, you will never have a chance. Often, the heart of a successful woman is actually very fragile, and she must be both strong and soft to succeed.

"Yunxi, there is something I want to tell you." Chen Xiaohan got up and walked behind Huo Yunxi and took her hand.

She was pulled by Chen Xiaohan and stopped walking, but she did not turn around, but just stood still.

"You said." Gently pulled his hand back, and his tone was indifferent.

When Chen Xiaohan saw her like this, he was not angry or turned her around. He just stood behind her.

"Yunxi, can we go back to before?" Chen Xiaohan asked very carefully, and his heart was tightened.

She knew what Chen Xiaohan would say at the moment Chen Xiaohan stopped her, but this question was really difficult to answer.

"In my heart, you will always be my brother Xiao Han." She was silent for a few seconds before slowly speaking, but the last title was heavier.

When Chen Xiaohan heard her words, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. As long as she still recognized his brother, he would be satisfied now, and he was afraid that the two would become strangers from now on.

"Well, thank you. I will definitely be good at your brother Xiao Han. I hope you can forget that we will still be good brothers and sisters in the future. When Chen Xiaohan said this, his heart was a little sour, but there was always a smile on his face.

She didn't turn around, just stood still and listened, and then nodded.

"Well, stop drinking, go back and have a good rest, and then go to the company to help Uncle Chen with what you should do. Brother Xiao Han has always been an upright man in my mind. I don't want to look at you anymore. Although she doesn't seem to be involved in Chen Xiaohan's personal life, she can't help reminding them after more than 20 years of love.

Of course, Chen Xiaohan knew how bad his image was now. When he learned that something had happened to her and he didn't care so much about it, he drove over directly.

I haven't cleaned myself up so much. It must look very bad.

"Well, I will definitely let you see the former Brother Xiao Han. You should also have a good rest. Is the child okay?" Chen Xiaohan's voice when he asked the last sentence was so soft that he could hardly hear it clearly.

But she still understood what he was talking about. Sooner or later, she would face this problem, and she had nothing to be afraid of.

"Well, the child is fine." He nodded and answered softly.

Looking at her never turning her head, Chen Xiaohan knew that she had not let go all and knew that it would take time to slowly restore the original relationship.

"Okay, then pay attention to rest and don't be too tired. I will send someone to investigate that matter. I will inform you when there is a result." Chen Xiaohan has decided to cheer up and can't continue to fall like this.

"Hmm." She nodded and then raised her legs and went to the bedroom upstairs.

Chen Xiaohan looked at Huo Yunxi's departure back, and a trace of loneliness flashed in his bloodless eyes, and then slowly turned back.

When he arrived at the bedroom upstairs, Huo Yunxi still couldn't calm down. As long as he thought that the person who attacked their company was Qi Yi Jue, it was difficult to suppress his anger.

She picked up the phone and quickly dialed Xizi's phone number. She had to get an answer to this matter earlier.

"Hey, Yunxi, are you up? How are you feeling today? Xizi looked at Cheng Siya's phone, quickly put down a lot of documents in his hand, spread his frown, and immediately changed into a relaxed and happy expression.

"Well, I'm fine. Xizi, how are those things going?" These are the things she is most concerned about now.

As soon as Xizi heard her ask those things, a trace of unnaturalness flashed on his face, but Fortunately, he couldn't see the expression on the phone and immediately recovered.

"It's being processed. The result is not very good, but I will try my best to save it." Xizi did not dare to hide the real situation, so he could only reduce the harm and report it to her.

She had already expected such a result. Even veterans like Chen Hao were unable to recover, and it was not easy for these rookies to persist for so long.

"Well, I know. Go and find out for me now, who is behind this matter? She knew that those industries had to be abandoned, and now it is most important to find out the behind-the-scenes.

Whether it is Qi Yiyu or not, she knows that she will not be good at rest.