late spring

Chapter 210 Take turns to take the school examination 2

Not only is the painting quiet and elegant, but also the writing is smooth and graceful, which is a little like everyone's demeanor, which makes everyone more surprised.

After all, this painting is not like a poetry book. A well-learned person is not necessarily a painter, but a painter must be a scholar of poetry and books. This is a common view of their dynasty, so now all of them are surprised to see Ziyi's paintings.

And Fang Qingya was more surprised by her performance.

She hasn't seen such a wise student for a long time, and now she meets one here by chance. How can she not be surprised?

Moreover, Fang Qingya is an elegant person by nature. Although she has been teaching in the college for a long time, she has not been involved in the officialdom, even the interests of the college have never been involved, so for the students, she is the most fair, and she usually likes to be skilled in painting. After all, the male student's mind is inevitably rough, and compared with female students, it is not so delicate, so now that she sees such an excellent disciple as Ziyi, why doesn't she love it?

So on the spot, Fang Qingya told people to collect Ziyi's picture scroll, and then said to Ziyi, "He is really a wonderful person. Today, your painting is not only far away from the artistic conception, but also shows that this brushwork must have made some effort. It's really rare.

I just don't know where you learned in the past? Where did you learn this painting? If I meet my respected teacher one day, I will definitely ask for some advice.

Fang Qingya said this with a smile on her mouth.

And others were a little stunned when they saw the smile on her face.

In fact, it's not their fault. Fang Qingya is a very elegant woman in their college, but her own nature is also extremely cold. Usually, she is only light to see people, but today she can talk happily with Ziyi, which no one expected.

And although this Fang Qingya is nearly 30 years old this year, she has an excellent appearance. Even if Ziyi has seen many beautiful women in her previous life, she has to admire her when she sees Fang Qingya today. So now her smile makes the whole room suddenly bright, which adds a little more plainness. Spring.

And Fang Qingya didn't know what other people were thinking, but just looked at Ziyi with burning eyes.

Ziyi saw it and smiled. First, she saluted Fang Qingya before saying respectfully, "If you go back to Mr. Fang, the students used to learn from Mr. Mo Li. Mr. Mo Li have explained the painting skills to the students several times. The students have listened to him and practiced every day. As a result, the student's painting style is still slightly naive, but today he was praised by Mr. Fang so much that the students are ashamed.

Ziyi said this, and his face showed shame.

When Fang Qingya saw it, she just smiled, and then ordered someone to put away the painting before saying, "Ziyi doesn't have to be so modest. If this painting is good, it's not good or bad. I should distinguish it myself. However, it's not bad for you to say it. This painting style is indeed a little childish, but it is only because you are still young and don't travel much that you have so much trouble. In the future, you only need to travel a few more times in the world, and you will gain something, so you don't have to underestimate yourself.

Well, it's quite gratifying to talk about painting with you today. Mr. Bai is still waiting for your chess skills test. If you are not busy, you can go there to watch it now. I'm looking forward to your performance later.

Fang Qingya said so, looking at Ziyi's eyes full of appreciation.

After Ziyi made a respectful salute to Fang Qingya, she walked towards Mr. Bai.

Today's games were not expected by Ziyi at the beginning, but now that the gentleman in the college has the intention to take the school examination, she can only deal with it carefully. However, I don't know how Mr. Bai's chess skills are. Looking at Mr. Bai sitting in a corner, Ziyi's mouth rose slightly, and then he quickly walked over there.

Ziyi was not a person of forbearance, otherwise she would not have chosen to take this road at the beginning, and now that she has chosen to take this road, she will not deliberately hide her talents from now on. After all, this era is no better than modern times. In modern times, if you have talent, you can let the world know through various channels, such as the Internet, such as TV, newspapers, advertisements, etc...

But in this era, there is no such convenience here, so Ziyi has to start to operate carefully.

If she thinks better and walks smoothly in the future, she will show enough value to make others pay attention to her from now on. After all, she has not forgotten what happened to Zifu at the beginning. Although Zifu has nothing to do with her mother now, the officialdom is not as good as usual. Although they have separated from Zifu, other people who don't know will still tie her up with Zifu, so if she wants to To live a smooth life in the officialdom, now is the time to accumulate capital.

Otherwise, if she stands alone in the officialdom and fights alone, it is impossible for the literary family to let her go.

So instead of being helpless, it's better to start fighting for yourself and your family from now on.

Therefore, Ziyi is not in a hurry to hide her talents, but to exhaust her talents to win a place in the college, and also win the help of several people present for herself.

After all, the people who can come here are certainly not ordinary people, so since they have seen each other today, whether they can see each other often in the future and watch each other only look at today. Therefore, Ziyi turned a few thoughts slightly in her heart and steadily walked to Mr. Bai.

Chess, Ziyi is the most familiar. Not to mention that watching chess is like watching people, this chess can't be watched, and Ziyi must also be learned. After all, if you want to win the heart of a person, especially those who are dignitaries and have some knowledgeable, then this chess is indispensable, because in their hearts, they can play chess. The woman must be an elegant and intelligent woman, so in her previous life, Ziyi worked hard in chess in order to get close to those people smoothly.

Whether it is Go, Chess, Gomoku or other chess, she is involved in everything, and this Go is the best she plays.

Although most of the people in later generations love chess, this Go happens to be the most elegant ornaments of some dignitaries, so Ziyi once worked hard on this.

So, she is also a little sure in front of this chessboard today.

It's just that Mr. Bai, Ziyi knows very little about it and will have more scruples when playing chess, so Ziyi was very cautious at the beginning. However, no matter how careful she is, she is originally a person with great ambition, so she will not be like ordinary women, just focus on small things, so when Ziyi starts, it attracts everyone's attention, and even Mr. Bai has to look at her differently...

And when the two fought for more than half, Ziyi still had no image of defeat, which surprised Mr. Bai and others. You know, there are not many people in this college who can fight with Mr. Bai at present. Several gentlemen are one, and the two students in the room - Peng Ziqing and Haoyu are one, and there are Several other leaders in the college have been surprised by everyone, and now a small woman has fought so fiercely with Mr. Bai.

So when Ziyi and Mr. Bai played chess, everyone's faces also changed a lot.

And when the two were about to come to the end, Ziyi gradually revealed the image of failure, but this image was not very obvious. If Mr. Bai hadn's excellent chess skills and rich experience, perhaps Mr. Bai would not have won today. As a result, Mr. Bai's eyes looking at Ziyi became hot.

Mr. Bai was originally a chess idiot. In his early years, in order to learn chess, he almost went all over the country. Later, when he learned it, he went all over the country to find someone to fight with him. Later, he was finally old and weak, so he did not make peace with other people. He just went to this White Mountain. I recuperated in the college.

It's only been so many years, but it's difficult to find an opponent, which makes Mr. Bai a little sorry. Now that he meets Ziyi and sees that she is only this age, Mr. Bai's mind has become active.

And others were quite surprised to see his look. Only Ziyi doesn't know why.

After all, she doesn't know Mr. Bai's experience or Mr. Bai's temperament. Now that this chess game is over, she doesn't know how to say it.

However, Mr. Bai didn't care about her hesitation, but laughed happily, "You are very good, very good. In the future, I will teach you this course. In the future, you will go to my room in the afternoon of the monthly singular, and I will teach you personally." Mr. Bai said this, looking at Ziyi's eyes with enthusiasm.

And Ziyi readily agreed when she saw Mr. Bai's appearance.

I just played a game of chess with Mr. Bai, which made Ziyi know a little about Mr. Bai. Mr. Bai is not only skillful in chess, but also a person. It also seems to be good. In the march, Mr. Bai likes to open up and close to small things, which makes Ziyi like him. At the same time, Mr. Bai is also open and aboveboard when facing each other. Although he meets a villain, he may suffer some dark losses, but Since ancient times, Mr. Bai was frustrated for a moment, but he would definitely win back in the end, which made Ziyi even more happy.

In the past, she was tired of her identity as a chess piece, and now it is rare to be able to ease her heart on the chessboard, so Ziyi can't help but be a little happy that Mr. Bai can teach her in person.

while others were looking at it, but their eyes were a little straight.