The charm of the subjugated country

Episode 14 Thrilling

In an instant, a thought was clear, and all thoughts were ashes, and then the pain spread all over the body, only called light purple powerlessness and fainting.

At this moment, the dragon shadow naturally couldn't care about the light purple. "Left envoy..." His men wanted to open his mouth, but he raised his hand, motioned to silence, and only listened. For a moment, the mountain wind roared and covered all the voices. Long Ying's face was extremely solemn and whispered, "Xiao Bing is usually polite, but after all, he is also a general in the battlefield for a long time. The means are unpredictable. You and I are still careful and can't relax easily."

The men nod their heads.

Then, the dragon shadow raised the whip and urged the horse and continued to gallop forward. Being turned upside down by the horses, he woke up with a faint purple swaying, but found that the mountain road in front of him became more and more dangerous. The strong wind was like a knife, blowing her face fiercely, blowing her temples and flying around. She was tightly wrapped in the dragon shadow's arms, wrapped under his cloak, and her ears and neck were surrounded by his breath. What, are you afraid?" Suddenly, the laughter of the dragon shadow came from my ear.

He shook his head stubbornly and resisted the dizziness caused by the tingling pain in his chest and the bumps of the horse, but tried not to faint again. If you are afraid, shout out, maybe it will attract your love. Long Ying continued to make fun of it.

"He is not my sweetheart, let alone come to save me." She thought indifferently. In fact, she didn't need him to save her at all!

Just thinking like this, in a trance, the phantom of the black dress seemed to appear in front of her, but it was more blurred.

"Real?" Long Ying smiled and said, "How do you know he won't come to save you?"

"It's very simple. He doesn't see me in his eyes." This is ridiculous, "And what do you think you can do with me?" She said silently, her voice was extremely soft, but showed her strength.

Hearing this, Long Ying naturally did not care about the words of light purple, but laughed cheerfully. His eyes suddenly turned to look at the woman who should be afraid, cry, tremble, scream, and even beg for mercy. Looking at her fearless eyes, she was instantly distracted at the bottom of her heart.

Who the hell is she? That look... can't be a child who grew up in an ordinary family, so who is she? Why does looking at her eyes make him feel so similar? By the way, it's really like those women who were arrested by the bishop to train as killers, so bloodthirsty, so cold-blooded, really... very similar.

After that, Long Ying continued to move forward. The mountain road in front of us became more and more tortuous, with nine twists and turns, and the mountain road turned steeply. In front of him, a trestle flew overhead on the cliff.

The sound of water patting the shore from the bottom of the cliff, and there seemed to be a torrent. At this time, the people in black who originally scattered and fled to the south also gathered back. In addition, there were more than 20 people who were originally hidden outside for cover.

At this time, someone immediately visited for a moment, looked back and said happily, "Left envoy, this is the arrangement! The trestle has been passive, and the big net has been prepared, just waiting for Xiao Bing to throw himself into the net.

Long Ying listened, nod silently, and then laughed, "Okay, everyone should act carefully." Seeing someone disaring and checking the hanging rope by the bridge, the light purple could no longer restrain the trembling of his body. Looking at it a little, he saw that the water under the cliff was turbulence. Light purple knew that if he fell off the cliff, the bones would definitely fall.

However, the laughter did not stop, and the sharp sound of breaking the sky suddenly emerged! The strong wind, the screams, and the sound of blood splashing for a long time!

"Be careful!" The periphery warned loudly, and everyone quickly turned over and jumped on the horseback, galloping back like the wind, blocking the dragon shadow behind them.

Almost at the same time, the dragon shadow turned the horse's head, bent down, and pressed the purple tightly on the horse. A wolf-toothed white arrow passed his back, and the person behind him fell off the horse. Take a closer look, the bow and arrow have already pierced his neck, and the arrow tail white feather is still trembling desperately. The scarlet blood, a large stock gushed out of the man's mouth and nose, his dying face, his mouth and nose were twisted, and his eyes were like copper bells.

Light purple looked at the chest with a burst of nausea, but unexpectedly, there was a sound of people drawing knives and howled angrily with the dragon shadow, "Southwest direction!" He roared, and immediately someone turned around, pulled an arrow from the quiver with his backhand, opened his bow and opened the string, and aimed far away to the southwest. Light purple was shocked, Huo Ran looked up and shouted regardless of his life, "Be careful..." However, the arrow still went away, disappearing into the forest, and there was no sound.

However, there is only one path in the southwest, which goes all the way through the hillside, and the front is covered by a low tree bush. The man in black who shot the arrow fixed his eyes for a long time before he barely saw the clue and shouted, "The man is behind the tree!" Then the horse rushed out, and three sleeve arrows shot behind the tree.

However, when he saw this scene, the person on his body suddenly shouted: "Don't go, come back quickly!" Before he finished speaking, he roared again and came through the air! The power of the arrow actually knocked down the person on the horse's back, fell down the horse, his head and neck touched the ground, and his neck was penetrated from front to back by a wolf tooth white feather arrow, and he was breathless on the spot.

This time, even the light purple could be seen clearly. The arrow was not shot from the path behind the forest, but from the top of the high slope.

When I looked up, I only heard the sound of the angry horse's long hiss, and the sound cracked the sky. A snow-like war horse stood awe-inspiringly on the top of the slope, condescending, raised its hooves and swooed, stepping out of the dust and mud all the way. On the back of the horse, Xiao Bing's sword was in his hand, and the wind was rolled up like an eagle spreading its wings. One person rode, like stepping on the blood pool Shura. Before the man arrived, the murderous spirit had arrived.

Xiao Bing jumped over the horse and jumped through the empty blood rain, and the white feathers on his helmet turned red. Light purple looked at the scene in front of him, which was deterrifying and refreshing. It turned out that Xiao Bing also had such a bloodthirsty and cruel appearance. Looking at his usually approachable appearance, he was completely different from now. If it hadn't been for what Light Purple said with her own eyes, it would have been impossible to connect the two.

But then there was a huge pain in her back, and she looked back and found that it was the dragon shadow who was furious and slapped her back. I only felt that my lungs were shocked, my throat was sweet, and my throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. I suddenly felt black in front of my eyes, but I still struggled to look up and smiled faintly at Xiao Bing. However, the fishy heat rushed to his throat, and the light purple still couldn't stand it. He choked out a mouthful of blood and sprinkled a little scarlet on his clothes.

At this moment, the dragon shadow has retreated to the trestle, jumped off the horse, pulled down the light purple with one hand, and stood horizontally. The bridge is condescending, and the plank road can only be passed by one person. Due to the injury on his back, the light purple was already crumbling, and he was held by the dragon shadow with one hand and no longer had the strength to stand.

"Aren't you going to fight with me? What did you do to hurt her?" Xiao Qi jumped off his horse, slowly raised his sword, and sneered, "Let her go. Xiao is here. You and I can fight." Under the bright moon, Xiao Bing raised his sword and stood murderous, which was unbearable. He was bathed in blood, and his whole body exuded endless murderous intent. He was like a blade, and he was dissolved in the sword.

The dragon shadow tightened his light purple shoulders, and his knuckles turned white, as if trying to suppress hatred and anger.

The confrontation between the two was also a long moment. Finally, he opened his mouth with a contemptuous smile, "No, General Xiao, I know you are good at martial arts, so I changed my mind at the last moment. Let's save it for the next time." Long Ying was casual, as if talking about the moon. "At present, I just want to see how you will choose." He pulled the light purple in front of him and said with a grin, "Do you want this woman's life or my life... It's up to you."

Hearing the words, Xiao Bing stood still like a mountain, and the dark moonlight faintly connected the sharpness in his eyes with the cold light of the tip of the sword, but he opened his lips coldly: "If Xiao wants both!"

When the dragon shadow heard it, he immediately looked up to the sky and laughed, and his fingertips suddenly tightened. The laughter spread between the two people, as if everything around them suddenly became ice. Xiao Bing ignored and continued to approach. Unexpectedly, Long Ying suddenly slipped his hand to the purple waist and pressed the buckle that had been installed in advance. Seeing this, she was shocked and blurted out in panic, "Don't come here!" However, before the voice fell, the two had moved away at the same time.

The cold light cut, and the blade brushed the purple temples. The sword spirit is like frost, and the urgent people are cold. However, none of this is as terrible as the soft sound of the waist. Long Ying was intentional. He dragged the light purple in front of him, raised his knife and took advantage of the situation to go back, touching the buckle around her waist. Suddenly, a bunch of silver wire burst out of the buckle, and the end was still tightly in the hand of the dragon shadow.

Light purple was shocked and suddenly understood his arrangement. It turned out that this was the reason why he had decided to put a belt on her before. It turned out that a large amount of gunpowder had been installed in the belt. When the time was ripe, Long Ying pulled the mechanism with silver wire, and the gunpowder could burn everything. At that time, he had already jumped down the trestle, leaving only Zixiao, who turned into ashes from time to time.

Thinking of this, Light Purple turned her head and touched the cold eyes of the dragon shadow. I'm offended!" A trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, but he tightened the silver wire and jumped down the trestle.

"That's not necessary!" Light purple smiled miserably, tried his last strength, and reached out to hold the dragon shadow tightly.

Suddenly, the body suddenly took off and the wind passed through.

"Light purple..." Xiao Bing saw this and rushed to the bridge and grabbed her sleeves in the air.

However, the cracked silk clothes were broken, and in an instant, the light purple body was in the air, hanging under the bridge with the dragon shadow. Long Ying's face was pale. Obviously, he never thought that the light purple would be so lifeless. At this time, he hung his arm alone to stop the fall, and his forehead was sweating like pulp. I have gunpowder on me. Light purple looked up at Xiao Bing, smiled, gritted her teeth and said, "Go quickly..."

Xiao Bing was shocked, and a pure and elegant smile flashed in her mind. Suddenly, her face suddenly changed dramatically. She leaned over and stretched out her hand, "Quickly, grab me!"

Light purple shook her head and smiled. The time she waited for finally came. No, you go! Don't let me get you involved. Go, I'm going to die with him!"

"Okay, what a good man to die together..." Hearing this, the dragon shadow burst into laughter.

However, Xiao Bing still leaned out and shouted angrily, "If I still have a conscience, I won't let you die. Give me your hand!" At this moment, there is no resistance in his eyes. Between the thought of life and death, Light Purple could no longer hesitate, so she suddenly crossed her heart and grasped Xiao Bing's hand tightly! Do have..."

A hot flame has ignited at the waist, and the fire has burned the purple waist. However, at this moment, the sword suddenly went straight down, and the sound of bone breaking was as crisp as broken porcelain, and scarlet blood splashed on his face. Long Ying was stunned, shouted sadly and didn't sound like a human, and quickly fell to the bottom of the bridge. However, the big hand holding the light purple suddenly pulled her inward and pulled her up in the air. With a drag, both of them fell to the ground.

Light purple fell into a warm and powerful embrace, the jade belt at the waist was intact, and the tail was stunned by a broken hand cut off by the wrist. That was the broken hand of the dragon shadow! Xiao Bing cut off his hand with a sword!

"Okay, it's okay, we're safe!" A low and warm voice called softly in her purple ear, carefully removing the jade belt around her waist. Light purple looked up and wanted to see his handsome face clearly, but he only saw blood everywhere on his body, hands and face...

Then, she lost consciousness.