Where does the prince escape

Chapter 9 Strange Men

The face is gently raised, and the original white face is more white. A pair of silver eyes are clear and clear, with the silver light that shines directly on the soul. Under these frighting silver eyes, all life is lowly and inferior!

Xuanyuan Yulin is like a born god, dominating all sentient beings!

At this moment, in Bi Huantong's heart, there was only the word fear, and the extreme fear made her body tremble involuntarily. Although the person in front of her was earth-shakingly beautiful, for her, it was death!

It's Death... Xuanyuan Yulin has incarnated into Death and came to ask her for his life!

couldn't help exclaiming, and a feeling immediately came to her mind. She had to escape!

With a force under her feet, her agile figure burst out of the window like a swallow, with all the strength and galloping under her feet. If she wants to escape, she must escape!

The faster you escape, the better!

The wind roared in her ear, and the scenery was regressing quickly. She couldn't stay. She must escape as soon as possible. No matter where she fled, she could never return to the town!

The life-threatening silver eyes lingered in her mind for a long time. She shook her head hard. She couldn't think that she couldn't stop, otherwise Xuanyuan Yulin would drag her into the 18th floor of hell without hesitation...

Never exceed...


It was not until the sky was slightly white that Bi Huantong stopped. The rush that came overnight exhausted all her strength and wandered step by step in a remote alley to see that her clothes were so** at this moment, wearing a white light gauze and a coat that could not be thinner. The clothes called coat can be faintly seen in the pink belly pocket inside, with long hair like ink spreading softly on their bodies. A breeze blows, and the clothes and black hair shake in the wind, causing people to think infinitely...

Oh, my God, how can she meet people like this! This was in ancient times, not as open as modern times. In addition, there seemed to be a lot of perverted erotic demons in ancient times who liked to put women on the ground... That Zheng... /Law...

Pulling the corners of her eyebrows, if she had known this, she would have left some strength to buy a suit and change clothes at dawn. Now she is so sleepy... She is so sleepy that she will close her eyes at any time.

Softly leaned against the wall of a room and half sat, and then found that it was dark in front of me... This time, the old injury was not healed and strenuous exercise, now his physical strength is seriously overdrawn. Bi Huantong, Bi Huantong, why are you so stupid... Who are you lying here to seduce!

I closed my eyes, my head tilted, and I regretted it. It's over...


The snow-white wedding dress, the eyes full of love, the vow of never giving up, the love of ten fingers... A word of blessing, the eyes of blessing... Everything seems so perfect, so happy that it makes people cry, love, she has, happiness, she grabs it.

God... is not thin with her...

I thought I could entrust my life. One second was so happy, but the next second was so cruel. The black whip splashed with blood stars, Ling Yuexuan... How could you be so cold...

It hurts...her so much...

Crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and her face was slightly cool, as if there was a pair of warm hands, gently wiping away the tears on her face. The resolute muscles rubbed her soft skin, which made her feel much more at ease.

Open your eyes slightly, the pupils slowly focus, the free consciousness slowly closes, and I see a tall figure in front of me.

Slow, she fainted. The place where she fainted was in the alley. Who is the figure in front of her?

Like an electric shock, he immediately woke up, looked down at his clothes, and changed them all!

There was a 'bang' in my head, and it was blank...

"Tong'er, wake up."

A kind and stable male voice sounded from his side, and Bi Huantong looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a man in blue clothes looking at her, with gentle eyes.

Men's facial features are very ordinary, and they will be submerged when thrown into the crowd, but these ordinary facial features are very durable. Compared with Xuanyuan Yulin's amazing beauty, this man looks very ordinary at first glance, but the more he looks at it, the more masculine he looks, and the more durable he looks.

With a simple and steady feeling on this person, Bi Huantong couldn't help but have a good impression on him.

This person called her Tong'er. He must have known her and didn't know who she was.

"Tong'er, do you feel better?" The man asked softly, gently pulling away the wisp of black hair covering her face.

The skin is very rough. It can be seen from the palm of this person's hand that he has practiced martial arts and suffered a lot. The feeling on his face just now was given by this person.

She nodded and didn't know what to call him.

"That's good," the man was relieved. "The clothes you are wearing are too light. I have changed them all for you."

When it came to mention the clothes, Bi Huantong came to her senses in an instant and couldn't help but be dumb: "Is it you... the clothes that helped me change?" Oh, my God, you can imagine a big man removing his clothes from her and then putting them on. Although this body is not hers, he is so naked in front of others... Even the most kind person will feel shy!

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the man's face, and he lowered his head slightly and said, "No, I asked other mothers to change it for you."

The collapsed nerve suddenly relaxed. Fortunately, it was the woman who changed it for her. This man is a decent gentleman.

"Tong'er, are you hungry?" The man asked naively.

Bi Huantong swallowed and was not very hungry, but thirsty.

"I'm thirsty." With that, she subconsciously licked her lips with her tongue.

It was just a small action, but it made the man stunned for a while, with a slight red face and a low voice, "I, I'll pour you a glass of water."

After saying that, he stood up and walked aside to pour water.

Bi Huantong reluctantly stood up. Seeing this, the man quickly put the teacup next to him and supported her with both hands.

He supported Bi Huantong, and the man picked up the teacup and handed it to Bi Huantong.

Bi Huantong thanked him, took the teacup and drank it.

She is really thirsty.

Soon, a cup of water was drunk, and the man asked, "Do you still want it?"

"Hmm." She nodded, and the man poured another glass of water for her.

Until she drank three tea cups of water, she would feel comfortable, take a long breath of relief, and reach out her hands to move her muscles.

"Tong'er, let me do it." The man put down the teacup and reached over to help her.

Bi Huantong was worried and asked vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

The stretched big hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, and the man's eyes were full of surprise. After a while, he said, "Tong'er... What did you ask me to do just now?"