Break through the void

Chapter 98 Water Level 5 in Heavy Snow

Out of a sober alertness, Chen Lai judged that the female killer of the Iron Purple Gate would soon come to Huwei Town. In order to deal with this powerful enemy, she must first be strong.

If you want to be strong, you must practice!

It is dangerous to practice the fifth level of the water in the cold winter, but it is more dangerous in the face of powerful killers!

Chen Lai believes that he has no other choice and must practice the fifth level of water. It's not good to practice in the bedroom, so he practices in the courtyard.

The small courtyard of this inn was wrapped by him for 100 taels of silver. Although the yard is not big, the wall is high enough to block the view of others. In addition, behind the yard is a small lake, which can bring very clear air.

In order to be safer, he practiced at night.

The heavy snow is still fluttering, and it is getting heavier and heavier, and the temperature is lower at night. He asked himself to be careful of the cold air around him when practicing. In order to keep his body in a warm state, he sat cross-legged in the snow, first played the dragon push technique, used the aura of Tianyuan Qigong to warm himself, and then used the aura in the sea of qi to practice.

It has been said before that the aura of his Tianyuan Qigong is different from that in the Qihai. Now he can't launch a powerful attack with the aura of Tianyuan Qigong, but can only nourish and massage, and the aura in the Qihai can be used as a sharp weapon for attack.

With his practice, the snowy air around him formed a white airflow around him, spinning like a hula hoop. The wind blew, the faster the hula airflow rotated, and the heavy snow around him gathered around Chen. However, when it came to his head, the snowflakes suddenly turned into an ethereal wave.

This is gasified by the heat wave of Tianyuan Qigong.

However, after an hour, there are fewer and fewer snowflakes that turn into waves. On the contrary, the snowflakes become bigger and bigger. After all, the aura of Tianyuan Qigong behind Chen Lai is limited. With a large amount of consumption, it can no longer resist the cold atmosphere around him.

The cold is getting heavier and heavier, and the snowflakes are getting bigger and bigger. The snowflakes are getting bigger and heavier, forming a cycle, and the two together attack Chenlai, making it even more difficult for him to deal with.

Seeing this scene, Chu Tao frowned and even had tears in her eyes. She had been standing in front of the window and looked at him through a gap under the window, hoping that he would finish earlier and come back earlier.

She knew that the sign of the success of practicing the fifth level of water is that she can raise her body by a few feet with the help of the energy of aura, which can make people's light power reach a high height. She hopes to see Chen Lai sitting cross-legged body rise earlier.

Thinking that after the cultivation, Chen Lai's body must be extremely cold, and Chu Tao walked back to the warm Chen Lai's quilt.

After waiting for a long time, she didn't see Chen Lai come back. She came to the window again to watch, thinking that Chen Lai should come back and got into the quilt to keep warm up.

In this way, she didn't know how many times she had warmed him. Although there was a fire in the room, she also felt a little cold.

Suddenly, she found that Chen Lai had turned into a snowman and opened all the windows. She wanted to jump on him to help him, but she knew very well that Chen Lai could not be touched at this time, otherwise he would die of an "avalanche".

At this time, she could only pray for him.

"It seems that the warning on the Iron Abdominal Sutra is correct..."

Chen Lai felt that the snow on his body was getting thicker and thicker, and his body was getting colder and colder, as if it was difficult to control, and he couldn't help but feel regretful. With the deepening of his cultivation, he needs more and more aura around him. With the operation of aura, more and more snowflakes come, which forms a vicious circle, that is, the temperature of the air around him is getting lower and lower.

At this time, if you stop practicing and rely on the cultivation in the sea of gas, you can't open the snow layer outside at all, and you will freeze to death inside. If you continue to practice, the temperature will get lower and lower, and the whole person will freeze into an ice man during practice!


Chen Lai was shivering with cold, and his hands were frozen, as if they were uncontrollable.

"Bone shrinkage!"

Chen Lai clenched his teeth and practiced the bone contraction skill. At this time, he accidentally found that it was extremely easy and fast to practice the bone contraction skill at low temperature. The blinking skill had turned his body into a round ball to protect his heart and the sea of air from cold.

In this way, I broke away from the thick snow on my body, as if I had broken free from the cage, and suddenly felt better.

Ha ha, God, what can you do to me?! Feeling a little warm in his body, Chen Lai was quite proud and continued to practice, thinking of seizing the time to succeed in cultivation.

But only half an hour later, he felt that the situation was not good. There was no warmth around him, but the cold wind was blowing.

He found that the bone shrinking power could not protect himself. Chen Lai hurriedly worked hard again to restore his body to its original shape. He didn't want to die like a turtle.

When he restored his body to his original appearance, Chen Lai's teeth trembled with cold, and it was extremely difficult to work.

"What should I do? ...I don't know how about the strange poison of 'enchanted blood'? Chen Lai couldn't help but be moved when he thought of the most poisonous poison given to him by Chu Zhongguan.

Although it was difficult to get out the aura in the sea of anger, he tried it with his mouth full of milk. Suddenly, a red aura spewed out from his right palm. Because this time he raised almost all the aura in the sea of Qi, the aura seemed to be full of blood and red.

In order to prevent the red poisonous aura from being frozen on the snow around him, he immediately played the dragon push. A little white dragon aura swam out and immediately wrapped around the red aura and swirled around him.

"It's not good!" Chen Lai suddenly found that his skin was hard. With the help of the blurred light, he found that his skin once again emitted ugly red. It turned out that his skin had once again become devil-like skin!

He stroked it and felt as hard as before! What a bad dish. I have become the devil again!"

But when you think that your face is still like the original devil, it doesn't matter. Don't think about this anymore and continue to practice. Just then, he found that he was not cold.

"Is it because of my thick skin?" Chen Lai stretched his muscles and bones and found that the feeling of being shivered by the cold just now had disappeared. Although it was still a little cold, it was completely acceptable.

He laughed and continued to practice. At this time, there was no longer the feeling of blocking, but felt extremely smooth. Half an hour later, he pushed his arms away as if stretching his waist and heard a click, which made it very easy to push away the extremely strong snow around him that covered his whole body.

I don't know if his cultivation is successful. He urges the sea of gas and makes part of the aura come under his body to lift himself up.

I'm not ready yet, and my whole body has risen to the air!

"Chen Lai, you succeeded! You succeeded!" Chu Tao saw it clearly and jumped up happily. She waved her arm and waved to Chen.