Where does the prince escape

Chapter 13 Ice Muscle Princess

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly and scratched his finger across her side: "Tong'er, you should remember that everything is my king's. No one can touch my king's things at all, otherwise there will be only a dead end."

I thought he was talking about confession, but there was a faint coldness inside. A drop of cold sweat unconsciously flowed down, and countless times she was born and died with a chill in her heart!

"Do you know?" Xuanyuan Yulin's tone suddenly changed, and he was cold to the bone.

"Yes, my lord." As soon as she said it, she regretted it. Damn it, why was she scared? Xuanyuan Yulin was too dangerous. She kind of understood how the former owner of this body was feeling after serving Xuanyuan Yulin for so long.

"Very good," Xuanyuan Yulin stood up and said, "Cui'er, wait for your master to go back to recuperate." After saying that, he returned to the case and buried his head in the memorial without looking at her again.

As soon as the powerful pressure disappeared, Bi Huantong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help thinking about his weakness. The man beat the body without pity for a month. The owner of this body was so fragrant and died. Now that he has changed his master, do he still want to continue this fate?

No, she has died once. Since God has given her a chance to be reborn, she has to live well! What she has to do is to live!

"Miss, let's go back." Cui'er came over and gently picked her up. Bi Huantong straightened her clothes, took a deep breath, and walked out of the door.

Looking slightly at the man who buried her head, one day she will get rid of all this and be her true self!


The fragrance lingers, and Bi Huantong closed his eyes and soaked in warm water. For a long time, he closed his eyes and opened his eyes for thousands of years, but his body is the most relaxed at this moment. What on earth is he doing now? Do you miss her?

"Tong'er, everything about you belongs to me..."

He suddenly opened his eyes, damn it, why did his voice appear at this time!

Is it true that she is not free at all?

stood up and saw her clothes next to her. She was not used to being served by others. As soon as she entered the bath, she let Cui'er wait outside. By the way, there was a bag of antidote in her clothes.

He hurriedly turned over the clothes, found the bag of antidote, and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xuanyuan Yulin did not search her body, otherwise he would definitely find her.

Fan Yi said that she was very poisonous. She couldn't live without Bi Haotian's antidote. What kind of poison did she get?

In her previous life, as the top killer of the 'destruction' organization, she was also good at killing people with poison. It is also a good way to start with the antidote.

I picked up the clothes hanging at the screen and put them on quickly. As soon as I walked out of the screen, I saw a group of people kneeling outside, slightly stunned, and dared that these people were waiting for her to come out.

She soaked for about half an hour, and these people knelt for half an hour. Oh, if they hadn't been threatened by others now, they would have been quite freehanded if they had lived a rice worm life of eating and opening their clothes to reach out their hands.

drove everyone, including Cui'er, out of the room, lit an oil lamp, and spread out the antidote. There are still two days left in a month. She must find out what poison is in her body in these two days!

In the past two days, Cui'er has knocked on the door several times and asked her if she wanted to eat. She refused. In this era, there are no chemical instruments, and she can only identify it with some simple techniques. This is undoubtedly very difficult and there is no room for any interruption.

If she interrupts, she will never do anything. She doesn't have much time.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Yulin did not come to find her in the past two days. Looking at the dawn and dark, he heard many footsteps from the Zhenguo Mansion. Presumably, someone must have come to the Zhenguo Mansion.

Many people came, but they walked a lot, and then there were a lot more footsteps. Bi Huantong couldn't help but wonder what had happened in the town in the past two days.

It was not until the sky turned slightly white that she stopped her work. So far, she basically understood the drugs prepared in the antidote, and also knew that what she had in her body was a kind of nerve poison, similar to drugs. If there was no antidote, the nerves of the whole body would tighten, and then the blood cells and tissues would be fine. Cells will die.

From poison to death, it takes a long time. This period of time is extremely torture for the body. If you torture people enough, you will die with all your strength.

The drugs in her body are a little similar to the legendary poison, but they are more poisonous than the drug.

The medicinal herbs prepared for the antidote are basically easy to find, but there is a kind of medicinal herb that is extremely difficult to find. This medicinal material grows on the cliff, and the growth site is extremely hidden. Because of its high antidote, it is of great value. Many people look for grass every year, but many people die because of it.

Counting the days, it is also today. You will be poisoned at any time. When the poison breaks out and then take the antidote, it won't have much effect.

When I read this, I hurriedly swallowed the antidote into my mouth, picked up the tea and poured it into my mouth. Fortunately, this is a good fragrant tea, otherwise it would have gone bad for two days.

After destroying the information studied in the past two days, my body relaxed, felt hungry, and casually called out, "Cui'er." Someone responded immediately.

Cui'er opened the door and saluted her respectfully, "Miss, what can I do for you?"

"I'm hungry." She said something simple.

"Cui'er will prepare a meal for Miss immediately!" Cui'er hurriedly answered, "Miss, what do you like to eat?"

I especially love to eat... The fragrant and soft feeling immediately came to my mind, and Bihuantong blurted out: "Osmanthus cake!"

Cui'er smiled gently and said, "Yes, Cui'er knows!" Then retreated.

After a while, Cui'er sent someone to prepare food and put a table full of food, but there was a lot of fluid food. Bi Huantong understood the meaning inside. She hadn't eaten for two days. If she was full at once, her stomach would definitely not stand it. Cui'er's arrangement was very careful.

After eating two bowls of delicious meat porridge, I ate some osmanthus cake and other meals, wiped my mouth, stretched out a few stretches, and did a few exercises, and then lay down to **.

She hasn't slept for two days. She's so sleepy.

As soon as you close your eyes, an idea suddenly appears. Will it happen to someone else when you close your eyes?

No matter how the sky falls, if she wants her to choose, she would rather starve to death on the street. She doesn't want to be a killer or live so tired. If she returns to Ling Yuexuan again, she will definitely pull the trigger and hang herself up first...


It felt like being woken up as soon as she lay out of bed and fell asleep. Bi Huantong opened her eyes helplessly, and her body was still shaking violently. She stared at the person shaking her body fiercely. It was Cuier.

Seeing Bi Huantong's vicious eyes, Cui'er was so scared that she stopped and knelt down and said, "Miss, forgive me. Miss, get up quickly. It's not a big deal!"

Seeing Cui'er's face panicked, Bi Huantong's heart condensed and sat up, but she felt dizzy. Looking at the sky, she had not slept for an hour.

"What's the matter?" She asked, rubbing her temples.

"Miss, the princess of Qihuang Kingdom is outside the door!"

Huh? So what does she want to do?" Bi Huantong said angrily, Princess Qihuang has nothing to do here!

"Princess...she..." Cui'er hesitated and dared not say it with an embarrassed face.

"If there is anything, just say it clearly!" Lack of sleep made her have a bad temper and roared impatiently.

"Princess, she wants the young lady to move out." Cui'er lowered her head in fear and said.

"What? Moving out? Where to move?" Bi Huantong raised his eyebrows and asked.

"The princess ordered you to empty the Niantong Pavilion..." Cui'er said weakly.

frown slightly, but Bihuantong calmed down at this moment. According to its geographical location, Niantong Pavilion is the latest one, that is to say, it is very close to Xuanyuan Yulin, and she is Xuanyuan Yulin's favorite girl. In this way, the princess of Qihuang is aimed at herself, this princess, who likes Xuanyuan Yulin.

"Does the prince know about this?" She said lightly.

"Your Majesty..." Cui'er paused and then shook her head: "I have sent someone to inform the prince that the prince should have a reply soon."

"When did you send someone to inform the prince?"

"It's been almost a quarter of an hour."

Bihuantong remembered the footsteps of many people she heard some time ago. It must have been the princess of Qihuang who entered the house at that time. The princess obviously came for Xuanyuan Yulin. Not to mention that the princess brazenly asked her to move away today, Xuanyuan Yulin also knew it for a quarter of an hour, but now there is no response at all. Xuan Won't Yulin want to look on coldly?

Or waiting for a good show? Seeing her make a fool of herself?

Okay, since Xuanyuan Yulin doesn't want to care about it, don't blame her for coming.

Simply put on his clothes and opened the door. There was a group of people in the pavilion not far from the door, sitting there was a woman in pink, who looked like a fairy. She must be the princess of Qihuang.

"Cui'er, what is the relationship between the princess of Qihuang Kingdom and the young master of Qihuang Kingdom?"

"Princess Qihuangguo Ice Muscle is the younger sister of the young master."

"Is it your own sister?"

"Yes, miss."

No wonder... Bi Huantong nodded and walked forward. When there was still a short distance from the pavilion, Bi Huantong saluted and said, "I saw the ice muscle princess."

Damn Xuanyuan Yulin didn't even turn to her, which made her still a maidservant's life. Poor thing!

The beauty in pink glanced at her: "Are you Bi Huantong?"

"It's the maidservant."

The ice-skinny princess's beautiful eyes sank and said harshly, "Come on, drag this bitch down and hit the 40th board!"

As soon as this was said, Cui'er was shocked and rushed to protect Bi Huantong: "Princess, what has the young lady done? Is she going to be severely punished?"

Forty boards, ordinary men can't stand it. If it's a daughter, she will have to take half of her life if she doesn't die. Tong'er is like her sisters. How can Tong'er's body suffer this? In addition, Tong'er is the prince's favorite girl. If something happens, she can't bear it!