
048 sad


Standing in front of the door, Sha Qi took a deep breath and pressed the accelerated heartbeat. He didn't know what Shangguan Xinyi asked him to do. Of course, he also knew what would happen, but this did not stop a normal teenager from thinking. I checked my dress again and found that there was nothing wrong. Sha tears cleared his throat, reached out and knocked on the door, "Dong Dongdong", "Shangguan Xinyi! It's me, Sharye. I'm coming. Open the door.

Sha tear was nervous and at a loss, waiting there at a loss, but no one came to open the door for a long time, "That, Shangguan Xinyi, open the door, I'm Shaqi!"

It was still a dead silence, and there was no echo at all. Sand tears aggravated the force of knocking on the door, "Dong! Dong! Dong!"

The door opened with a "squeak", but it was not locked. Sand tears were stunned and didn't think much, "I'm in!" Then he opened the door and went in. The room was dark. The curtains were closed in broad daylight, and there was no light coming in. The black hole could not see anything clearly.

The structure of everyone's room is similar. Sha tear reached out and touched the switch, and casually pressed it down!


Guo Fengxiao is still basking in the sun lazily in the garden. The difference is that he doesn't know when he brought out his beloved fresh orange teacup, took a leisurely sip, and said lightly, "The doctor said that reading in the sun is not good for your eyes."

There was another person beside him. The man was reading the book with his head down, but Shangguan Xinyi, who asked Sha Ling to go to her room. She raised her head and looked at Guo Fengxiao strangely, and then continued to lower her head to read the book silently without saying a word to Guo Fengxiao.

Guo Fengxiao was not annoyed and squinted at the sun leisurely. "You must be strange. Why am I not surprised that you will be here, not your room, right?"

Shangguan Xinyi didn't even raise her head this time, but her hand slowed down.

Guo Fengxiao took a sip of tea: "Because I know that Tianxin has been living in your room these days." After saying that, he got up with a teacup and walked away, humming, "Ah, it's so troublesome. I've been basking in the sun. Today, I've made an appointment with others to fight online. Let them enjoy the power of my god of strategic competitive games!"

Shangguan Xinyi looked at his back as he left, but she had no intention to read: Tianxin!


Sha tear turned on the light in the room. Although it was not very clear, he could still see the scenery in the room roughly. Looking around, he did not see Shangguan Xinyi's figure, so he walked in strangely. "It's strange. She called me over. I don't know where she has gone!"

"Ah!" I didn't see the ground. I didn't know what tripped over my feet, and the sand tears fell forward. Fortunately, after evolution, all kinds of abilities rose. Although all abilities were limited in the small world, this small scene was not difficult for him. With a little force on his waist, he stood firm.

When I stared at it, I found something curled up in the corner of the wall, trembling. The light in the room is not very sufficient. You can only see the outline of the person and the red dress.

"Tianxin?" Sha tears can't see her face clearly, but she still knows her size and clothes. She hurried up to help her, "Tianxin, why are you in Shangguan Xinyi's room? Don't sit on the ground and be careful not to catch a cold. Get up quickly."

Who knew that as soon as Sha Ling's hand touched Tianxin's shoulder, she was thrown away. She squatted there without saying a word.

Sha tears were thrown away, but they were stunned, and then came up again: "Come on, don't sit on the ground. If there is anything unhappy, just tell me." With that, he wanted to pull Tianxin up again.

Who would have thought that Tianxin was still ungrateful, reached out and patted the sand tears and roared, "Go away!" Leave me alone!"

Sha tears stood there with embarrassment, frowning and thinking about it. He struggled to say something, but felt that no matter what he said at this time, he looked so pale and powerless. He looked at Tianxin, who was trembling in the corner of the wall. His lonely and helpless appearance was a burst of sadness for no reason. Suddenly, he remembered what Guo Fengxiao once said: "Sometimes, we can only watch, because the reason why the real world is different from fairy tales is that many things we have clearly said to go all out and strive. I tried my best, but in the end, there was still nothing I could do.

Tian Renxing died, Tie Wushuang died, Shunfeng died, and Si Ming died... The members of the Overlord team died one by one under the hands of the black and white empire. They tried their best. They raised their heads arrogantly, but still couldn't stop the steel guns of slaughter...

Sha tears couldn't say anything. He looked at Tianxin so quietly, then reached out to turn off the indoor light, slowly sat next to her, without saying anything, and gently hugged her shoulder.

Looking at the dark room, the empty space is filled with the smell of sadness.

In this world, people leave this world every day and go to another place, the past, the future, and such things will continue to happen. We used to feel that these lives that went to heaven were so far away from our lives until they happened beside us. Human life is so fragile that it can't stand any storm. It was not until then that I looked back and found that the starting point was always the same. At the beginning of running, it was inevitable to go to the same distance.

It was not until I saw those originally vivid faces, quiet and kind, closed my eyes and traveled far away that I felt that there was something missing in my life, but this missing may never have a chance to be recovered. The son wants to raise but is not intimacy. This is the saddest sentence in the world, saying that it has vicissitudes and vicissitudes.

Unconsciously, tears soaked his eyes, and the sand tears hugged Tianxin, looked at the endless darkness, and remembered a lot. I don't know when I will see my relatives again, and I don't know how those former comrades-in-arms are doing in that world. The beauty of the world turned around in an instant, but in a hundred years of cold and heat, Yan's father and mother's sad and white hair, how can they be idle for half a day. When you lose it, you will know how to cherish it. This may be human beings.

Sha tears began to cry uncontrollably. Tianxin was originally just a trembling body, but now she cried loudly: "Brother, brother! Sha Tears, I don't want my brother to die, I don't want him to die!"

Sha tears hugged the tearful man in his arms tightly and sobbed: "Tianxin, don't do this, Brother Tian, Brother Tian..."

The two hugged each other like this, cried bitterly, and didn't know what they said. There was only deep sadness in the cry...

After a long time, everything returned to calm.

Tianxin lay in the arms of sand tears and sobbed in a low voice: "Big fool, will you leave me one day and leave me alone? The person who once said he would protect me has also left.

Sha tears carefully stroked the sweetheart's long hair, "No, people all over the world have left you, and I will also be by your side. If I fall into hell, I will be rampant with you!"

Looking at the empty darkness, Sand Tear secretly vowed: Whoever wants to hurt you must first step over my body.