Break through the void

Chapter 41 The Cost of Breathing the Sea

"Senior Huang, that woman really has other diseases and is seriously ill..."

"If you are sick, you don't need an evil atmosphere!"

"Her illness was very strange, and I thought it was the best way to go down..."

"Why don't you explain it to me first?"

"I was in the room at that time. I didn't have time to explain it to you." Chen Lai took a few steps forward, "Elder Huang, I know you have done a lot for me, and I will repay you!"

"You're a big kid. I've never seen you like this!"

When Huang Laowei thought of losing a few points of his accumulated cultivation for half of his life, he suddenly looked furious and waved his arm and pointed, "Get out! I don't want to see you again!"

The roar wandered on the lake, shockingly that the green snakes on it got into the water.

His body has already floated like a cloud and flew to the "true monastery".

Chen Lai stopped, leaned on a black bamboo next to him, and slowly collapsed.

Senior Huang, I want you to help me open the sea of gas, but I didn't expect you to pay such a big price. I will really repay you...

Chen Lai muttered to himself as he looked at the sparkling lake under the gloomy sky.

At this time, he misses Pan Lang from Panjia Village very much. If Pan Lang is there, he will definitely listen to him and comfort him.

The wolf dog called "Hackle" ran to him from the island, whined around him, and put his head on it, as if urging him to go back quickly. Seeing that Chen Lai has been motionless, he lay beside him with his head down, and sometimes sticks out his long tongue to lick his boots.

"Little real man, why are you sitting here?"

Bai Li took his sons and pushed a lot of things such as rice, vegetables and a few jars of wine with two unicycles. Several people unloaded the things one by one.

Chen Lai was stunned and replied, "I want to take a breath."

Bai Li smiled and said, "That's it! Little Zhenren, we have put everything here. You can tell Huang Xianren later!"

Looking at Chen Lai's unhappy face, they didn't dare to disturb him and turned back.

Whether to leave the real monastery or walk into the real monastery, Chen Lai couldn't make up his mind for a moment and grabbed the stones around him and smashed them on the lake one by one.

As if to tease him, every time he throws a stone, the "harle" will jump high, as if to grab the stone in the air.

After sitting for a while, he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe. Chen Lai stood up, frowned and glanced at the things sent. Suddenly, he saw a few jars of wine and didn't think much about it. He picked up a jar and pulled open the seal, and then raised his neck and drank it.

The wine jar is full of high sorghum wine, but he doesn't feel spicy, but feels very happy. He just can't stand under his feet while drinking. Unable to stand still, he sat and drank, and couldn't sit still. He lay down and drank, drank and fell asleep.

The "wrong" lay beside him and accompanied him all the time.


Chen Lai woke up in the evening, and the western sky was red.

Out of a subconscious, he touched his waist first.

Suddenly, he stood up, stroked his waist, touched the left and touched the right, and touched the left.

"Dragon Tips" is missing!

Look around, those things such as rice and wine jars are also gone.

"Hunter! Who has been here? Chen Lai stared at the "wrong".

The "Hedge" shouted and ran to a huge stone in the east.

Chen Lai found a girl sitting on the stone, shrugging her calves and squinting at the sunset. Beautiful eyebrows, white duck face, rosy thin lips, wearing a green gauze skirt, very pure, not a few red and white acne on the face, definitely a beauty embryo.

The girl tilted her head and looked at him, "Are you awake?"

Chen Lai observed her suspiciously, looking at the round headscarf on her head, wearing a blue skirt worn by a female Taoist priest, guessing that she might be a disciple of the yellow old monster, and nodded.

The girl introduced herself and said, "I'm Bai Yinfan, an old apprentice. I went out a month ago. I just came back today and was ordered to come and see you."

Chen Lai hurriedly hugged her fist and saluted, "I've met Sister Bai."

"Go! The old monster hasn't taken you as an apprentice yet. Don't flatter me!" Bai Yinfan shook her calves, "Your name is Xiao Laizi, isn't it?"

Chen Lai nodded.

"Are you new here?"

Chen Lai nodded again.

"Little Laizi, let me ask you, why did you offend the old man?" Bai Yinfan suddenly raised his voice with a very serious expression.

Chen Lai stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe and lowered his head.

"I'm asking you!" Bai Yinfan stretched out a long finger, "Tell you, little Laizi, the old monster has never been so angry. The problem is very, very serious! Come on, why did you offend him?"

"Sister Bai, didn't Elder Huang tell you?"

"Tell me and ask you?" Bai Yinfan patted the stone beside him, "Come here, sit next to me and say!"

Chen Lai was stunned.

Looking at Chen Lai's hesitation, a cunning smile flashed at the corners of Bai Yinfan's mouth. "Little Laizi, I have been able to deal with the old monster, but you can make him half-death. What must be a good way! Go over and say, if I'm happy, beg him for help, or you have to slap your ass and get out of here!"

Chen Lai smiled and walked over. Because my head is still a little dizzy, walking is a little shaken.

came to the stone and climbed high to look far away. Suddenly, I woke up a lot and felt much more relaxed.

"Sister Bai, have you practiced skills with Elder Huang for a long time?" Chen Lai sat down and kept a distance from her.

"It's been about ten years. There's a break in the middle. I'm not often here. The back of the mountain is my home. I come whenever I want to come." Bai Yinfan turned his head and looked at him, "Say, why did you offend the old man?"

Chen Lai lowered his head again and talked about what happened in the afternoon, "This afternoon, Elder Huang and I went to Baimiao Village to see a little lady... He was angry with me after seeing a doctor."

Bai Yinfan snorted, "Is that the reason? Let's go, hazel!"

The rave jumped high and jumped off the boulders. She leaned sideways and pretended to go down.

Chen Lai quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed her arm. Seeing her sit down again, he let go of his hand again. "When I saw the doctor, I had an evil spirit against the little lady... Elder Huang was angry about this."

hurriedly explained again, "That little lady, not only has a minor birth, but also has problems with her heart and kidneys, and I just got off..."

Bai Yinfan stretched out his palm and put it in front of his face to signal him to stop, "After the array, you can relieve the array."

"I can't untie it, because I'm not a practitioner yet."


As soon as Bai Yinfan heard this, he stood up and said, "Well, you little Laizi, no wonder you are always so angry. It turns out that you want him to help you breathe!"

Chen Lai felt guilty and did not dare to look up and explained like a mosquito buzzing: "I know this will sacrifice some of Elder Huang's cultivation... However, I will repay him..."

"You fart!"

Bai Yinfan raised his foot and kicked Chen Lai's buttocks, "Is this a matter of master's sacrifice? He is now in the breakthrough period of the mysterious world. The sea of qi in his body is extremely fragile. Once he helps people ventilate the sea of qi, he will hurt the sea of qi and his life will be in danger! Master, in order to help the little lady, in order to help you, even care about life, how do you think you can repay!"

Chen Lai didn't expect it to be so serious, so he immediately raised his head in fear, "I... I... I really didn't expect..."

"No wonder Master was angry. I would have slapped you to death!"

Bai Yinfan was so angry that she banged at Chen Lai's buttocks again, "Little Laizi, I don't think you are a little Laizi, you are a big Laizi!"