
344 Divine Soldiers Fall

344 Divine Soldiers Fall

In full view of the public, the old Shouyuanzi's head was pinched by the claw of the dragon like a watermelon! But is this really a dragon? With this body exactly like human beings, the dazzling bright red hair dances in the wind, and only a pair of flesh wings behind him shows his different identity from ordinary human beings!

"You small human beings! How dare you bully me like this! I must smash you into ten thousand pieces!" The dragon's eyes were red, and the flames of anger had filled his heart! By chance, I entered this unknown time and space and lived with those small human beings. Even the air I breathed had the despicable smell of human beings!

The dragon has long been extremely dissatisfied with his experience. Who knows that those lifeless creatures have swaggered into his territory. Not only has he just deterred the life around him, but also these lowly creatures don't know how much they have?

Now there is also an unknown evil magic, and metal explosives blow up his arm! Unbearable anger is like gushing out of his seven orifices! It turned into bright red flames and surrounded his claws. "You are all going to die! You are all going to die here!"

"Buff!" Hongyu looked at the naked dragon and whistled frivolously, "I didn't expect that the legendary thing was really real! Western lizards can really turn into human beings, which really opens my eyes today!" He doesn't care about Shou Yuanzi's life or death at all. Since the time he was recruited, Hongyu has known all the details of Shou Yuanzi and originally planned to use him as an investigator.

But I didn't expect that Shou Yuanzi, an old liar, was so backboneless that he was scared to pee in his pants when he saw the deterrent of the dragon! I can't calm down and deal with unexpected situations. "It's really not worth the 4 million dollars I gave him!" Hongyu whispered carelessly.

Just as he spoke, the bodyguards in front of him had begun a war with the human-shaped dragon! For a while, a single piece flew around and gunfire sounded everywhere!

The firepower crossed and aimed at the dragon floating in the sky. The bullets vented on his body for free, but the bullets did not leave people's expected blood. At most, it was a small dent and white on the thick steel plate. "You poor magic is not at all It may hurt the powerful Wu!"

"Oh!" The clear sound of the gun shook people's eardrums, and the dragon frowned slightly. There was no blood flower on his strong body except the blood on his right arm! Add another scar to him! The dragon was in pain and looked at the source of the bullet in anger.

The gunfire stuffed a cigar into his mouth, squinted his eyes and took a deep breath, but there was no hesitation in his hand. The sniper gun aimed steadily and fired, "This is really simple and easy! Unexpectedly, the legendary creature is just like this, just a moving target! What's the use of becoming a humanoid and becoming smaller! My shooting is very accurate!"

"Damn human beings! You are dead!" The dragon's angry roar resounded throughout the mountain area and suppressed all the noisy gunfire in an instant!

He spit out half a cigar in his mouth and laughed: "What are you daydreaming about? I didn't expect the IQ of the dragon clan to be like this! Boys, replace the bullet with a Steyr bullet, a high penetrating bullet, and shoot this bastard into a sieve!"

Almost in an instant, the whole bodyguard pulled the bolt at the same time, and the crisp sound made people feel comfortable! What a cool word!

"Hahaha! Everyone, shoot him through, we are the dragon-slayer warrior, hahaha..." While roaring, the gunfire pulled the trigger, and the bullet holes stayed on the dragon's body one by one, bursting blood flowers. "Papa..." The sound of dense bullets sounded again. This time, the dragon was hit by the kinetic energy of the bullet. Get rid of a gun target!

Too many bullets swept through the sky and shot into the body of the dragon. Finally, the blood that burst out turned into blood stains and dyed the sky red until everyone's shuttle bullets were finished!

"" The pleasure of venting the bullet made everyone short of breath. The gunfire greedily absorbed the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air and licked his lips with satisfaction. "It's really a refreshing smell! Haha... No matter how many times you ask, it's so intoxicating!"

Ling Rui still closed his eyes and sat safely on the jeep. If it hadn't been for his slightly undulating chest, people would have thought that he was a corpse that had died for many days!

With so many bullets, no matter who is killed! Everyone did not put down the guns in their hands and were replacing the magazines in an orderly manner. Although they were happy, they did not forget what creatures they were facing! This is not the only biological dragon in the world that only appears in the legend!

Two terrible lights suddenly lit up in the blood fog, and a gloomy voice hit everyone's heart, "Have you run out of magic?" Under the blood fog, the dragon's devastated body was exposed. He was like a beehive hanging on a branch. There was no intact skin all over his body, but there was no pain in his expression!

In full view of the public, those appalling bullet holes began to shrink until they disappeared, and a cruel smile appeared on the corners of the dragon's mouth, "So now it's my turn!"

"Fire! Shoot! What are you all doing?" The cold sound of the gunfire and coarse mine echoed between the valleys. He had never seen such a strange thing. This legendary creature still seemed to be a little Taoist, but he would still get hurt and bleed! Then we can win! It was not until now that he put away his joke and picked up the M21 sniper rifle! However, will it be a little late to start now?

"Do you want to come again? I really don't know how to live or die! Your weak magic has been completely seen through by me! You can't hurt me any more!" The dragon lowered its head and sang the unpredictable dragon language of human beings. There was an inexplicable light behind him, like an armor that blocked everything and protected him in it. "As long as this, as long as you use this ability, it's enough!"

The gunfire raged again, but this time the extremely effective bullet is like a powerless BB bullet, and there is no sound left on the dragon's golden armor!

In an instant, the dragon has arrived at the top of a speeding jeep. He raised his right paw with a ferocious smile, "As I said, none of you can survive!"

"Abandoned the car! Jump out of the car! Run, everyone!" The bodyguards in the car screamed and held their weapons tightly in their hands to abandon the car to escape, but it was too late!

The enchanting firelight condensed between the dragon's hands. When it waved down, the firelight turned into a flame dragon and fell from the sky, and the jeep was instantly ignited and exploded! Melting... Although those soldiers fell outside the car, the flame dragon's power range was huge! Even if they put their wings, they can't escape the explosion range!

The rest of the people felt a cold back at the same time. Almost in an instant, the situation was reversed, and the evil dragon that was still being hit by bullets. At this moment, it was like a super Saya bomber and gained great power. A car of people were sentenced to death almost at the moment they were targeted!

The jeep was burned to ashes in front of Hongyu. His mind turned sharply and immediately saw the current situation! He shouted loudly, "Everyone scattered and got out of the car!" Scattered! Don't gather together, if you gather together, you will be burned into BBQ!"

As soon as Hongyu's warning was issued, people immediately reacted and abandoned their cars to escape before the dragon flew over them. They didn't even press the brake of the jeep and rushed down one by one. Just when everyone was in a panic, "Oh!" A gunshot!

There was a harsh friction sound of bullets and hard things in the sky. The dragon looked down at the place where he was shot. The golden armor actually cracked a big and small opening. Although it did not hurt his body, it still strongly hurt his self-esteem!

"What's the mess! What a mess!" The gunfire was aimed with a squat with a gun, and the scar on his face was twisted. "There is no immortal creature in the world! Even if he is a god, he will also fall! Boss Hongyu, these bullets are my private collection, on the commission!"

"I'll give you ten times the commission! But the premise is that after killing this western lizard, you can also get some of these bullets for me to play with! Hahaha, I really can't put it down with such domineering power!" Hongyu's reaction is shocking. He has thought about what happened after killing the dragon, even if he is still at such a disadvantage!

"Okay! Boss!" The bullet was loaded, and the gunfire rose again and aimed at the dragon flying towards him in the sky. "As long as you can go back alive!" Hahaha..."

"You can't go back! You will all die here!" At the moment when the second bullet was loaded, the dragon had jumped in front of the gunfire. The sharp claws with flames are about to tear the door of the gunfire to pieces!

"Bear hell to attend your offense to me! Ignorant mortal!"

"It seems like a good thing to die under a legendary hand!"

"When!!" The white light flashed, and then the violent collision sound came out. The dragon's claws were less than half a meter in front of the gunfire door! Stop, don't make an inch! The white light left all his strength in place!

The destruction finally moved, and the * in his hand broke the distance of the space, blocked the only way of the dragon's giant claws, and stared at the dragon's eyes indifferently! That temperature-free look is like freezing the angry dragon together!

"Well done!" In his long career as a mercenary, the gunfire will not miss any chance. As soon as he escaped from death, he turned into the battle stage. He picked up the M21 sniper gun in his hand without aiming and raised his hand. "Oh!" There is no need to aim at such a close range. The special processing of the armor-piercing bullet that hits the bullet, with a violent rotation, penetrates into the body of the dragon like a drill, and bursts out from behind with enchanting blood flowers!

The dragon's body trembled, stepped back a few steps, and raised his hand with a knife!

"Roar!" The dragon roar overwhelmed the people within 50 meters around with the unique pressure of the dragon clan. The gunfire fell to the ground, and the destruction also knelt on one knee. He stubbornly looked up at the crazy dragon. The bodyguards became rolling gourds one by one by one. Hongyu was at the outermost side, under the least pressure and was struggling to go out. Climb.

"I told you! You are all going to die, you are all going to die here! Yes, they will all die here!" The dragon also opened his teeth and claws like crazy. He made a move casually, and a sword cast by flames condensed out of his claws. "People who offend our dragon clan must die!"

"Cry!" A long halberd fell from the sky, and the fierce spirit completely suppressed the momentum of the dragon!

"You want them to die! Did you have my consent?" Black helmet, black armor, blood-red edges, and the horse roars under the seat!

Looking at the people, the dragon's pupils contracted rapidly!