Break through the void

Chapter 143 In the Deep Dragon Pool, let's practice together

Chen Lai smiled, stepped forward, bent down to salute Bai Yinfan, and rubbed her body while saluteing. In the blink of an eye, her arms and one side of her body were covered with yellow mud.

"What are you doing? What do you want to do? Bai Yinfan was so anxious that he hid back. She was really impatient with the dirty things such as yellow mud, and she was so angry that she raised her eyebrows.

Seeing that Chen Lai kept chasing, she screamed and hid back and had to compromise, "stop! I'll say my terms!"

Chen Lai stopped and listened with a smile. In fact, Bai Yinfan has guessed what he wants to say. Let's see what Bai Yinfan said.

"In the future, you should follow my teachings and don't listen to Chu Tao's woman. In the future, if Chu Tao and I have different opinions on everything, you will listen to me... Remember?" Why? When Chu Tao came together, Bai Yinfan felt angry and felt better after saying this sentence.

Sure enough, as I expected, women! Chen Lai smiled bitterly, nodded, and sighed in his heart: Sister, senior sister, you are jealous here, but it's not cute. Anyway, I'd better change you first.

"And everything about you is mine!" Bai Yinfan pointed to the twelve zodiac jade with a blue halo in the corner, "especially this, let me keep it in the future!"

From the first time she saw these twelve zodiac jades, she liked them very much, but she has always been placed with Chu Tao, and she has always been unhungry. If you can get this beloved thing in the future, you can not only play, but also help practice. Of course, you can also raise your eyebrows in front of Chu Tao.

"Is there anything else?" Chen came to see that Bai Yinfan had retreated to the pool and made a plan and smiled.

Bai Yinfan, um, tilted his head and thought about it, thinking of taking this opportunity to clean up Chen honestly. But before he came out, he was thrown down by Chen and fell into the pool with a splash.

Ah! Bai Yinfan shouted in shock, turned up in the water, and slapped Chen's chest. Suddenly, he felt that the water was so cold that his hands and feet were not convenient, and then hugged Chen Lai.

At this time, she was surprised to feel that Chen Lai's body was very warm, and she couldn't help but hugged her tighter and tighter.

Chen Lai's face was covered with water, and even the mud was washed away. He couldn't help laughing. He pedalled the water under his feet and circled around Bai Yinfan's small waist in the water. Bai Yinfan smiled, patted the water, and slapped him in the face.

The two immediately began to play.

They used to do this on the lawn behind the real monastery. They were extremely happy. Now they are playing in the water and enjoying themselves.

Suddenly, Chen Lai found that Bai Yinfan was looking at him quietly without laughing, and he looked at her quietly. The two people's eyes met in the blue air around them, and then they became infinitely tender.

They all understood each other's desires at once.

Bai Yinfan's cotton-padded clothes are very slippery, unexpectedly falling with the water, revealing their snow-white shoulders. The whole person is as beautiful as water hibiscus in the blue air. Coupled with a few transparent small drops of water droplets on his face, the whole person is pure, cute and extremely charming. He only stunned Chen.

I don't know when, Chen Lai stretched out his hands and held Bai Yinfan's round face and put his lips on her red and tender lips. Suddenly, he felt the strength of Bai Yinfan, because he felt that the tip of his tongue was bitten by Bai Yinfan, as if to suck away the warmth of his whole body.

Although Chen Lai's "clothes" are very warm, they are extremely thin, and some things can't stop them at all, and naturally hold Bai Yinfan's legs. A big fire was about to burn, but it was the most uncomfortable feeling that it couldn't burn. As soon as he tried hard, he pulled off Bai Yinfan's trousers, and then his hands stroked the round and elastic buttocks.

He immediately got excited and felt that he was full of grandeur and had to conquer something to make himself completely satisfied.

"Chen Lai..." Bai Yinfan, who was breathing, suddenly stretched out his left hand and grabbed Chen Lai and stared at him. "Wait, after you break through, we will... again..."

She was extremely shy and couldn't go any further. She felt that her left hand was so stiff that she couldn't feel what she was grasping, while her right hand hugged him, blushing and smiling at the corners of her mouth. From the day she met Chen Lai, she had a strange feeling in her heart, and now she understands what this strange feeling is.

Chen Lai was really uncomfortable, and she grabbed the root of her life and begged, "Sister, isn't it the same before and after practice?"

Bai Yinfan stared at him lovingly and pushed him away, "The unsuccessful man will not be pleasant!"

With a giggle, she shrank in the water and took off all her clothes, then walked out of the pool and walked to the corner. In the blue light, her slender and straight figure can be seen at a glance. The drum, the round and upturning, exudes a white and even holy glow. When she applied mud to her body, her whole body still looked extremely beautiful. The mud not only did not destroy her beauty, but also made her beauty more elegant and mysterious.

Chen Lai followed by the pool and was stunned. He even forgot that the things between his legs were still as hard as a stick.


When everything calmed down, their cultivation began. The ninth-level skill of the water realm is flying cloud skill. Only when the practitioner does not move and can reach a level where he can freely control the aura around him can have the foundation to break through the atmosphere.

This free control range is a distance of nine feet. As long as I can use the aura within nine feet around my body, I can break through the water environment. Of course, one of the prerequisites is that the aura around you must be sufficient.

Many practitioners can't make a breakthrough because of the lack of aura around them. Only those practitioners in the mountains and rivers can have such breakthrough conditions.

It is precisely because of the existence of Shenlongtan that Chen Lai and Bai Yinfan need aura that are very sufficient and pure. Under the guidance of Bai Yinfan, Chen Lai began to practice step by step.

After clarifying all the processes and points, Bai Yinfan sat in a corner and began to practice himself. She also needs to improve her cultivation, and now this condition is an extremely rare condition for cultivation.

Four hours later, Chen Lai practiced the cultivation process. He did not find the feeling that he could control the aura around him and began to use the dragon pushing technique. With the help of dragon pushing, he could feel that his ninth level of water cultivation had risen to another level, but he still couldn't control the aura around him.

He can control it with dragon pushing, but he can't control it if his palms don't move!

After practicing again and couldn't find the way, he opened the Dragon Tips and began to carefully study the last content of the first volume. He can't say the specific reasons, but vaguely, he feels that these contents are related to his current practice.

The moment the "Dragon Tips" was opened, the blue light around it suddenly turned purple, making the bottom of the whole deep dragon pool as bright as the underground palace, extremely bright and clean, but it was more than ten feet higher than the bottom of the pool, which was dark.

With the operation of Chen Lai's dragon pushing technique, the purple light around him also rotates constantly, like flashing lights in the space. The aura in the space is like fog, permeating everywhere, and then deposited to the ground, making the space clear. When Chen Lai cultivates to a certain extent and needs aura again, the aura will suddenly appear again. Very strange!

When he saw this scene, Bai Yinfan tightened his eyebrows and was surprised to find that the aura around him had also turned purple!

She had heard Huang Laowei say before that the most precious aura on the Leilong Continent is the purple aura, which can be defeated by one hundred. She couldn't help but say, "Is this the strangest and precious purple aura in the Leilong Continent?"

Looking at Chen Lai, in a purple aura, his eyes were closed and his palms were closed, which looked extremely dignified. His whole body flashed with purple light, like the legendary immortal. Bai Yinfan's eyes couldn't help opening wider, with both a pleasant light and admiration in his eyes.
