Break through the void

Chapter 132 The Flight Status of Feiyungong

In fact, Chen Lai doesn't know much about the skills of the ninth level of water.

The last time he practiced the eighth level of water, he read and read the secrets of the eighth level of water in the Iron Abdominal Sutra, and tried his best to understand all the problems in it. However, he only read the ninth-order skills first and didn't know the details and difficult problems inside. The reason why he dares to practice the ninth level of water now is that, on the one hand, there is a formation composed of twelve zodiac jade around him, and on the other hand, because Bai Yinfan is beside him.

With Bai Yinfan, are you afraid that you don't know all aspects of it?

Chen Lai became a practitioner and succeeded under the guidance of Bai Yinfan. Now he is of course familiar with the skills of the ninth level of water. Although he is very dedicated to teaching.

Unconsciously, more than two hours have passed, and it has reached noon. The two of them put everything aside in the room, while Chu Tao outside has always been very anxious.

It's been so long. How's Chen Lai? Do you need some water? Do you need help?

Hearing the sound of the wind blowing inside, Chu Tao wanted to rush in several times, but she couldn't help it. She knows that this is very similar to closed practice. Once she encounters harassment from outsiders, she will often get twice the result with half the effort and even have very terrible consequences.

Suddenly, there was a fierce shout from the yard next door, and there was a loud voice!

Chu Tao's heart sank. She walked out of the living room and listened attentively. Hearing that a group of people were searching the yard, she couldn't help but be shocked. She hurriedly turned over and walked back to the living room, came to Chen's door and gently knocked on the door, "Young master...Young master..."

"Isn't it not bothering you?" Bai Yinfan's imposite questioning came from the room.

Chu Tao replied softly, "Young master, someone came to search outside."

The whirling sound in the room stopped immediately.

The door opened, revealing Bai Yinfan's frightened eyes, "Have you come outside?"

Chu Tao pointed to the yard next door and said quickly, "I'm searching in the yard next to it. I think it's time to arrive soon."

Bai Yinfan nodded, closed the door and walked back, "Chen Lai, the ninth-order skills can no longer be practiced. We have to go."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was stunned. Chen Lai was still lying ** when she opened the door just now, and now Chen Lai has risen more than ten feet and is lying in the air! It looks leisurely and very comfortable!

A person can lie in the air. He puts his hands on the sea and uses the aura of the sea of Qi to control the rise and fall of his body. Although he can't fly freely, it is extremely difficult to do this!

This is the sign of the success of the ninth-level cultivation in the water world!

And Chen Lai is still pillowing his arms, as if he were sleeping in **, which is more difficult! Don't forget that Chen Lai's body is still injured, and the sea of Qi has not fully recovered!

Has Chen Lai succeeded in practicing?

Bai Yinfan's eyes widened and looked at Chen Lai, with both surprise and incredible in his eyes. Even the fact that someone came to search outside was thrown away by her.

"Young master..."

Chu Tao couldn't help opening a door crack and said nervously, "It's not that I'm going to disturb you, but it's too late."

She was also shocked to see Chen Lai lying with his arms in the air. Although she doesn't have much cultivation, she also knows that a person can "sleep" like this, indicating that his light skills have reached a very high level. She once heard her father Chu Zhongguan say that a practitioner in the water world can sleep in the air with his arms, so he is a practicing genius!

Chen Lai turned his head and saw Chu Tao's stunned expression. He blinked at her and smiled faintly, "Chu Tao, bring my clothes and take a package by the way. I want to see if my light skills have really reached a level that satisfies me."

Chu Tao couldn't see the confidentness in Chen Lai's smile. She stared and said, "Young master, I'm ready now. You'd better come now!"

"Little brother, what do you want to do?" Bai Yinfan watched Chu Tao walk away, stretched out his arm and grabbed Chen Lai's hand and pulled him down.

"Of course, I ran with a fake child in my arms." Chen Lai fell to ** and sat up and pointed to Bai Yinfan. "Sister, your clothes are broken. Find one with Chu Tao and put it on first."

Bai Yinfan's clothes were also covered with blood, but she ung her groaned gently and turned her head.

Although he and Chu Tao have never quarreled, let alone fought, she always feels that there has been a deep and insurmountable gap between the two. She won't ask Chu Tao for help.

Chen Lai was stunned and looked at the unhappy Bai Yinfan. Will two women fight as soon as they meet? Isn't it too fast?

He smiled and patted her on the shoulder, "Senior sister, after all, we are sisters, and we can still give our sister general insight?"

"sister?" Bai Yinfan tilted her nose and pointed to the door, "She has had a baby. She must be older than me!" Don't you think she's old at all?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Tao suddenly pushed the door open. She heard what she had just said, but as if she hadn't heard it, she patted the clothes and package in her arms and said urgently, "Young master, I'm ready!"


Chen Lai's body suddenly drifted and came to Chu Tao's side, which shocked Chu Tao.

The light work of the ninth level of water is easy to use! Chen Lai smiled and took the cotton-padded shirt from her hand and put it on. Chu Tao hurriedly helped him put on new boots.

After packing up, Chen Lai picked up the package and arranged, "Chu Tao, you take care of the child. The senior sister is changing her clothes in the room. I'll be back as soon as I go."

While talking, the whole person has drifted out of the room.


"Let's see if there is any in this yard?"

Under the leadership of Yang Cheng, a group of Xijingtang disciples were searching majestically. They came to the gate of Chen Lai and Chu Tao's yard and banged the door, "Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!"

As the owner of Xijing Hall, Yang Cheng rarely goes out and asks his subordinates to do everything, but this time he has to lead his disciples down to search. Because of his thin figure, he led a group of disciples, like a mouse with a group of cats.

Looking at the door, there was still no movement, and he couldn't help but be furious, "Take my sword!"

A tall follower immediately strode forward and presented the sword. Before handing over the sword to Yang Cheng, he saw a man running out of the distant corner with a package in his arms, "Master, look!"

Yang Cheng and everyone turned their heads.

The man was sneaky. As soon as he saw Yang Cheng and the others, he immediately stopped, hugged the package in his arms and ran away, and ran into the north alley.

"That's him!"

"It's Chen Lai!"

"It's the child who is holding it!"

"Follow it! Caught alive!"

After one of the disciples shouted, the others immediately shouted. Everyone was extremely excited for a moment and scrambled to catch up.

Yang Cheng flew up with his toes. He was already a spirit cultivation, and his light kung fu was even better. In the blink of an eye, he came to Hu's head and saw the man's figure drifting forward. He knew that this man was a practitioner, and it was likely to be Chen Lai. "Who is it? Stop!"

The man replied, "Don't chase me. I'm not the one you want to arrest!" I'm not holding the baby you're looking for!"

Now Yang Cheng was sure that this person was Chen Lai and sneered, "Who is it if it's not you?" Hurry up and inform the other disciples to stop him!"