Break through the void

Chapter 83 Is Lord Tian dead or not

Finally, after a long night, the sky was bright and Meng Deng got up. He felt as if he was dreaming about something that happened at night, and there was a roar in his head. Soaking his head in the cold pool water, he woke himself up.

What we need to do next is to report to Chu Zhong, but how to report it? Tian Chun died, and Zhu Tang fell asleep like a dead pig, but Chen Lai and Yao Cheng's father and daughter were safe and sound. What should I say?

After thinking about it, Meng Deng stepped on the morning sun and walked to Chu Zhongguan's inner courtyard. The sun in late autumn is extremely bright. He used to swagger when walking in the sun, but this time he bends his waist, as if he was 20 years old.

Chu Zhongguan has got up and is sitting in the living room drinking morning tea. He looks energetic, holding a teacup in one hand and patting the little maid's buttocks with the other.

Yao Cheng's father and daughter died, Chen Lai's children and "Dragon Tips" were about to be available, and Chen Lai became a murderer. How happy he usually thought about it. He became active for the first time, presumptuous for the first time, and for the first time without scruples.

"Master, Brother Meng Deng asked to see you." A guard stood in front of the living room and lowered his head to report.

Chu Zhongguan waved his hand to the maid and said, "Let him in." Because I was so excited, it sounded more like screaming.

"See you, Master!" When he came to the living room, Meng Deng knelt on one knee, his legs trembled a little, and his face was already sweaty.

"Get up." Chu Zhongguan smiled and put down the teacup.

Suddenly found that Meng Deng stood up very hard, and the whole triangle face was very pale, and he couldn't help but be stunned, "I'm listless! Are you overplaying with women?

Meng Deng smiled bitterly and didn't know how to answer for a moment, but he cried in his heart: Damn it, I'm still playing with women, and I almost didn't play with men!

"What about things?" Chu Zhongguan thought of "The Secret of Pushing Dragons" and stretched out his hand.

Meng Deng was stunned and asked, "Master, what is it?"

"FUCK!" Chu Zhongguan was in a good mood today and scolded with a smile on his face, "Do you want to receive the reward?" Master can't do you wrong!"

Meng Deng smiled bitterly and cried. I still received a reward to let you know the truth. You can't wait to kill me!

Chu Zhongguan was a person who observed words and colors. When he saw something, he suddenly realized something and suddenly became serious, "What's going on? Speak up!"

Meng Deng knelt down again and scratched a few miscellaneous hairs on his chin, "Master, I went to Yao Cheng's yard and Chen Lai's yard this morning to check. Why... Why are they all doing well?"

"What?" Chu Zhongguan stood up, and the tea in the teacup in his hand overflowed him, "What?"

Meng Deng tilted his mouth and repeated, "Why are they all right? ...It is said that they should not wake up..."

Chu Zhongguan shouted, "How to arrange yours?" What did you do in the middle of the night?

"Master, I took a few disciples, but no matter what I couldn't open their door, I couldn't get in through the secret passage below. I came back to report to you, but you drank a lot of wine last night and fell asleep..."

Chu Zhongguan gritted his teeth and smashed the teacup on Meng Deng's head. "Bach, this is not good!"

I originally wanted Lord Tian Chuntian to be a witness, but this time it was all ruined! The whole plan has been disrupted and must be done again, but Yao Cheng's father and daughter and Chen Lai will definitely be prepared, and the difficulty can be imagined.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Chu Zhongguan flew up and kicked Meng Deng's chest and kicked him out of the door.

Oh! Meng Deng hugged his chest in pain and lay on the ground. His heart was so painful that he died.

"Master! Master!" At this time, a guard ran in in a panic, pointing an arm in the direction of the gate and shouted, "I don't know why, Zhu Tang Zhu's guard rushed in, and no one can stop him!"

Chu Zhongguan was shocked and strode out of the living room. He saw Zhu Tang rushing in angrily and had knocked down five or six guards.

"Guard Zhu, this...this...what's going on?" Chu Zhongguan hurriedly hugged his fist and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Return to me, Lord Tian! Return it to me, Lord Tian!" Zhu Tang's whole face has changed color, blue and purple, waving with one hand and holding his crotch with one hand. Last night, someone kicked the key part, and it still hurts now. Thanks to the practitioner, otherwise he can't even walk.

When Chu Zhongguan heard this, he smiled bitterly and waved his hand helplessly, "Zhu Wei... Where is this?"

Meng Deng, who was still lying on the ground, understood and never dared to look up.

"Lord Tian is dead! I came up in the morning and went to call Lord Tian and found that Lord Tian was dead! I'm out of breath!" Zhu Tang roared with excitement and came forward to grab the stupid Chu Zhongguan, "Lord Tian died from you. Come and follow me to the government office!"

Chu Zhongguan was really stunned and his head roared. Originally, he wanted to get rid of Yao Cheng's father and daughter and Chen Lai, but did Lord Tian Chuntian also get poisoned? From Zhu Tang's confused eyes, he judged that Zhu Tang was poisoned, but even if Lord Tian Chuntian was poisoned, he would not die!

After all, it's Lao Jianghu, and he smiled at Zhu Tang again, "Zhuwei, I haven't seen Lord Tian yet. I'll make a decision after I see him... okay?"

"What a fart!" Zhu Tang spit on his face, "I'm obviously the fourth level of the water, and I can't even see the dead?! Come with me!"

One hand covering the crotch did not cover the crotch. He took Chu Zhongguan with both hands and walked in the direction of the gate.

Is Chu Zhongguan a person who is slaughtered by others? He slapped Zhu Tang's shoulder gently.

Plop! Zhu Tang's legs softened and knelt on the ground.

"I'm about to break through the ninth level of the water. Is your fourth level worth mentioning?" Chu Zhongguan stared at Zhu Tang and clasped his chin with one hand. "You are Lord Tian's personal bodyguard. If Lord Tian dies, you are the culprit!"

Zhu Tang was stunned for a moment.

Chu Zhongguan suddenly pushed him away and pushed him to the ground. "Take the way ahead. Let me see Lord Tian first!"

He knows very well that if Lord Tian Chuntian dies in his compound, he will eventually die, and now he must deal with this matter properly. Don't dare to neglect, simply prepare, put on a black cloak and walk out of the courtyard.

Meng Deng and other disciples hurriedly followed.

From the gate of the compound to the north, to the northernmost part of the compound, is a north-south road, with several rockeryes separated in the middle. Chu Zhongguan's inner courtyard is at the far north. He took Zhu Tang, Meng Deng and others on the road, all the way south, walking very fast.

Just halfway, I met a pair of people head-on. It's not anyone else, it's Chen Lai and Yao Xue. The two are walking leisurely. They are both dressed in white and white boots, which are extremely bright in the sun. They are free, talented and beautiful, and envy everyone.

Chen Lai got up early in the morning. After practicing, he and Yao Xue went for a walk on the road. On the one hand, I'm really in a good mood. On the other hand, I want to see how Chu Zhongguan handles this matter.

"It turned out to be Master Chu..." Seeing Chu Zhongguan's gloomy face and panicked eyes, Chen Lai smiled secretly and took the lead in holding his fist to salute.

Chu Zhongguan stopped and saluted with his fists, looking polite as usual. "It turned out to be Engong and Miss Yao. You are walking."

Chen Lai nodded and asked with great concern, "Master Chu is in such a hurry. What are you going to do?"

"Oh, Lord Tian asked me to deal with a big thing, so I was in a hurry to go." Chu Zhongguan smiled and said, "You can walk around the courtyard. Anyway, you are going to 'go' soon."

He bit the word "go" so hard that even Meng Deng and others could feel the meaning of death after hearing it.

Chen Lai smiled faintly, "Let's go? Do you want me to send Master Chu first now?

Chu Zhongguan politely refused, waved his hand behind and walked to the south road.

"Chen Lai, do you feel it?" Yao Xue, who had never spoken, frowned, "The murderous spirit on Chu Zhongguan's face is very heavy."

Chen Lai smiled faintly and put his arms around her shoulder and walked to the front. "It's just that the dog jumped over the wall... When we come back later, I'm afraid he can cry."


As soon as he stepped into Tianchun's small courtyard, Chu Zhongguan felt a dead spirit in the dazzling sunshine. This keen feeling can only be felt by a deeply cultivated practitioner, and his heart suddenly felt.

After entering the bedroom, Chu Zhongguan smelled a dead breath and couldn't help but be shocked. If you don't check it, he can accurately judge that Tian Chunguo is really dead!

In the breath of the room, he also felt that Tian Chun was indeed poisoned by him, and he was extremely puzzled. Last night, he obviously poisoned Yao Cheng's father and daughter and Chen Lai. How could Lord Tian and Zhu guard be poisoned?

"Master Chu, look, Lord Tian is obviously dead..." Zhu Tang carefully leaned up, pointed to Tian Chun's body, and looked at Chu Zhongguan in fear.

Chu Zhongguan sneered, "Who said Lord Tian was dead?"