Break through the void

Chapter 233 Distinguished Husbands

As he spoke, a luxurious carriage stopped in front of the gate of the courtyard. Chen Chai, the former shopkeeper of Huirentang, walked into the courtyard with two guys. Seeing Chen Lai bending down to salute, he smiled respectfully and said, "I've met the young master." He also respectfully saluted several ladies.

Chen Lai nodded and pointed to Chu Tao, Bai Yinfan, Mai Wanxiu and Mai Xiaoxiu one by one. Chen Chai saluted again.

Mai Wanxiu called the innkeeper and left the room, and then Chen came to ask Chen Chai to take them to Huirentang. For the sake of safety, he needs to follow back to see if there are suspicious people following him.

Along the way, people came and went to buy New Year's goods. Chen Lai did not find any suspicious people, so he walked into Huirentang alone.

At this time, Chen Lai was already the big shopkeeper of Huirentang. More than a dozen guys respected him very much, and then walked into an inner courtyard behind under the leadership of a guy named A Zhi.

The inner courtyard is a large quadrangle courtyard with five or six gardens, which are in full bloom and a pond. The scenery is good and refreshing. At a glance, I knew that it had been carefully decorated, clean and tidy. There were rooms for the four ladies. The first lady and the second lady were in the north, the third lady in the east, and the fourth lady in the west. Everyone has at least four rooms, which are very spacious.

When the four ladies got out of the carriage and walked into the inner courtyard, Chen Chai's family and his men had already queued up. Seeing Chu Tao and others kneel down to salute one after another, Chu Tao and the others hurriedly helped, "I can't afford it, I can't afford..."

Chu Tao, in particular, feels very sorry. How can he have received this kind of courtesy before? Even Qianyoutang has never enjoyed this kind of treatment at home, and he was frightened for a moment.

It turned out that Chen Lai gave Chen Chai 20,000 taels of silver tickets and asked him to recruit more than a dozen young maids to serve their wives. Three of each were assigned to four ladies, which made the four ladies even more surprised and didn't know what to do!

This is completely enjoyed by noble young grandmothers! They looked at each other in con's eyes, and everyone's eyes seemed to ask: Have they become young grandmothers now?

Accompanied by the maids, each lady went into their own room to rest. However, out of a habitual vigilance, Bai Yinfan, Mai Wanxiu and Mai Xiaoxiu still quietly paid attention to their surroundings.

After entering the room, Chu Tao and the others found that the furniture, coffee table, tea cups, bamboo beds, quilts and wardrobes in the bedroom were brand-new, and even the stove with fire inside was brand-new! They are even more sighing.

Of course, they all know very well that they can't enjoy this kind of lady-like treatment without Chen Lai. They hope that such days can last as long as possible.

"Nice... This yard is good..."

Chen Lai walked into the inner courtyard and looked east and west. He was very satisfied. From then on, this place is also a family for the time being, and he will spend a lively and cheerful Spring Festival here. Yes, it's lively and cheerful!

In the eyes of those Tianleimen disciples and Tiezimen disciples, even if Chen Lai and several women come to Baiqijing, they will hide, but Chen Lai will not, but do the opposite! Make them unpreventable!

The more lively and cheerful it is, the less it will arouse their suspicion!

"Young master, I have prepared a study for you in the main room in the north, and everything is done according to your arrangement." Chen Chai walked to Chen Lai, bent down and smiled. His attitude has always been very humble.

Chen Lai nodded. In the past, when he was in the real monastery, he saw that Mr. Huang's study was very beautiful. Since then, he has been thinking about owning a study, but he has never had a chance. Now he finally had a chance. Although he hasn't lived for a long time, he can also feel the atmosphere of the study. He thought that the effect of reading "Prison Knife" and "Dragon Tips" in it would be extraordinary.

Accompanied by Chen Chai, Chen Lai stepped into the study and saw that everything in the study was done according to his requirements. He was even more satisfied and praised Chen Chai's carefulness.

Chen Chai has always been humble, like a subordinate.

Seeing this situation, Chen Lai sighed, "Shopkeeper Chen, on the surface, I am your nephew. There is no need to be so formal outside in the future. You can show your uncle's airs."

Chen Chai smiled bitterly, "How can that work? Young master, I know at a glance that you are a noble person. How dare a villain to overwk!"

said, and bent down again.

Seeing this, Chen Lai knew that it would be difficult to change him for a while. He smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Shopkeeper Chen, you can do this in the inner courtyard. You have to take out the shelf outside, or I will be returned to you by the pharmacy."

When Chen Chai heard this, he nodded quickly, "In this case, the villain will take the shelf outside. Don't be angry."

Thinking that Chen Lai may have certain difficulties here, he thought it was better to cooperate. Thinking that Chen Lai was a foreigner after all, he reminded him, "Young master, there is a bully in Xicheng District. He has several times he wants to come to buy my Huirentang. His offer is only 50,000 taels of silver, which really makes me angry! I thought it won't take long, and he will definitely come again!"

He must wake up about this matter, so that the bamboo basket will not be empty.

Chen Lai didn't pay attention to the bully. "Don't worry, when he comes, let him wait for me in the lobby."

When Chen Chai heard this, he smiled bitterly, "Young master, this bully is a big pillar of a big family. You must be careful!"

"Oh, is there anything else?"

"That's right, he is the master disciple of Tianlei!"

Tianlei's disciples? Chen Lai heard this and became interested, "As a disciple of the head of the hall, do you still care about this territory of Huirentang?"

"Young master, you don't know that he has a concubine who is very favored, and my father, like me, is also a herb merchant. He has long taken a fancy to this land before he wants his son-in-law to come forward!"

Chen Lai nodded, "What's his name?"

"It's called Tianshui."

What's the surname Tian? Will it have anything to do with Tianshi? I heard that there is also a disciple of Tianleimen called Tianshi. Doesn't it have anything to do with them?

"Young master, you have heard of it! That day, Shi was Tianshui's cousin!" Chen Chai introduced Tianshui. It turned out that Tianshi was Tianzhun's nephew. He usually did not focus on cultivation and thought about male traitors and female thieves all day long. Tianjun had no choice but to let him be a disciple in the Baiqi Hall of Baiqijing. Although the disciples within Baiqijing show off their power in Baiqijing, they are only the outer disciples of Tianleimen. They are not important inside Tianleimen. They live in Baiqijing and are just accomplices of the government office. They are responsible for receiving new disciples and helping the government office management.

Chen Lai listened and was happy, okay! I hope Tianshui will come to my door.

Thinking that it was time for the Spring Festival, Chen Lai arranged for Chen Chai to prepare New Year's goods and prepare gifts for the four wives, and then strode to the main living room in the north. To the east of the main living room is Chu Tao's room, that is, the first lady's room, and to the west of the main living room is Bai Yinfan's room, that is, the second lady's room. Chen Lai first walked into Chu Tao's room.

"Madam, what are you doing?" Chen Lai saw that Chu Tao was taking care of the child and smiled, "You, he is asleep. Why are you still serving him?"

Chu Tao turned around, blew the food instructions to Chen, and then stepped forward and pulled Chen to sit down. "Young master, I always feel that the status of the first lady is quite awkward. When I see the eyes of others looking at me, I am also awkward. You'd better give this lady's seat to the senior sister."

Indeed, she felt that this lady was too noble to bear. She found that among several ladies, it seemed that all the servants regarded her very seriously, and her eyes were full of fear. She always feels uncomfortable about this. On the other hand, she felt that she still wanted to give in and let the young master see that she was not a greedy person.

Chen Lai smiled and said, "Madam, you will gradually get used to it. In the future, you will treat the people around you better, right?"

Since the identity of the wives has been decided, how can they be changed casually? Besides, he believes in Chu Tao very much and believes that she will be a good lady.

Chu Tao sighed and shook her head.

Chen Lai smiled and said, "The more so, the more it can be seen by outsiders that we are people with status and noble people, so that the disciples of Tianleimen and the disciples of Tiezimen do not know our true identity when investigating! You have to help me and be a good lady!"

"Young master, you can also be a good lady!"

Chen Lai shook his head, "She can't do it. Her nature is too flamboyant. Think about it, in a large family, a big lady must be a steady and sweet person, so that others will fully believe it. If my senior sister does it, I'm afraid it will arouse the suspicion of others."

Chu Tao thought about it, sighed and said, "Young master, for you, I'm the first lady."

He smiled sweetly and said, "Young master, four maids came to serve me just now. I gave 500 taels of money to meet me alone. Do you think it's much less?"

Usually, Chu Taohua's money is always very economical. It's already a big deal to give the maid two thousand yuan of money. Chen Lai nodded with satisfaction, "Don't mention that it's really like a lady!"

He stretched out his hand and scraped the bridge of her snow-white nose again. "I just don't know if there is a lady's demeanor when serving the young master at night."

As soon as Chu Tao heard this, her cheeks immediately turned red. She lowered her head and said angrly, "Young master, you are a person of status. Why are you so shameless?"

Talking and laughing, snuggled up to Chen Lai's arms.

The room was very warm. Chu Tao was dressed thin and her beautiful breasts were blooming. Chen Lai came and felt that he stretched out his hand and gently stroked it. He was about to kiss when he heard a cough in front of the door outside.

Chen Lai quickly sat up and turned his head to see that it was Bai Yinfan. "Second lady, why are you so unruly? Before you come in, you also knock on the door."

The scene just now was looked at by Bai Yinfan and hummed, "The door is open. How can I knock?"

I sighed secretly in my heart. Hey, I have to be convinced. Who let Chu Tao's two breasts bring water?

Chu Tao had already put on her coat, stood up, and smiled at Bai Yinfan, "Sister, sit down, I'll pour tea."

Bai Yinfan waved his hand, "Look at you, you forgot the rules again. There is no senior sister here, only the second lady!"

The word "Second Lady" bites heavily, as if she wants to vent something.

Chen Lai knew that she was still angry. There was always nothing to talk about in Chu Tao's bedroom. He stood up, pushed Bai Yinfan to the living room, and closed the door. "Second Lady, let's talk about it in the living room."

Chu Tao thought of Bai Yinfan's private affairs and did not follow her. She began to take care of the child again. However, Bai Yinfan's slightly angry expression was still written down by her just now and sighed secretly. Sister, what did you ask me to do before you believe me?

At this moment, she heard a crackling sound in the living room, as if someone had broken the teacup, and she couldn't help but be shocked.