Where does the prince escape

Chapter 81 Breaking Good Things

"Okay...pain..." Xuanyuan Yulin gasped for a while before squeezing this sentence from between his teeth.

"Does it hurt? Where's the injury?" In his arms, he sweated coldly, and his wet black hair stuck to his face, outlining the perfect face. Looking at it so closely, he suddenly caught her like a power plant that could produce 100,000 volts.

It seemed to be really painful. Looking at his frown and clenched teeth, why did he shrink his hand just now? He felt that he was a little inhumane.

The slender fingers were raised weakly and pointed to his chest. Xuanyuan Yulin half opened his eyes, which looked a little pale because of the pain and said, "Heart...so painful..."

Black lines fell on Bihuantong's face, and she dared to act coquettishly to her...

"Heartache is difficult to cure, and the prince must receive long-term treatment..." Why do you think she is talking about heart disease, not heartache?

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly: "Then Tong'er... let's give the prince a long-term treatment... It's best that this disease won't get better in a lifetime."

"It's slippery," Bi Huantong scolded, but her heart was warm: "Well, Tong'er knows it. It's windy outside. Tong'er can help the prince go back to his room to rest."

The long black hair fell on her body like a waterfall. The unique sandalwood fragrance on his body did not fade due to sweating, but became more and more fragrant. These two points alone made her a little overwhelmed. Such a beautiful beauty really wanted to kiss...

But Xuanyuan Yulin is poisonous. If she has 'skin contact' with him, I'm afraid she will really sink in her life.

gritting her teeth, she had to try her best to keep the last trace of sobriety.

Although she has been moved by him...

The morning sun penetrated through the clouds and shone into the house through the window. Her eyes moved slightly and slowly opened their eyes. She slept well last night...

It's as comfortable as having a hand holding her gently. She is like a kitten, nesting on that big hand, very warm and soft...

The sound of breathing gently in her ear made her ears a little itchy. A pair of big hands held her waist, and the hot temperature came from her back...

Big hands? Breathing sound?! She woke up in an instant, and she turned her head and looked back. The eye-catching handsome man... When did she sleep beside Xuanyuan Yulin?!

her mind thought quickly and jumped back to last night. After she helped Xuanyuan Yulin back to **, Xuanyuan Yulin whispered her to hug him... She couldn't resist him, so she went to ** to hold him. She remembered that Xuanyuan Yulin fell asleep quickly.

But why is he holding her?! When did the posture change?

He hurriedly looked at his clothes. He was intact and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was just hugged.

But then again, the sleeping face and the thin lips squeezed together like a knife really want to kiss.

It's probably beautiful and delicious, isn't that what it means?

No! How can she 'ride people's danger'! Before he wakes up, she'd better run away quickly, or she will be teased by him again.

Holding his hand, gently moved him away, his body slowly shrank forward, then shrank forward, leaving his arms, and then got up... Falling down, her hair was pressed by him!

Why do you have such long hair? Now my hair is in trouble!

Cut it with scissors? No, no, no, to be honest, she likes to have long hair. But when this was pressed, she couldn't leave and pulled her hair back, afraid it would wake him up.

Just as she hesitated, her body tightened, and the next second, she returned to a warm and steady embrace. This time, the big hand on her waist hugged her to death. The two bodies were close to each other without a trace of space, and his deep magnetic voice sounded in her ears: "Where do you want to go?"

Damn, he's awake!

A little frustrated, coupled with a little bit of deficiency, she squeezed her lips and said, "I want to go to the toilet!"

A soft smile came from behind him: "Let's go together."

"You are a pervert!" She patted his hand heavily and struggled to leave, but was pulled back by him. This time she was close to his chest, and his black hair fell on her.

"Can you let me hold you for a while?"

Xuanyuan Yulin muttered softly, with a faint pleading color. Bi Huantong's heart softened and did not move. Her body was a little stiff beside him, staring at his collarbone and his chest fluctuating slightly due to breathing.

"Don't be so formal with me, okay? Relax."

Xuanyuan Yulin's voice seemed to be magical, slowly tempting her and taking a deep breath. She gradually relaxed, her hand was held by him, and gently brought it to his waist: "Hold me."

His heart pounded, as if he was about to rush out of his chest. His hands slowly tightened around his waist. A very subtle feeling slowly surged into his mind, his breathing was aggravated, and his hands were red.

"Tong'er... Remember, you are my king's."

He held her face with big hands, and his dark eyes seemed to suck her in. He couldn't escape. He felt that the distance between the two was getting closer and closer. Finally, his kiss covered her lips...

He sucked softly and domineeringly, and the fire tongue teased her most** nerves. The air was squeezed out little by little, and he had to take a deep breath. This moved his kiss deeper. He faintly heard his muttering from his throat, stroked her back with his big hand, and hugged her tightly, as if to melt her into him. The body is average.

"Um..." Waves of pleasure rushed to my mind, and my heart was beating violently. The whole person was like a fire. The hot breath covered her, and my hands involuntarily moved up from my waist and grabbed his back, causing him to plunder more wantonly.

A low roar like a beast overflowed from his throat. As soon as she turned over, she had been pressed under him. The sudden change of position made her hands only hold him tightly. The air disappeared from her body little by little. Her consciousness wandered in half a dream and half awake, and her eyes were full of fog, allowing him to plunder her sweetness...

"Uh..." The moment when consciousness was about to leave her body, he reluctantly withdrew the kiss on his mouth and gently lifted her clothes, as if admiring the most beautiful gems, and his kiss fell on her like raindrops...


There were three knocks on the door. Bi Huantong's body shook, her consciousness instantly woke up, and she tried to push him away with her hands, but the scene last night came to her mind, which slowed down the strength of her hands. She didn't want him to hit the wall.

She was conscious, but she saw a flame burning in the depths of his eyes, and her face collapsed, as if she was holding something. Her lips turned bright red because of congestion, with a faint fog and a slight light, as if she didn't intend to pay attention to it. The knock on the door gasped, and the kiss fell on her again.

The door was pushed open with a bang, and Xuanwu and Baihu rushed in. The two of them were very nervous and shouted urgently: "Your Majesty!"

He suddenly picked up the person under him, quickly wrapped it in a quilt, and turned his back to the Xuanwu White Tiger. His face was full of anger, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Get out!"

Xuanwu Baihu was stunned and instantly knew what was going on in the room. The two retreated shyly and closed the door.

Being messed with by Xuanwu Baihu, the original ambiguous and sensational atmosphere instantly became a little awkward. Bi Huantong quickly dressed. Although her face was still red, she had already lost that mood.

"Hey..." Xuanyuan Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes, and suppressed the anger in his chest.

"Wang...Your Majesty, let's see what's going on?" Xuanwu White Tiger appeared every time something urgent. He rushed in just now and dared to think that something had happened to Xuanyuan Yulin, so he broke into the door...

Xuanyuan Yulin was silent and his face was black. After a while, he stretched out his hand and lifted her quilt. Seeing that she had dressed, he helped her straighten her clothes and whispered, "Call them in."

Bi Huantong nodded, got out of bed and opened the door, and then the white shadow flashed in front of him. The Xuanwu white tiger reappeared like a ghost, but both of them had a faint look of embarrassment.

"The prince asked you to go in."

Xuanwu Baihu nodded and entered the room. The two looked at each other and knelt down with hard hair. Xuanwu said, "Your Majesty, there is news." Speaking of this, Xuanwu paused, glanced at Bi Huantong, and didn't go on.

"Is it life or death?"


Xuanyuan Yulin's face was slightly awe-bodied, and he breathed a long sigh of relief: "Where's the fence?"

Fan Zhi?!

Bi Huantong was confused when listening, and the word Fan Li aroused her great curiosity: "What happened to Fan Li?"

Xuanyuan Yulin did not answer her directly, but waved to Xuanwu and Baihu and said, "Take action."

"Yes, master!" The two answered and hurried out the door.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" When the figure of Xuanwu White Tiger disappeared, Bi Huantong asked urgently.

"Tong'er, come to my side." Xuanyuan Yulin waved to the court.

Bi Huantong looked puzzled and walked over and sat by his bedside. Xuanyuan Yulin held her hand and looked at her quietly for a long time before saying, "Tonger, no matter what you hear, you have to calm down, you know?"

"Oh." Whether you are calm or not, listen to it first!

Xuanyuan Yulin pondered for a while before saying, "Tonger, Yingying is gone."

"What?!" Unbelief, Bihuan's eyes widened: "Your Majesty, what are you talking about? What's wrong with Yingying?

"Yingying, she... is dead."

The head seemed to be blank in an instant, and Bi Huantong slowed down for a long time before saying, "What's going on?"

"Yingying was killed by Fan Zhi."

"The fence? This...how is this possible! Where's Fanren?!"

"I will be back..."

"No! Impossible, Fan Yi, how could he do this! Prince, you know where Fan Yi is, right? Where is he?

"Tonger, don't be excited, wait patiently, Fan Li will come back." Xuanyuan Yulin clenched her hand, and the palm was soft and cold.