The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 57 Cheat


I carefully observed his look. Needless to say, how could he look good when he said this now? "What's going on? Injured? Or is someone threatening you?

"None. Nothing, just, just me..."

"How about it?"

I don't know how to explain it. Such a thing is not only a disgrace, but also a lack of ability, which can't be made up for.

But sooner or later, "I don't have the ability to perceive music." Finally said it, but without the expected relief, it became more nervous.

This kind of thing is too strange, but in fact, I am really the kind of person who is indistinguous. My mother once had a headache for this and thought about everything. I have also done things that I didn't give me food for a month, but I didn't get any good, which became a great shame that the owner of the Jing family can't say.

Because of me, my family doesn't talk much about music in front of me, so the music appreciation course has become unavailable, but it is cheaper for Shen Nange and spends a lot of time to dissect the body. That's why Shen Nange became a music idiot like me.

I thought it would change a little if I changed my body, but unfortunately, there was no change.

I have no longer forced it. How did I know that Takeuchi would make such a moth? What can I do? Previously, I thought that it was just selfish. It would not be too humiliating to sweep some people at that time, but I didn't expect to beat her so gloomy.

It's too late for me to regret now. I have to confess first and don't minimize the loss before making a big mistake.

The trace looked at me deeply, and his eyes were full of inquiry.

I was anxious, "Senior, what I said is all true. I don't know what to do when I touch the instrument now. My mind is blank. Senior~~ You really can't let me go up like this, otherwise, I'm not the only one who is ashamed.


"I know I'm wrong. I must inquire about it next time and receive the post, really!"


"Senior, did you agree? I know that seniors are the best. I really like seniors~~~"

The trace was choked by me, and I blocked my neck and didn't answer.

He smiled and said, "Baosheng, you are really simple. Didn't you say at this time that you are specially looking for trouble for the trace department? You didn't see that the people outside were full, just waiting for you and Takeuchi.

"What should I do? Senior~~~"

The trace department didn't talk nonsense to me and made a final sound, "You, go up!"

I cried and put the violin on my face, and the voice of the headset said, "Let's begin."

Then, the mellow music flows from the sound of the stage.

This is a part of Bach's Unaccompanied Violin Sonata, which is quite classical and difficult to control. But the sloping movement echoed throughout the auditorium with my movements through the loudspeaker.

Those who know music and those who don't know music are all throbbing with the ups and downs of music in this beautiful movement.

This is a successful track, which can be said to be quite excellent.

I knew when I saw the rather disapproving but satisfied look of Sakaki's supervision. However, Sakaki supervised the eight wind and sat still. I clearly saw that his eyebrows did not stretch. Looking at my eyes, it seemed that he was going to execute me to dispel his hatred.

I also know from Takeuchi's unwilling but compelled complex expression.

Shen Nange's face was full of strange colors, and finally only squeezed his eyes at me sarcastically. Fortunately, he didn't say anything in the end.

Of course, a large number of people looked at me with new eyes, which made me scared. I'd better find an opportunity to go out and hide. The higher I am, the more miserable I die.

At the end of the song, salute and leave. I didn't see the trace department under the stage just now. He is still in the background. I guess he doesn't want to accompany me to lose face.

"Hum~~" When Jibu saw me come in, he didn't give me a good look and hummed at me. I knew I was wrong and didn't dare to say anything. I touched my nose silently, and saw that Forbearance also came from behind, carrying his violin.

endured and said, "Even if you owe me this time, I will get it back from you." After saying that, he left. I guess he was still unhappy. He grabbed it temporarily and helped me cheat. I pulled it in front of him. The music in the stereo was Renzujun's violin. The violin I was holding was damaged, and it didn't look damaged at all. In fact, it didn't make a sound at all.

At least after passing this level, I feel relieved.

However, when I saw the frown of the trace, my heart suddenly hung high, which is not over yet.

The sound of the piano on the stage turned out that in addition to Takeuchi and me, there were also people participating in this music selection. Following the trace department and went out of the backstage, she met Takeuchi who wanted to come in and prepare. She looked full of unwillingness, but she was still very elegant and said, "The trace department, can you lend her to me for a while?"

The trace frowned and didn't say anything.

Takeuchi laughed, "What are you so nervous about? I won't eat her." Regardless of my consent, he took me aside.

My heart is empty. I no longer have the frank eyes of Takeuchi, but I can't have stage fright.

"Do you have something to do with me?"

"I just want to tell you that this time, I lost convincingly. No wonder Jibu is so nervous about you. Don't worry, I'm not the one who can't afford to lose. Today, I won't pester him anymore. I should have figured out that if he hadn't wanted to, no one would have entered his heart. But I want to warn you to be kind to the trace department, otherwise I will definitely take him back.

I didn't say anything.

has come to this point, and it's meaningless to say anything. As for the kindness she released, I remember that's it.

Out of the background, Jibu stood outside and waited for me.

His heroic figure was against the light, as if his whole body had been sublimated. My heart was sore and rushed over, and tears and snot rubbed against his white shirt.

Although he was very concerned, he didn't push me away and let me vent.

How lucky to meet him.

Because of Sakai's supervision, I know very well that today's music review is the last one than me. Supervisor Sakaki didn't expose me. I'm already very grateful that I don't have that qualification.

I don't know what Jibu said to the Sakai supervisor. Anyway, Sakaki came to my music teacher and completely gave up on me. He refused to talk about me, and he didn't have much in his eyes. Instead, he had a little pity for me.

On the contrary, Shen Nange was angrily at me. Although he was unanimous outside, he did not hesitate to crack down on slander when he returned home. His selfless dedication to forbearance was quite unacceptable. It has been several days and he is still talking about it.

Since Youmu Xun moved against me that night, I have been very defensive against him. I was very alert when I went to bed at night, and I could wake up with a little wind and grass.

But as if I was over-minded, Youmu Xun did not move at all. As usual, sending spring water and medicinal herbs did not mean how I used the crystal on the bracelet to collect aura and restore my body as soon as possible.

I was on guard once or twice, and I never relaxed three or four times. Ten times and twenty times, I began to doubt myself that not everyone in the world is like Mu'an. Besides, what can I do to make him so troublesome now?

Although he is still on guard against him on the surface, his heart is relaxed.

I was angry that I was so restless that I didn't even look good at him. He didn't care at all and was as tolerant as ever.

Every day, I can't look bad to him anymore, but I don't talk to him much. He still runs downstairs to eat.

We were eating that night when someone rang the doorbell.

Okashima went to open the door and exclaimed.

We looked and saw that there was a person who was exactly the same as Shen Nange standing outside, but Shen Lanxun.

I'm so happy that I can finally come back to be reliable.

Shen Nange was very unhappy. Due to Shen Lan's ** power, he didn't dare to act rashly.

When Shen Lan came back, he saw Okajima. He smiled at Shen Nange and didn't say anything. He made Okajima go to the kitchen to add bowls and chopsticks. Then I saw the wood again and smiled at me. My whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice hole.

My God! You'd better not come back.

Shen Nange was happy at first sight. He was very good. He opened a few bottles of wine with Shen Lanxun Youmu and Okajima. After a few glasses of wine, he was a little unconscious and poured out my embarrassing thing. "Don't you know that our baby is amazing. Doesn't she even have a sense of music? Unexpectedly, he dared to take another person's post, saying that he wanted to fight for taste! How did you end up?"

"How about it?"

"She was lucky enough to endure the boy's violin and helped her cheat in the background, but the supervisor knew all about it, but he didn't expose it on the spot. Poorly endure and do something thankless!"

"Why do you receive other people's posts?" Youmu is very curious.

I pinched him desperately under the table. Not only did he not know how to restrain, but he also added oil and vinegar to make Takeuchi and I jealous!

Shen Lanxun has been smiling, and Youmu Xun's smile has long been gone. His eyes are deep, and I was so scared that I lost my chopsticks and ran away.

The next day, Shen Nange really couldn't get up as usual. Shen Lanxun wiped his hands while eating breakfast and said, "Baosheng, if you want to fall in love, have a good relationship. Don't be like Shen Nange.

I nodded quickly and didn't dare to violate it.

"I have something to do when I come back this time. I won't live here, but I'm still in Japan. You can come to me if you have something to do."

"What's the matter? What's the matter? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What?" Shen Lan's eyes floated over.

I immediately silenced, "Nothing." Delicate but muttering, will it have anything to do with the surprise mentioned by Feimo?

By the way, I don't know where Feimo has gone, but this time I disappeared again. It's been a week since the last contact.

Alas! It's really nerve-wracking to do both of them.