late spring

Chapter 207 First meeting

Baishan College is only two pillars of incense from Qingfu, but because Ziyi's calves are short, and the three of them are not in a hurry, so they walked three incense to the gate of Baishan College.

Because it happens to be the time for students to have a holiday, Baishan College looks a little lonely, but several people do not look down on it at all, because this will be the place where Ziyi will have been needed to stay in the next three years, so no matter what purpose and what they think, they have more or less respect in their hearts. I mean, a little thought.

Ziyi took Xingchen's father's hand and followed Qingling's cousin...

The gate of Baishan College is not as rigorous as the gate of the college in Ziyi's impression, nor as wide as what she saw in modern times. On the contrary, it has an ancient meaning everywhere.

As soon as people walked in, they did not seem to go to a school, but to a secluded place, with a little antique atmosphere everywhere. Ziyi walked among them with Xingchen's father and cousin Qingling, and he was also quite looking forward to it.

After all, she had never really entered a school. Even in Qingshi Town, she just took a few classes with a few little dolls, but she has never stepped into such a serious college, so now looking at this college, Ziyi has a little expectation in her heart.

And the stars have been looking at the scenery of this college.

Although he used to be a well-learned man, he also did not study in the college. His family background and status are enough for him to study at home at any time, so he has never been to the college.

However, this time, when he sent Ziyi to the college, there was a little regret in his heart. In the past, he only blindly followed the arrangements of his family, so he never really stepped out of the house.

But now, after wandering in the world for so many years and playing for so many years, he really understands that a real hero should not always stay under his parents' wings. No matter how talented and ability he is, he will never be really strong without being eliminated and trained by society. Get big.

So for this matter, Xingchen has supported Ziyi from the beginning.

And now, when he walked in this college with Ziyi's hand, Xingchen's mouth was also faintly expected.

This is an expectation for Ziyi's future and also for his future.

He was able to walk to this day, not only the result of his efforts, but also the result of his struggle against fate. Although he did not know what his runaway meant to the family, he knew that he had taken this step, and he would never regret it in this life.

Thinking of this, Xingchen's hand holding Ziyi became more and more firm.

And Qingling didn't know what Ziyi and Xingchen thought. He just took them to the college seriously. Although he had only been in the college for a year, it was enough for him to understand the college, so when he introduced the situation of the college to Ziyi and Xingchen, he got two Unanimous praise.

For this, Qingling's heart was also a little happy.

And Ziyi looked at it and couldn't help smiling. Although she didn't know what kind of status Qingling's cousin has in the Qing family, from yesterday's incident, even if Qingling's cousin Qingling is not the most favored, he must be very valued, so now he can Ziyi was very happy to treat them peacefully and receive them so patiently, and also secretly remembered his friendship.

After all, not everyone in this society can treat others as gently and kindly as Qingling, because people are selfish and biased, and Ziyi is definitely not the kind of person who can deliberately please, so Qingling's performance is enough to reflect his inner kindness.

So Ziyi showed enough respect for her cousin Qingling.

After the three of them visited the college and learned most of the situation, the three decided to go to a restaurant for dinner. After all, it was not early now, and the three of them did not eat much when they went out, so no one objected to this proposal.

As for the location, of course, it is arranged by Qing Ling. After all, Ziyi and Xingchen don't know anything about this place and have no concept of these restaurants, so it's better to be arranged by Qing Ling now.

So after thinking about it, Qingling took the two of them to a very famous restaurant nearby, Piaoxiang Building.

Qingfu has always been everyone, so Qingfu is also very generous to their family's children, and Qingling is their key training object, so they pay more attention to it. They will not only eat and wear more, but also deliberately increase it.

So although this fragrant building is expensive, Qingling is not strange.

However, this fragrant building does not deliberately pursue luxury like other buildings, and there are many legends about it.

It is said that this Piaoxiang Building is run by a Confucian. This building is mainly divided into seven floors. The first and second floors are prepared for ordinary people, only some daily dishes, while the third and fourth floors are prepared for some well-known local businessmen. The dishes are generally exquisite and the price is relatively high, while the fifth and sixth floors are specially designed for books. In this first floor, as long as you are a college student, you can enjoy a certain discount, but as for the last floor, it is a very mysterious existence.

It is said that the Piaoxiang Building has existed here for a long time, but there are only a few people who can go up to the last floor, not only because the requirements of the last floor are very demanding, but also because there is a clear rule in this Piaoxiang Building that if you want to go up to the last floor, you must have a certain academic The reputation.

Even Ziyi and Xingchen are a little helpless about this. After all, although they are a little talented, they are also a little powerless to make a reputation, so the three of them just stopped on the sixth floor and did not go up.

At this moment, another group of people came up from downstairs and saw Qingling. One of them was slightly surprised, "Brother Qingling, why are you here?"

A handsome man said this and stopped while talking, while Qing Ling looked at them with a little surprise in his eyes, with a little enthusiasm.

"Brother Haoyu, Brother Qi Shan, Brother Ziqing, Brother Zhongyuan, and Brother Junjie, why are you all here?" Qing Ling said happily, but Deng Zhongyuan, who was speaking, said happily, "We came here with several teachers. They are now downstairs."

Deng Zhongyuan said so, and then gave way, and several other people also walked up with his footsteps.

It was not until this time that Ziyi and Xingchen saw what they looked like.

Five men have five different faces. Although Deng Zhongyuan, who speaks, is quite simple and honest, the faint smile on his face adds some color to him and looks quite handsome. Several other people have their own strengths, especially two of them suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

A man is quite fair-looking. Although he is not big, he is probably similar to Qingling, but his body is faintly noble, which is a little surprising. The other one is not as white as this man. Instead, it is faintly bronze. At the same time, his eyes are more arrogant, and no one else has lost their color. Instead, he adds a little more momentum.

As for the remaining two, although they are also good-looking, they are much less beautiful than the two of them.

Ziyi and Xingchen just looked at it lightly and didn't say anything. After all, Qing Ling was talking to his classmates. It was not good for them to rush in.

However, several others were curious about Ziyi and Xingchen first.

Not to mention the natural nobleness of Xingchen, even the momentum of his long-term superior cannot be ignored by others, and as for Ziyi, it makes them more curious. The curved willow eyebrows, coupled with a pair of wise eyes, and the indifference and stability emanating from her body, all of which made everyone secretly surprised.

And Deng Zhongyuan, who spoke earlier, asked directly, "Brother Qingling, who are these?"

Listening to Deng Zhongyuan's words, Qing Ling came back slightly and introduced to everyone with a smile, "This is my aunt's husband, an official, and this is my cousin, Ziyi, who will become a student of our college in a while, that is, our junior sister."

Qing Ling said so, but the eyes of several people who listened lit up.

Originally, when they saw Ziyi, they thought that she was just a lady, nothing special than others, but now when they heard that she was about to become their schoolgirl, everyone's thoughts were different. Although this country does not prohibit women from studying, there are very few women who can really go to college.

And there are fewer people who can come to Baishan College and be admitted to Baishan College, so several people have a little interest in Ziyi.

And Qingling was not surprised to see them like this.

Zi's cousin is the existence of evil in his heart, so now when he sees several demons in his college, he doesn't feel anything special, while other people are even more surprised when they see the performance of Qingling.

However, Ziyi and Xingchenqing didn't care what they were thinking. After smiling and greeting them, they didn't talk any more. They stood quietly and waited...

and several other students did not move. After all, their teachers had not yet arrived, so they simply stood aside with Qingling and bowed and waited.

In the process of waiting, Ziyi looked at them carefully again...