Break through the void

Chapter 275 Is it your sister-in-law or lover

Lu Bairen saw that Chen Lai was drunk and asked two guard disciples to help him go to the guest room in the backyard to rest. He felt very happy and couldn't enjoy it. He went to the practice room alone to dance his sword.

He has been longing to get a confidant, but he didn't expect to get it now! Can he be unhappy?

A sword is blowing everywhere in his hand, blooming on all sides, and the room is full of sword light, like a divine help. Several of his previous unpredictable swordsmanship suddenly understood it, and his heart was even more happy, and his dancing swordsmanship was even more unpredictable.

While dancing the sword, he laughed.

"Brother Kanazawa, you'd better take a break and get rid of the bar." Bai Xin knocked on the door.

Lu Byron stopped, and the sword suddenly stopped in the air, and the room suddenly became dark. He inserted the sword into the scabbard, met her, smiled at her, took the teacup, and drank it all.

Bai Xinyi asked him to drink slowly and wiped his sweat with a handkerchief. "Brother Jin Ze, how do you feel about Chen Lai?"

She has seen that Lu Byron admires him, but she feels that Chen Lai is not like a real gentleman. She is worried that her husband will make friends carelessly.

Lu Bailun smiled and said, "He is a disciple of Black Valley and a sworn brother of Hefei. Of course, he is a good person."

He also heard about Chen Lai as a guard for Wu Sheng's wife. He felt that he was a bold and resourceful person, but he didn't say anything.

"Is there no shortcoming?" Bai Xinyi took the teacup from his hand.

"I can see that his brain is very active, and he often does everything he can to achieve his goal."

Bai Xinyi immediately frowned, "So, will Brother Kanazawa guard against him in the future?"

Lu Byron shook his head, "Of the tens of thousands of disciples in Baiqijing, what I admire most is Heigu and Heifei. Chen Lai has a close relationship with them, which shows that both Heigu and Hefei trust him. Of course, we should also trust him... I don't think he will attack his friends and the people who have helped him."

Bai Xin bowed her head and said nothing.

As soon as Lu Bailun saw it, he smiled again, "My wife is relieved. Even if he has that idea, he dares not, because whether it is cultivation or swordsmanship, how can he compare with your brother Jin Ze?"

Bai Xin heard it and smiled again, "husband, I just hope you don't forget the words that you have to guard against others."

Lu Byron smiled, nodded, took his wife's hand out of the room, walked down the stone building, and began to prepare for official business. When she came to the living room, Bai Xin tiptoed, put her nose under his nose and smelled his breath. She smiled and said, "This fragrant tea is really effective. You don't have the smell of alcohol."

Lu Byron kissed her, arranged for her to take good care of Chen Lai, and strode out.

Bai Xinyi smiled and looked at her husband's back until he disappeared.

Then, she greeted a girl named Xiao Xiuxiu and went to Chen Lai's room to check and saw that he was sleeping soundly and quietly left. On the way, she asked Xiao Xiuxiu to keep an eye on Chen Lai.

When the full moon rose over the branch, Chen Lai woke up. He sat up in a daze, rubbed his eyes and looked outside. Seeing that it was already dark, he shook his head. He asked himself to control his drinking capacity in the future.

Fee thirsty, and he drank a teapot. Then, he went to the well table to wash his face and wake himself up.

The moonlight covered the ground and was white, but he seemed to have some red light in the white light.

Still feeling thirsty, he walked back to the bedroom.

At this time, the girl named Xiao Xiuxiu came in gently with a pot of iced tea to relieve the wine, and gently fell into the teacup and invited Chen to drink tea.

This little girl Chen Lai has seen her several times and has never felt anything, but somehow, when she sees her now, her heart is pounding, and she can't help looking at her chest and buttocks.

Although Xiao Xiuxiu is only 16 years old, his body has begun to take shape. It can be said that there are mountains and rivers. Seeing Chen Lai's hot eyes, his cheeks suddenly turned red, and he lowered his head and smiled, "Brother Chen, take a rest after drinking ice tea. Xiuxiu retreats."

As if afraid of being suddenly hugged by the other party, she turned around and ran out of the room. When she came to the room and closed the door, she pressed her chest with her hands before she dared to gasp. She found that she felt very strange, thinking about staying with him and thinking that he might hurt herself.

At this time, she felt that her cheeks were hotter.

She peeked at Chen through the window again, and she ran away with a smile. He bent down and ran forward, pushing his hands back, as if to refuse a person's courtship.

Chen Lai drank iced tea for a while and felt that his stomach was full of water, but his heart was still burning, especially in the sea of gas. He felt that there was a forest fire inside.

It burns and dries!

It's so hot!

What must people have to do!

He took off his trousers and saw a red in his right foot. A red stream like red iron water was flowing into the sea of gas, and the fire in the sea of air was spreading to the center of his right foot.

The two burn together, and the flame is getting higher and higher! He stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked his lips, and a white smoke suddenly appeared on his lips. His body was also constantly volaggering hot air, leaving a white salt on his skin!

And the thing in his crotch, which is what he calls a little monk, is hard, harder than an iron bar. He feels that he can use it to make the best knife!

At this time, he misses Chu Tao very much. I miss her very much, as if she is the only woman in the world. He remembered her smile, her hug, her sweet kiss, her snow-white breasts, her black and white grass, and the way she sat on himself and loved him...

"Jiaoer... Jiaoer..." He called again and again, but the room was so quiet that no one could answer him.

The only Chu Tao who answered him was Chu Tao, who was bewitching him and seducing him!

Slowly, a figure appeared in his mind, completely replacing Chu Tao, that is, a beauty in the front yard - Bai Xinyi.

How similar they are. They won't be the same person, will they all give themselves the kind of love they want?

Chen Lai was thinking nonsense and was dizzy.

The fire in the sea of Qi became more and more prosperous, forcing him to stand up and walk out of the room. The moonlight outside is still very white, but he looks clearly red. Seeing the moon shining on him like the sun, the fire in his body burns more fiercely.

Even he couldn't believe it himself. He took out "Tuilong Jue" and searched for the movement in the front yard.

The result came out. There is no one else in the front yard, only a sleeping beauty lying **.

What he couldn't believe was that his steps were moving forward step by step, towards the courtyard in front of him, to the courtyard of the beauty, and to the bedroom of the beauty.

He feels that his steps are heavy, but he is very eager.

When he gently came to the bedroom door, he stopped and suddenly found that it was not the sun beside him, but the moonlight! Consciousness also recovered in a short time.

Chen Lai, this is your brother's bedroom and your sister-in-law's bedroom. How can you stand here?

He clenched his teeth, turned around, and walked down with heavy steps.

But at the moment he turned around, he saw the beauty of **. Isn't that Jiao'er? Isn't that Jiaoer who is falling asleep? Isn't that Jiao'er, who is waiting for her hug? Look, her buttocks are upturned...

He put the fragrant orchid on the window, then gently pushed the window open and jumped in. Yes, ** the sleeping beauty is Jiaoer! It's Jiaoer who is falling asleep! It's just waiting for you to hug and love each other!

He came to the head of the bed, pressed his hands on the bed, bent down and stared at Bai Xinyi, with a terrible red light in his eyes. His breathing is very thick, as if he had just run a long way.

When a hand stretched out and was about to touch her white cheek, his body stiffened and the blood vessels on his neck protruded. Chen Lai, this is not Jiaoer. This is not the person you can love. This is Lu Bairen's woman, your sister-in-law!

His eyes suddenly turned red to black, and tears gushed out. He lowered his head and walked back to the same road. Although his body was still swollen, he still walked to the window and walked back to the original road.

When he came to the woods behind, he suddenly stopped again. The moonlight around him changed from white to red again, and his two eyes once again glowed with the terrible red light.

Slowly turning around, he looked at Bai Xinyi's bedroom again.

The fires in the sea of gas were still burning, and he had to find a way to put them out. Suddenly, he remembered a person, clenched his teeth and flew up. This person is not someone else, but Qian Yeye. He wants to find the greatest comfort from her.

There is a wide river from the Presbyterian Courtyard of Lou Byron to the main courtyard of Qian Yeye. Chen Lai drove the shuttle-shaped air mask at the bottom of the water and flew to the destination. A wide wave followed him on the surface of the water.

Seeing this, some birds that were perched by the water flew up and couldn't help singing.

When he came to the back of the main courtyard, a figure rushed out of the water and rushed to the backyard of the main courtyard of the hall, with a stream of water hitting the grass, like a brief shower.

He turned over the window and entered Qian Yeye's bedroom. He went straight to the end of the bed and rushed to **! Anyway, this time he is going to be a bully!

But ** is empty!

Qian Yeye is not here!

Chen Lai took out "Tui Long Jue" to search and found that she was not in the main courtyard!

Hey, where did this prodigal hoof go? I'm not waiting in the middle of the night! Chen Lai grabbed her teapot and drank it to the bottom. He couldn't wait to burn her house. He turned around and walked away and returned to Lou Byron's elder house again from the waterway.

The birds by the river flew up in horror again.

Chen Lai went back to the yard and went nowhere. He landed directly in front of Bai Xinyi's window, gently opened the window again, and looked at the sleeping beauty inside again. His red eyes found that the person inside was no longer Lu Bailun's woman, no longer Bai Xinyi, and no longer his sister-in-law, but his lover... Chu Tao!