late spring

Chapter 187 Opening Coffin and Autopsy 3


A name suddenly appeared in Ziyi's heart, which immediately surprised her.

If Liu Yanhua's person is Feng'er, then why should she guard against her? Because the wind's means are cruel? Or if Fenger knows about the child, Liu Yanhua can't save the child?

If this is really the case, then why does a person who comes out of a small family have such a strong means? How did she make Liu Yanhua, a woman, who is obviously bigger than many of her women, so horrible and afraid of her?

Thinking about this, Ziyi felt that she seemed to have caught something, but she didn't seem to have caught anything.

And Xingchen looked at Ziyi silently and thought without disturbing her. Because Xingchen knew that Ziyi was thinking about the problem, and he was also thinking about it himself. Why did Liu Yanhua tell him about the child at the beginning, but later it was over?

Thinking about this, Xingchen's eyes also sank.

After thinking about it, Ziyi looked up at Xingchen and asked seriously, "Dad Xingchen, is there any way to find out what happened at the beginning now? I want to know whether Liu Yanhua is pregnant with Uncle Mo Li's child, and I also want to know what happened when Fenger left the Mo family.

Ziyi said so, and her face was serious.

After hearing this, Xingchen nodded slightly, "Don't worry, I will definitely find out the truth."

"Hmm!" Hearing Xingchen's words, Ziyi nodded vigorously, then hugged Xingchen's waist and buried her head in his arms. "Dad Xingchen, you are so kind."

Listening to Ziyi's soft words, Xingchen felt that his whole heart was warm. He hugged Ziyi tightly with his hand. After taking her to eat for a while, he was ready to rest...

The next day, when it turned black again, Ziyi and Xingchen came to Feng'er's grave again.

The body has been stolen by them, and now all they have to do is conduct a second examination of the body.

From the first inspection, Ziyi began to doubt the identity of Feng'er, not that she was not Fenger or something, but Ziyi wanted to find out the answer to the strange phenomena on her face.

Let's not talk about the truth about Liu Yanhua's incident, but Ziyi feels a big mystery for Feng'er. Therefore, after Ziyi completed all the preparations, she devoted herself to the autopsy, and Xing Chen was still next to her as the recorded task.

This time, Ziyi checked more carefully. She first checked all the bones of Feng'er. After confirming that she was a woman in her twenties, she came to her face and lower abdomen.

Everyone knows that Fenger is pregnant with a child, so what Ziyi has to do now is to confirm this. If there is no trace of pregnancy on the female corpse, then Ziyi has reason to doubt the true identity of the female corpse, and if the female corpse is really pregnant with a child, then Ziyi can focus the investigation on the face of the female corpse.

Because the face has always been the focus of Ziyi's investigation.

After defining her goals, Ziyi focused on these two places.

First of all, Ziyi saw the abdomen of the deceased...

There is obvious abdominal rectus separation in the abdomen of the deceased, and according to what Ziyi has learned, she knows that this phenomenon will occur in many pregnant women.

As has been said in medicine: after pregnancy, the left and right abdominal rectus muscles originally connected in parallel to the abdomen are gradually separated and extend to both sides of the body to accommodate the growing uterus. At 3 months of pregnancy, 66% of pregnant women have this phenomenon of rectus separation, which will not cause pain, and some women's subabdominal tissue will also push out of the navel. After delivery, it takes 6 weeks for the rectus abstinum to slowly close by its own elasticity, and proper exercise can help it recover.

Because of the miscarriage, although the child was lost and the abdominal rectus muscle recovered to a certain extent, it did not fully recover, so she could still see some characteristics during Ziyi's examination.

Of course, if Feng'er's body has not turned into a white bone, then Ziyi can observe this phenomenon earlier, but because Feng'er's body has turned into a white bone, and if Ziyi wants to find these phenomena on the white bone, it needs very rigorous scientific means.

However, unfortunately, these scientific means generally require some very close instruments to carry out, so Ziyi can only make a rough guess, but can't give a definite answer.

After looking at the white bones in the deceased's abdomen, Ziyi turned to the buttocks of the deceased.

According to medically, expectant mothers' buttocks generally become wider and thicker, which is mainly affected by conception, stimulation and hormone. On the one hand, fat is easy to accumulate, and on the other hand, the stability of the sacroiliac joint and pubic joint on the pelvis becomes worse. Coupled with the pressure of the fetus, the pubic joint gap becomes wider.

Therefore, in order to determine whether the deceased was really pregnant with a child and whether it was really the wind mentioned in Mo Li's mouth, Ziyi must check these two places.

And in the process of Ziyi's inspection, Xingchen has always been silent, and even those who protect them are not talking.

Although they can't understand what Ziyi is doing, looking at the serious look on her face and the skilled movements, they all know that Ziyi must be doing a very serious and serious thing. That's the case. Except for the occasional moving sound of Ziyi, almost no other sounds can be heard at the scene.

And when time passed quietly and the morning came again, Ziyi could only stop the movements at hand.

Ziyi has almost checked the abdomen and buttocks. Although there are no modern high-tech instruments at hand, it does not prevent Ziyi from making bold guesses about it.

Judging from the degree of separation from the abdomen and buttocks of the corpse, it is very likely that the deceased had been pregnant with a child, but this does not mean that she is the wind, because there are tens of millions of women who have been pregnant with children in this world? However, since it can prove that the deceased was pregnant with a child, Ziyi's doubts about her are much less.

After all, there are not so many coincidences in the world. If someone deliberately used a pregnant female corpse to pretend to be Feng'er, then when Mo Li watched the wind enter the earth, it was not a general difficulty, so now it has been confirmed The deceased was pregnant, so Ziyi will not think that the deceased has nothing to do with the wind.

It's just that since she is the wind, what's wrong with her face?

If her face has not been treated at all, Ziyi will never believe it. Although she is a killer and even a very famous killer in modern times, as an international special police and a national S-level trained personnel, she can't only know how to kill people.

So, a large part of what she has learned is human camouflage.

Although Ziyi can't determine what method the man used for this dead body, his face must have been moved. Ziyi has been able to determine what method the man used, but it remains to be confirmed later.

However, looking at the gradually bright sky, Ziyi still stopped what was at hand very decisively. She is not an autopsy maniac or a case- solving maniac, so she is not particularly obsessed with the body or the case.

And she is doing this now just for Mr. Mo Li, but also for herself and Xingchen's father. After all, if this matter is not solved, Mr. Mo Li will definitely not be happy, and Xingchen's father will not feel better.

As for Ziyi herself, she just doesn't like to keep things that have been solved in her heart. Although she doesn't know who Feng'er is, Ziyi can see from Xingchen's father's words that if the woman who came later is really Feng'er, then Feng'er's temperament must have gone through a great transformation process.

It's just that if there is really a great transformation process, then what kind of stimulation does Fenger, as a weak woman, receive to have such a big transformation process?

Moreover, psychologically speaking, if a person's temperament changes greatly, she will do anything she can't expect, but Fenger can freely control her temperament in front of Mo Li, Xingchen and other important people, and regain Mo Li's love.

So how can such a smart and even cunning person be a person with a changed temperament?

Thinking of this, Ziyi's suspicion of Feng'er rose again.

Let's not talk about whether Liu Yanhua's incident is true or not. It is fundamentally impossible for Fenger to force a person who is much better than her in origin or status to cry and even make her so horrible to her, but now that this matter has happened, the root cause is only It can be on the wind.

Either Feng'er grew up in such an environment, so practice makes perfect, and she can use herself and the weapons next to her to deal with others, or Feng'er is simply a vicious woman who can't see others, otherwise she can't become like this when she grows up.

However, both situations seem to be very inconsistent with the childhood wind described in Xing Chenkou, which makes Ziyi very confused.

If Fenger was really so innocent and kind when she was a child, then she could not become that when she grew up. If Fenger was not like that when she was a child, but Mo Li was not a fool, how could he not see it?