Where does the prince escape

Chapter 6 Being Monitored

She quickly stuffed the osmanthus cake into her mouth, and said hesitantly, "There are only these two pieces... I won't eat anymore..." Her mouth was full, which made her speak a little confused.

Cui'er shook her head and simply put the osmanthus cake aside.

After eating so much osmanthus cake, Bi Huantong touched her stomach with satisfaction, and it felt so good to be full.

Twist your body and do exercise after dinner.

Seeing Bi Huantong twisting her body and doing strange movements, Cui'er widened her eyes curiously and couldn't take her eyes off her. When Bi Huantong finished the whole action, she quickly asked, "Miss, where did you learn these movements?"

"Huh?" In fact, she just did sports casually and forgot that she was in ancient times for a moment. Cui'er asked, and she paused, "Oh, no, I'm just twisting casually." I don't know if there is any connection between this overhead era and my era. Otherwise, if this action is learned, I don't know if it will have any impact on history.

"Oh..." Cuier frowned and answered helplessly. Looking at the strange and abnormal action, I don't know if it was taught by the prince... If it was taught by the prince, could it be interfered by a subordinate like her?

Sure enough, it didn't take long for people to bring lunch. Nine dishes and one soup were very rich. They made their index fingers move, but they were only limited to the big movement of their index finger. Because they ate too much osmanthus cake just now, they have no appetite now, but they just ate a few bites and couldn't eat any more.

Just as she was about to send someone to send lunch away, at this time, the door walked into a black figure, and it was the woman who fell to the ground by her weakness!

Cui'er hurried forward and saluted: "Mr. Lin, good afternoon."

Lord Lin? Is this woman also an official?

The woman called Lord Lin raised her hand to Cui'er. Cui'er was shocked and turned her head to look at Bi Huantong. Bi Huantong was understanding and nodded to her.

Cui'er bowed to Lord Lin, closed the door and retreated.

Those who are good don't come, those who come are not good!

Lord Lin is really good at choosing time. Fortunately, she is full, otherwise this meal must be unstable.

"Lord Lin, what can I do for you?" Bi Huantong asked coldly.

The cold and bright eyes were locked on her, and Lord Lin said threateningly, "B, I'm here to remind you of something."

Surnamed Bi? What an impolite name easily reminds her of the one who pretends to be B.

"Oh? Then there is Lord Laolin. What's the matter? It seems that Lord Lin obviously has a grudge against her, otherwise he will always look fierce when he sees himself.

A look like he couldn't wait to split her into two parts.

"If you dare to be unfavorable to the prince, I, Lin Jifu, will want you to die without burial!"

Bi Huantong raised her eyebrows, oh, it turns out that this woman's name is Lin Jifu, and there is no place to be buried... She has already died without a place to be buried. Presumably her body in her previous life has been thrown to feed the dog...

I can't help but feel sad.

Seeing that Bi Huantong didn't speak, Lin Jifu said harshly, "Biao, take care of yourself!"

After the words, Lin Jifu turned around and left. Because of the strength, the moment she opened the door, the door panel hit hard and made a loud impact sound. She was so scared that Cuier quickly ran over. As soon as she met Lin Jifu, she couldn't control it. She was hit by Lin Jifu, and her whole body was knocked to the ground immediately.

"Auch!" She exclaimed in pain and noticed that Lin Jifu's cold eyes were staring at her. Then she broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed her head and said, "Little reckless, Lord Lin, forgive me!" Lin Jifu is a celebrity around the prince and can't be offended. In addition, Lin Jifu is a famous iceberg beauty with fierce methods. As long as Lin Jifu says a word, she will be in security!

"Hmm!" Lin Jifu snorted coldly and turned away.

Looking at Lin Jifu disappearing in front, Cui'er immediately lay down softly. Oh, my God, she finally picked up a life.

"Cui'er!" Perceiling what was wrong outside, Bi Huantong came out and saw Cuier lying on the ground. She quickly helped her up: "Didn't you fall?"

Cui'er shook her head and patted the dust on her clothes: "Tong'er, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Did she knock you down?"

"Shh!" Cui'er quickly raised her forefinger to cover her mouth: "Tong'er, don't talk nonsense. I accidentally fell down!"

"Then why did I see that she knocked you down just now?" Bi Huantong asked disapprovingly.

"No, no, I accidentally bumped into Lord Lin." Cui'er shook her head in a hurry.

Bi Huantong half squinted her eyes. Cui'er's words were a little disorganized now, and she seemed to be scared by Lin Ji Furong.

"Come in." She helped Cuier into the room and closed the door.

"Come on, sit down." Bi Huantong moved a stool and wanted to help Cui'er sit down.

"Tong'er, I have nothing to do. It's all right after standing." Cui'er hurriedly pushed away the stool.

"Is there any medicinal wine here?" After saying that, Bi Huantong looked around the room for a week. Normally, this room is fragrant, and there should be no such thing with a strong smell.

Cui'er blinked her eyes, medicinal wine? Rub her?

My heart was warm, but my mouth was even more refused: "Tonger, don't take medicine here. If the prince knows, Cui'er can't afford it!"

Bihuan Tong'e frowned slightly and moved slowly. Maybe... Cui'er is right. Xuanyuan Yulin's personality is uncertain. It seems that he still likes to be very clean, and the medicinal wine is strong. If Xuanyuan Yulin and others will really come in and smell the air, I don't know if he will offend Cui'er... or himself.

You can't move fleas on the tiger's head!

Bi Huantong pondered for a while and said, "Cui'er, I promise you a day off today."

"One day off?" Cui'er repeated it in disbelief. Did she hear it correctly?

"Hmm." Bi Huantong nodded: "Have a good rest today, go back to wipe some medicinal wine, and come to serve me tomorrow if there is nothing serious."

Cui'er didn't agree, and Bi Huantong insisted on taking her away.

She now lives in a beautifully decorated wing room, which is almost the original owner of the princess, but she can't live in her own garden. What on earth has the owner of this original body done to make Xuanyuan Yulin treat her like this?

Forget, don't think much about it for the time being. Anyway, she can't run away now. She slept comfortably first, told the servants not to come in and disturb her, and then covered herself with a quilt to sleep.


"Yuexuan, it's not what you think, Yuexuan!" She desperately pulled the man's clothes and begged like a hyspense. She really loves him. She can't live without him...

"What else do you want to say now? You traitor!" The man's eyes were full of coldness, and he waved his hand and slapped her face.

The hot pain, the moment she waved her palm, she saw her heart and was shattered...


"Yuexuan...Yuexuan...! Don't!" Bi Huantong suddenly opened her eyes and sat up screaming. Her heart ached made her gasp...

Her body was cold, and she felt cold sweat.

She had a nightmare and dreamed of him, the man she once loved to death...

I once told myself over and over again that she could not live without him. For the sake of this man, she could do anything. Ironically, the man was gone and she was still alive.

Live in a time and space that he doesn't know.

She can't go back. This time and space, without his breath, and this time and space, there is no Ling Yuexuan...

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed in the window, and her whole body's nerves immediately collapsed, and she quickly flashed to the window. Under the bright moonlight, she saw a black figure quickly leaping on the eaves.

Assassin? Such an idea flashed through her mind.

Wait, this assassin seems to have been ambushed in the dark of this room. Who was assigned here?

Without thinking about it, Bi Huantong casually took a robe and put it on her body, tied her waist and sleeves, jumped, and chased straight to the shadow!

Light kung fu is a martial art that everyone must know in the 'devouring' killer organization. This is a secret skill that has long been lost in the eyes of modern people, but it is the most common martial arts in the must-learn course of the organization.

However, in this ordinary martial arts, according to each person's qualifications, the achievements learned are different. Bi Huantong is the ace killer in the organization, and Qinggong is naturally at the top level.

But her top-level light skill can't catch up with the man in black in front of her. She always falls a certain distance, and she can't help but be shocked.

Is it possible that the assassins in this era are so good?!

The night was bright, casting a faint white light on the earth. This white light was like the gauze light clothes worn by a girl, dreamy and mysterious. After chasing the man in black, Bi Huantong found that the town government was really unreasonable!

She has been chasing the man in black for half an hour, and she is still in the town!

She is now in the leap. Looking at the walking speed, she can't walk out of the town for half a day!

After chasing for a while, the man in black jumped into a separate garden.

Bi Huantong accelerated her figure and faintly saw the man jumping down the pavilion written:mou xiang ge!

mou xiang ge? What a strange name.

I saw the man in black!

She dodged in a flying eaves and watched the man in black kneel next to a room. The lights curled in the room, and the man in black respectfully seemed to be reporting something to the people in the room. From time to time, he nodded and bowed.

Is it to report... or to be ordered...?

Bihuan quietly disappeared in the night, holding his breath and listening carefully to the conversation between the man in black and the man in the room.

But after listening for a long time, she didn't hear anything, as if there was a soundproof glass in front of her, and she could only see the movements of the characters.

So, she shifted to look at the lip shape.

It's a pity that she can't see what the man in black is talking about from her lips, because the man in black just said two sentences: yes, no.

However, she could hear a glance, that is, she clearly heard a word: Tong'er.

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