The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 97 Trap

The atmosphere is a little depressing, and that paragraph is not a happy thing.

I said quietly, "You know now that my real brother is Jing Mingyue, and you haven't seen him yet. Although I don't want to admit that he should actually belong to my brother, but when I was in my mother's stomach, he robbed me of too much nutrients, so that now I am miserable. When I came, I was pressed by him, which was simply aggrieved to death. ......”

I raised the corners of my mouth playfully. I was shocked that there was too much nonsense and complained about the choice of the occasion. I closed my mouth shyly and tried to save it. "Well, in fact, Jing Mingyue is not very bad, but a little rogue and a little hooligan. Ah, no, I mean, although being a brother is very bad, people are still Pretty good - ah, it's not quite good. If Jing Mingyue is good, the earth will revolve around the moon... Oh, my God, what am I talking about?"

"Baby, I heard you speak ill of me!" Jing Mingyue's business suddenly sounded overhead, and the good blue sky was covered by Jing Mingyue. It was simply terrible.

This is the one again!

I haven't figured out with him about today's meeting! If you dare to come out and make trouble, you don't want to live!

jumped up from the grass, pointed to Jing Mingyue's nose and scolded, "I heard it!" I said, do you still need me to repeat what you have done? Do you dare to do it yourself, why don't you say it? Hypocrisy!"

Hypocrisy? Yo, brother, I'm so sad." What he said to me, but his eyes kept looking at the trace. If he hadn't known that Jing Mingyue's character had not been offline and wouldn't touch me, I would have really thought he would dig my corner in front of me!

"Well - your exquisite heart is copper cast iron, invulnerable, unbreakable, and will you be hurt by me?"

Obviously, the trace department has no good impression on Jing Mingyue. When I finished sarcasing him, I stopped Jing Mingyue's words before Jing Mingyue opened his mouth and stretched out his hand, "Hello! I'm Jibu. I'm glad to officially meet you now, Baosheng's brother.

Jing Mingyue straightened her face and said solemnly, "I'm also very happy to meet you, Baosheng's boyfriend. Although Baosheng and I are the only ones in our family, you can rest assured that it is not easy to marry her.

"Jing Mingyue!"

Jing Mingyue smiled and said, "Look, this hasn't happened yet. My elbow turned out, and I don't think it will happen in the future. But as an elder brother, as far as my position is concerned, I will definitely stick to it to the end, for your future.

"A bunch of nonsense. You came to me to talk nonsense!"

"None! Come and inform you that you will be in charge of several big ancient clans tomorrow night, and you will appear.

"Is that it?"

"Of course not," Jing Mingyue said harshly, "Mu'an will come, and Wen Chenyue will also come. I wonder if you also let the trace department go together. You know, Mu An has never been selfish to you. I don't want to let other families see the play at that time.

I was so shocked that I almost jumped up, "What are you kidding! The track is not an adult yet! Besides, Mu An is uneasy and kind-hearted. Even if he goes there, there will be no change. Except for Mu'an's Presbyterian, I don't think anyone else can make him change his decision and think about it from someone else's point of view.

The face of the trace was completely black. Fortunately, his good upbringing prevented him from blowing up like a cat with a trampled tail.

And the words behind him make him a little relaxed, but still dignified.

What I said is indeed true. He is at least ten years younger than me. The necklace given by Elder Song is a magic weapon used to change his appearance.

It's true that my face looks small now. But now my body is really in my twenties. Those two are useful and have been prepared by my mother since she beat me and Jing Mingyue.

Jing Mingyue's eyes were full of smiles. Looking at my expression and solemn face, he was very satisfied, and he still smashed his mouth. "Oh~~~ Then there's nothing I can do. Many family members have no spouse~~~" He threw a meaningful look at the trace department, full of threat.

The trace department said firmly, "I will attend tomorrow night."

Jing Mingyue spread out her hands with a very innocent expression.

I'm about to be blown up by Jing Mingyue. Can I go to the man-eating place?

He was so angry that he said to Jibu, "What are you going to join in? Jing Mingyue set a trap for you, but you didn't see it! How old are you? Do you have the ability to protect yourself? What if you encounter something? The ancient world is not a human world. As long as you can't do anything, you can do anything. Even if you have something to do with the Jing family, but if you don't have power, they can still be motivated. What's more, you are nothing now.

Jing Mingyue was stirring up trouble, "Baby, it's really sad for you to say that. Anyway, it's good for you. You won't carry it so hard for a foreigner and my brother. Moreover," laughing jokingly, "Di Department, is that the decision you made? I thought that since you arrived at Jing's house, you were ready to shelter Baosheng from the wind and rain. Now, are you going to hide behind Baosheng and let her bear everything?

This is so exciting.

The beautiful lips of the trace were tightly squeezed and frowned. Obviously, Jing Mingyue's self-esteem was seriously challenged.

Jibu is a teenager, and I am very suspected of nibbling young grass. But most of the time, the trace department is too mature, so I can always easily forget the fact that the trace department is younger than me.

But in fact, he is really young.

"That should be at least after adulthood. Now, I'm afraid it really doesn't work. You know, Mingyue!"

Jing Mingyue didn't have the consideration I did. She only said, "Fifteen years old is already a good age. Do you remember that when you were so old, didn't you officially accept the Jing family for a year or two? Moreover, the Jibu family is not small and things are not easy. You should try to believe him, right, Jibu?"

Jing Mingyue, you have gone too much!

We are obviously two worlds, is there any comparison?

I'm too lazy to take care of Jing Mingyue. I only said to the trace department, "If you don't go, you are not allowed to go. I have recovered now, and they can't do anything about me at all. Don't worry.

Jing Mingyue began to be melancholy, "It used to be my brother's fault. If I could stay by your side all the time, you wouldn't be so seriously hurt by an ordinary human being." In embarrassment, "It's a pity that my brother still wants others to greet him tomorrow. There are always times when he can't take care of him. Mu An has no good intentions. Wen Chenyue is not an easy person to get with. I'm worried..." Unspeakable words can always give people infinite space to think about.

This time, the Ministry did not hesitate and gave in at all, "I will go tomorrow." Just hold my palm and "go with everything with you."


"Predecessor Jing is right. You should try to believe me, Baosheng. I'm not a person who knows nothing. From the moment I decided to come to Jing's house, I have decided that only I can stand by your side.

I couldn't tell whether I was moved or angry. I listened to his oath-like words in a daze, and I only felt that my eyes were sour and there were no tears.

Jing Mingyue smiled with satisfaction, and her figure gradually drifted away.

I held the trace, buried my head in his shoulder, and felt the throbbing from his body.

There is only one thought in my heart, Jing Mingyue, our beams are big!

The next day, from the afternoon, people kept coming to Jing's Manor. Several ancient people have come one after another. In addition to several outstanding families, the Duanmu family also sent invitations.

Jing Mingyue's reason is, "Youmu Xun comes from this family. He has taken care of you for a period of time. You should thank them well."


"Of course it's fake."

He never intended to tell me the real reason.

Just like that time in the secret place, he will never tell me. Should I be glad? The men of the Jing family have enough responsibility to carry everything down and support the people around them.

The cube of hospitality was taken care of early, and the benefits brought to the Jing family by the huge space are self-evident. Even if only a few large ancient clans are invited, there are still many peers, and the cube of hospitality solves this problem well. In that vast space, almost every ancient clan will have a garden, which is non-interfering with each other and spacious enough to accommodate the accompanying people.

As the head of a family, Jing Mingyue naturally did not have to go to the door to greet him in person, so such a task fell on Shen Lanxun and Ninja. Shen Lanxun knew the upper class of various ancient clans with tolerance, which was the first step to enter the ancient clan world.

In fact, I think the ancient world sounds mysterious and noble. In many cases, the world is no different from the human world. Of course, compared with the human world, there are not so many fig leafs, so it is more arbitrary, bloody and violent, and everything is not covered.

So, I don't understand how Jing Mingyue made Renzu jump into this bottomless pit.

However, when I thought of Shen Nange, I suddenly felt that it was a little possible.

Alas, I don't understand how to care about love.

The first person to arrive was Yue Kun of Yueshi. When he appeared in the master cube, I could hardly recognize him. The change was too big. The most lethal weapon in the world is not other weapons, but time. When he was a child, the boy who was so fat that he couldn't see his eyes cringed and followed others, but now he has become the head of a handsome and upright family. It's really unpredictable.

Yuekun was dressed in a moon-white robe and tied with a palm-wide belt around his waist, weighing out his straight posture. There are no large embroidery patterns all over the body, only the cuff collar is embroidered with silver-gray silver thread, and the light green stamens are embroidered with silk thread mixed with gold powder, which looks very handsome and refreshing.

Unlike his clear face, Yue Kun is a facial paralysis. It's not the type of minister who can be used as a refrigerant, but there is really no emotional fluctuation.

Real facial paralysis.

I said to him, "Long time no see."


"How are you doing?"

"It's okay."

"I'm glad you can come here for my brother's banquet."


"Can you say something else?"

He looked at me and said, "Your illusion is flawed."

"..." put up with it, "What should I do?"

"There's nothing we can do. It's better not to see anyone."

"..." I can't stand it anymore. Someone help me!