Where does the prince escape

Chapter 65 Hand in Hand

Hearing Liu Yingying call Chu Nanxian as a string, it proved that the two had a good relationship. Bi Huantong was very happy. In her previous life, she was alone and alone. Until now, she understands what family affection is. She believes that Chu Nanxian can take good care of Liu Yingying.

Bi Huantong was about to open his mouth, but he felt a strange breath behind him, accompanied by a penetrating sandalwood fragrance. He turned his head and saw that Xuanyuan Yulin was slowly coming this way.

"Ah!" Liu Yingying exclaimed with fear. Bi Huantong frowned slightly, turned her head and held her hand, patted her hand and said, "Don't be afraid, there is a sister!"

Liu Yingying looked at Xuanyuan Yulin with a frightened face and wide eyes. She couldn't help leaning against Bi Huantong. Bi Huantong turned and patted her on the back. When Xuanyuan Yulin approached, she stopped her and said, "Your Majesty, Yingying is not feeling well, and I hope to stop."

As soon as Bi Huantong said this, Xuanyuan Yulin stopped, glanced at Liu Yingying, and said lightly, "Tong'er left without saying a word, which made me look for a long time!"

Bi Huantong's face condensed. Just now, Xuanyuan Yulin didn't catch up with her when she left, but now he said he was looking for her. What did he want to do?

"Yingying, have a good rest first. The prince is looking for me. My sister is going to leave for a while." She whispered to Liu Yingying.

For so many days in prison, Liu Yingying was worried and afraid. Liu Yingying had already regarded Xuanyuan Yulin as a demon. Seeing that Xuanyuan Yulin came to find Bi Huantong, she nodded with relief.

Bi Huantong told Liu Yingying a few more steps, and then got up and walked to Xuanyuan Yulin and said, "Your Majesty, since you are looking for me, let's talk to another place."

Xuanyuan Yulin nodded and walked out first.

The laurel was fragrant and the cool breeze was blowing. Xuanyuan Yulin walked in front in a white robe. His black hair fluttered gently, and the elegant and noble temperament even made the flowers in the garden fade. After walking for a while, Xuanyuan Yulin stopped, turned around and looked at Bi Huantong who followed him with interest, laughing, "What are you angry about?"

"What am I angry about?" Bi Huantong looked angry and couldn't help raising his tone: "You know that Yingying is afraid of you and she is not in good health. Why did you deliberately appear to scare her!"

Facing Bi Huantong's anger, Xuanyuan Yulin looked at her, but ignored her and continued to turn around and walk forward.

She was originally impatient and was not used to Xuanyuan Yulin's leisure. Seeing that he was going to take a walk again, she couldn't help shouting, "Your Majesty, if you have something to say here, don't leave!"

Xuanyuan Yulin turned around and raised his eyebrows, stopped, and gave Xiaoqing a wink. Xiaoqing was understanding, so he saluted the two of them and walked away.

"Tong'er, do you remember Bi Haotian?"

Bi Huantong glanced at him, and she didn't lose her memory, okay? Why did the prince talk about him?

"In return, Bi Haotian is coming to the Star Kingdom." Xuanyuan Yulin pulled a flower and sniffed it gently.

"What?" Bi Huantong was very surprised: "What is Bihaotian doing in the Star Kingdom!"

"I guess he came here for you and me."

"What about you and me?" Bi Huantong muttered that she was originally a fine work sent by Bi Haotian to Xuanyuan Yulin. Now that she has left the Kingdom of Masking the Moon, Bi Haotian will definitely trace the reason. Unexpectedly, she will catch up with the Kingdom of Heaven.

Wait, she should have left no trace for Bi Haotian to find out. How did Bi Haotian find it?! Could it be Xuanyuan Yulin... No, it's impossible. Xuanyuan Yulin and Bi Haotian are sworn in it. How can they tell him their whereabouts?

There is no doubt that she and Liu Yingying have become two useless chess pieces. Did Bi Haotian come here to get rid of them? Wait, if he wanders around the world alone in the future, won't it be easy for Bi Haotian to find them?!

The power of a person is limited, and the power of a country is infinite!

She now has Yu Chen in the back to support her. Don't be afraid of Bi Haotian. If she is single in the future, it will be very troublesome!

"Tong'er," Xuanyuan Yulin approached her: "You and Yingying ran away to get rid of Bi Haotian, right?"

Bix is awe-blin!

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly: "If you promise me something, I will help you except Bi Haotian."

frowned, and Bi Huantong did not answer immediately. To be honest, Xuanyuan Yulin and Bi Haotian are sworn enemies. Even if she doesn't have to do anything, with Xuanyuan Yulin's character, she will get rid of Bi Haotian sooner or later. There is no need to do this.

Thinking of this, she smiled and said, "The prince doesn't have to go around the circle. In fact, the prince has already figured out a way to deal with Bi Haotian, right?"

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes flashed a trace of appreciation and praised, "I haven't seen you for a few days. My Tong'er is getting smarter and smarter."

"The prince is flattered." What if you don't take precautions against you fox! Was Bi Huantong very stupid in the past?

"If you want to get rid of Bi Haotian, you need Tonger to cooperate."

Do you need her cooperation?

She is now the princess of the Star Kingdom. Bi Haotian and Xuanyuan Yulin are both her enemies. She can watch coldly and watch these two old foxes fight to death. It is beneficial and harmless for her. If Xuanyuan Yulin wins, she will be the next step he will deal with!

To be honest, although Xuanyuan Yulin is very cunning, he already knows everything about her and doesn't need to force a confession. At most, he just takes advantage of her. If it falls into his hands, he can still leave a whole body. At least he is not so ugly. Maybe he may not have to die. If he doesn't help Xuanyuan Yulin, let Bi Haotian If there is a chance, then if she falls into the hands of Bi Haotian, she will definitely die!

Theoretically, she should cooperate with Xuanyuan Yulin.

"Your Majesty, Tonger can cooperate with you, but the prince must agree to Tonger on one condition." While she is still the princess of the Star Kingdom, she should make good use of it. With her current status, she has this amount to negotiate with Xuanyuan Yulin.

Xuanyuan Yulin flashed a touch of surprise and then smiled and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

Oh, it's really refreshing.

"The prince should protect Yingying and Fanzhi, and don't contact them again after it's done." What she hates most is being restrained, and the most reassuring thing is these two people.

"Tong'er, these seem to be two conditions." Xuanyuan Yulin said slowly.

Two conditions? Why don't I feel it?" Bi Huantong directly ignored his words. An expression of 'I don't agree to pull down'.

She cheated.

Xuanyuan Yulin shook his head with a smile: "Okay, okay, I promise you, who will call you my Tonger?"

Bi Huantong's eyes sank and tried her best to put up with the words "I'm not your Tong'er". She can't say it now, at least wait for him to kill Bi Haotian before turning against him.

"What does the prince want me to cooperate with you?" She specially aggravated the three words 'Princess' and reminded Xuanyuan Yulin to pay attention to his identity.

She is on an equal footing with him now!

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes were condensed and unfathomable. He waved to Bi Huantong. Bi Huantong leaned closer, and Xuanyuan Yulin approached her and whispered in her ear.

Bi Huantong couldn't help nodding and her eyes were shining. After a while, Xuanyuan Yulin stopped talking. Bi Huantong smiled excitedly and said, "Okay, let's do it!"

Xuanyuan Yulin was right. Sure enough, two days later, Bi Haotian arrived in the Star Kingdom. Yu Chen went to meet her in person, but he did not let Bi Huantong go with him. Bi Huantong was not in a hurry and didn't let her go. That was just right. Anyway, she was very annoyed to attend those major social scenes, and her hypocritical faces would make her appetite.

A few hours after Bihao's genius came, Yu Chen came to see her in person and said, "Xiaotong, Bi Xiangguo said he wanted to see you. Would you like to meet?"

It seems that Bi Haotian can't wait.

Xuanyuan Yulin is right. In the first step, Bi Haotian came to recognize people.

Bi Huantong squeezed his lips and meditated for a long time before saying, "Since Bixiang is here, there is no reason for Xiaotong not to meet each other."

"Is there anything difficult for Xiaotong to say?" Bi Huantong's hesitant look fell into Chen's eyes. Although he saw her in Qihuang Kingdom, he inferred that Xiaotong's real identity should be the person who covered the Moon Kingdom.

"No, it's nothing. Your Majesty don't have to worry. Xiaotong is fine." She quickly smiled and covered it up.

Yu Chen's eyes were full of suspicion and whispered, "Xiao Tong, you are my royal sister. If there is any difficulty, tell your brother that you will stand up for you."

A trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and Bi Huantong sighed and said, "To tell you the truth, Xiaotong and Yingying escaped from the prime minister's mansion."

Yu Chenyi: "Why is it like this?"

"This matter is a long story. Since Bixiangguo wants to see Xiaotong, Xiaotong will go out to meet him. If it is late, I'm afraid that Bixiang will be suspicious. Your Majesty, Xiaotong will talk to you about this matter slowly after seeing the prime minister."

Yu Chen thought for a moment and said in a condensed voice, "Okay."

"But Your Majesty," Bi Huantong said as if thinking of something, "Your Majesty, if Bi Xiangguo wants Xiaotong and Yingying to go back, your majesty must not agree."

"Of course!" Yu Chen said beyond doubt.

Xiaotong was afraid of Xuanyuan Yulin and Bi Haotian, which proved that Xiaotong's original identity was among the two people. Slowly, Xiaotong's surname was Bi. Could it be Xiaotong... His eyes sank, as if he had thought of something.

After the banquet was over, Bi Haotian had already waited in the hall. Seeing Yu Chen coming back, he quickly got up and saluted: "Your Majesty."

"Bixi Xiangguo is exempt from gifts." Yu Chen raised his hand slightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." As soon as Bi Haotian stood up, he saw Bi Huantong following Yu Chen. A strange sight flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down and saluted again, "Princess Yongning Jin'an."

Bi Huantong nodded. Bi Haotian's hair was half white, about 50 years old. He looked very kind, radiant, and faintly with a sense of loyalty. When he saw this person, he would never think of the bad guy.

If it hadn't been for the original owner of this body, she might have been cheated.

Real people can't be good-looking.

"The blue country is good." With a smile on her face, she returned a gift.