Break through the void

Chapter 181 Chen Sien's True Identity

When Liu Zhenying mentioned Chen Sien's identity, Chen Lai's heart trembled.

From the moment he began to pick up the child, Chen Lai had doubts about the child's identity. At that time, before the child was born, he saw through the wife and the guards around her that their identity was definitely not ordinary people or ordinary rich nobles. Especially when he saw that the lady gave him the Dragon Tips, he concluded that the lady's identity was extremely simple, but he just couldn't think of it. What kind of identity they are? Later, many people were asked, but they didn't get a convincing answer.

Now Liu Zhenying suddenly proposed the identity of the child. Of course, he fully believed it and listened attentively.

"Chen Lai, the lady you rescued in Liushui Town is the Empress of the palace today, and that child is the crown prince!" Liu Zhenying's expression was serious and her tone was extremely solemn.

Chen Lai was shocked when he heard it.

He knew that the lady and the child were noble, but he never dared to think that they came from the palace, and they were still the Empress and the crown prince! He once heard that today's emperors extremely spoiled the Empress of the West Palace and obeyed the four princes. Finally, he demoted the Empress Zhenggong to a commoner and was not allowed to enter the palace from now on. Master, didn't the Empress Zhenggong be demoted outside the palace by the emperor and become a commoner?

Liu Zhenying sighed and stated the truth of the dragon in the future.

It turned out that after the Empress was demoted to a commoner, the matter had gradually calmed down, but who expected that the Empress Zhenggong was pregnant, so there was a confidant of the Empress Zhenggong inside Tianleimen, so she sent someone to quietly protect the Empress Zhenggong. When the Empress and the Fourth Prince heard about this, they immediately sent Tianleimen disciples and Tie Zi. The disciples assassinated the Empress Zhenggong and wanted to kill her, but under the protection of many confidants, the Empress Zhenggong was saved.

After learning that the Empress gave birth to a child, the Empress Xigong colluded with the fourth princes, imperial doctors and eunuchs, pretended to be pregnant, and pretended to give birth to a prince, and took one of her sister's children as the crown prince. Today, the emperor is extremely mediocre, and he can't see the work of the Empress of the West Palace and the Fourth Prince.

The fourth prince did not allow a foreigner to become the country of the Hualong Empire in the future, demanding to take back the child born by the Empress Zhenggong, and then replace the child. Although the Empress Xigong was unwilling, she did not dare to refuse, so many disciples of Tianleimen and Tiezimen began to decide to take back the child and "Dragon Tips".

Due to the deep contradiction between Tianleimen and Tiezimen, and due to the intrigue and greed between many officials, the whole empire blew a bloody storm around a child.

"It turned out that the child was the prince, and Chen Sien turned out to be the prince of today..." Chen Lai wiped the sweat on his forehead and thought of the hardships he had experienced along the way. He was a little afraid of the life and death he had experienced along the way.

However, thinking that his mission had not been completed, he gritted his teeth and demanded that he must complete the mission. Even if he experienced another life, he would never give up.

"Chen Lai, we can go..." Liu Zhenying made a request. As her voice landed, all the white hair extending into the space suddenly withdrew and coiled high on her head. Although she had been trapped in the dungeon for many days, Tianwen took good care of her, and she was still well maintained and looked energetic.

What surprised Chen Lai was that Liu Zhenying's white hair was slowly turning black, making Liu Zhenying a middle-aged beautiful woman!

"Master, why is this?" Chen Lai pointed to Liu Zhenying's black hair.

Liu Zhenying smiled and pointed to his nose. "The reason why I made my hair look like white is to confuse other high-level disciples who came to review. The reason why I can turn black in a very short time is that I have absorbed so many aura in the body of scorpions, but it's just a pity..."

"What a pity?" Chen Lai was stunned again.

Liu Zhenying smiled and said, "Unfortunately, most of the aura I have absorbed has been transported to your body and the sea of gas!" Those scorpions used to be with many practitioners and high-level practitioners, nourishing their aura extremely well... You have made a lot of money now. Not only have you recovered from the internal injury of the sea of Qi, but I'm afraid you have now broken through the gas situation and become a mysterious world.

She understands that the reason why Chen Lai can quickly absorb the aura she played is because Chen Lai's foundation is already very strong, especially the Qihai cultivation has been extremely large. Seeing that her beloved disciple could make progress, she laughed cheerfully.

When Chen Lai heard this, he was overjoyed and couldn't wait to cheer!

After Qihai was injured, he has been worried about his recovery, and at the same time, he is also worried about his cultivation and breakthrough. He never wanted to be solved by his master! Of course, he is ecstatic!

It's time to leave prison, and they need to go to their respective destinations. One went to Dijing and the other went to Baiqijing. Chen Lai also wanted to talk to his master for a while. After all, he didn't know how long it would take to reunite, but he didn't dare to stay too much.

With the help of Chen Lai, Liu Zhenying stood up and then walked to the corner of the space.

"Master..." Chen came to stop Liu Zhenying. He suddenly thought of Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu and decided to follow their master to Dijing, and then he met them in Dijing.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Lai didn't know how to mention the two women for a moment, stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe.

"What's wrong with you?" Liu Zhenying remembered Chen Lai's mischievousness when he was a child, smiled faintly, and then stretched out his hand and patted him on the head.

Chen Lai smiled, "Master, on the way here, I worshipped several masters..."

He talked about knowing Huang Laoxun, Old Lu and others, and also talked about Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu. Although he did not say his feelings with Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu, Liu Zhenying still understood at a glance.

Seeing that he was very worried about them, Liu Zhenying sighed, "Okay, I'll take Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu to Dijing first. We'll wait for you there. With them here, I can also better contact the high-level disciples of Tianleimen to discuss major matters with them."

Looking at Master's promise, Chen Lai was very happy. He hurriedly supported her again and said with a smile, "Master, when you reach your old age, they will serve you."

Liu Zhenying chose to live in seclusion because she wanted to live a quiet life. Now she has to go out of the mountain, so she has to finish what she needs to do, and then returns to the town again to live a peaceful and peaceful life. It is also a beautiful thing in life to be accompanied by Chen Lai and a group of Chen Lai's favorite women. She nodded with a smile.

Chen came to see her happy and thought of Chu Tao, "Master, in fact, I have a better one named Chu Tao. You will be satisfied with serving you in the future. You don't know that she has always taken care of the child!"

Looking at his eyebrows flying, Liu Zhenying reached out and patted his head lovingly, "You, haven't you grown up, and your appetite is still so big?"

Chen Lai smiled and stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe.

Liu Zhenying had long been familiar with the terrain and organs in the dungeon, and she put her hand on a raised stone.

With a roar, a stone door above opened. Then Chen Lai and Liu Zhenying flew out, walked out of the dungeon above and went outside.

Bai Yinfan, Mai Wanxiu, Lu Zhong and other people were all waiting outside. They were very anxious, especially Bai Yinfan, who wanted to rush down several times, but were pulled by Mai Wanxiu. Suddenly, they couldn't help but be shocked to see Chen Lai coming out with a middle-aged woman.

On the one hand, they can't imagine that Chen Lai can succeed in such a short time. On the other hand, it is because although this woman is a middle-aged woman, she is not a white-haired woman!

They know that Zheng Tiehui is a white-haired woman and an iron phoenix, but the woman in front of them is not!

"Chen Lai, you're out!" Bai Yinfan rushed forward, grabbed Chen Lai, and looked at Liu Zhenying curiously, "Who is this?"

Chen Lai was inconvenient to leak the news and said very calmly, "I didn't save Zheng Tiehui, but I saved this lady."

Liu Zhenying saluted them and punched Chen Lai, "Thank you for your rescue. I will repay you forever!"

Chen Lai held his fist and replied, "Madam, I still have to discuss major events with several heroes. I think it's better for me to send two people to send you out."

"Thank you, strong man!" Liu Zhenying took care of it.

Chen looked at Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu, "You two go and send this lady to a safe place."

He punched Lu Zhong again, "Brother Lu, please wait a moment!"

Then he personally sent Liu Zhenying to a very hidden exit, and then whispered to Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu, "You two have always accompanied her and followed her teachings when sending Master to Dijing. If there is anything you don't understand, ask Master on the way.

He punched Liu Zhenying again, "Master, wait for me in the imperial capital."

Liu Zhenying nodded, "Don't worry about the stability of the sky. He will deal with everything here."

He glanced at him with loving eyes and turned to a tunnel.

Bai Yinfan and Mai Wanxiu looked at each other in consterspect. They didn't understand what Chen Lai was talking about, and why they suddenly called Master, but looking at Chen Lai's resolute tone, they looked at each other to follow Liu Zhenying. Bai Yinfan said urgently, "Senior, walk slowly. I have something to ask you..."

Chen Lai saw this, smiled, shook his head and turned back.

"Chen Lai, what the hell is going on? Where is Zheng Tiehui? Lu Zhong saw that Chen came to send away several people and strode forward with a puzzled face.

Chen Lai thought of the urgency and didn't want to explain too much. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Lu, the stability here is not our enemy. After seeing the stability, you just need to say that you have seen Liu Zhenying. I'm going to leave!"

"Is the stability our people? What Liu Zhenying?" Lu Zhong grabbed him, and his face was full of doubts.

"Brother Lu, you don't have to be excited. According to what I said, Tianwen will talk to you alone... Brother Lu, time is urgent. I have to go!" Chen Lai turned around and left.

"Chen Lai!" Lu Zhong pulled it again and again, "Where are you going?"

Chen Lai thought that Lu Zhongyi had helped him a lot along the way. He was a trustworthy good brother, and then turned around and patted him on the shoulder. "I'm going to Baiqijing, Brother Lu. Now your aunt Zheng Tiehui has gone to Baiqijing. You don't have to worry about her safety anymore... Take care!"

Leaving Lu Zhongyi, who was extremely surprised, Chen Lai strode away.
