Where does the prince escape

Chapter 41 Master's Move!

God, I forgot to set the time...555555, it's late!

"Why did you take me out? Do you know what your majesty would think if I came out!"

The voice was extremely light, but it attracted the attention of Bi Huantong. Looking at it, there were two figures standing not far away. It could be seen that it was a man and a woman, and the woman was dressed in gorgeous clothes, which seemed to be palace clothes. The man was dressed in strong clothes and tall and slender!

Your Majesty? Luoxi? Why does this woman call Luoxi's name?!

Bi Huantong was very confused. She narrowed her eyes and looked carefully. She faintly saw some clues. She seems to have seen this gorgeous suit somewhere... By the way, it's the clothes Feng Yixue often wears. Could it be that this woman is Feng Yixue!

"He has treated you like this, and you still care what he does!" The man roared and was very unhappy.

This voice is Zheng Qi's!

Feng Yixue... Zheng Qi... What are the two doing here?

The woman turned slightly: "Your Majesty is only blinded for a moment and will wake up. Even if I am put into the heavenly prison, there is still a glimmer of life. Yi Xue has been by Your Majesty's side for so many years, and I believe in Your Majesty very much! However, if I leave like this, it will prove that I am really guilty..."

"That woman was the one who brought into the eight arrays with you. With this alone, that man will not seduce you!" Before Feng Yixue finished his words, Zheng Qi interrupted.

As soon as Zheng Qi said this, Feng Yixue's body stiffened slightly and was silent.

She understood that Feng Yixue's east window incident was punished by Luoxi, and then Zheng Qi rescued Feng Yixue!

If I had known that Zheng Qi and Feng Yixue were very ambiguous, they are still so open and upright now... I'm afraid that if Feng Yixue says he loves him in front of Luoxi again, Luo Xi may not believe it.

"That woman wants to be unfavorable to your majesty. I got rid of that woman. I am willing to be punished, but if you do this, your majesty will misunderstand! Qi, we can't do this. It's impossible for me and you!"

Who said it was impossible! Are you not with me now? Since that man is ruthless to you, what else do you want him to do?" Zheng Qi became more dissatisfied and roared when Feng Yixue pulled back his body.

"But...but I love your majesty!"

As soon as Feng Yixue's words came out, the two were silent again.

To be honest, as a peerless master, it would be a good thing if Feng Yixue followed Zheng Qi around the world, but it was a pity that Lang had feelings and his concubine had no intention.

Bi Huantong can't help sighing.

Suddenly, Zheng Qi turned her face and looked at her. Bi Huantong was shocked, screamed secretly, and was found! Just as he was about to escape, but saw a sword roar, Zheng Qi's long sword had been stabbed from the side. The cold light flashed, and Bi Huantong dodged sideways in a little embarrassed. He jumped and retreated eagerly.

Bi Huantong gasped coldly. Fortunately, she reacted quickly, otherwise the sword would kill her!

This man is too fast! They are all beyond the time range of ordinary people's thinking...

Before Bi Huantong gasped, Zheng Qi waved a sword spirit horizontally, and only heard the sound of breaking through the air like lightning. Bi Huantong turned around and felt that the sword spirit pass close to him. When he stopped, a few wisps of green silk slowly fell down.

"You're not dead yet?" Zheng Qi said slowly with a surprise.

"Yoshi people have their own heavenly appearance and can't die for the time being!" I was a little scared and didn't have enough confidence to speak.

can't die for the time being! But for Zheng Qi, he may hang up soon!

She has seen this person's martial arts. Zheng Qi can take her life with every move, and she can only have one chance. If she fails, she will die.

There was a cold light on Zheng Qi's sword, and his eyes stared at her coldly, like a desperate death.

The more powerful the enemy is, the calmer it must be. The blue fantasy is staring at him without turning its eyes.

As long as you are distracted, Zheng Qi's sword will cut her throat without hesitation... or penetrate her body!

At her speed, it is absolutely impossible to escape. Since you can't escape, let's go head-on.

He took off the long hairpin inserted in the bun and pointed it at him. As soon as the weapon arrived, Bi Huantong sent a bleak chill all over his body, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty light!

Zheng Qi was slightly awe-hearted, and this murderous atmosphere came directly to him. Unexpectedly, he felt a trace of depression in his heart. This was unprecedented. It was like breaking into thousands of troops alone, and he had never had such a state of mind!

This is a dangerous opponent!

Zheng Qi took the sword, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and the long sword went straight to the blue fantasy!

There is no cleverness, just a straight thorn, as fast as lightning!

Bi Huantong's body sank slightly, took a step forward, and the hairpin went to Zheng Qi's throat. Zheng Qi's face flashed a strange look, and the long sword picked up to block her hand.

In a hit, Bi Huantong quickly took down a hairpin from her head. This hairpin was very short, but it could also hurt people. With a backhand stroke, he only heard the sound of his clothes being cut. Zheng Qi was cold on his waist. When he attacked back, Bi Huantong had flashed a foot away.

He glanced at his waist and saw a little blood red in the cut clothes. He looked at Bi Huantong with a little surprise.

Since his debut, he has not been injured, and the woman in front of him actually injured him in two moves!

It seems that he underestimated her!

There was some blood on the hairpin, and a move hurt him, but Bi Huantong knew that she was more dangerous at this moment. She lifted the reverse scales of a dragon, and this dragon would never let her go!

Zheng Qi's murderous spirit is heavier, and there is a cold light in his eyes. He is going to make a move. She will either live, die, or escape, just look at this move!

Zheng Qi's sword sounded with the sound of dragon singing. The sword body trembled, and it was another straight stabbing, but this move was faster. When a sword stabbed, Bi Huantong saw countless swords!

This sword came to her overwhelmingly, making her unavoidable!

I screamed in a low voice, and my body retreated. Which one is Zheng Qi's real body?!

The tip of the sword is getting closer and closer, and she is about to get closer. If she doesn't block it, she will die under this sword!

A breeze came, and only the blue shadow appeared before we met, and then I heard a 'dang' sound. The voice was long and far away, very low, slowly rippling out with this as the center, which was seductive.

Zheng Qi's sword was shaken open, and a blue figure stood in front of Bi Huantong!

It's Ah Chen!

With a flowing atmosphere, long hair is windless and automatic, and the breath is as clear as a fairy!

Zheng Qi put away his sword and confronted Ah Chen.


Bi Huantong was very surprised. Didn't Ah Chen fall asleep? Why did he come here... Is A Chen following her?!

Oh, my God, she didn't find anything!

She couldn't feel any fluctuation in her breath! Wait, could it be that Ah Chen restrained all the breath on her body so that she could not notice?! If so, is this still a human?

As far as she knows, only the turtle breath is big. Only the Dharma has this effect, but the person who was cast the spell could not move his whole body, as if he were dead. A Chen could follow her. How on earth did Ah Chen do it!

Looking down, he was surprised to find that Ah Chen only held a sword handle. The sword handle was dark and blue. The workmanship was very exquisite, but he could not see the blade!

Since there is no sword front, what happened to the block just now?!

Wait... She continued to look down and saw a faint layer of silver frost under the hilt of the sword, and a name quickly flashed through her mind: Chengying Sword!

The Chengying Sword was cast in the Zhou Dynasty and was known as the Three Swords of Yin Tianzi together with the Light Sword and the Night Sword.

"The dragon inherits the shadow, and the wild goose forgets to return."

Is this really the legendary shadow sword?!

Isn't this sword only available to her at that time?

One body is like a sharp sword, and the sword is a human being, and the person is a sword, with murder everywhere; the other is light and natural, indifferent to the outside, calm and not forced. The two are facing each other, one attack and one defense!

"Brother, no matter what the enmity between you is, please raise your hand at this moment." After confronting each other for a while, A Chen said lightly.

A flash of flashes flashed in Zheng Qi's eyes and became deeper: "This woman must die!"

Zheng Qi's words were unquestionable, and Ah Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you sure?"

"That's right!"

A Chen smiled faintly: "In this case, the lady under the room can't guarantee her safety."

After saying that, Ah Chen gave Bi Huantong a slight wink, and Bi Huantong immediately met!

His words were told to her. Afa pestered Zheng Qi, and then she took action against Feng Yixue!


Zheng Qi's swordsmanship is good, but she should be able to do it for a while, and she can flirt with Feng Yixue in just a few seconds!

Aware of the tacit understanding between the two, Zheng Qi's eyes sank and meditated for a while. Finally, he stared at Bi Huantong fiercely, put away his sword and jumped off the eaves, picked up Feng Yixue, and left quickly.

Looking at Zheng Qi go far away, Bi Huantong breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the blood stains on the hairpin, and inserted it back into the bun.

A Chen waved his sleeve, took back the Chengying sword and turned to look at her: "Xiaoning, where are you going?"

For a moment, Bi Huantong lowered her head with a little embarrassment.

She lied to him. She lied to him that she had lost her memory, but what she did at this time fully showed that she had no amnesia.

But his eyes were indifferent and he didn't mean to blame her at all.

Ben said that she only met him for the first time. It was natural for her to cheat him in order to protect herself, but she felt very guilty and even a little guilty at this moment.

Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Ah Chen asked again, "Are you going into the palace?"

Bi Huantong nodded.

"I'll go with you."

"!" Bi Huantong looked at him in surprise. Although A Chen's martial arts skills were also high, it was the palace and the guard was strict. She was very vigilant alone. If A Chen followed her... Besides, is A Chen familiar with the palace?

As if she could see her worries, Ah Chen said, "Imperial City, I'm familiar with it."

The experiment proved that A Chen's words were not covered!

Although she lived in the palace for half a month and to be honest, she was only familiar with the area of Muxue Garden, but A Chen knew the whole palace well and was even familiar with the shift replacement of bodyguards. There was no bodyguard patrol where Achen left.

It's very safe to follow him.

Bi Huantong was very surprised at what happened to Ah Chen.

But this is secondary. Most importantly, she came to the palace to get back her things, which had been ground into powder.