Where does the prince escape

Chapter 32 Broken Soul Silk

"Your Majesty, I'm... What's wrong?" She frowned slightly and said pitifully. Looking at the doctor, you can't see your own body. Is there really something wrong?

"It's okay," Luo Xi held her hand: "Don't worry, Tong'er, there will be nothing wrong with Xi by your side."

Bi Huantong squeezed her lips and said, "Tong'er just wants to be safe with your majesty, and she doesn't ask for anything else." After a pause, he said, "Your Majesty, tell Tong'er what's wrong with Tong'er?"

Luo Xi sighed: "No matter how Tonger becomes, Xi will be by Tonger's side."

Bi Huantong's heart darkened. Luo Xi refused to say why. Could it be that something really happened to his body? Seeing the faint sadness in Luoxi's eyes, she didn't ask any more questions and nodded with a smile.

"Your Majesty, Tong'er wants to ask your majesty to help Tong'er do something." When Luoxi is away, she will definitely find out what's wrong with her body. Now put it down and solve the problem of the poison in her body first.

"Well, what's the matter?" Luoxi stroked her forehead lovingly.

"Tong'er has been in poor health since she was a child, and often has poor qi and blood. At that time, his father would use Longjicao decoction for Tong's medicine to drink, Your Majesty..." Speaking of this, Bi Huantong stopped and looked up at Luoxi, with a meaning flashing in his eyes: You know.

"Dragon saliva?" Luoxi breathed a sigh of relief, "It's just dragon saliva..."

"But Tong'er knows that Long Yancao is extremely precious. For Tong'er's illness, his father has worried a lot. Tong'er is really disappointing and can't help His Majesty share it. Now he has to worry about Tong'er. Tong'er really deserves to die." After saying that, my eyes turned red and I was about to burst into tears.

"Little fool!" Luoxi touched her head: "After you arrived at the stream, you haven't enjoyed the blessings. The stream has been worried about Tong'er's unhappy life. If Tong'er wants anything, you must tell Xi, okay?"

The gentle words gently pointed to her heart like a spring breeze, and a warm current surged through her heart. Bi Huantong nodded: "Well, Tonger knows that Tong'er thank you for your grace."


If this is really the divine grass nourished by the dragon's saliva, then this dragon must be a fire dragon!

Because this salivary grass is as red as fire. From a distance, it looks like a flame beating. It is so red that people dare not touch it. They are afraid that they will be scalded by this red grass seedlings.

It's only been a day since she asked to really see the grass.

A valuable herb was only obtained in one day. Bi Huantong sighed in her heart that the superiors... the superiors have this privilege.

Because she said she wanted to see what the salivary grass was like, Luoxi sent a living salivary grass to her. I heard that this salivary grass was sent to the palace last night, which was originally a tribute.

She only needs one sentence to get the dignity that the emperor can enjoy.

Except for this amary, other antidote is easy to make. A amary can be prepared for a year. Bi Huantong asked the pharmacist to grind the grass into powder in front of her, and then put away most of it by herself, and let the imperial doctors make soup.

Yu'er heard what the imperial doctor said to Luo Xi. Under Bi Huantong's 'intimidation', Yu'er could only talk about it.

The imperial doctor said that her qi and blood are not smooth, and it may be very difficult to give birth in the future.

That is to say, it is difficult for her to get pregnant. Even if she is pregnant, it will have an impact on the fetus!

This condition is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for women. For many women, it is undoubtedly sentenced to 'death penalty', but Bi Huantong was just stunned for a few minutes and her mood returned to normal.

She knows her identity very well. She is just a detailed work. To put it wrong, it is Xuanyuan Yulin's doll. Will she still have a future now? Even if she is lucky enough to be free, she is poisoned. Unless the poison on her body is completely relieved, those antidotes are also very harmful to the fetus.

The future, happiness, children... is so far away from her that it can be completely ignored.

If you take this road, don't think about the future.

She once thought about having a future, but the facts told her that she could not daydream.

However, in front of Yuer, she still has to do work so as not to make Yuer suspicious. So she didn't talk much all day, because she was sad!

Feng Yixue hasn't seen her since that day. She may have realized that she has been seen through, or there may be another reason, but Feng Yixue's body seems to be getting worse and worse. For Feng Yixue's physical problems, Luo Xi often goes to Lingfeng Pavilion. For this phenomenon, Bi Huantong is quite leisurely.

She had no intention of fighting for Luoxi, so she would not be jealous.

According to A Yan, the assassin that day was not from Qihuang Country, but mixed in from elsewhere.

If you sneak in from elsewhere, it proves that the mastermind behind the scenes is accumulated. Sending people from other countries to sneak into Qihuang Kingdom. This mastermind must have something to do with her, which is still very deep.

Since she traveled, one of the people who knew that she had something to do with her was Xuanyuan Yulin, but he would not be stupid enough to send an assassin to assassinate her after entering the Qihuang Kingdom. The second is Bi Haotian.

Bi Haotian is very likely. She is not hiding the moon country now and has become a useless chess game!

It's just that this assassin is too bad.

Luoxi didn't come over tonight, and she didn't ask. People said that it's not good for men to be too strict. In addition, if Luoxi doesn't come, there must be a reason why she can't come. After all, she is now Luoxi's favorite person. If she doesn't ask, Luoxi will also say it obediently.

Put down the books in your hand and look at the sky. It was very late and I was about to sleep. Suddenly, the maids beside me were shaking and fell down in a moment.

I was shocked, and the first time I thought of the poison in the air!

But if it's poisonous in the air, why doesn't she faint?!

Without thinking too much, a very subtle sound of breaking the air came. Bi Huantong instinctively hid and felt as if something had been shot through next to him. Looking back, there was nothing!

Then, there were a few subtle sound of breaking the air. The figure in front of him flashed. The long sword in A Yan's hand lit up and drew forward. He only heard a few 'dingding'. Sparks flashed in the air. Bi Huantong quickly retreated behind Ah Yan and asked softly, "What kind of hidden weapon is this?"

A Yan didn't say anything, exuding a bleak atmosphere, and said faintly, "Broken soul silk."

broken soul silk?! Turning his face and looking carefully, he saw a trace of transparent silk thread shining on the wall. The silk thread was extremely fine. If it hadn't reflected the candlelight, it wouldn't have been seen at all!


A soft and low voice sounded, and only a sword roar was heard. A person swept into the outside of the hall, danced the long sword in his hand, and went straight to the blue fantasy!

It's Zheng Qi!

A Yan flashed and waved his sword to block Zheng Qi. The two fought!

Bi Huantong is a little dumbfounded. Isn't Zheng Qi Luoxi's personal bodyguard? Don't you protect the master and come here to kill her?!

Isn't this dereliction of duty!

There was another sound of breaking the air. This time, Bi Huantong could see it clearly. The hidden weapon was shot from the outside of the hall, one after another!

Bi Huantong quickly dodged and did not retreat. He rushed out of the hall like lightning. He saw two people in black standing in front of the hall. Looking at his body, one was a woman!

Seeing her rushing out, the woman retreated slightly and shouted, "Xiao Han!"

The man in black standing next to him nodded and took out a rectangular box the size of a mobile phone from his sleeve. The box was facing her and pressed the box with his hand. In an instant, countless broken soul silks shot straight at her, blocking all her space up and down, left and right. Her heart sank, and her body had to go back. Get back, damn it, she came out with her bare hands. She had no weapons in her hand and forgot to block it when she came out. With so many broken soul threads, her body will definitely be shot through thousands of holes!

There is no doubt that you will die, but you can't find the wound!

If you hang up, according to this situation, you won't be able to find out who the murderer is...

What a smart secret killer method!

But she doesn't want to die, at least at this time!

But A Yan is haunted by Zheng Qi. Where is she going to escape now?

You can only avoid the heavy and escape to the place where the broken soul is sparse! Although hundreds of holes will be shot through the body, it will not die immediately!

As long as she can't die, she will have a chance to revenge!

Suddenly, a breeze came to her. As soon as it touched the wind, the broken soul silk turned its direction and shot at her side.

is a sleeve!

Looking in the direction of the wind, I saw a snow-white human figure standing on a tree, with long sleeves floating, and ink hair dispersing with the wind, like a fairy coming to the world. That sleeve was exactly this person's strength.

The man in white waved his long sleeves, and a strong wind hit Xiao Han. Xiao Han pulled the woman in black to hide aside. The person in white suddenly floated into the air. The next second, he went to Xiao Han like lightning. Xiao Han pushed away the woman beside him and pointed the box in his hand at the man in white.

The situation is not good!

Bi Huantong took off the hairpin ring on his head and suddenly shot at Xiao Han. Xiao Han's attention was all on the man in white. He did not notice the jade hairpin that Bi Huantong flew to him. He only felt a pain in his hand. The box fell to the ground, and he was also slapped by the man in white and spit blood and fell to the ground.

Zheng Qi, who was struggling with A Yan, noticed that the situation outside was not good, shook A Yan, turned around and walked out of the hall and went to the woman in black.

The master made a move and immediately saw the top and bottom. Facing the man in white, Zheng Qi saw that the situation was not good and immediately escaped from the woman in black!

At this time, A Yan also chased out and looked at the man in white. The man in white nodded, and A Yan chased Zheng Qi away.

The man in white wore a white mask and couldn't see his face clearly. The bright moon hung in the sky. The man in white was dressed in broken light, noble and elegant without any smoke in the world. Bi Huantong's heart was slightly out of control and wondered who the man in white was.

"If you commit the following crimes, you deserve to die." The man in white said lightly, stretched out his long sleeves forward and grabbed Xiao Han. Bi Huantong looked bad and hurriedly shouted, "Sh on!"

But the man in white didn't seem to hear it. With a force in his hand, Xiao Han tilted his head and fainted.