Where does the prince escape

Chapter 29 Killing in the Invisible

"Sister Feng, you are so beautiful..." She exclaimed, which is the truth.

Feng Yixue smiled and said, "Sister, don't be shabby. My sister is really beautiful." No wonder Your Majesty is very much in this woman. It's really like a snowy goose.

There is also a guqin brought by the wind and snow. The guqin shines with a soft lavender light. Bi Huantong found that the people of Qihuang Kingdom love purple very much. The appearance of many objects is purple, but she also likes purple very much and looks very delicious... Because purple food is generally very fragrant and delicious.

"Sister, lie down quickly. My sister came to see how my sister is doing today. Your Majesty is busy. I'm afraid she will stuff my sister when she is away." After Feng Yixue finished speaking, he personally helped her to **.

The smile on Feng Yixue's face is harmless and makes people look very heartwarming, but Bi Huantong will not believe her words so easily. May I ask a future true queen who still wants to see her in person? Maybe she is Luoxi's new lover, and it is possible for the queen to come to explore the details, but it is very inappropriate to speak so generously and act so closely.

According to her judgment, if a woman loves her future husband, she will be wary of all other women who have something to do with her husband, and will be jealous and hate, unless the woman has no feelings for her husband. But according to Feng Yixue's actions, there should be no possibility, and there is only one explanation. Feng Yixue comes with a purpose!

Glancing at the guqin brought by Feng Yixue, Bi Huantong said quietly on her face, "My sister is noble. Tong'er is just a slave in distress. How dare you bother my sister to come to take care of her in person? This is not a bad sister."

Feng Yixue smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, your majesty has not set up any concubines so far, and the harem is very deserted. My sister has always wanted to have a sister in her heart. When she is bored, she can chat and talk about things. Now she is finally looking forward to one, which makes my sister happy. In addition, the two sisters should It's time to be of the same heart!" Feng Yixue said while holding her hand gently and patting her gently.

Bi Huantong lowered her head and smiled. Who doesn't want to enjoy the exclusive pet? Presumably, Feng Yixue has also enjoyed the exclusive pet for many years. How can such a woman be willing to share her love with another man? According to Feng Yixue's beauty, other men may look down on her, but she is the king of Qihuang Kingdom and the most beautiful woman in the world. How can she accept herself so calmly in the face of such a man who can make all women move?!

International joke!

"Qing'er, set up the blue string piano and wait for me to stroke a song for my sister. What do you think?"

"Hmm!" Bi Huantong smiled and nodded her head. Can you say it's not good? The posture is open. Feng Yixue's piano skills are very good. She is very interested in listening to her playing the piano. I don't know what's the difference between the two compared with Luoxi.

Feng Yixue smiled at her, and her slender figure turned around. When she walked to the guqin, her green and white hands stroked the strings of the strings of the piano, making people feel very comfortable to listen to. The music is comfortable, with a soul-taking power, tightly attracting Bihuantong. Luoxi's flute is elegant and beautiful. Feng Yixue's piano has a magical power, which is different from each other, like the two highest tops, regardless of height.

Bi Huantong couldn't help closing her eyes. The moment she closed her eyes, it was like being in the paradise of music. She only felt the music kept flowing around her, gently surrounding her and comforting her...

Just as she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly felt an extremely discordant rhythm in the music. The rhythm of the sound was like a thin sharp knife, which pierced her nerves. Her whole body couldn't help twitching, and a trace of strangeness rushed into her mind, as if something had broken!

In her previous life, she was a top killer, and she felt very keen. She could also catch a trace of strange fluctuations in the air. This sound rhythm, like the sickle of death, quietly stroked her... It reminded her of Xuanyuan Yulin's sound wave power. The difference is that one is bright and the other is dark!

I opened my eyes slightly and saw a faint smile on the corners of Feng Yixue's mouth, and the jade fingers were dancing on the strings. Is it Feng Yixue? Did she play the sound of the piano?

If that's the case, it really responds to the saying that killing people without a shadow.

Her whole body was immediately alert. She was not an ancient man and did not know the internal skills of the ancients. What she would do was a vicious move to kill her. If Feng Yixue played such a rhythm again, she would hurt Feng Yixue's hand and make her unable to stroke the piano for a month!

The woman with a knife in her smile kills the invisible with the sound of the piano!

She quietly listened to finish playing the piano music, but did not find the discordant rhythm again. After the song was over, Feng Yixue picked up the silk next to her and gently wiped the piano body. This made Bi Huantong couldn't help thinking of Xuanyuan Yulin. He was also a cleanliness freak and would clean the piano body after playing the music.

"Does my sister like it?" Feng Yixue said lightly, his voice was soft and boneless, and it sounded sweet to his heart.

"Uh! My sister is so good at playing the piano!" Bi Huantong said happily, "The music played by my sister is really good. By the way, can you tell my sister what the name of the song just played?

A flash of Feng Yixue's eyes flashed and said, "That song just now is called to send you thousands of miles."

I will send you thousands of miles... I finally need to say goodbye.

Is it intentional for Feng Yixue to play this song to her? Or is it a coincidence?

"Can my sister play another song for my sister?" Listen again and confirm again. If something really appears, she won't keep her hand!

Feng Yixue nodded, pressed her jade finger on the strings and was about to touch it, but she heard the reading outside the hall: "Your Majesty is here!"

Everyone was afraid and immediately knelt on the ground to salute.

Bi Huantong went down to the ground helplessly. This is really annoying. She has to kneel several times a day. Presumably, these maids have a thick cocoon on their knees.

Today's Luoxi is dressed in a lavender moon white robe, embroidered with black dark lines at the edge of his skirt, which looks stable and elegant. Seeing Feng Yixue, Luoxi was slightly stunned and said, "All your love is flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone replied, and Bi Huantong was helped to stand up by Yuer. Luo Xi came towards her. Yuer retreated knowingly. Luo Xi held her and whispered, "If I come in the future, you don't have to salute."

"Your Majesty?" Bi Huantong was surprised. Luo Xi stretched out his index finger and pressed it on her lips. He said, "You are not in good health, so let's avoid this gift."

"But..." Bi Huantong hesitated a little and looked at Feng Yixue beside him: "Sister Feng is here. Isn't it good for your Majesty?"

Luoxi's eyes flashed a glimmer of light and didn't say anything. He helped Bi Huantong to **.

"Your Majesty, when Yixue saw that her sister was not feeling well, she came to Muxue Garden to stroke a heart-clearing spell to calm her body." Before Luoxi could speak, Feng Yixue said.

Luo Xi smiled and said, "If it's true, it's the best. If it can be like this in the future, I will feel at ease."

Feng Yixue smiled and said, "Of course it will be like this in the future. Your Majesty, don't worry."

There is a slight smile on Bi Huantong's face: "In the future, Tong'er still needs more advice from Sister Feng!" Two women share a husband? To be honest, she won't do it unless she doesn't love this man!

It is also difficult for Feng Yixue to say such words without blushing. She was disgusted when she spoke.

"Your Majesty, the piano music played by Sister Feng is very good, especially the song just now. Can Tonger ask Sister Feng to stroke the song just now?"

After Bi Huantong's words, Luo Xi turned his eyes to Feng Yixue: "I also want to listen to Yixue's song. Yixue, you can stroke the song just now."

A trace of strangeness flashed in Feng Yixue's eyes and hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, my sister is not very comfortable. Please accompany her more. Since Your Majesty has come, Yixue will leave first." After saying that, he saluted Luoxi and was about to leave, but a voice came from behind him: "Sister Feng, are you angry with your sister?"

Feng Yixue paused: "Why did my sister say such words?"

Bi Huantong pouted and said, "Just now, Sister Feng promised her sister to touch more songs. Now that your majesty is coming, my sister is leaving again. Isn't my sister annoying my sister?"

Feng Yixue frowned slightly and stammered, "It's not like this, sister, you misunderstood..."

"Since it's a misunderstanding, can you stroke the song just now again? It's really nice. My sister wants to listen to it again. Bi Huantong did not follow the way. Obviously, Feng Yixue was hesitating, which can show that Feng Yixue was really a ghost just now!

Seeing the hesitation in Feng Yixue's eyes, Luo Xi was slightly puzzled: "Yixue, is there any inconvenience?" Some ancient songs are very classic and generally cannot be played easily. Is the ancient songs played by Feng Yixue just now a rare work? Can't recite it easily?

Feng Yixue squeezed her lips and said, "Your Majesty, to be honest, the Qingxin curse just now is a secret legend of the Feng family. If you play it once, you must fast and bathe for a day. Therefore, if your sister wants to listen to the song just now, you have to wait until tomorrow."

"Oh, it turns out to be like this," Bi Huantong said, "That sister takes the liberty. My sister is satisfied after listening to such a rare famous song once. My sister is just a joke. I don't have to worry about it. If it's so troublesome, my sister will feel very sorry. Bathing and fasting? Is this song only in the sky? Played to the immortals?

Although the piano music is beautiful, she always feels that it is not so rare... Maybe she is born without rhythm cells and won't appreciate it.

Feng Yixue smiled faintly and said, "If my sister likes it, I will play it for you every day. Your Majesty, my sister is not in good health. Please stay here with her. Yixue will leave first."

Aware of the strangeness in Feng Yixue's eyes, Luo Xi's heart was worried. He didn't know what she was thinking, but he couldn't force her emotional things. What he liked in his heart was Bi Huantong.

For a long time, he has only regarded Feng Yixue as a sister, a very kind and kind elder sister.