
307 Brothers break up

307 Brothers break up

From the expression of the ice silkworm, sand tears can feel a strong sadness, and the pain from the bottom of the heart is by no means fake.

"We have all made mistakes, and we are all guilty! This sin can't be erased all my life!" Tears formed by ice crystals slipped from the corners of the ice silkworm's eyes. "When" fell on the ground with a crash. "In that battle, the moth died!" We killed our brothers with our own hands!"

"How could this happen?" Shaqi was stunned, and the development of things was beyond his imagination!

"That's a manslaughter!" The ice silkworm lowered his head and looked at his hands, as if the blood left by the moth that day was still flowing in his hands. "We did not tell the youngest moth about the crack fight in time and space. He is the youngest among us and the simplest one among us. We only finished writing that he can grow up in the sun. Go! However, paper can't keep fire. Although the energy emitted by our gladiator has been suppressed again and again, when everyone's eyes are red, who will care how much energy is leaked!"

"I still remember that at that time, I, the yellow finch and the lion were at a disadvantage. Originally, we thought that the power of the realm of the heavenly disability was still in the stage of 'King Kong is not bad · green light', but who would have thought that in the past two days of meditation outside the camp, his ability has been greatly improved and reached the realm of 'King Kong is not bad · blue light'. I We couldn't hurt him, but he didn't kill us. The war was so deadlocked that the lion soon became impatient, and he used his own killing moves!"

From that moment on, the situation was wrong! Everything has its inertia, especially in fighting, once someone starts to ignore it! Then this is the beginning of the fight, and we only have an endless ending! Although this is greatly beyond my expectations! The four of us didn't expect that one day we would really be separated! Cough..."

The ice silkworm covered its mouth, and the ice slag brought by the cough flowed out from between the fingers and fell on the ground. "When it comes to the time to tell the winner, we force Wan Tiancan to use the most powerful move with us to tell the winner! The surrounding time and space cracks one by one leads to the unknown turbulence, and life and death are on this move!"

"The two fists of Tian Can are crissscrossed with amazing energy, and our adults' joint blow is also powerful and shocking! The whole space-time crack is our overflowing energy venting! Even the most powerful extrateranian trolls have to retreat in front of us! But..."

"But the moth didn't know where to get the news from, and appeared in front of you at this time, mixed between the two energies! Isn't that right? Sand tears took over the story that the tearful ice silkworm could not continue, and the two fell into an awkward silence.

After a long time, the ice silkworm regained its composure. He wiped the ice crystals on his face and said calmly, "The moth turned into a wisp of dust in time and space in an instant under our energy. Through the body of the moth, the powerful energy of the sky still affected the three of us, and we were seriously injured! However, Tian Can seems to have suffered a bigger blow! He withdrew his ability and looked at his hands so incredibly. I have never seen such a lost expression!"

"The yellow finch and the lion are mad. They roared and curse the still heavenly disability. They think that all these sins come from the will of the heavenly remnants. In fact, I know that if we talk about sin, which of us can get rid of it?" Recalling the past, the only thing the ice silkworm can do is to smile bitterly.

"So! Have you sealed the remnants of the sky here? Has it become a more disgusting way of doing things now?" The tone of sand tears was full of disdain.

"No! Tianzan asked us to kill him, and the yellow finch and the lion also decided to kill Tianzan! Tian Can was taken in by my coffin without evasion. The yellow finch and lion, and even Tianhan himself should think that he was dead! However, I secretly saved him. Although I didn't wake him up, he survived and has been living in my realm!" The ice silkworm stretched out its hand and stroked the solid ice that trapped the world.

Sha tears frowned and asked puzzledly, "Why do you want to do it? Is it really good to just freeze him?"

"Because the death of the moth is not his fault alone! We have no reason to let the disabled bear all our sins.

"Then why don't you just resurrect him, so that it's better for everyone to talk about it?" Sand tears are even more confused. This ice silkworm seems to be sick in the brain and can't figure it out!

Hearing this, the ice silkworm sneered disdainfully, "Naive! Do you think that if Wan Tiancan really wants to wake up, can my useless ice really stop him? I tried countless times, but he completely ignored my call and was in a deep sleep! Sleeping in the ice, that's his choice!"

Silent, sand tears can only be silent. After hearing so many secrets, sand tears have guessed what the ice silkworm wants him to do: "Do you want me to wake up the remnants?" This may be the biggest joke that Shaling has ever heard.

However, the ice silkworm's serious expression told him that the ice silkworm was extremely serious, "Our blood slaughter has changed. After that war, the yellow finch and the lion took over the power of the whole blood slaughter. At the beginning, they planned a series of battles to avenge their dead partners! However, over time, everything has changed! They began to be greedy for the pleasure brought by power, and gradually fell into it and couldn't extricate themselves! The brothers who were born and died have now become opponents of plot against each other!"

"If we used to fight against corruption and freedom, now we have become a part of decay! He has run counter to ours! I see it in my eyes, and the pain is in my heart! I can't let the blood slaughter go on like this. I can't watch the blood slaughter sink! Ten thousand people are disabled, he must wake up and hold the banner of bloody slaughter again!"

After listening to it, Sha tears spread out his hands helplessly: "It's a good ambition, but what do I want to ask is what does this have to do with me? What you can't do, the strength in front of you is more than yours, me, do you think I can do it? Are you kidding?"

"You can do it!" The ice silkworm said firmly, "If it's your words, maybe you can succeed!"

"Are you crazy!" Shaqi looked at the ice silkworm with a serious face. Apart from this reason, Shaqi really couldn't think of anything else to explain the current situation.

The ice silkworm took a deep look at the sand tears, "I have tried tens of thousands of methods, but there is still one method that has not been tried so far, that is, the power of the soul! You know this. I'm not wrong, Sha Jiabang's son, Sha tears!"

Sha tears' eyes condensed, alerted again, and said coldly, "It seems that you have done a lot of investigations!"

"Do you think you are unaware of the hijacking of the spacecraft? If it weren't for...cough... I suppressed this news, how could you have successfully come here!" The ice silkworm narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Sha Qi's every move. "I originally wanted to find your father. After all, he is famous and his strength is naturally much higher than yours. But since his disappearance, no one has seen his existence. Unfortunately, I have never seen a real person! Just when I felt desperate..."

The ice silkworm pointed to the sand tears and laughed: "I didn't expect God to send you to me!" This really makes me wake up with a smile in my dreams, haha...cough..."

Sha tears frowned and decided to procrastinate: "Well! You see, my strength is not home. Why don't I introduce you when I find my father..."

"No!" The ice silkworm grabbed the collar of the sand tears and threw him in front of the frozen ten thousand remnants, "I don't have much time! Find a way now. If he can't wake up, all of you are ready to die here! Your ally is still guerrillaging on the periphery, so don't expect him to save you!"

At this moment, the sand tears have no choice. The cold air on the ice silkworm is like a life-threate charm behind the sand tears! Sha Qi was completely trapped in the difficulty of riding a tiger and was forced into a desperate situation. "It doesn't matter, stretching your head is also a knife, and shrinking your head is also a knife!" Fight!"

Sha tears prayed secretly in her heart: "Brother Wan Tiancan, I have no grievances with you in the past! As soon as I call you, you will wake up! Even if I blink my eyes, I can use it to blackmail the ice silkworm that has eaten a strong heart! Otherwise, the lives of my brothers and I will be here..."

After thinking about it, Sha Lingang put his hands together, closed his eyes, and moved his spiritual power all the way down through the thin layer of the subconscious to the depths of the sea of knowledge. In the eyes of the ice silkworm, the sand tears emitted all kinds of light, shining in the dark!

Slowly, the colorful tentacles extend from the body of the sand tears, slowly approaching the ten thousand remnants in the ice!

However, without waiting for his soul's tentacles to touch the cold ice, a sigh came from the ice. The sand tears standing outside the ice shivered all over, and the power of the soul retracted back into the body. The ice silkworm also looked at the sand tears puzzledly, "Young man! What did you do?"

"Me! I haven't done anything yet. I didn't even touch him!" The face of sand tears is full of innocence.

"Kun!" A huge gap was opened on the hard ice. The two could see that Wan Tiancan's body trembled slightly and sighed again...

"Wra!!" The huge hard ice cracked into countless fragments, and the ten thousand days who had been sleeping for a hundred years opened his eyes again. His unique and deep voice reappeared in the world: "What should come is always coming, and fate can't escape!"

The next second, Wantian's strong body had stood in front of sand tears. He lowered his head and asked deeply, "Young man, is your name sand tears?"