Break through the void

Chapter 266 Punishment for Burning

Suddenly, a money bag fell from Chen Lai's waist and fell to the ground, making the pleasant dull sound of precious metal hitting the ground.

Chen Lai thought of a rich man who could push the ghost.

Bing Chi bent down to pick it up and opened it. There were more than 100 pieces of gold and dozens of pieces of silver in it. He smiled, put it in his arms and continued to push Chen forward.

Chen came to see that he didn't have the appearance of collecting money at all and reminded him, "Brother Bing, my wallet just fell off."

"Has the money bag fallen off?" Bing Chi looked down at the ground and said, "Did you fall off? Where did it fall?"

Look at the left and right disciples again, "Have you seen it?"

They all shook their heads seriously and shrugged their shoulders.

Chen Lai sneered, stretched out his index finger and shook at him.

Bing Chi pushed his shoulder violently, "Don't do this, go quickly!" As he walked, Bingchi brushed his beard proudly.

When he came to the backyard, Chen Lai found that the training ground here was very small, but the back was very large. Because there is a barren mountain behind and a cliff behind the mountain, many disciples are developing here, pushing the boulders on this area into the cliff behind, then flattening them, and then building a spacious and flat square.

Hi, it's not for me to work hard here, is it?

Bing Chi pointed to the huge stones piled up in front of him and shouted, "Chen Lai, today is strength training. You push these piles of stones down the mountain, even if you complete the task."

Chen Lai observed for a while and saw that the pile of boulders were like hills, seven or eight feet high and three or four feet low. If you do it alone, you can't finish it in a year. If he uses practice to push away, he will also need a lot of aura.

Of course, he is reluctant to use the aura in the sea of Qi, but how to move alone?

This is not training at all, it's obviously tricking people! Hi, this group of people just owes a beat!

After scolding in his heart for a while, he began to regret that he should not have touched Qian Yeye at the beginning. His hands were happy at that time, and now his whole body has to suffer! Hi! How did you offend Qian Yeye? It seems that we have to work for a while and then find a way to get out.

"I got it! Brother Bing, just take a look!" Chen Lai rushed up to the boulder and went up to the top of the boulder. He saw a pile of earth ash not far away from them. He secretly pushed a boulder down and pushed it to the pile of ash.


The boulder hit the lime, splashed a few feet of ashes of smoke, and immediately surrounded the ice red and others.

"What's going on?"

"Soping to death!"

"What a search for death!"

"His grandma!"

Bing Chi and others shouted and jumped out of the enclosure of gray smoke and coughed loudly. One by one, they all became gray, and the white suits on their bodies became black, one by one like changing from a swan to a crow.

The disciples working in the distance laughed when they saw this.

Bing Chi pointed to Chen Lai at a high place angrily and shouted, "Chen Lai! I'm hungry for three days and nights!"

He pointed to several disciples around him, "You guys, just stare at him here!"

Look at the clothes on your body again and go back to change your clothes angrily.

Chen Lai grinned and pushed down another piece.

The people below saw this and hurriedly jumped away.

Chen Lai saw dead grass and dead dry trees behind the boulder, grinned and pushed down a few boulders in the direction of several people. Suddenly, the "small hill" was filled with fog. He jumped off the boulder, went to the hay, knocked on the stones to cause flames, ignited the dead grass and trees, and then pressed the stones to prevent them from burning, only making them smoke. In a moment, the wolf smoke rolled. The wind blew and suddenly dispersed. Coupled with the heavy fog just now, hundreds of meters around can't see five fingers.

To take a chance, he turned around and jumped away, flew off the cliff, drove the clouds, and flew away from the guard compound.

That important document is still on Qian Yeye. Of course, he has to find a way to get it back. Without the customs clearance document, he can't stand in Jingshan.

When he came to the white forest behind the main courtyard, Chen Lai stopped and took out "Tui Long Jue" to search for the movement inside. After confirming that it was safe, he jumped over and went nowhere. He went to the room first. I had a big meal inside, filled my stomach, and then went out.

There are disciples guarding the periphery of Qian Yeye's room, but there is no one inside. Qian Yeye is also reading in a study in the distance. Chen Lai got these news through "Tui Long Jue" and staggered into Qian Yeye's room as if he had entered his own room.

Seeing a few fresh watermelons on the tea table in the living room, he picked up a piece of watermelon and ate it. A black watermelon seed flowed down the melon juice to the corners of his mouth, making him look like a black mole.

He searched again with "Tuilong Jue" and found that the customs clearance document was put under the pillow by Qian Yeye. He went upstairs to the bedroom, went straight to the head of the bed, lifted the pillow, took out the document from the pillow, and then stuffed it into his waist and patted it.

Then he led the sheep and took two things, one is hundreds of pieces of gold and the other is herbs; this herb can confuse people and then make them obey instructions. Last time in Wanchun Building, he almost didn't fall on it.

Then, he walked to the door, but when he arrived at the door, he suddenly stopped. He thought that if Qian Yeye found that the letter was lost, he would definitely pursue it. At that time, there would be a lot of trouble. It would be better to burn the house directly for her. First, it was for safety, and second, it was easy to vent his anger.

That's his nature. As long as you think about it, you can do it. Finding the fire, he lit the candlestick and began to make a fire. Of course, this fire must be spontaneously ignited. He has to find a way to make sure it doesn't leak!

Just as he squatted in a corner and began to work hard, there was a sudden knock on the door, followed by a sweet greeting, "Brother, are you busy?"

When Chen Lai heard this, his scalp tightened and felt that his body was sweating.

The person who came is not someone else, but Qian Yeye, the owner of the room!

She put her arms around her arms and looked at Chen Lai with a smile, "Come on, look, you are ready to set fire!" Do you start burning from the bedroom or from the study? If you want me to say, it should start from the kitchen, and burn a large area, and no one can see..."

Chen Lai couldn't figure out why she suddenly came back for a moment. She was dumbfounded and smiled dryly. "Sister Ye Ye, where are you talking about? Brother Lai is helping you find a mouse... Just now, a big mouse got in. Well, I just picked up the candlestick to help you find it."

"So, my sister Ye Ye has to thank you..." Qian Yeye staggered forward.

Chen Lai felt that the big thing was not good. He hurriedly blew out the candle and wanted to escape, but there was only one way by the bed, which was blocked by Qian Yeye.

With another hehe, he put his hand around his head and made a willing posture to be beaten.

"Rat! Big mouse! Mouse! Big mouse..." Qian Yeye suddenly rushed forward, held him down, and fought with him. Shout, hit, keep shouting, and keep hitting.

Chen Lai is honest and hasn't said a word with his head in his arms.

Qian Yeye hit for a while, panting and sweating. It was not until he couldn't beat him before he sat down to **. But just now she didn't hit him in the face and kicked him in the crotch, all on the shoulder and buttocks.

"Master Bingtang..." Chen Lai looked at her with a bitter face, "You let me be a guard, I think it's just to toss me! I can't help it! ...I really can't afford to waste my time!"

Thinking that this guy was going to burn his room again, Qian Yeye's anger came again and rushed forward and ploped, "You can't afford to waste it. Am I wasting it? ...You can't afford to waste it. Can I waste it?" In order not to be tired, she grabbed the pillow and hit him.

Chen Lai once again entered the state of ninja, fighting back and scolding.

Qian Yeye was tired again and sat until ** gasped. A gust of wind blew from the window, and she felt very cool with the dress on her chest.

Chen Lai straightened up and explained again, "Master Bingtang, I really can't help it. You hide my documents. It's difficult for me to walk in Beijing. I can't meet Elder Lu Byron, but I can't practice in the future! My master Kuroya stipulated that I have time. If I can't learn art at that time, I will be scolded and beaten..."

Qian Yeye gasped and stared into his eyes to see what he was thinking. Suddenly, he waved his arm and pointed to his nose, "Chen Lai, tell me the truth, why did you come to Beijing?"

"Didn't you say that?" Chen Lai patted his legs anxiously, "I'm here for further study, I'm here to learn superb practice!"

Qian Yeye suddenly raised his arm and looked like he was still going to hit.

Chen Lai hurried down.

"I tell you, you can't hide it from my eyes. You're not just here to practice! Say it quickly! What's your purpose!" Qian Yeye leaned forward and grabbed his ear, "Chen Lai, as long as you tell me the truth, I will help you in everything in the future, otherwise! Humph!"

After saying that, he twisted it hard.

Chen Lai hurriedly agreed.

Qian Yeye let go of his hand and said, "Say!"

Chen Lai rubbed his ears and sat down. He couldn't help looking at her chest.

"Where do you look? ...Thief! Ruffy!" Qian Yeye kicked him, "Quickly!"

Chen Lai hurriedly lowered his head, stretched out his little finger and scratched his scalp. "Hey, in this case, I will regard you as my confidant. By the way..." He raised his head and looked at her, "Sister Ye Ye, would you like to treat me as a confidant?"

Qian Yeye suddenly raised his arm and made it look like he was going to fight, "Don't be sweet! Let go of the fart!"

She knelt down to **, climbed forward a few steps, grabbed the sword hanging on the wall of the bed, firmly grasped it in her hand, and stared at Chen.

Chen Lai saw this and flashed back. At this time, he felt that he had to exchange something with Qian Yeye. "Yi, as long as you treat me well in the future, I said."

As he spoke, he twisted his neck and looked at the small tea table by the back window.

Qian Yeye saw that he was thirsty and stood up. She shouted and hit a lot just now, and she was also thirsty.

Chen Lai saw this, held the bed and stood up. He hammered his waist like a back pain, sat down to **, reminding her that there were watermelons in the living room below.

Qian Yeye listened and stared. Suddenly, I felt that this was not a place for conversation and asked to talk in the living room below. Chen Lai followed her downstairs; just after being beaten, he felt as if he had enjoyed a massage and wanted to do it again, but he scolded himself in his heart that he was really cheap.

When they came to the living room, they ate watermelon and talked. Because of the vent just now, Qian Yeye seemed to have no strength and spoke a lot, "Do you think you also came here for the death of Qizhen?"

"Yes, in response to the death of Qizhen, my master felt very strange, so he asked me to come to Jingshan to investigate quietly." Chen Lai thought about it and could only make up such a reason.

"Something like this should be investigated in the black prison. Why did you investigate?"

"I am also a disciple of the Black Penal Hall. As you can see in the document, I am the deputy commander of the Black Penal Hall." In order to make her fully believe, Chen Lai added: "There is also a matter about protecting the sentinel of Mrs. Wu Sheng and her daughter. The lord of the hall, Hei Rong and the leader of Hei Xingtang, asked me to investigate to see if the dead sentin guard was related to any high-level disciple on Dijing Mountain."

Qian Ye Yeliu frowned, "What if it is found out? After all, you are the lowest-level Baiqijing!"

Chen Lai deliberately sneered, "We can't do anything about Baiqijing, but we can tell the news to Tiezimen... Do you think they can do something about it?"

Qian Yeye nodded gently, and his red mouth was silent for a moment. "Well, Chen Lai, you offended me when you were in Wanchun Building, and you offended me even more in Jingshan. Unless you give full play to your advantage of being a thief and do something for me, I will forgive you and help you."