Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 300 It's impossible between us

Li's mother got Huo Yunxi's positive reply, and she was finally relieved, and the smile on her face also recovered.

"Well, let's go in together." Li's mother had nothing to talk about with her. In order to avoid embarrassment, she proposed to go back first.

She also wanted to go back early, nodded from the stool, and slowly walked back to the villa, still thinking about what Du Qinyao said.

I always feel messy, and I can't even see what's going on in my heart.

When they arrived in the hall, everyone else was sitting in it. Li Junyi and Qi Yijue were talking about business. Li Minhao sat next to him watching TV, holding the remote control in his hand, and kept changing the station. His face was not very good. Du Qinyao accompanied Li Junyi.

"Oh, Yunxi, where have you been? I'm looking for you everywhere." When Li Minhao saw her come in, he immediately put down the remote control in his hand and got up and walked towards her.

Hearing Li Minhao's voice, everyone else in the room looked up at her.

Qi Yiyu's eyes were full of displeasure, glanced at Li Minhao, and then moved his eyes to her side, as if with a hint of threat.

And Du Qinyao watched her come in, her eyes were a little worried, and moved back and forth between her and Li's mother.

"Let's go outside for a walk." She said with a smile, and then slowly walked in.

"Oh, sit down and watch TV." Li Minhao stretched out his hand to reach her hand, but she cleverly dodged it.

"Well, no, I have a few words to say to you. Do you have time?" Seeing that Li Minhao was a little disappointed because she didn't hold her hand, she decided to make it clear as soon as possible, otherwise the longer it took, the worse it would be to him.

A trace of doubt flashed through Li Minhao's lost eyes, but he immediately laughed happily.

"Well, there is. Then let's go upstairs to my room and talk about it." Li Minhao nodded and then offered to go to his bedroom.

She was silent for two seconds, thought for a moment, and still nodded secretly and agreed. Anyway, she went to make it clear in less than a few minutes.

But at the moment she nodded, she could feel the cold eyes from Qi Yijue, but she ignored it.

"Then I'll help you. Be careful." Li Minhao stretched out his very gentlemanly hand to help her upstairs.

"No, I can do it myself. You go ahead." She stepped aside a little and didn't want to have too much physical contact with Li Minhao.

Li Minhao is not a fool. Of course, he can understand what she means. The loss in his heart is getting heavier and heavier, and he seems to have guessed what Huo Yunxi will say to him for a while, and his heart is covered with a haze.

He didn't insist any more, and his body was not complete, so he slowly walked ahead, step by step very slowly.

In fact, he just wants to lengthen the time and not accept the final sentence so quickly.

Huo Yunxi followed Li Minhao upstairs, but she always felt that there were a few eyes staring at her behind her, and they were so strong that she couldn't help but stiffen.

Finally, he went to Li Minhao's room and followed him into the room. The moment he closed the door, the eyes on his back disappeared, and there was finally no pressure in his heart.

"Hehe, this is my room. Sit anywhere. Pour a glass of water for you!" After entering the room, Li Minhao went to the side of the water dispenser and poured a glass of boiled water for her with a cup.

She took the opportunity to take a look at Li Minhao's room. The room is large and beautifully decorated. It also has a small tea room with a chair on the balcony, which is very suitable for sitting on it and enjoying afternoon tea time.

"I like sports very much, so there are many sports awards here. You see, I got this when I was 16 years old." Li Minhao proudly introduced his trophy to her, with a very bright smile on his face.

Looking at such a big sunny boy, she suddenly thought of Huo Xiao in H City. I don't know how he is doing recently.

"Minhao, I have something to say to you. Sit down." She interrupted Li Minhao, who was introducing the trophy, and was ready to solve it early.

"Oh, okay." In fact, Li Minhao knew for a long time that he introduced the trophy just to delay the time and wanted to get along with her longer.

Looking at Li Minhao sitting down, she took a sip of water to relieve the pressure in her heart.

"I can see that you may have a little affection for me. Today I just want to tell you that I can't be with you. We are not suitable. You'd better take back this wrong feeling early." She looked at Li Minhao and said very seriously, in a very calm tone, as if she was talking about someone else's business that had nothing to do with her.

Li Minhao listened to Huo Yunxi's words and thought the same as he thought, but he didn't want to hear her say it, and he was very sad.

"Yunxi, how do you know we are not suitable if you haven't tried? I don't think this good impression is wrong. I just like you. I like to look at you and smile. I want to protect you. I don't care who the child in your belly is. Anyway, I just like you. I can treat the child as my own child. Give me a chance. Li Minhao was unwilling to give up like this. He wanted to fight for it again and didn't want to leave any regrets.

She listened to Li Minhao's words, and her eyes sank little by little. What Li Minhao said reminded her of Chen Xiaohan. Since the last time he told Qi Yiyu about this, they have not met or contacted each other. I don't know how he has been recently.

"If I say it's not suitable, it's not suitable. You're not the type I like, so you'd better stop talking about it. You are still young and don't know what feelings are. When you mature in the future, you will know that the decision you have made now is wrong. I have always regarded you as a younger brother and hope that we can become good friends. I am very grateful that you saved me, but thank you. Emotions are feelings. She knew that some words were cruel, but if she refused so resolutely, Li Minhao might think there was still a chance.

Li Minhao listened to her and looked very frustrated and sad.

"Did my mother say something to you?" He suddenly looked up at her, looking a little unhappy.

Her body was slightly stunned. It seemed that Li Minhao actually knew everything, but he didn't say it.

"No, your mother didn't tell me anything. These are my own thoughts." She denied that these were her own thoughts.

Hearing Huo Yunxi's words, a bitter smile appeared on the corners of Li Minhao's mouth.

"I don't want to be your brother. I'm 22 years old. You're just so old. I can take care of you and your children like a man. Do you think I don't have a job and I don't have that ability? I can go to work in the company immediately. If you give me a year, I can make achievements, and I will prove it to you. Li Minhao's tone was firm and came out of the loss just now.

She frowned tightly and didn't expect that Li Minhao was the same as Chen Xiaohan. No matter what she said, it was useless, and she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"I don't need your proof, because I won't like you. I will leave here in a few days. We won't contact you in the future. I'm very grateful that you saved me, and I will compensate your company in the future. As she spoke, her tone became unhappy, and the expression on her face became ugly.

Li Minhao was a little anxious as soon as he heard it. He quickly stretched out his hand to hold her and didn't let her go.

"Yunxi, don't do this to me, okay? I'll listen to you, but don't you want to see me, okay? I don't need your compensation. I only have a small wish. I hope you can promise me. When Li Minhao held her tightly, there was a trace of plea in his eyes.

She looked at Li Minhao like this and couldn't be cruel, and her body was frozen in place.

"You said." He said in a low voice and expressionless.

"Can you stay here and give birth to the baby? Let me watch you give birth to your baby, just watch you and the baby be healthy. Li Minhao spoke in a hurry, as if she was afraid that he would speak too slowly, and she would change her mind.

Her body was completely frozen, and she didn't expect that Li Minhao would make such a request. This request was both difficult and simple for her, and it was still a little difficult to answer for a while.