Break through the void

Chapter 130 Zodiac Jade Healing

Since you are here, you can't leave any more, not to mention Chen Lai to protect the children and wet nurses inside. Bai Yinfan went into the bedroom again and sat by the bed. Unlike last time, it's a little cold this time. Neither side spoke, which seemed very awkward.

I don't know how long it took, there was a sudden movement outside. The two women looked at each other and stood up.

"You're back..."

When Chen Lai pushed the door and came in, the two women asked in unison. As soon as they saw that Chen Lai was injured, they hurried forward to help.

Chen Lai was seriously injured in his right hand, abdomen and back. Later, he was tyrannical by Mai Wanxiu, and his injury was even more serious. He escaped through the river and his whole body was covered with a thick layer of ice. His face was pale and trembling all over, and he was about to be unable to support it!

The two women were stunned at a glance.

Although they are around Chen Lai now, they can't cure this serious injury at all! If it's a skin injury, it's okay, but Chen Lai's Qihai is also injured and seriously injured!

Bai Yinfan said urgently, "I'll go to the master and let him come."

Chen Lai grabbed her and said, "Senior Huang can't go there now to deal with a large group of people in Bai Zaidao."

"What should I do?" Bai Yinfan and Chu Tao asked almost with one voice again.

"Chu Tao, you take care of the child, and my senior sister will help me heal my wounds."

Chen Lai reached out and touched the eight zodiac jade around his waist, signaling them that they could use this to heal their wounds, and then looked at Chu Tao and arranged, "Chu Tao, take out the four zodiac jades and give them to your senior sister."

When Chu Tao heard this, she hurried to look for it.

"Come to ** and lie down." Bai Yinfan pulled Chen Lai to the big bed and pointed to **'s big red pillow.

Chen Lai held her again, "Once the injury is healed, I will shed a lot of blood. Let's go to the bedroom in the west."

Seeing that Chen Lai has died and is still thinking about taking care of the children and wet nurses, Bai Yinfan couldn't help but be moved and angry, "It's all like this. You still think about others, and you still want to die!"

He took over the zodiac jade handed over by Chu Tao and helped Chen to walk to the bedroom in the west.

Chu Tao was worried about Chen Lai's safety and followed him, trying to bring them tea and water.

"Take care of the children, don't come over!" Bai Yinfan stretched out an arm to stop her and said rudely, "Remember, don't come and disturb us!"

At first sight, Chu Tao had to stop and look at Chen Lai with tears in his eyes.

It was the first time she saw Chen Lai suffer such a serious injury. She was always worried that Chen Lai would die and felt uneasy. After walking back to the bedroom, she couldn't help covering her mouth and began to cry.

In fact, she has already regarded Chen Lai as her husband all the way. Chen Lai had an accident, and she felt that her victory was also an explanation.

Bai Yinfan heard Huang Laoge talk about the twelve zodiac jade before, and knew that if he could have eight pieces, he had a superior spiritual weapon. Now he actually has twelve, so it is even more so, it can be said that he has a fairy weapon!

With this practice method, as long as the method is correct, people can make progress thousands of miles a day. Using this healing method is also twice the result with half the effort. Bai Yinfan couldn't imagine how Chen Lai got these eight zodiac jade in his hands, and immediately thought about how to set up a formation.

Bai Yinfan helped Chen sit down, put the twelve zodiac jade beside him, and worked hard on the twelve zodiac jades to play aura. After a while, the mouths of the twelve zodiac jade began to speak out milky aura, making the room look foggy.

Following Huang Laoxun, Bai Yinfan learned how to heal his wounds, sat behind Chen Lai, and began to help him heal his wounds.

After all, Chen Lai's injury is too serious, and she is also uneasy, but she uses her whole body to cultivate without any reservations.


Xijing Academy.


Tianwen, the owner of Xijing Academy, patted the table in front of him and was furious. The whole person's national face turned into a round face with anger.

Originally, more than 120 elite disciples in Xijing Academy and Bai Zaido set up a battle to deal with the yellow old monster. Unexpectedly, the yellow old monster did not kill it, but so many disciples saw the king of death!

Bai Zaido is also dead!

The twelve precious zodiac jades are also missing!

Mr. Huang can't catch it. At least he should catch Chen Lai, but Chen Lai didn't catch him either!

"Rip bucket!" The more Tian Steady thought about it, the more angry he became. He waved his hand to a large group of people kneeling below and scolded, "You are all rice buckets!"

A group of people knelt on the ground, and no one dared to move, including Yang Cheng, the head of the Xijing Hall, who knelt in the front.

"Yang Cheng, why don't you talk?" Tian Steady stared at Yang Cheng and suddenly raised his voice.

Yang Cheng understood that he was allowed to operate this matter from beginning to end. Tian was sure that he wanted to operate on him and look at him.

He understands the temperament of Tianwen and knows that someone will have bad luck this time. No matter who it is, as long as he finds a scapegoat, Tianwen will get psychological balance and quickly crawled forward. "Lord, I haven't found Mai Wanxiu of Tiezimen so far. I don't know if she has caught Chen Lai and left. There must be a big problem in it! Lord, I want Lu Zhong, the 'Little Swordsman', to do this matter. Ask him what's going on.

He pushed all the problems to Lu Zhongyi. Hearing this, everyone looked at Lu Zhongyi, who was kneeling behind Yang Cheng. Some have dull expressions, some sneer, and some are quite worried.

Lu Zhongyi is the deputy master of Xijing Hall. He has always been upright and has good swordsmanship. Although he is young, he is quite respected in Xijing Hall and Xijing Academy. As soon as he heard it, he glanced at Yang Cheng and hugged his fist firmly: "Lord, I don't know why Bai Zaido and Mai Wanxiu have arrived in Xijing at noon today! I found them to discuss with them. Bai Zaido and the elite disciples of Xijing College dealt with Huang Laoxu, and Mai Wanxiu with several of our helmsmen disciples to deal with Chen Lai. However, after Chen came, only Mai Wanxiu fought with Chen Lai, while none of the other Tiezimen disciples appeared!"

He paused for a moment and looked at Yang Cheng and said, "I don't know why all this is. Please observe it clearly."

When Yang Cheng heard this, his head sweated coldly. Those helmsman disciples followed his arrangement and went to help Bai Zaido deal with Huang Laoxu.

This matter can't be hidden. He pretended to be calm and hugged his fists and said, "Lord, I arranged those helmsmen!" I think the yellow monster is difficult to deal with, so let them deal with the yellow monster first! The yellow monster was really powerful. I was also there during the fight, and my arms and feet were injured.

With a sneer, he looked at Lu Zhongyi and scolded loudly, "Vice Master Lu, we are all killing the enemy. Where have you been?"

Lu Zhong was shocked and asked, "You don't know where I am?"

"How can I know where you are?"

"Blood spray! How did you order me?" Lu Zhong was furious. Before taking action at night, Yang Cheng asked him to take three helmsmen to the woods south of the college to wait, saying that Mai Wanxiu and Chen Lai might pass by here and ask them to stop them and forcibly walk Chen from Mai Wanxiu.

Yang Cheng sneered and looked back at the three helmsman's disciples who had been following Lu Zhongyi, "You have been talking to Vice Master Lu! Lord, you are here, don't be afraid!"

Three people climbed forward tremblingly. One of them whined and said, "Deputy Master Lu told us that it was very dangerous to fight with Mr. Huang. It's better to go to the woods and wait for a moment, and then come forward to collect the bodies for the disciples..."

"I'm as timid as a mouse, and I'm rebellious!" Tian Stead was furious, screaming again, smashing the table around him, shaking the "snowflakes" flying, "Come on, put Lu Zhong into the dungeon!"