The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 22 Grandfather's Will

The old man came with Liu Sheng one afternoon.

When he arrived at the ward, the old man instructed Liu Sheng out. I have tasted everything to such an old man.

Generally, when they live to their age, they are either amazingly open-minded or stubborn and speechless.

The old men of the Jing family are like individuals. Fortunately, the purpose of their existence is to maximize the interests of the Jing family, otherwise ten of me will be exhausted by them.

The old man is the most difficult creature.

The old man looked at me from beginning to end without saying a word. I was shocked and said that the old man was close to death, so his perception of death was second only to the baby. I don't know if I will see anything about this ability to return to nature.

He looked at me for a long time, until I couldn't stand it, and finally opened his mouth. Without the majesty of the elder, he only cared for the kindness of the old girl, "When people live to my age, they look at everything lightly."

He didn't have time to make such an opening remarks, and I didn't answer it.

Fortunately, he didn't embarrass me with this, and then said, "Xiao Tong, I know I've wronged you. Your brother told me everything about you. He is indeed a bastard, and his sister can't protect him.

Although it was against my will, I still whispered, "Actually, my brother has done a good job..."

He interrupted me directly and said, "Don't talk for that bastard. You are all my grandchildren, and I am not biased by anyone. But Xiaotong, I'm glad you can say that. You must also know that even if your brother has thousands of mistakes, no matter how many wrong things he has done, he is also your brother. It's your blood relative."

"I know...that's why..." I didn't bully him. Of course, sometimes leaving room for others to think nonsense will have unexpected benefits. Although the object is an old man who has become a refined man, that does not prevent him from automatically brain tonic!

The old man was very satisfied, "You did a good job. Remember that he is your brother. You can blame him, hate him, and don't like him, but you can't alienate him," the old man said meaningfully. "If there is a misunderstanding, you should solve it well. This is the most basic principle of getting along with people. Not to mention you! Since your birth, you have been doomed to the bond of your life. This kind of fetter is unbroken. Child, I know you blame him, hate him, and misunderstand him, so you want to stay away, right?

I didn't say a word, just lowered my head. Let him not see my expression.

The old man sighed, "You are a good child, and Lu Shi is also a good child. He has done many wrong things. He knows that he is wrong. Child, you should give him a chance to remedy it. Do you understand?"

After thinking for a long time, hesitatingly said, "Grandfather, I don't know. I don't know if I can do what you said."

The old man finally breathed a sigh of relief and was quite autocratic. "How do you know if you don't try? Xiaotong, my grandfather is here telling you that if you don't do it, I won't promise you.

Is that expression, that look, so swollen that it makes people itchy?

I stayed in the hospital for a few days, and Uncle Jibu also came.

is still very arrogant, "Why are you so unlucky? How long has it been since you were discharged from the hospital and came in again? Uncle Ben told you to go to the hospital that day, but you didn't listen! Do something that is not gorgeous."

Although the words are a little flat, this is a manifestation of the care of the old man of the trace department.

I put up with it and lowered my eyebrows and said, "Yes, it's all because I didn't listen to the seniors of the Ministry that day. I caught a cold and delayed it for another night, which aggravated my condition, so I was forced to be transferred to Tokyo Hospital."


"Don't be the same as me."

"Will I see you in general? You don't look at your identity either."

The corners of my mouth** can't help saying, "Yes, the predecessor of Jibu is the king of the Ice Emperor. How can I compare with my predecessors?"

"You are self-aknowledgeable!"

I really can't help it!

"Those female cats did it that day?"

"Well~~~ What does the senior mean by the female cat?"

"Who else can there be? Isn't it just the girls who shout around the tennis department? It's like I've never seen a man. It's so annoying!"

"Well~~" I'm ashamed. Fortunately, I have something to do with Shen Nange and have a good relationship with Renzu. Otherwise, it's no different from those girls in his eyes!" Senior Jibu, in fact, it was they who locked me in the toilet that day, and I couldn't get out. Maybe they didn't expect me to be so weak!"

smiled self-deprecatingly. When can I be honored to be classified as a weak person!

"It's so ugly!"

"Ah?" The smile froze on his face, I don't know why.

"I told you not to laugh. It's so ugly to laugh." It's very unpleasant.

I feel sorry for myself. This young master who has never suffered setbacks will not understand. However, according to his nature, even if he receives setbacks, he will never feel sorry for himself.

is also right. There is no benefit from this, which destroys the mood for no reason.

The old man seemed to be very impatient and said like alms, "Since you don't have a good life in Lihai, I will be kind-hearted. Come to the Ice Emperor. I promise you that you will not be harassed by those female cats."

The proud teenager said this to me. With such a confident look and such an arrogant personality, he said to a person who has not known him for a long time, come to my sphere of influence, and I will cover you. He, who was very self-confident and extremely confident, invited me so arrogantly based on his own preferences and without any interest entanglement.

I think it's funny.

I was moved again.

It's still a little sad.

All kinds of emotions surged in my heart.

I didn't know what to say for a while. Attracted by him, he seemed to have lost the ability to speak for him.

"What's your answer?" In the sun, the face of the youth team is shining, naturally dazzling and dazzling, which makes people unable to move their eyes.

I finally found my voice and smiled silently, "Then I will ask my seniors for more advice from now on."

After a few days, I was finally discharged from the hospital again. The moment I left the hospital gate, I was so excited that I burst into tears. Well, it was only three or four months before I came to Japan, and six or seven out of them were spent in the hospital.

If you go home, you can naturally go back to school.

The old man told me a few words, and then took Liu Sheng to the study to give a lecture. For two hours, I didn't know what the father and grandson said. Needless to say, Liu Sheng didn't want to say a word. The old man lived at home for a few days and went back to the old house, saying how good the old house was. This bustling city is not comparable at all.

Old people like stability.

The day after returning home, I followed him to school.

When I arrived at school, I was welcomed by Xia Shi's tears. She was in tears, and she sobbed on me.

A lovely girl is such a good person who takes her heart out her friends and sincerely thinks about Liu Shengtong. However, the decision has been made for a long time, and there is no room for hesitation.

Without any softness, she took her hand and said hard, "Xia Shi, I've always wanted to tell you that your brother is right. I'm just an out of tune. Being with me will cause you a lot of trouble. You don't tell me, I also know. A few days ago, they put it in my book and put it in my locker. When you were snakes, insects, rats and ants, you were not spared. And you don't have to bear these at all."

"I'm not afraid." Xia Shi wiped his tears and his eyes were red and firm. "I'm not afraid of them at all. They know how to play tricks behind their backs like the mice crossing the street. On the surface, none of them is my opponent.

"But I'm scared! You have been practicing martial arts since you were a child and have good skills. Look at me, you can just fall asleep by them and get sick for a long time. I'm not you. I don't have that ability. I can only choose to escape. Xia Shi, don't blame me, okay? I know that you are my best friend, and you won't embarrass me, will you?" I smiled as if I didn't see the light in her eyes gradually disappear. "If I hadn't been close to you, Elder Sanada wouldn't hate me so much."

My eyes are full of wings, and I have seen such beautiful days.

Xia Shi's face was unbelievable, "Xiao Tong - how can you think so? Are you out of your mind? They are sovoking discord!"

I'm not happy, "Xia Shi, I know you can't accept this result for a while. You know, I appreciate you for being with me from beginning to end. But I'm sorry, if I'm still so close to you, they will hate me more and more.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean! Isn't it just that I'm getting in your way, approaching those people in the tennis department in front of you? What else can it mean?" Xia Shi's words were rude and full of ridiculism.

I'm also annoyed, "Yes! You are blocking me! Don't you know that it's because of you that I am so disgusted by them! You are excellent and cute. They all like you, but what about me? What did I do wrong? Even my own brother hates me so much! It's all you!" I was very afraid to yell at her, "You and I are the sister of the tennis department, but you can be welcomed and liked by them, and what about me? What did I get? All of them are disgusted!"

"How dare you think so! You actually think so..." She muttered, with tears in her eyes and fluorescence flashing, "We have experienced so much together, and you think so much about me..."

I turned my head as if I didn't see or hear it.

There is a deep sadness in my heart.

For Liu Shengtong and for myself. Nowadays, the Jing family has no place for me. Those elders who once spoiled me have put me in the depths of their memory and will not easily recall me.

And what about Liu Shengtong? Her traces are gradually being eliminated by me.

Everyone is taking over Liu Shengtong's change. Everyone.

But you can't!

I selfishly took her place for my survival, but I wanted to keep her. At least, it can leave evidence of her existence.

Xia Shi, you are the most important evidence!

You are the person who is most familiar with Liu Shengtong. You know everything about her, her secrets, her love, what she likes, what she hates, everything about her, you know! Liu Shengtong has gradually faded from everyone's vitality. Only you and only you can remember her!

If we are strangers from now on, Liu Shengtong can always live in your heart. In your impression, what is always left is Liu Shengtong, the real her.

That is the last and only evidence that Liu Shengtong once lived in this world.

Shewasintheworld! She once existed.

I can only apologize to you.

I don't regret being reborn here. If you give me another choice, I will also stand in front of you. However, I have no right to completely erase a person's existence. I can't be so selfish.