late spring

Chapter 158 Red Plum

Just as the two were about to walk to the garden where Yaer used to live, they heard the sound of their conversation.

Hearing this sound, Ziyi and Xingchen stopped at the same time and listened to it.

The two are obviously a man and a woman. The girl's voice is a little naive. She may not be very old, but the boy's voice is relatively rough, which belongs to the more bold one.

The two didn't know that Ziyi and Xingchen had approached, and they were talking very enthusiastically. Suddenly, the man asked, "Oh, I said... What happened here some time ago? I saw an official enter your garden.

When the man asked, the girl seemed to be a little hesitant. She was slightly silent for a while before saying, "What else can there be? Isn't it about someone poisoning the well some time ago? It's nothing new." The girl's tone was a little impatient.

But the man was not angry, but said more curiously, "Of course I know that someone has poisoned the well in your yard. I mean, hasn't anything happened here in recent days? I saw a lot of people coming in and out here, which was very lively. Not to mention officials, even those dignitaries are not uncommon. Don't say that nothing has happened here.

The man said in disbelief, but the girl pounted him, "So you're talking about this! I thought you asked about something some time ago! In fact, it's not a big deal. One night before the owner married into Zifu, the hostess gave birth and lost her child after months of pregnancy.

The girl said absent-mindedly, but the man's face changed greatly, "Are you telling the truth?"

"What else is fake? Let me tell you, I saw it with my own eyes. The blood-red water came out of a basin. At that time, they were stunned. Later, the third master called several doctors to stabilize the situation, otherwise! I'm afraid this young lady won't survive. The girl said with some sigh.

The man was more silent when he heard it.

When the girl saw it, it was a little strange. She couldn't help pushing the man's hand, "Hey, I said Liu San, why did you ask about this? Do you like this lady? The girl asked curiously. The man suddenly changed his face, "Pah, ah, ah, what nonsense? Can I cove this young lady? I don't have that high-level heart! I'm just curious. You said... This young lady is going to marry into Zifu the next day. How did such a thing happen by nature? Didn't the people in Zi's house come to check it?

"Where didn't you check it?" The girl's tone was a little disdainful, "A few days ago, wasn't it rumored that a girl in Zifu was killed? She is the murderer who poisoned her. It is said that this matter was interrogated by the master in Zi's house. Do you think it's strange? The girl asked the man with some gossip.

When the man heard this, he rarely nodded with it, "According to you, this is really a little strange. However, who can make it clear about what happened in this Gaomen compound? I don't know who killed this girl and took it out to blame others, hey! What a pity!" The man said with some interest.

The girl listened and her eyes darkened, "You're right. In fact, a strange thing happened to us that day! Do you know Hongmei? The girl asked the man.

The man nodded, "Of course I know. Isn't it a girl next to your lady? What's wrong? Is there something wrong with her?"

"That's not it." The girl curled her lips, "It's just that day, when the third master asked someone to bring the snacks to the young lady, she happened to be there.

Seeing the exquisiteness of the dessert, she was usually very greedy, so she secretly took a piece and stuffed it into her sleeve when everyone was not paying attention. At that time, she didn't know that it was poisonous in her heart, so when she went out, she took the opportunity to eat it, but she didn't expect that as soon as she finished eating, the young lady's side came out. At that time, she panicked and quickly pulled me to tell me about it.

I didn't have an idea at that time, so I had to let her see if there was anything uncomfortable later.

But after waiting for a long time, until the third master and they all left, there was nothing wrong with Hongmei, so I was thinking, could the poisoned person only poison the little bit of the lady's heart?

But later, I didn't think it was right.

Because, the government came in, checked the rest of the snacks on the plate and found that those snacks were also poisoned, so if Hongmei really ate the snacks on the plate, how could she be all right? So, I just said that something strange happened here.

The girl said excitedly, but the man was surprised when he heard it, "If you say so, this Hongmei is indeed a strange person!" The poison can't poison her. What else can defeat her in the future?


That's what the two said, and they didn't think it was anything special.

And Ziyi and Xingchen listened behind, but their faces changed greatly, "That red plum also ate snacks!!" This sentence appeared in both of them, and they were very shocked. Ziyi pulled Xingchen's sleeve, and Xingchen understood what Ziyi meant and nodded to her.

The two came out from behind like this. Are you from this yard?" Xingchen asked them politely.

The girl and the man were shocked by them. Seeing Xingchen and Ziyi, they plucked their fingers uneasily and said, "Yes, we are the people in this courtyard. Do you... What's wrong with you?"

"I'm the county magistrate in this government office. I want to ask you something." Xingchen still said politely.

The girl and the man heard it, and their faces were a little flustered. When Ziyi saw it, she couldn't help comforting them, "Don't be afraid. Uncle Xingchen just wants to inquire about something from you. Just think you are gossiping with your friends and parents." Ziyi said this, and the girl and the man looked at each other tremblingly before nodding hesitated.

"Okay... County... County Grandpa has... What do you want to ask... Just ask... Ask!" The girl stadded, and the man nodded silently.

Seeing their appearance, Xingchen was a little surprised, but still nodded, "Well, then tell me what's going on with the red plum thing, right? Does she really have that heart to eat?

"Thousands... It's true." The girl stadded, "That day, Hongmei did eat that snack and pulled me to cry for a long time! I... I remember absolutely right." The girl said affirmatively.

Xingchen nodded silently, "You take me to see this red plum first!" Xingchen said seriously, and the girl and the man quickly turned around and walked to the place where Hongmei lived.

They are all the lowest people in this yard. If there is nothing to do, they usually have to walk into Yaer's side, but that day, I don't know if it was a coincidence. The third master happened to see Hongmei and asked her to bring snacks to Yaer, which led to Hongmei to steal snacks. And now the matter has been publicized by the girl, attracting the attention of Xingchen and Ziyi.

When it comes to talking about things in the world, sometimes it's really a coincidence.

In this way, Xingchen and Ziyi saw Hongmei, and Hongmei was originally worried about when the poison in the snack would attack, but now when they saw Xingchen and Ziyi coming, they were also in a hurry.

"Big...Your Excellency, what's the matter with you looking for a slave?" Hongmei asked nervously, lowering her head and not daring to look at Xingchen and Ziyi.

And Ziyi saw the size of the red plum beside her, and her heart was also slightly funny.

If she still had some doubts about the girl's words, then now that she sees this red plum, she has no doubts at all. Why?

Because when they saw the red plum, she was holding a pile of melon seeds! It is very normal for such a snack-loving person to dare to steal snacks that day. Moreover, it is very normal for her to be hungry that day. After stealing snacks, she is in a hurry to eat them.

So, looking at Hongmei, Ziyi's eyes brought a little smile.

And Xingchen obviously and Ziyi also thought of going quickly. Seeing that there was still a little broken appearance on the corners of her mouth, Xingchen couldn't help but smile, "Are you Hongmei?"

"It's the maidservant." Hongmei seemed to be a little embarrassed. After wiping her hands at the hem of her clothes, she also stood up slightly and answered very respectfully.

Seeing Hongmei's attitude, Xingchen nodded slightly, "Then tell me what you did on the day your lady's accident." Xingchen said so, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Hongmei like this.

Hongmei was looked at by him and trembling a few times before answering, "Go back... back to your excellency, that day... that day, I didn't know what happened, I maidservant... I just helped the third master put the inventory in front of the young lady, and then... and then did nothing." Hongmei said this with obvious tension in her tone.

Xingchen listened, but frowned slightly, "Didn't you steal snacks that day?" Xingchen asked, but Hongmei seemed to be obviously shocked and took a big step back in shock. She looked at Xingchen in surprise and opened her eyes wide, "Big...Your Excellency, how do you know this?"

Hongmei asked Xingchen, with a little panic in her tone.

Xingchen saw her look, but smiled, "So, did you really steal a snack that day?"