Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 286 I don't want you to take care of my business

Du Qinyao heard Qi Yijue's voice and cried. She didn't have time to look at the wound on her neck and turned her head to look at Qi Yijue.

"Brother, you're finally here." Du Qinyao looked at Qi Yiyu while crying and stared at Meng Jiayue fiercely.

Seeing this, Li Junyi immediately ran over, hugged Du Qinyao in his arms and hugged her tightly. He was really scared to death just now.

"Wife, don't cry, it's okay." Li Junyi nodded to Qi Yijue, and then took out a tissue to help Du Qinyao wipe the blood from the wound. Because the wound was not too deep, it was no longer bleeding.

"Woo-woo, I'm so scared. I almost didn't see you. You are all Meng Jiayue, a dead woman. As Du Qinyao said, she raised her head from Li Junyi's chest, then walked to Meng Jiayue controlled by Qi Yiyu and slapped her fiercely.

"Meng Jiayue, I didn't expect you to be such a person. You are simply conscienceless. How can I know someone like you? You should die. Du Qinyao roared loudly and pointed to Meng Jiayue, and slapped Meng Jiayue from time to time to relieve her hatred.

"Qin Yao, where is Yunxi?" What Qi Yiyu wants to know most now is the whereabouts of Huo Yunxi. As for how to deal with Meng Jiayue, that's what happens in the future. Now his heart is all Huo Yunxi.

Du Qinyao seemed to react at this time and immediately put away her hand.

"My sister-in-law is in the house." He pointed to the villa and continued to look at Meng Jiayue with vicious eyes.

"I'll leave it to you. I'll go in and have a look." Qi Yiyu threw Meng Jiayue to Li Junyi, and then strode towards the house with trembling legs. He hadn't seen him for a long time, and he was a little worried.

"Let go of me, let go of me, Brother Yi Jue, don't go, don't go." Meng Jiayue looked at Qi Yiyu, who had walked away, shouted loudly and began to break free.

His face was full of anger, and his eyes seemed to burst into sparks, and his hands were fiercely pinched by Li Junyi.

"Meng Jiayue, do you still want to destroy my brother and my sister-in-law? Let me tell you, you can't think about it. A woman like you doesn't deserve it at all. A vicious woman like you can only go to the 18th floor of hell. Du Qinyao finally saw Meng Jiayue's true face clearly. At first, she wanted to interve with her, thinking that she just loved Qi Yi Jue too much.

Because of love and hate, she didn't expect that she would be crazy and almost killed her, which she would not forgive.

Qi Yi Jue ignored the heartbreaking shouting of Meng Jiayue behind her. She became more and more hurried and strode into the villa.

At this time, Huo Yunxi and Min Haohan also came out. Min Haohan hugged Huo Yunxi in his arms and carefully took care of him, while Huo Yunxi's face was full of happy smiles.

The two are like golden boys and girls, looking at the intimate appearance of the two, as if they were husband and wife.

Qi Yiyu looked at such a scene, as if her feet had been fixed, and she stood still and dared not continue to move forward.

He never thought that Du Min Haohan would be here, and he also hugged Huo Yunxi. The most important thing is that Huo Yunxi did not push her away, but looked happy.

Huo Yunxi looked at Qi Yijue with a surprised face and was slightly nervous, but he still kept a smile on his face. He deliberately leaned into Min's vast arms, and the smile on his face became brighter.

When passing by Qi Yiyu, he seemed to have walked over as if he had not seen him at all.

Just took a step out by mistake, and his arm was suddenly pulled.

"Yunxi, are you all right?" Qi Yiyu's voice was very low, as if she was trying to suppress something.

And she was suddenly pulled by Qi Yijue, and her body had to stop, and the moment Qi Yijue touched her, her body seemed to be electrocuted.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine." Her tone was very cold, not as excited as expected, but a polite answer.

It seems that he deliberately wanted to refuse Qi Yijue's kindness thousands of miles away, and his head did not look back.

Qi Yiyu was a little embarrassed by her attitude, and she couldn't help but feel a little irritable, especially when she saw Min Haohan still holding her next to her, she felt even more uncomfortable, and her face suddenly sank.

"I have something to say to you alone. Can you take a step to talk?" Qi Yiyu did not force her, but gently asked her for her opinion.

Min Haohan next to him looked at Qi Yiyu and hated him very much, especially when he thought that their company had been made like that by Qi Yiyu, he couldn't wait to rush to beat him hard, but now he clearly knew that Huo Yunxi was Qi Yiyu's weakness. As long as he controlled Huo Yunxi, Qi Yiyu was not a small idea. Think.

"I'm also tired today. I don't know how the child is. I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up first." Min Hao gently leaned down beside Huo Yunxi and said, his tone was the care of drowning.

Originally, Huo Yunxi didn't want to see Qi Yiyu, let alone with him. At this time, Min Haohan said so and went straight down this step.

"Well, okay, my stomach hurts a little, so let's go to the hospital first." She turned her head and said to Min Haohan. Her face was not as indifferent as she had just talked to Qi Yijue, but smiled, as if it was very sweet.

Qi Yiyu stood next to him and looked at all this. His angry nose was crooked, holding Huo Yunxi's hand tightly, and did not let go.

"I'm sorry, I have something to go first." She struggled gently and tried to let Qi Yiyu go, but she didn't expect that Qi Yiyu didn't mean to let go at all, but held it tighter.

"Please let me go." From beginning to end, she looked at Qi Yiyu indifferently, and her tone was also very polite, which made the distance between the two people farther and farther.

Looking at Qi Yiyu, who had never let go, her tone intensified two points, and her eyebrows also frowned.

But Qi Yiyu still didn't let go and stared at her tightly, as if to see through her.

She was stared at by Qi Yijue, but she still pretended to be calm, as if she had not been affected at all.

"Qi Yiyu, please let go of Yunxi's hand. I'm going to take her to the hospital." Min Haohan looked at the two deadlocked people and said to Qi Yijue in a low voice.

The tone is the tone of command, and it is like treating Huo Yunxi as his private property.

When Qi Yiyu heard Min's vast tone, his face became more and more ugly. He raised his eyes and looked straight at Min Haohan, with a strong hatred in his eyes.

"It's you who should let go, and I'll send it to the hospital. The child in her belly is me. You'd better not participate, otherwise Huayang Group will completely disappear from H City tomorrow." Qi Yiyu's tone was very unhappy, and the expression on his face was even more difficult to see, with a strong sense of oppression.

Min Haohan didn't expect that Qi Yiyu would threaten him with the company. At first, he was slightly stunned, but he immediately realized that Huo Yunxi had promised to help, and Qi Yiyu could not defeat their company at all.

"Ha ha, do you think yours is yours? Don't you know what the child's last name is? Min Haohan had long seen that Huo Yunxi could not accept Qi Yijue, so he deliberately used this to anger him.

Sure enough, after he finished his words, Qi Yiyu's face suddenly turned white, and then slowly darkened.

Looking at the two men fighting with each other, Huo Yunxi only felt very boring, and his stomach did hurt a little, and he frowned gently.

"Let go, I'm going to the hospital." She said to Qi Yijue next to her, and she was already unhappy.

Qi Yijue looked at her frown, thought she was really uncomfortable, and quickly stopped Min's vast quarrel.

"Yunxi, I'll take you to the hospital." After saying that, he was ready to pick her up, but unexpectedly, Huo Yunxi took two steps back.

"You don't want to take care of my business. Please let me go." After saying that, he strode directly to the front, with no expression on his face, but his heart was already rough.

She tried to control her emotions. God knew how excited she was when she heard Qi Yi Jue's voice just now. Until she saw her, the long-lost feeling of reassurance immediately surrounded her, but she just refused to bow her head and forgive Qi Yi Jue. She always remembered Qi Yi Jue and Meng Jiayue When she was engaged, Qi Yiyu had the heartache and love in her eyes.

Like a sharp knife, it pierced her heart fiercely. I still remember that Qi Yiyu said that the child in her belly was a wild seed, and she would never forget it.