
281 Silver Empire

281 Silver Empire

"You are right! We are ants, but we are not ants that you can step on!" The red cyclone rose from the body of the sand tears and completed the hegemony in an instant. Sha Qi raised the halberd in his hand and pointed to the corners of Raphael's mouth that kept sneering in the sky.

"I didn't expect it! Instead, it made me meet a person from the outside world!" Raphael saw the extraordinary sand tears at a glance. He threw up the cloak behind him one after another, looked at the warlike sand tears on the ground, and said contemptuously, "Let's talk about it! Which organization are you from? Did that force send you to make trouble?

"Hmm! I can't use these seven lowly forces!" Sha tears also showed their disdain for Raphael's contempt.

Raphael looked at his nails and did not put sand tears on his heart at all. "You can say such a thing without hesitation! It seems that you are not really rebellious or well-trained! Then you are a mercenary in time and space! I'm still familiar with you and that boss and several mercenary kings!"

"Hahaha...that's ridiculous!" Sha Tears has given up arguing with this narcissistic guy and waved a black yam, which went straight to Raphael's face.

"Puff!" The black ya light was pinched into powder in Raphael's hand. "Do you dare to make a fool in front of us? I'm..." Just in the blink of an eye, sand tears have appeared in front of several people and looked at Raphael. "Now you know my position clearly!"

Raphael looked at the sand tears coldly, and then smiled, "You guys are so funny! I like funny guys! However, another characteristic of me is that I don't like meaningless battles! Let's do this!" Raphael stroked his bangs, "You make a price! How much money or resources do you need to give up that metacrystal?

He even patted Sand Tears on the shoulder friendlyly, "Our silver empire is a businessman, and there is nothing in the world that money can't do!" As long as the price is reasonable, everything can be brought to the negotiating table!"

"Including your own life?" The corners of Shaqi's mouth curled up and squinted at Raphael in front of him.

"As I said, as long as I think it's worth the price! Including my life!" Raphael's face was a warm smile, but what he said was cold to the bone, "Everything in the world is valuable! The only thing that will never change is interests! Nothing else!"

"Then I'll show you today, I won't be bought!" In an instant, the sand tears waved an arc of death forward! In the crisis, Raphael lowered his waist back and avoided a fatal blow. The next second, Raphael's men surrounded the sand and tears in the center.

"Okay! Then our negotiations broke down! Then my money now will be used to buy your life! Look, I will still achieve my goal in the end! And you will become a dead bone here!" Raphael drifted back and calmly looked at the surrounded sand tears. He took out a coin from his arms, played with it with one hand, and flew up and down in his hand. "Kill!"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you again! I can't die here like this!" A dozen weapons stabbed the body of sand tears at the same time.

However, their weapons were like cutting a cloud of smoke without touch, and the body of sand tears changed into a white fog at the moment they split, wrapped around everyone's weapons. After a crisp sound, everyone's weapons turned into powder. And the body of sand tears solidified again.

"You can't hurt me with these things!" Sand tears confidently hit horizontally, and the powerful and invincible red cyclone continuously sprayed out from the halberd of the king of Chu. The enemies around him were stunned and could not escape. They were hit in the chest and flew back.

"What do you want to do, just kill me here? That's really an insult to my value!" The next second, the tip of sand tears had stuck to Raphael's throat.

"You look so weak now! For you, your value is only one life left!" Sha Tears was impressed by Raphael's unmoved courage before his death. You know, when he first faced the big snake, his legs were so scared that he couldn't stand!

"Don't say that!" Raphael's left hand still rolled the coin without any panic. "The value of my life is not defined like this! You should know that I am the man who will become the lord of the Silver Empire in the future! How can it be worthless!"

"As long as you die here today! What else is there to be?" Sha Qi said and sent his wrist forward, and the halberd of the king of Chu was about to insert into Raphael's throat.

At the critical moment, Raphael flipped his left hand, and the coin in his hand hit Shaqi's wrist with great impact! The halberd of King Chu tilted to one side, leaving only a small scratch on Raphael's neck! My value as I said will not end here!" With that, Raphael flew up and kicked under the armpit of the sand tears and kicked the latter to the ground. "You want to kill me! You are not well-reated now!"

"Boom!" Sand tears fell from the air, leaving a deep dent on the ground, "Oh! Bah!" Sha Qi immediately sat up and spit out the dust in his mouth. "This boy, looking at Wenwen's weak strength is not small!" I don't know that others also see him this way: it's hard to imagine that there is so much power in such a small body!

"It's not over yet! Come again!" The white light flashed on the body of the sand tears, and the clouds appeared under the seat, attacking several people in the air bravely.

Raphael patted the shoulder of the people around him, "Go and solve the following things. Leave this interesting guy to me!" I haven't stretched my muscles for a long time!" Many men nodded and passed by the fast-rushing sand tears!

"Be careful!" Sha tears quickly turned back and ordered. Now is not the time for you to care about others!" Raphael has bullied the sand tears. Sha tears looked back and were tranceed by a burst of blue light, and there was an unexplained chaos in his brain! A great pain came from the neck.

"Hm!" Sha tears closed his lips and ate the pain into his stomach. Although the time of dizziness was only a short moment, this moment was fatal in the master duel. The advantage of the first hand had been taken away by Raphael. "It's really interesting! You were found by my blue star stone for a short moment! It seems that you are a master of your own realm! However, under my fast attack! It seems that you don't have a chance to start the realm!"

Sand tears opened their eyes and only saw that the blue light in Raphael's hand disappeared, leaving a dark luster, "Obsidian! The storm is coming!" With Raphael's whispering, a violent storm rolled out of the black of his hand, and the wind tore the body of sand tears, as if to tear him into pieces!

Even the powerful body of sand tears felt the pain of tearing, and suddenly sand tears felt that the feeling of tearing on his body suddenly disappeared! He opened his eyes blankly and found himself wrapped in a light, in which a thin and tough film protected him.

"Magic rune?" Raphael looked at the many runes that kept shining on Shaqi and grinned: "You are so crazy! Unexpectedly, magic runes were engraved on his body! No wonder I feel that your energy is endless! So it depends on these runes! This is very strange! I was also thinking about how to use magic! I did a lot of experiments and many people died, but in the end I still didn't achieve this effect! What's so special about your rune?

It's true that those shining magic runes form a shield around the sand tears, blocking Rafael's obsidian storm back. This is not crazy! This is a process that must go through on the way to becoming stronger! If you can't stand the pain, you can't succeed!"

Looking at the crisscrossing magic runes and strong muscles on his body, Sha tears can no longer see his past! That kind of greenness was yesterday when I couldn't go back. "I don't know what's the use of these runes!" Anyway, I asked Savman to engrave all the runes he will know! Although now I have only found two functions, absorbing energy and shielding!"

As soon as Sha Ling's words fell, the protective cover on his body disappeared. He touched the magic rune on his body helplessly. "It seems that this shield still has some temper that doesn't listen to me!"

"Hahaha! Funny guy! However, there is nothing wrong with you here, but your friends are not so lucky!" Raphael was not worried about Shale's new ability at all. Instead, he turned over his palm, and the obsidian disappeared, and another coin rolled on his palm!

Sha tears were shocked when she heard the words and lowered her head to care about the battle on the ground, although the Silver Empire dominated the number of people! But the people on the ground are still fighting happily. Among those people, Kieran's performance is normal, but considering his most powerful magic use restrictions, this is also acceptable! Wilson and several soldiers who had just gained new abilities became the main force. With the blessing of Norwich's magic, the combat strength of the whole team soared!

So, there is nothing wrong with it! That is to say... Sha tear quickly turned around and looked at Raphael, but it was too late!

"I can only tell you that soldiers are not tired of cheating!" Raphael's hand recondensed an unknown gemstone, which shone with black light and turned into a blooming flower on the other side! Burial him! Ghost crystal - the fragrance of death!"

The breath of death coming to your face! Sha tears's pupils contracted rapidly, "I can't die here like this!" My brothers are still waiting for me! The power of Yunwuhua's realm - infernal killing!"

The world in front of Raphael instantly lost its color!