
022 doubt

022 doubt

staring at the swaying torch, Ling Rui felt that his eyes were a little tingling. He had to focus on the man in front of him. He returned to Wright as planned as soon as he saw the collapse of the handsome flag. At that time, when he saw such a scene, he was also stunned. At that time, he thought There will be such a scene, but the situation seems to be worse.

"Who did it!" Sha tears' eyes were red, and the blue veins on his forehead were beating. He was extremely angry. He grabbed the collar of the doorman and pointed to the door, "Guard! Come here and tell me which bastard did this!" Frightened by the fierce momentum of sand tears, the guards followed his fingers and stared at the three bodies hanging on the mast outside the gate of the city owner's house. The three bodies were the three people who left the team at the beginning of the mission, the thin and tall man and two gangsters.

After a while, the guard blinked his eyes and answered intermittently, "Yes, it's that bastard Wang Yin. No, no, it was made by Officer Wang Yin."

"Wang Yin?" Guo Fengxiao frowned slightly, "Guard, did you see it with your own eyes?"

This time, the guards reacted quickly and shook their heads like a rattle: "I didn't see it, but the people of the city defense team saw it with their own eyes. These traitors were killed by Officer Wang Yin!"

Holding his glasses, Guo Fengxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, "Traitor?"

The guard seemed to react, and everyone recounted what happened in a eloquent position...

Shortly after the enemy's flag was attacked by Guo Fengxiao's explosion, when the first dead returned, the city defense team maintained order while identifying our soldiers to prevent spies from taking the opportunity to sneak into the city. The originally orderly team suddenly appeared discordant chaos, and two people tried to go up against the current and leave Wright City. This abnormality immediately attracted the attention of the city defense team and quickly ordered to send someone to intercept them. As soon as the two sides contacted each other and didn't even say anything, the two fought against the city defense team.

One of them suddenly grew half a meter long sharp claws, and the other spit out a small flame. The two made a fierce attack on the city defense team members. The city defense captain immediately sent an arrow to the city master's mansion for help.

And when the two saw that they could not break through in a short time, they found that the city defense team sent a signal asking for help and hurriedly turned the horse's head to leave, but the city defense team could not let them go so simply, so both of them were entangled at the gate. On the one hand, the city defense team is afraid of the strange ability of the two people and dares not push too hard. On the other hand, the sharp-eyed people have found that these two are higher officers than them (the identity given by this world), so the army is mainly trapped and waiting for someone from the city lord's mansion.

Fortunately, Wang Yin and Xiao Wunian did not react slowly. They quickly came to the scene. When the city defense captain saw people coming from the city master's mansion, he finally put down his heart and ordered the army to retreat and free up a space. Wang Yin and Xiao Wunian patted immediately. Wang Yin seemed to be a little scared and said confidently, "You, what do you want to do? ?"

The gangster with sharp claws on the right hand attacked Wang Yin's face directly with his backhand: "I want you to die! A group of idiots, 7,000 to 100,000? Everyone will count. We're going to rely on each other. Don't stop us.

Another bastard understood, and opened his mouth to spray a flame at Xiao Wunian who could not react.

The two attacked became a broken kite before they could react. They flew out and collapsed the private house on the side. There was no movement for a while.

The gangster with sharp claws roared arrogantly: "Do you see? This is the end of the opposition to us. Who wants to die?" Another gangster's mouth was emitting sparks from time to time, looking around fiercely.

At this time, the mutiny suddenly emerged. Originally, I thought that Wang Yin and Xiao Wunian had fainted. Who knew that Wang Yin suddenly rushed out of the collapsed people's house. In a blink of an eye, he came to the two hoodlums horses and stretched out his hand and hit the horse first. The huge inertia of the horse lost its front hoofs to overturn the ground. Wang Yin did not hesitate to make up for a knife, and the gangster with sharp claws cut off his breath on the spot. Another gangster had reacted at this time. He opened his mouth and sprayed fire, but he didn't know why Wang Yin was in an extremely brave state. He flashed the flame sideways, turned over and kicked the waist of the fire-breathing hoodlum. Coincidentally, the fire-breathing hoodlum was also kicked away and rolled into the ruins of the people's house. It was just a flash, and Wang Yin also chased after him...

"You mean Wang Yin suddenly became brave?" Guo Fengxiao frowned doubtfully, as if thinking about something.

At this time, Shaqi had already let go of the guard's collar: "It's not particularly strange. We have also encountered this kind of thing. If it hadn't been for Bai Qi's sudden power for the first time, I'm afraid that we wouldn't have been today." He paused and continued to ask, "Then what?"

The guard looked at the sand tears with lingering heart and replied cautiously, "Next, I'm not sure. All I know is that when the city defense team entered the ruins of the civilian house, Officer Wang Yin was unconscious and the traitor was out of breath, so Officer Xiao Wunian ordered the bodies of the traitors to hang at the gate of the city master's mansion. The whole city searched for traitors and fellows, who were the thin and tall. However, when he was found, the man had been dead for a long time. It should be suicide. Chief Xiao Wunian ordered the body to be hung in public.

"Oh?" Guo Fengxiao smiled strangely at the corners of his mouth, "It's his order."

Sha tear's face became gloomy again, and he strode open the door of the city's master's mansion. "Even so, he should not have done such a cruel thing!"

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Xiao Wunian standing in the courtyard. Before Sha Qiqi could scold him, Xiao Wunian rushed over, hugged Shaqi's thigh and cried, "Captain Shaqi, you are back. I'm scared to death!"

Now it was Sha tears's turn to be at a loss. He looked back at Guo Fengxiao. Who knew that he looked optimistic about the play and had no intention of coming to help at all. Ling destroyed even pretended not to see it and pulled out his knife to wipe the dust that did not exist there. Liu Yulong simply opened his right hand and turned into a cake in front of him, indicating that he didn't see anything. Lan didn't expect to go back to his room to rest early.

Sha tears were in a mess for a while and didn't know whether Xiao Wunian should be pushed away, so he had to ask, "Did you do what happened outside the door?"

I didn't expect Xiao Wunian to cry more sadly when asked such a question. "I, I, I don't want to. You are not here. Wang Yin is in a coma again. I'm so afraid. I'm afraid that if the city is chaotic, the matter can't be recovered. Therefore, I used such a stupid method to deter others! Whoo, I'm so scared..."

After listening to Xiao Wunian's sobbing words, Sha tears only felt one head or two big, and only made Xiao Wunian stop crying under repeated persuasion.

"Okay, okay, don't cry either." Guo Fengxiao said with a smile, "Your mood is almost calm. Let's go to see the unconscious Wang Yin together."

"It's okay." Xiao Wunian wiped his tears and took everyone to the door of Wang Yin's cultivation. Just as Xiao Wunian opened the door, Liu Yulong suddenly took the lead in. Xiao Wunian exclaimed, "What are you going to do?"

"What are you nervous about? I asked him to do this." Guo Fengxiao smiled and stared at Xiao Wunian with an awkward face. "Professor Liu Yulong also knows some medical skills. I just want him to see Wang Yin's situation. Don't be nervous."

"I'm not nervous, I, I'm just shocked." Xiao Wunian hurriedly explained.

Guo Fengxiao just looked at him with a smile. At this time, Liu Yulong had returned to him, whispered a few words in his ear and shook his head repeatedly. Uh-huh, I know." Guo Fengxiao smiled and greeted everyone: "Okay, okay, there's nothing to see. It's troublesome. What a group of people are huddled here for? I don't know if air circulation is a very important thing for patients, okay? Captain, let's go to the council chamber. We need to discuss the next battle plan.

Back to the council chamber, everyone sat down and everyone's eyes were looking at Guo Fengxiao, but he was unconscious and slowly drank a few sips of tea. "We still completed tonight's action very well, but tomorrow is the beginning of the real test, because from tomorrow we will enter the cruel The siege of the city. Judging from the information of a few nights, we have an 80% chance of winning against the other team, but if we add 100,000 troops, our chance of winning is less than 20%. So in the next few days, we must reduce the casualties of our soldiers as much as possible and cause the largest blow to each other. I arranged to destroy the east gate, Liu Yulong and Lan guard the south gate, Kong Wu guard the west gate, captain you guard the north gate, Xiao Wunian and I stay in the city master's mansion as firefighters. Do you have any objection?

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wunian actually raised his hand to object: "I don't want to be a team. I want to fight side by side with the captain. I want to guard the north gate with the captain. For the sake of the unconscious Wang Yin, I will be strong. Guo Fengxiao believes me!"

Guo Fengxiao said "Oh" indifferently, "Okay, then you and Shaqi together." After saying that, he stretched out and left his seat: "It's troublesome. It's over. It's all over! I don't want to always hang out with you stinky men. Don't bother me tonight. There will be a fierce battle tomorrow!" Before the words fell, the people disappeared.

"Well, captain, if there is nothing to do, I will break up first. I have to take care of Wang Yin." Xiao Wunian asked Sha tears in a low voice.

"Go ahead." Sha tears agreed without raising his head.

Until everyone left the room, Sha tears did not look up, just because on his right hand, the ring given by Kong Yueming kept beating.

Mountain rain is coming and the wind is all over the building...