Break through the void

Chapter 34 Which of the five realms

Yellow monster?

When Chen Lai heard this, his heart was like a spring breeze. Ha ha, there was no place to find a place to break the iron shoes. It seemed that as Brother Pan said, all this still relied on the unexplained opportunity.

"It turned out to be Elder Huang, disrespectful and disrespectful." Turning around, he saluted again.

The old man standing in front of Chen Lai is the famous yellow monster hundreds of miles away. His original name is Huang Sanhuai. He was originally a disciple of Tianleimen. He is a disciple of Tianleimen in Xijing City. He is said to be a disciple of the first-level guardian, but for some reason he broke away from Tianleimen and came to Huangling Mountain to live in seclusion in a blink of an eye. It has been nearly 30 years.

At the beginning, he lived in a cave and lived like a savage. Later, villagers from several nearby mountain villages built this yard for him and begged him to teach their children practice. He did not refuse. Before and after, more than 40 young people have learned from him, but they have left one after another. One of the reasons is that his temper is sometimes good and sometimes bad, which makes it difficult for his disciples to accept. Despite this, the villagers nearby still bring him firewood, rice, oil and salt every year and bring him all kinds of daily necessities.

In recent years, five disciples have followed him to learn art, but they all left a month ago, leaving him alone, and living a relatively comfortable life.

Outsiders can't step into the island under his feet. Even if the villagers send things, they only send them to the lake. However, today, an unruly teenager suddenly broke in, and he was somewhat angry.

He stretched out a thin finger, pointed to the wolf dog, and looked at Chen, "Let me ask you again, did you really make the things in the dog's stomach?"

Chen Lai nodded, "Elder Huang, it's just an arrow. There's nothing to make a fuss about."

When Huang Laoxun heard this, he frowned and stared at Chen with his white beard. It's not so much observation as an examination, as if you want to see through all the details of Chen.

There was indeed a small arrow in the belly of the wolf dog, but it was such a small arrow that made him extremely embarrassed. He used countless methods to help the wolf dog discharge this arrow, but in the end, it all ended in failure. He was forced to think of controlling the wolf dog between the two roots and let it die slowly. .

It is unimaginable that the wolf dog has returned and returned safely, but the person who rescued it is this teenager!

He stared at Chen Lai in surprise and felt that there was no good way for this teenager to save the wolf dog. He waved his hand and said, "Boy, come into the yard with me. I want to see you again with my own eyes."

Chen Lai stretched out his two hands and pushed them forward, refusing, "Elder Huang, as I have just said, I don't want the wolf dog to be hurt anymore."

Huang Laoxun stared, "Didn't I let my dog eat iron nails this time? Can't I eat it myself?"

Chen Lai was stunned, and the two sword eyebrows couldn't help touching each other.

"What's the matter? I won't let you eat it? Doesn't it matter what I say here? Huang Laoxang stretched out his finger, pointed to the island under his feet, and walked to the gate.

Chen Lai shook his head gently and sighed: Can I not know that this is your territory? In order to figure out a problem, you have to abuse yourself. You are such a strange old man!

The wolf dog called "Hen" barked at Chen Lai twice, shaking its head and tail, as if very happy.

Chen Lai patted its head and walked to the east-facing gate. When he walked to the front of him, he saw three words "true monastery" written on the gate. He muttered in his heart: Is this yellow monster really a Taoist priest? I heard that Taoists are all immortals, but Brother Pan said that Huang Laoxu is a practitioner, and immortals can be higher than practitioners. It seems that his identity is clear.

There are lawns, gardens, and flowers and trees in the yard. It could have been beautifully matched, but it looked very messy inside. There is a pile of wet firewood in this corner, and a pile of black moldy stones in that corner. The lawn and garden are full of leaves, green and yellow, as if they haven't been cleaned for a long time.

Behind are two rows of bamboo buildings, the front row is slightly lower, and there is a wide aisle downstairs.

Follow Mr. Huang through the aisle to the backyard, that is, the main courtyard. Chen Lai saw that it was even more messy. On the aisle leading to the main building, there were medicinal herbs of color, including mildew. Looking next to it, there is a pile of yellow water in a garden with a layer of black long-legged mosquitoes lying on it.

The yard is not small, and there are many rooms in the bamboo building. Presumably have lived in some before. Maybe they are all yellow old monsters. The yard is the yard where his apprentice lives, and the backyard is the yard where he lives, but it is too un particular!

Thinking of this, Chen Lai followed the yellow old monster into the living room and saw that it was more messy than in the yard. The bamboo sofa was tilted, the coffee table was full of green tea, and the flowers and plants in the flower pot were withered, and there was a bamboo bed on one side of the wall!

He sighed secretly: It's really messy.

The yellow old monster put the duck meat in his hand on the coffee table and walked to a room inside. After a while, he turned back and held a bright inch of iron nail in his hand. Without saying hello, just fill it in your mouth.

"Senior Huang!"

Chen Lai stretched out his hand to stop it, "Why do you have to pass this painful way?"

"It's painful to live. Why do you have to be afraid of pain?" Huang Laoxun muttered dissatisfiedly, "I just swallowed it!"

In Chen Lai's stunned eyes, he threw the nails into his mouth like a bean.


The nail touched the teeth and made a crisp sound. Huang Laoxen stretched out his neck and swallowed the iron nail. As if feeling blocked, he turned his neck again and straightened his chest.

"Go down, go down..."

Mr. Huang stretched out his hands and patted his chest, which was very straightforward, but his expression seemed a little anxious. "Now you can help me get it out!"

Chen Lai found a clean bamboo chair and sat down, looking not in a hurry at all. Even if it can help him discharge the nails, what will happen? It's nothing more than proving the dragon pushing technique, and then he was driven away. He is still hungry and has no hope to learn practice. Of course, he doesn't want to do so. He wants to fight for it through this link.

"Why did you sit down?" Huang Laoxu felt more and more uncomfortable and stared at him.

Chen Lai spread his arms helplessly, "Senior Huang, I didn't eat yesterday afternoon, and I didn't eat this morning. How can I help you do this? Can I afford it if I prick your old man's internal organs?"

Mr. Huang stared at him and looked at the duck meat wrapped in paper bags on the coffee table. After only looking at it a few times, he curled his lips and replied, "Eat it quickly!"

Chen Lai held his fist and thanked him. He was not polite. He gently opened the paper bag, gently tore a duck leg, chewed it slowly and swallowed it, and ate it with relish. "Master said that the boiled duck should add pepper and ginger slices, and chopped green onion should cut out shreds... Elder Huang is also good."

"Stop talking nonsense, eat quickly!"

Mr. Huang saw that he ate too slowly, like a girl, and was even more anxious. He tilted his mouth and said, "I tell you, this was originally dedicated to my master, but it turned out to let you eat it first!"

Chen Lai asked while eating, "Master? Why didn't I see it?"

"Don't you see it? My master is buried in the cemetery on the edge of Xiaohu Lake!"

"So it's him..." Chen Lai suddenly realized and deliberately provoked the other party, "Isn't it very famous? There is not even the name on the tombstone.

"Do not fart here!" Huang Laowei was very dissatisfied and scolded, "Tell you boy, he was a master of stepping into the clouds before he died!" ...In our Thunder Dragon Empire, there are less than 100 practitioners in tens of millions who can now step into the cloud!"

Chen Lai couldn't help but stop eating, "Yunjing? ...Is it the highest level?"

"Of course not!"

Huang Laogen felt like shaking his hand at Chen like playing the piano to a cow, "You don't understand what to say! The realm of practitioners is divided into five realms. Even if the practitioners who can step into the cloud are great, as for the fairyland, there are no more than 15 people alive and dead.

Chen Lai put down the duck leg and didn't eat it. He stared at the other party's eyes and asked curiously, "Elder Huang, which realm do you belong to?"