
358 Brother Wall

358 Brothers Wall

Dizzy, when Bai Qi came to his senses again and looked around, the surrounding environment was very different. His throat was like a dry pain filled with thousands of pounds of sand, and he finally squeezed out his weak voice, "Here...where is this?"

"Young master..." A familiar voice came from Bai Qi's side. Bai Qi's eyes were sore, and he only felt that his body was powerless. The man immediately understood and put his arms around Bai Qi's tired body. "Young master, you finally woke up! We are no longer on the battlefield. We are in the fourth safe house!"

Hearing the name of the fourth safe house, Bai Qi's tense mind calmed down a little. These safe houses are Bai Qi's hidden emergency measures in the city just in case. Only a few of his most intimate people know the way to come, which shows that at least one of Dabai and Xiaobai are still alive, and may be alive.

Grabbing the body of the people around him, Bai Qi struggled to stand up. As soon as he stood up straight, there was a pain in his calves. "his~" Bai Qi took a deep breath of cold air, and the pain on his feet made bean sweat flow down Bai Qi's forehead, "Young Master!" The man beside him carried Bai Qi's weak limbs with his own body.

It was not until this that Bai Qi could see the man's face clearly. Half of his face was covered with thick gauze, and half of his thick lips were gone. The sticky blood was constantly stained with red layers of gauze, and there was nothing above his right arm, "Your hand!" Bai Qi stopped talking and clenched his fists.

"Young master! It's okay. You can survive. Even if I lose one more arm, it's worth it.

Bai Qi's heart was mixed. He couldn't remember what happened in his distracted time at all! Go and have a rest first!" Bai Qi looked into the eyes of the undistinguished subordinate and patted him on the shoulder.

"No! Taking care of the young master's safety is the task given to me by Dabai. I can't leave without permission!" The eyes of the broken arm were full of stubbornness. Bai Qi sighed silently and said in a gentle voice that he could not imagine, "I know, go and rest quickly. This is my order!"

Bai Qi really can't say any tough words to these loyal brothers. The man looked at Bai Qi's gentle eyes, and his eyes flashed slightly and hesitated. Bai Qi immediately stood up straight. Even if his calf pain made him want to moan, there was still a warm smile on his face, "Look, I can stand up by myself, Uncle Ben! How can you be so weak? Tell me where they are, and I'm going to go to them to discuss the counterattack plan!"

He hammered the chest of his arm and laughed loudly, "Go and rest quickly. Don't wait for the horn of our counterattack to sound, but you can only lie down on the disease**!"

The eyes of the broken arm suddenly lit up, which was so dazzling and bright in the dark room, "Yes! Young master! Dabai should be vigil on the top now. I'm going to rest now. Don't forget me when you go back! I haven't killed enough yet!"

"There will definitely be a chance!" Bai Qi patted his shoulder and walked past him, demonstrating the slightly shining tears in the corners of his eyes with darkness. With such a brother loyal to his left and around, what does his husband want?

reached out and rubbed his eyes, and Bai Qi stretched out his hands and patted his cheeks hard, "Bai Qi! You must not face them with a tired face, facing these exhausted brothers! If you fall first, who else can lead them out of this dilemma!"

When Bai Qi walked through the corner and went up the stairs, he had changed back to the fearless Bai Qi! The Bai Qi who will never give in! The frightening illegitimate son of the Bai family!

"Young master!" The light upstairs is not much better than the underground. In order to ensure that the fourth safe house is not exposed, it seems that Dabai has let people turn off all the lighting facilities. The sound coming into the ear is faintly tired, but Bai Qi will not mishear this familiar voice, "Big White!"

Big white and bright eyes lit up from the dark corner, and there was another person beside him who opened his eyes and stared at the white rise that had just emerged. "How's the situation now? How are our casualties? Where is Xiaobai?

Bai Qi carefully walked to Dabai's side and raised his questions one by one. It was not until he was close to Dabai that Bai Qi could see their situation clearly.

Dabai's body has four or five knife wounds, and his left arm is thickly wrapped in gauze. It seems that this arm has been broken through by bullets! Around him, they watched the night together with sand tears, Guo Fengxiao and Jiu Moron. There were more or less several scars on their bodies, and their white eyebrows frowned involuntarily.

"We... only 54 people left! There are only about 30 people who can fight with all their strength..." The white face is pale, and a large number of wounds have lost blood, which makes him look a little haggard. "Xiao Bai is recuperating downstairs and has passed the safe period, but... If he is not sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, I'm afraid with our medical equipment alone..."

Dabai's words became slower and slower, and Bai Qi's heart became heavier and heavier. "Have we got rid of the pursuers? After a while, we will be like a way to send the seriously injured out. We can't delay any longer. I don't want to see any brother die in front of me..."

"Bang!" Suddenly, a huge beam of light shot in from the outside and fell beside everyone. Bai Qi squatted down and stared at this unknown beam of light, and a ominous feeling appeared in his heart.

"Xiaoqi, I know you're in there!"

The indifferent voice made Bai Qi's heart tremble! The forced body almost fell to the ground, this sound! Bailing!" Bai Qi gritted his teeth and said, as if he wanted to engrave the name in his bone marrow. How could he forget that since his mother's death, this was the first person who made him feel that the world was not dark! Now it makes him feel that the whole world is collapsing.

What is left of Bai Qi? He only has these brothers left! There are only these brothers. Does the devil want to take away all these only things? The anger gathered uncontrollably from the depths of his heart to Bai Qi's eyes, and he suddenly stood up! Exposed to the light, "Huh! Mr. Bai, I didn't expect that I had such an honor to let you track it here!"

The cold air sprayed out of Baiqi's mouth, and people around him could see his trembling body and angry eyes at this moment. "Xiaoqi... Don't do this, I think there is some misunderstanding between us. I just want to have a good talk with you!"

"Talk about it?" Bai Qi snorted coldly and took a step forward, "Will I still be afraid of you?"

"Young master! Don't go!" A weak voice came from the entrance of the stairs on the other side, holding Bai Qi's footsteps, "Don't go..."

"Xiao Bai?" Bai Qi turned around in surprise and worriedly and saw Xiao Bai's blurred figure leaning against the door and moving his pace with difficulty. Dabai stood up to hold the crumbling Xiaobai. Xiaobai waved his hand and pushed Dabai away. "I can go by myself. I have nothing to do!" The young master needs me!"

"Xiao Bai..." Bai Qi's hands trembled and wanted to hold the weak body, but he couldn't do this. He stretched out his hands to support his body, but humiliated his loyalty!

Xiaobai has to shake a few times every step he moves. He is afraid that a gust of wind will take away his name at this time. The crisscrossed knife bursts on his body, and the blood will soak the gauze that has just been wrapped. "Children! You can't go like this. Xiaobai will follow you... Unless they step on my body..."

"Xiao Bai, stop talking!" Bai Qi turned around. He didn't want to look at Xiaobai anymore. He rushed into the beam of light without looking back. "Wait for me, I'll be back soon!" Before I come back, no! I order you that you can't die until you get my permission!"

In a blink of an eye, Bai Qi had rushed out of the fourth safe house. The white family was covered with live ammunition outside. The huge spotlight shone on the empty surface outside, and the disgusting eldest brother also stood alone in the empty square and smiled at Bai Qi.

Bai Qi slowed down his pace and walked to Bailing with open arms, "Xiaoqi..."

"Ah!" Near Bailing, Bai Qi punched his right arm without saying a word. The severe pain in his foot slowed him down, and Bailing narrowly avoided it.

Bailing stepped back a few steps and said with a smile, "Xiaoqi, I know your martial arts are powerful, but now you can't hit me! Moreover, so many people have died, do you still want to continue the fight? There are only 54 people left in your elite army. What else can you do to fight with me?

"You fart! Even if there is only one person left, I can fuck all your grandchildren!" Bai Qi flew up again. Bai Ling shook his head indifferently, turned over and kicked Bai Qi to the ground. "Do you think I don't know what's going on inside? If there is no one around you, how can I know that the old man is dead, and how can I give this news to that stupid dick!"

Even if he had guessed the result of the matter, Bai Qi still felt difficult to accept after hearing Bai Ling's words. The most trusted person around him betrayed him, and this person is still alive! Live in his fourth safe house. There is no pain in the abdomen, calves, shoulders, neck, and no pain. Bai Qi struggled to stand up.

"Don't struggle!" Bai Ling revealed a pocket pistol from his sleeve and aimed at Bai Qi, who fell to the ground. "Our business will come to an end!"

"Why did you do this to me!" This is what Bai Qi wants to know most at this moment. Because you are so talented! You scare me. From the first day you entered the White League, I have noticed the old man's care for you, and I have noticed your threat to me!"

"For this ridiculous reason! I have no ambition!" Bai Qi roared and said the words in his chest. Bailing, who looked down at him, smiled coldly, "Do you think I will believe it? I was never willing to take any risks, so I sold the old man's heart to my uncle! Haha, he's really a stupid guy, just like you. If you treat you better, you will take it seriously! It really makes people feel boring! But fortunately, I finally learned about these things tonight!"

"All of it your plan?" Bai Qi looked at Bai Ling's gradually becoming strange face in disbelie, "Is everything all this deceptive? Those days..."

"Do you think I'm joking?" Bailing pressed the trigger, "Oh!" With a sound, the bullet scratched the white cheek and left a small deep hole on the ground.

Bai Lin slowly squatted down with a gun and said, "Xiaoqi, although acting these days, you have brought me a lot of fun, so! I can let you live!" Bai Qi heard this and slowly raised his head, "As long as you kill all the people inside!" I'll let you live!" There was a devilish smile on his face.

Bai Qi didn't know how he walked back to the safe house. His impression was only of his heavy body and endless light. "Plop..." Bai Qi walked to the door and fell softly on the ground under his feet. "Young master!" Dabai shouted and dragged Bai Qi in from the door.

Bai Qi looked up at his eyes. Bai Qi's eyes were pale. He muttered to himself in a low voice, "Who on earth betrayed me..."

Dabai's face sank in an instant, and his always firm eyes trembled uneasily...