Break through the void

Chapter 52 Fighting for Babies

A baby's crying suddenly came from the account room.

"Didn't you feed the ecstasy?" It was Mai Dujing's shouting.

"Maybe the medicine has passed!" A disciple replied.

"Feed more!" Another Mai Dujing shouted, "Quick!"

When Chen Lai heard this, he was furious and treated my child like this, looking for death!

The closer you get, the closer you aim at the shadow on the tent with arrows. Judging from the shadow above, there were at least four people in it, and he added an arrow to pull it into a full moon.

Although he aimed, Chen Lai never shot. He was worried about shooting at the child. Suddenly, I found that the two of them were sideways and had nothing on their chests. They shouted, "Let's go!"

Two arrows shot out with a bang.

With the buzzing sound of the bow string, the two Iron Purple Gate disciples have fallen to the ground.

"There are assassins!"

"Fight the enemy!"

"Protect the helmsman!"

The people inside suddenly became a mess.

"Do not panic, there is only one person outside!" Mai Dujing put out the torch, "Take the child and rush out!"

The woods were suddenly dark. However, Mai Dujing and others lined up and ran very orderly to a path in the southeast.

Chen came to count, and there were a total of six people who were eager to chase, almost parallel to them, always maintaining a short distance. In the dark, he frowned and watched, and in a trance, he saw the last person holding a ball of things.

There was a burst of joy in his heart: That's my child!

After a long distance, he saw Mai Dujing and others running down the hill. Everyone's distance was further. Chen Lai pulled a bow and arrow and aimed at the last person. Worried that the sound of the bow and arrow flying would be heard, he had already wrapped a layer of black cloth on the arrow branch.

With his scream, the arrows flew out.

Hearing a muffled sound, he shot the last person's neck, and the arrow branch shot through his neck into a tree beside him, nailing the person to the edge of the tree. Then he loosened his hands and the package on his chest fell to the steep ground.

Worried that the package would roll away, Chen Lai then hit another arrow.

The arrow branch passed through the top layer of cloth and nailed the package to the edge of the tree. The sound is minimal.

These two arrows shocked Chen Lai in a sweat.

Seeing the person in front of him go far away, he hurriedly approached, picked up the package, took care of pulling out the arrows, and turned around and walked away.

After walking more than ten steps, he suddenly felt that the package in his arms was very heavy. Chen Lai stopped and reached out to touch the package.

It turned out to be a cold stone!

Grandma's! You even played with me!

Chen Lai's lips were stiff, turned around and chased again.

chased for more than a miles away and came to a denser forest, in which he could hardly see his fingers. Chen Lai followed for a while and couldn't see anything at all. He could only catch up with his footsteps.

As he ran, he played dragon pushing skills and began to control the "white dragon". Then he squatted down and took out the fire and blew it.

As soon as it was lit, I heard a sound and hurriedly flashed behind the tree.


A silver arrow shot at the tree beside him. The shooting was very deep, and the arrow feather trembling and stopped.

Good guy! The prodigal dog is still so strong!

Chen Lai surrounded the white dragon and broke the fire, and the red light suddenly disappeared. Follow quietly again.

Slowly approaching, he once again played the dragon push technique and pushed the "white dragon" to several iron purple sect disciples. In the night, the red light wrapped in the white dragon is like a firefly.

I felt that it had reached their side. Chen Lai secretly shouted and urged the white dragon to explode.

But after listening to it for a while, I heard a sound, like the sound of cutting watermelon with a kitchen knife.

Looking at it again, the firefly disappeared!

Good guy! Unexpectedly, he cut off my white dragon! It seems that the disciples of Tiezimen should not be despised!

Chen Lai lit the fire again and played the dragon push technique again, but this time he was extremely careful. When he suddenly found that there was an open area in front of him and there was a glimmer of light in the space, he saw a boulder between him and the disciples of Tiezimen and pushed out the white dragon.


The white dragon flew unconsciously along the root of the stone to the disciples of Tiezimen.

Chen Lai crossed the boulder, frowned and observed. He saw that the "firefly" had reached the end of the stone, and several disciples of Tiezimen just walked there, and he immediately worked hard.


The white dragon exploded, and a big fire spread a few feet away.

"Why is there a fire!"


"Beware of cold arrows!"

Several disciples of Iron Purple Gate jumped lively, dodging and patting the flames on their bodies. In the fire, everyone's ugliness can be seen at a glance.

Chen came to see it for a while, and his heart couldn't help sinking!

I only saw a few Iron Purple Gate disciples not holding the package! One by one, there is nothing but a long knife and bow and arrow!

It's strange. Where did they put my child?

Chen Lai thought that it was impossible for them to throw the child into that room, let alone discard it everywhere. He began to speculate that their soldiers were divided into two ways, and that the child might have been taken away by another disciple.

What should this be?! I worked hard to attract them, and I had to get a bamboo basket to get water!

Suddenly, Chen Lai found that the abdomen of one of the disciples was very high and bloated, but his face was very thin, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

With a few slaps, Mai Dujing and others have extinguished the flames and moved forward again.

Chen Lai continued to track. While running, he muttered in his heart: It's really strange that Mai Dujing and others united, and their strength absolutely exceeded me. Now they are being chased by me. How can they run all the way? If you are afraid of the disciples of Tianleimen, but have run more than ten miles away, you don't need to worry about the disciples of Tianleimen at all. Do you want to seduce me to be trapped?

As soon as I thought about it, I saw countless torches suddenly lit up in front of me!

Chen Lai fixed his eyes and saw that they were all black and red guard suits, which were the official of the government office! There are 300 people!

I didn't expect Mai Dujing to do this again! That's disgusting!

Chen Lai hurriedly stopped and saw a narrow tree hole beside him. He smiled faintly and threw his cloak and gold bows and silver arrows far away.

"Yalong, the bodyguard of Tianbian Mansion, visited the master of Mai!" A red-faced bodyguard saluted Mai Dujing on one knee.

"General Asia, catch that boy alive! I'll wait for you at the front intersection!"

Mai Dujing smiled coldly at the night behind him, waved her hand to Yalong, and continued to drive with several iron purple gate disciples.

Yalong immediately responded, "Yes! Lordduo!"

Then, his face darkened, waved his hand and shouted, "Chase!"

Hundreds of bodyguards with torches in one hand and swords in the other hand suddenly spread out like fishing nets, surrounding the area within a few miles, and then narrowing the encirclement.

Wating for the guards to sweep over, Chen Lai quietly drilled out of the tree hole and smiled in his heart: Not to mention, Brother Pan's bone reduction is really useful!

Running again, he ran half a miles and caught up with Mai Dujing and others. Seeing them resting by a stone, he quietly squatted down and observed the terrain.

In front of him is a huge stone, which has cracked a narrow gap. And the gap is reaching to Mai Dujing and others.

"The helmsman, you are still smart, let me hide the child in my stomach!" A big-nosed disciple smiled.

Mai Dujing hurriedly reminded, "Take it out quickly. It's a big deal!"

The big-nosed disciple hurriedly took out the package hidden in his clothes like a bird's nest, took a look, and smiled quietly at Mai Dujing, "I'm asleep."

smiled again, put the package beside him, and took out the kettle to pay respect to Mai Dujing.

When Mai Dujing drank it, he took it and put the kettle on his mouth and drank it all. After drinking, he wiped his mouth and put the kettle next to him. When he noticed that the package wrapped the child was not there, he couldn't help but be stunned, "Where's the child? ...I was here just now, where's the child?"