Break through the void

Chapter 123 Xijing College

The cold north wind roared, and Chen Lai felt for the first time that the weather around him was a cold winter.

In the short time with Bai Yinfan, they practiced martial arts together, studied martial arts together, walked together, talked together, and became a pair of inseparable friends. Chen Lai regarded her as his senior sister in the bottom of his heart and the best confidant who could speak his heart.

When he heard that Bai Yinfan was in Xijing, he was very excited and happy. He wanted to catch up with Bai Yinfan, drink with her, talk about the future of life with her again, and even massage her small pimples on her face and touch her lovely cheeks.

But... they met in this way! I'm afraid I'll never see it again. Even if we meet, it's still such a cold picture.

Chen Lai was depressed and walked to the Shuanglong Inn and the small courtyard that belonged to him and Chu Tao.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Tao saw that Chen Lai's face was wrong. She put down the diaper in her hand and stood up, "Isn't it going well?"

Chen looked at the sleeping child and sat at the head of the bed. Instead of looking at Chu Tao's concerned eyes, he looked at the flickering candlelight and forced a smile, "It's okay... I'm just a little tired."

Chu Tao knew that Chen Lai had always been an optimist and had never been able to defeat him. He went to his side and sat down and raised his arm. "Young master, if you don't treat me as an outsider, just say it."

Chen Lai sighed gently, "Chu Tao, I met my senior sister Bai Yinfan in the brothel."

Chen Lai mentioned his master Huang Laowei and senior sister Bai Yinfan to Chu Tao. Chu Tao understood as soon as she heard it, "Your senior sister misunderstood you, didn't you?"

Chen Lai nodded.

"You go to the brothel to investigate Zheng Tiehui's whereabouts. What did she do in the brothel?"

A girl will never patronize that occasion unless forced to. Of course, Chu Tao will not believe that Chen Lai's senior sister will be a girl in it. "Is she also going to investigate something?"

Chen Lai had already had such an inference and nodded, "Yes, she went there in nocturnal clothes... In a private room, I saw her figure, but after she came out, she came out to see me... She looked very angry. She not only scolded me, but also refused to forgive me."

"You haven't done anything wrong. Why do you want her to forgive?"

Chu Tao felt that his senior sister was a little domineering and got angry indiscriminately. Suddenly, her heart sank. The only reason why a girl was angry with him was that she fell in love with him. "Besides, there is already a chance to meet. She has to let people explain."

She heard Chen Lai praise Bai Yinfan, who is beautiful, has good skills, cheerful personality and is very pleasant. Now that Bai Yinfan suddenly comes, I'm afraid that their peaceful life will be disrupted.

Thinking of this, she was a little worried and couldn't say anything, but she felt unsteady and couldn't help sighing gently.

Suddenly, she smiled again. Obviously, she still persuaded Chen Lai, but she persuaded herself but felt uncomfortable first. "Young master, this is the first time I've seen you like this. Don't forget that you are not the same young man you used to be..."

After saying that, he lowered his head and waited for Chen Lai's answer. This sentence killed two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he reminded Chen Lai that he should cheer up, and on the other hand, he reminded Chen Lai that his first time was given to her, so that he could determine her position in his mind, so as to avoid unnecessary and unpleasant conflicts in the future.

Chen Lai stiffed his mouth and put his arms around her shoulder. "Don't worry, I know how to do it."

Chen Lai had told Chu Tao about the plan before taking action. Chu Tao was very concerned about this problem and asked, "Young master, has the result been investigated?"

"It was found out that the guy named Liu Dongming said that Zheng Tiehui was in the 'Xijing Academy', but when I left, he woke up immediately. Obviously, he would detoxify and already knew some information and wanted to set traps to make me jump."

Chen Lai stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe. "I'm afraid he will have contact with Bai Zaido."

Chu Tao smiled and praised, "Anyway, my young master is still doing a lot of things!" Whether he has contact or not, we won't go!"

Suddenly, she thought of Bai Yinfan again, thinking that Bai Yinfan's visit to the Drunken Red Mansion may also be for the purpose of looking for Zheng Tiehui. After all, his master knows why Chen Lai came to the West Beijing. " By the way, young master, does your sister want to help you go to the Drunken Red Mansion?"

"Of course, it's because of this that I feel a little sorry for her."

Chu Tao blinked a few times, "So will your conversation with Liu Dongming be heard by your senior sister?"

Chenlai remembered that Bai Yinfan was next door at that time and should be able to hear it, but in the end, he may not hear Liu Dongming's self-talk, "So... My senior sister will go to Xijing Academy tomorrow night?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be shocked and his eyes widened. Since Liu Dongming and others are fully prepared, they will throw themselves into the trap!

"Don't worry, you can investigate first tomorrow during the day. Can't you find out the tricks in it with your ability?"

Chu Tao smiled confidently, "Maybe you will find her before your sister goes?"

"You're right, Chu Tao!" Since Chu Tao is willing for him to help Bai Yinfan, it shows that her heart is still very kind. Chen Lai couldn't help kissing her forehead as a thank you.

It's amazing to talk about it. I talked to Chu Tao like this, and I suddenly felt much more relaxed. Looking at her delicate face and delicate lips, Chen La's love suddenly burned. She felt that she needed to do something to feel better. She kissed Chu Tao and signaled that it was time to sleep.

The two have been intimate for a long time. One look and one action have understood what the other is going to do. Chu Tao smiled and said, "I'll wash first..."

"One woman brought me depression, so I had to seek comfort from another woman..."

Looking at Chu Tao's spineless back, Chen Lai proudly sighed, but it was in his heart.

At this time, Chen Sien, who was sleeping in the cradle, suddenly cried, and it was still very sharp, as if who harassed her wet nurse. Chen Lai hurried to hug him, took his chubby little hand bulging like a sausage, and taught him a lesson with a smile, "Little guy, go to bed quickly and don't ruin your uncle's good deeds."


Xijing Academy is located in the northwest area of Xijing City. It is located on Heishu Mountain. It is full of artificially carved rivers, like a moat, covering an area of hundreds of mu, because on the mountainside, it is layered and the area is not small.

The buildings inside are all white buildings, majestic, beautiful and spectacular.

This also belongs to the Iron Purple Gate, which is the place where the disciples of the Iron Purple Gate learn to practice knowledge and practice skills.

Among all the disciples, they are not necessarily decadent, but also active scholars. Because of their low status and qualifications, they have to start with an outside disciple. If they can be among the best in the test of the college, they can enter the Fengshan and become an inner disciple.

It can also be said that the disciples of the Academy are elite disciples among the disciples of the outside.

Chen Lai came to the foot of the Black Book Mountain, stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe. He looked at the college, which was very mysterious to him, thinking about how to walk in and find out the hidden problems inside.