Where does the prince escape

Chapter 34 Eight Arrays

"I will pass on my will to match Xiao Han's thorn to the frontier!" Luoxi said coldly.

Bi Huantong's heart was stunned. Oh, my God, she stabbed a mark on her face. I heard that this was a great shame. Hey, she had no one to harm others, but others died because of herself.

"Your Majesty, this punishment is too heavy. Presumably that man is just an impulse. It is said that that man is the first craftsman in the world..."

"Don't say anything. I have made up my mind. It is because he is talented that I want to frustrate him so that I can't control it in the future!" He remembered that Xiao Han said that he was only loyal to Feng Yixue. At that time, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Yixue was his queen... It was all because Yixue was too indulgent of his subordinates, and the Feng family was full of talents. If it went on like this, wouldn't it be a disaster to the world?

A trace of civet flashed in Luoxi's eyes. Xiao Han is Yixue's favorite minister. Will Yixue pass on her dissatisfaction to Tonger?

"Your Majesty, Tong'er is really ominous. Now that such a thing has happened, Sister Feng must have resented Tong'er." Looking at Luo Xi's face, Bi Huantong vaguely guessed that now she and Feng Yixue are either dead or she is dead. Take advantage of their power and quickly remove Feng Yixue's nail. Even if they can't be removed, they will destroy the relationship between Luoxi and Feng Yixue.

"Tong'er can rest assured that Xi won't let this happen." Luoxi stroked her ink-like hair, and a decision in his heart, a decision he had never thought of before!


"Feng Niang, Lord Zheng said that your majesty has drawn up a holy edict today, which is very unfavorable to Feng Niang!" Qing'er is in a hurry to follow the wind and snow.

Feng Yixue's eyes darkened, and there was a trace of sadness in her heart. For so many years, all she waited for was Luoxi's determination. So many years of efforts are not worth mentioning in front of that woman. At this moment, she has any hope for the future...

After meditating for a while, a trace of viciousness flashed in Feng Yixue's eyes. It was not so easy to bring her down!

This is the moment of victory or defeat!


He held the jade seal, but he didn't cover it for a long time. Luo Xi sighed, and his heart was reluctant. He pondered for a long time and sighed. The jade seal was imprinted on the imperial edict, closed the imperial edict, and was about to pass it to the eunuch beside him.

A eunuch came over in a hurry and said, "The emperor, the Lingfeng Pavilion is on fire. The fire is very strong, and now he is trying his best to rescue..."

"What? What about Yixue?" Luoxi asked urgently.

"The Wind Lady...is inside..."

Before the palace man finished speaking, Luo Xi stood up and hurried to Lingfeng Pavilion.


"Is the Lingfeng Pavilion on fire?" Bi Huantong frowned slightly, and there was a trace of doubt in her heart, "Where's Sister Feng?"

"I heard that Lady Feng is still in it, and Your Majesty is rushing to Lingfeng Pavilion. Lord, do you want us to go and have a look?

Bi Huantong meditated and didn't say anything. What is Feng Yixue doing? Could it be that she also made a bitter meat trick?

Suddenly, a few broken air came from outside the door. She only heard Yuer's softly fall to the ground and insert a dart behind her. Bi Huantong saw that the situation was not good. She stepped back a few steps and heard a few flowers in front of her. She only heard a few 'jingling'. The sword in A Yan's hand had helped her block a few darts. At this time, the slaves in the hall were all Falling down, I thought to myself, the assassin came again?

What a superb technique, which knocked down all the slaves in the hall in an instant.

There are really surprises every day.

When all the slaves fell down, two men in black walked into the hall. It was the woman in black that night.

The woman in black confronted Bi Huantong for a while. The woman in black took off the veil. It was Feng Yixue.

Bihuan Tong raised his eyebrows. She guessed right. It was Feng Yixue, but she took the veil in front of her so openly, which really surprised her for a while.

Lingfeng Pavilion caught fire, Luoxi rushed to Lingfeng Pavilion, and then Feng Yixue took advantage of the chaos to come to Muxue Garden and transferred the tiger away from the mountain.

Those who come are not good, and those who are good do not come.

If she guesses correctly, behind Feng Yixue should be Zheng Qi.

On the surface, she is a close guard of Luoxi. In fact, she is loyal to Feng Yixue. Feng Yixue has been in Qihuang for so many years and has managed her own power. It seems that she is more appealing than Luoxi.

Feng Yixue nodded to Zheng Qi, and Zheng Qi went straight to A Yan like a lightning. The purpose was very clear. He wanted to attract A Yan away.

The two fought with each other. Zheng Qi's move this time was more fierce than before. A Yan dealt with it attentively. Watching Zheng Qi successfully lead Ayan away, Feng Yixue took out a small box from his sleeve.

Bi Huantong saw that the situation was not good, and the box was full of broken soul silk!

Quickly take down the hairpin and hit it into the box,

Feng Yixue flashed slightly sideways, pressed the mechanism, and the broken soul silk went straight to Bihuantong!

How many broken soul threads has Xiao Han made?

Bi Huantong rotated to avoid the broken soul silk. According to this plan, she can only jump to Feng Yixue's side. She can't turn her hair.

It's like seeing that Bi Huantong will come. Feng Yixue's eyes flashed a trace of sinister and threw the box at her. Bi Huantong was stunned. Don't Feng Yixue break the soul?

After she was stunned for such a second, Feng Yixue raised her left hand in front of her, and a touch of white powder dispersed from her hand. Bi Huantong had no time to dodge and quickly pressed her nose and mouth with her hand. Unfortunately, she took a step late and had inhaled some powder. She secretly said something bad in her heart and quickly ran away. After a few steps, When he was soft, he lost consciousness in an instant.

The moment she fell down, she remembered Tang Bohu's 'half a step with a smile'.

She failed. She fainted so much that she may never wake up...

I don't know how long I fainted. I only felt that my body was cold and thrilled. The moment she woke up, water poured in from all directions. The air was suddenly forced out of my body. My stomach contracted and instinctively wanted to cough. As soon as I opened my mouth, I drank a few sips of water.

Realizing that he was in a pool, his mind suddenly calmed down, his hand stroked, his body floated up, jumped out of the water, his eyes lit up, and he took a few breaths of air.

I wiped away the pool water and opened my eyes. I couldn't help but be shocked. The sky in front of me alternated black and red, emitting a smell of blood, and the water I was in was also blood red!

Although it is not blood, it is more red than blood!

It's like hell!

Is...is she really dead?!

Wait, no, she can still breathe, which proves that she is not dead.

So what is this place?

swim to the shore, go ashore, and carefully observe the scenery around you.

There is a dead breath around. There is no cloud in the sky, and there is no smoke everywhere, but there is no smell of smoke at all. On the contrary, it is not a river of blood, but it emits a strong smell of blood. Where have you been?

Indiary, there seem to be several words in the sky, and you can faintly see Qian, Kun, Xun, Gan... and other words. Is it strange to escape armor? Is it possible that you have reached a certain array?

She is not very familiar with Qimen Dunjia, but only has a superficial understanding. She only knows that if she really falls into a certain formation, she can't act rashly. If she walks around, once she falls into the organ, it will be very dangerous.

The problem is that she doesn't know which array she is in now and where she is!

Wait, Qiankun Xun? She vaguely remembers that Zhuge Liang's eight arrays are based on the universe and the four earth, with the wind and clouds of heaven and earth as the main soldiers...

This array is so famous, which is one of the few famous formations she has learned before.

fainted, did she enter the eight arrays?!

My God, the eight arrays have changed endlessly. Even the tutor has not clearly taught her how to crack it before. The tutor only said: respond to changes and ask for blessings!

That means that she is more or less lucky this time!

Ask for more blessings, let it be up to fate...

She was a little panicked and a little scared, but at this time, she was more calm and had carried out countless tasks. The more dangerous she learned, the more she needed to calm down.

I don't know what kind of door she is, but it is certain that this door is safe now. Although it looks very uncomfortable, it can buy a lot of time for her.

Let her think about how to crack it.

I sat down and looked at the black and red sky and found that the sky changes color every once in a while, or dark or light, which means that the formation is constantly changing, and Xuanmen is also constantly changing, but there is no change in this situation. The eight arrays are divided into birth, injury, rest, Du, scenery, Death, shock and opening eight doors, only the opening and living doors will not change much.

There is no doubt that she was made here by Feng Yixue. It is absolutely impossible for Feng Yixue to let her into the door. Then this door should be opened. Feng Yixue wants to torture her slowly.

Staying at the door and waiting for someone to save her? How can this be possible? Maybe Feng Yixue is staying outside the array and decorating the tea to see how she was tortured to death by the eight arrays.

She may live for a while when she opens the door, but if she can't find a living door, she will die!

Suddenly, I heard a bang in the sky, and the black and red sky changed color in an instant. It was extremely gray and black, as bright as lightning in the day cut through the sky. After a while, it rained cats and rained cats and dogs.

But it didn't last long after the rain, and only heard a few sounds of breaking through the air. Bi Huantong hurriedly dodged and saw several crystal columns of water sticking straight into the ground!

Bi Huantong was shocked and hurriedly looked at the sky. He saw the rain mixed with water columns and shot to the ground quickly. Bi Huantong did not dare to stop and quickly look at whether there were any places to hide around, but the surroundings were very empty. Although there were mountains in the distance, there were no tiles to cover his head. Bi Huantong could only dod constantly.

How long will it rain?

It's not a way to avoid it like this. Her physical strength is constantly being consumed. It won't take long for her to avoid it. At that time...


There was a familiar voice circling in the space, and Bi Huantong was stunned. It was Xuanyuan Yulin!

The voice she didn't want to hear was like finding a life-saving grass at this time, and she answered with joy, "Your Majesty, I'm here!" "Your Majesty!"