The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 32 Fear

My God, I glanced at the selected colors, and none of them kept a normal face. Even the tolerance of habitually wearing a gentleman's mask is hard to be surprised.

He was practicing with Xiangri at that time. Listening to Jibu's words, he didn't even pick up the tennis played by Xiangri, and let him bounce on the ground and roll down.

Xiang Ri looked stunned, and his mouth was so wide that he could stuff an egg.

Not to mention the acupuncture point, he took a look at the trace, pressed the brim of the hat, muttered something, and was too far away to hear it clearly. I think it should all be disapproval of the trace department. Or it's a surprise to the trace department's move.

It's a kind classmate Feng. After being surprised, he was full of worry, as if he was saying that if he couldn't call him. However, his squirming lips said nothing.

I have always known that tennis is very horrible, but I have never experienced it, and I don't know what horror it is. It won't be a good stubble. The king standing at the top of the pyramid of the Ice Emperor's tennis department must have his unique advantages.

I looked bitterly at the trace department very low. He turned a blind eye and didn't hear anything. He took me straight into the venue. Looking at his back, I was about to spit fire in my eyes, and I couldn't wait to make two holes in his back.

Scanning around, it is probably a look that I don't agree with it, or it's extremely worshipful and jealous of me. However, no one dares to challenge the authority of the trace department. They all seem to have discussed each other. They just look at it without saying anything, their eyes are unscrupulous, and they don't go out.

I have tears in my heart. God supervises you, but you came out to stop it. Unfortunately, I didn't even see the shadow.

Holding the baseball racket, he stood in the middle of the court in fear. The track smiled at me. The tennis ball threw up and waved the racket. The teenager's slender body bounced up, "Bang!" In the blink of an eye, the yellow ball jumped twice on the plastic field. I followed the ball's footsteps and waved a beat before the ball landed. I just hit the yellow ball.

Then the reality was beyond my expectation.

The ball that was supposed to fly to the track somehow still maintained its original orbit and flew behind me. Passing through my ears, my ears rose with the wind.

The onlookers were in an uproar, not knowing whether it was for the wonderfulness of the trail or for my embarrassment.

My hands didn't shake, and my feet didn't shake, so I was more determined. I stood in the middle of the field and didn't know how to react at all! For a very short moment, I felt as if I had lost all my strength and limbs lost their strength at the same moment. It felt like blood flowing still and losing vitality. If the time hadn't been shorter than the blink of an eye, I might have fallen to the ground immediately.

That moment was so short, but I felt it.

And my anger stirred in my chest.


Absolute shame!

Previous life and present life, unprecedented humiliation.

Submerged by the sense of shame, his chest was stirred, and his whole body was calm and motionless because of excessive anger. Too much pride collapsed at that moment and I don't know what to say. I am lazy, but my laziness is based on strong strength.

When I was still born in Jing Baosheng, I dared to throw what I should do to the Presbyterian Council because of absolute self-confidence, and the elders did not dare to make trouble.

One of the most important reasons why I dare to leave the Jing family without leaving a master is that I am very confident. The arrangement I made before is enough for me to go back or a new master appears.

I dare to burn myself in front of Mu'an, also because I have absolute confidence that I can wake up again and have power since then. Those forces that have been imprisoned by Mu'an but cannot be used for their own use.

Then the ball that just disappeared seemed to make me feel the ridicule of fate and laugh at my extremely arrogant self-confidence. I absolutely believe it! I'm not willing.

I took a deep breath, adjusted my state, and shouted, "Come again!"

The trace threw another ball and smashed it hard!

At this time, the noise around me was ignored, and the whole world was left with the opposite trace and the yellow ball flying towards me. Because of concentration, my eyes have captured the trajectory of the tennis. Looking at the tennis movement, I moved my body, and the steps under my feet moved naturally, closely following the tennis, carrying enough strength, and skillfully waving a beat.

The tennis ball naturally falls on the racket.

The moment the racket came into contact with the tennis ball, it rose again. Looking back, the tennis racket was lying quietly on the ground, while the yellow ball rolled to the edge and stopped.

I seemed to hear the air still, and there was no flow at all.

Panic, unprecedented panic surged into my mind.

My power is gradually passing away. I was confident that even if I changed my body, the power attached to the strong soul would shift with the transfer of the soul. As soon as I was reborn, I found that I had little strength left. At that time, I thought that I had changed my body and did not adjust it. Later, after being nourished by the elixir, the lost power returned, and I was completely rejoined. Although it is small, it will come back slowly, won't it?

Therefore, I didn't pay much attention to it. How can you lose the power you have since the soul was born? The secret art of the Jing family has always been very domineering. I also have the confidence that I have used my power freely for more than 20 years, and I will never change because of physical changes. It's just too weak for me to feel.

The last time I met the vampire, I had to use the spell because my strength was too weak to resist him.

There must be something wrong with that link, otherwise, it will not cause such a state of time stagnation, and even the power belonging to the soul may be lost.

"Pick up your racket!" As if dissatisfied with my long silence, the trace suddenly shouted.

I picked up the racket according to my words, leaned forward slightly, and looked closely at the hand of the trace.

He still jumped high, and the racket waved a sharp beat with the strength of his arm.

The yellow ball rotates with a huge wind, and I seem to be able to see the rolled up air, forming smooth airflow lines, spinning into a whirlpool of the storm, which is amazing.

I restrained my mind, clenched the racket in my hand, followed the trajectory of the ball, stood in the position where it bounced up for the second time, and caught the ball.

Between the lightning, the racket in his hand still fell to the ground.

The power in the body seemed to disappear, and at the moment of occuping the ball, it could not be used at all.

I wanted to cry without tears, and smiled bitterly at the trace, "Senior, it seems that I can only wave the racket."

The trace department ignored me and only said, "Come again!"

I wanted to refute, but when I saw the corners of his mouth tightly squeezed, I picked up the racket again.

Throughout the afternoon, as if he was angry with someone, he kept serving and serving. I didn't even catch a ball, but he still refused to give up. Such stubborn eyes, as if the person who had the accident was him, and his face had no expression all afternoon.

Although I could see the trajectory of the ball, although I could chase the ball, and although I could catch the ball, at the moment I caught the ball, my hands and feet were cold and I wanted to be completely numb and couldn't work hard.

From the beginning of discouragement and frustration, to the later many times, I didn't want to care about it myself. I simply chased him to serve. If I couldn't catch it, I would come back. He was tired to serve, not to mention that although I didn't rest for ten minutes for half an hour, I was completely exhausted after one afternoon.

I was looked at with contempt, and I didn't feel it all afternoon. The skin is also thickened with strong adaptability.

I have to say that habit is really a terrible thing.

I was so tired that I almost collapsed to the ground and didn't even have the strength to move my little finger.

I couldn't stand it, and finally I was willing to stop the trace department. The track department thought about it for a while and then said, "Today is the first day. I'll let you go. From tomorrow, I will teach you in person. It won't bother Shen Sang. Liu Sheng, since you are from my tennis department, you have to show the courage of the tennis department. The proud teenager raised his star-like eyes and said so. I think it's insidious.

With my head down, can I say anything but silence? I can't say anything.

What is this called? In addition to the wolf's nest, he went into the tiger's den.

After a short break, the trace department called the candidates to speak. I also stood on the side honestly, but the trace department said, "You go to Ben first, and I will take you home later."

I nodded.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare, just go to the storage room to get your own things. I came to the tennis department before, and my schoolbags and so on were there. I'm lazy and don't like to be like them. The textbook and tennis racket are put together. I don't want to run around behind my back.

Open the locker and a light blue envelope lies quietly inside.

Who sent me the letter? Isn't it a love letter?

I smiled secretly, and I should get a pink envelope for the love letter.

Opening, a similarly blue post is printed with a large "T" on the front, which is written in square small regular script. Japanese upper-class society is like this. The more solemn it is, the more they like to use Chinese characters. Like invitations, most of them use small regular script to show solemnity.

I finally remembered what Takeuchi said about the T post at noon. Is this it? Isn't it just for fighting and fighting like attending a banquet?

"Liu Sheng's feet:

I have heard that my skills are superb, and I appreciate them very much. I sincerely invite you to enjoy them in order to learn tennis skills and enjoy them.

Takeuchi Xinzi"

Turning through the page, the time and place are written on the back, which is very detailed.

This bamboo is interesting.

She can also do it if she bullied me as a rookie.