
003 Fight

003 fight

"Wang!" A loud noise! The thunder happened to hit the big tree that the python had to pass through. The super heat energy instantly ignited the whole tree, and the huge electric column spread around the tree, hit the body of the python. Paralyzed by lightning, the giant python roared deeply and fell down again after trying to raise its head several times.

When Sha Qing saw this scene, she resisted the severe pain on her feet and turned around and ran away: I can't definitely die here!

The python can only look at the staggering sand tears and gasp. The red light flows in its eyes, as if it wants to imprint the figure of sand tears into its mind forever.

It was not until the sand tears completely disappeared from his eyes that the python regained control of his body. It stared at the burning trees, broke the tree, and roared a few times before leaving.

Behind another towering tree more than ten meters away from the eyes of the python, sand tears gasped tiredly. It's his limit to get here. The fall just hurt his ankle aw. He listened until he heard the angry roar of the python moving away. Sand tears dragged the extremely tired body to continue to move forward. Who knew that he was so unlucky? His feet slipped and rolled down a small slope. "Peng" hit the tree trunk and fainted without suspense.


The whole body was extremely dry and hot, and the sand tears slowly opened their eyes. The first thing that came into sight was a red sea of fire!! Looking at the wall of fire that was not far from him, Sha Tears hurriedly stood up. The road when he came had been submerged in the sea of fire. Fortunately, the sand tears fainted in the low-lying area, otherwise the fire would not burn, and the thick smoke alone could choke him to death.

"I have to get out of here quickly!" Shaqi immediately took action and limped out of the fire.

I didn't feel abnormal when I stood, but when I moved, my ankle was an unbearable pain, and my already tired body became heavier and heavier. Shayan moved his body with difficulty with his willpower. The thin-waisted cats and miners in the jungle were also avoiding the fire. From time to time, they rushed past Shayan and were as panicked as him!

Waiting for him to rush out of the thick smoke, he found that the river bank that had already fled appeared in front of him again. Then came the horrible figure sleeping soundly on the bank of the river.

I will never admit my mistake. The pupil of sand tears contracted, and the huge wound on the python is still vivid in my mind: Damn it, how can it rest in this place? Is Nima teasing me?

Sha tears didn't think about it. He turned around and was about to continue to run for his life. However, at this time, a frightened thin-waisted cat rushed towards the python. The python was shocked and patted its tail, patted the damn thin-waisted cat down the water, raised its head and shook it as if it wanted to continue to rest. Suddenly, it saw sand tears, and its eyes, which were still a little cloudy, suddenly became fierce.

A helpless wry smile, as if his neck was clenched by an invisible hand. Sha Qi felt like a puppet being teased by fate. Behind him was a approaching line of fire. In front of him was a huge body that scared him, and a feeling of despair arose spontaneously. But the past images kept flowing in my mind, and the smiling faces of my family touched the tight nerves again and again!

"I'm really sorry that God gave me another chance to live again!" Sand tears laughed at themselves. He smiled and made up his mind to the python: "This time, at least before I die, my sand tears are going crazy, just like the time when I pushed her out of the wheel and thought it was a fireworks, and a moment of fragrance! Even if I can't live these three days this time, I will let the Snake King bury me!!"

Human beings can only dare to face everything in a desperate situation and move forward without a way out!

When he made up his mind, Sha Ling settled down and immediately felt that something extremely small was flowing in his brain, which was "acceleration"! He narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to feel it. Now the acceleration in his mind is far less profound than that for the first time, even less than when he killed the poisonous snake in front of him, perhaps only for a moment. But that's enough! Sha tears lowered his head and saw a sharp branch still burning at his feet, and an extremely crazy plan appeared in his mind.

The fire is approaching, and the python is blocking the way. It seems that it is a mortal situation, but sand tears do not believe in evil! There is no mortal end in the world, only the incompetent and weak...

"I will definitely survive!" Sand tears picked up the burning branch and roared to the python...

Looking at the small human running towards him, a sharp light flashed in the sole eyes of the python. It stood in place carelessly, stood up the predecessor slightly, and slightly ** its tail.

Seeing the sand tears getting closer and closer, the giant python opened its eyes and quickly shook its thick tail, throwing it at the running sand tears like a wind and lightning. Sha Qi smiled and was already on guard. He rolled on the spot. When he got up, he rolled his arms and cast the burning branches in his hand at the one-eyed python.

It was too sudden. Although the python reacted quickly and flashed its head in time, the falling branches were hitting the huge body of the python, and the splashing sparks randomly fell on the deep bone wounds on its back. The python twisted its body crazily and cried in pain.

Sha tears did not look back to confirm the reaction of the python. He continued to roll down on the bank of the river, avoiding the panic swinging tail of the python. He had forgotten the pain, and all his mind was on the python.

Running for life, but the target is not the ferocious python, but the turbid river! At this time, the python came to his senses, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed, as if he had guessed the intention of the sand tears and rushed to him crazily.

Sand tears naturally had no way to escape, but there was no look of despair in his eyes. He suddenly jumped back and took the opportunity to throw the stones picked up on the bank of the river to the python. This time, the python took the previous lesson and knocked the flying stone to one side effortlessly. But this still hindered its speed. When it rushed to the water's edge, the sand tears had "ploped" into the turbid water.

The river is mixed with all kinds of impurities, and you can't see the shadow of sand tears. On the surface of the water, the violent python was completely angered by the small human beings who had repeatedly fled from it, and it kept roaring crazily. If you shrink up, you will rush into the water. At this time, a shadow floated from the water. The python was stunned, and the light flashed in his eyes...

"It should be blind in the left eye." Sand tears flew out of the water near the shore! Hold a sharp rock tightly in his hand.

At that moment, the python saw a flying shadow in his right eye, and his huge mouth cracked slightly and quickly rushed to the shadow. Bite fiercely, but: Is this human being so small? No! This is the thin waist cat that I just photographed!

The python immediately subconsciously looked to his left, where Sha Qi had been aiming for a long time. The python could only look at Sha Qi's mouth slightly open and close, speaking a language he did not understand.

"BYE-BYE! Garbage!"

Aim! The flow in the brain nucleus is boiling, and the whole nerves of sand tears are abnormal**.


In an instant, it became eternal.

The throwing of sand tears breaks the boundaries of space.

While throwing, the sand tears felt the pain of tearing their right hand. He closed his eyes painfully and only heard the loud sound of "Peng", followed by the painful scream of the python.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the giant python with a bloody head, with his only one-eyed eyes wide open, and fell down.

"Wow~" is finally over. Shaqi sat on the ground and gasped deeply. His right hand was completely unconscious, and there was no pain all over his body. Shaqi raised his left hand and looked at his watch:

Mission: 3 days of survival countdown 1 day 11:49:12 cancel the task of killing the snake king

"Hahaha!! The task is complete! I survived!" The tired voice squeezed out of his hoarse throat, and the battle in just a few minutes made him tired!

Before he could celebrate, a flash of light flashed in front of him, "This time, do you finally want to see the legendary main god space?"


Wet and cold, and the sand tears slowly looked around and found that the scene around me had changed again. "What the hell is going on? It's not the same as what is written in the book! This is not the main god space to exchange new abilities and rest!"

Sha tear did not return to the room with the ball, but appeared in a dark dead end. "Has the style of the infinite world changed?" Sha Qi raised his head and found that a simple middle-aged man not far away was saying something to the muscular man in front of him. Another tall man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek was listening, and there were five people beside him who had just woken up.

Sha tears subconsciously looked at them, and they were also looking at Sha tears. From the eyes of Sharan, beside him was a teenager about the same age as him. The man wore ordinary black-framed glasses and had a kind of handsomeness. He looked at Sharan and smiled and said hello.

Then a young man with shiny earrings in his right ear, with rare long silver hair neatly tied behind his head, and the corners of his mouth were slightly provocative, as if he couldn't get used to everything. The man was observing around, and his eyes were against the tears, and then he raised his eyebrows and looked at others again.

There is also a weak young man who just woke up and curled up in a corner trembling, muttering something from time to time, but his face was full of panic. I'm afraid he hasn't recovered from the fear in front of him.

Next to the man sat a foreign handsome man with short blonde hair and his precious blue eyes, and his neckline showed solid chest muscles. He was extremely sexy, but he didn't look old. At this time, the man was stretching out and yawning comfortably.

The farthest away from sand tears, a student younger than sand tears pretended that the boy had just woken up and moved his hands and feet.

It seemed that when he saw everyone wake up, the honest middle-aged man turned to face the crowd and smiled naively, "Welcome, newcomers, welcome to the game of survival!"

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