Where does the prince escape

Chapter 85 Revealing the List

"Your Majesty...cough!" Aware of her own words, Bi Huantong cleared her throat and lowered her voice, "With grandpa here, how dare I mess around? I'm afraid of being scolded by grandpa!"

"Ha ha! As long as you know, it's good to know. Xuanyuan Yulin brushed his beard and said, "Remember, we are from Hunan. Grandpa, my name is Yuan Yu, and your name is Yuan Tong. Do you understand?"

"Hmm." Bi Huantong nodded. After changing her dress, Xuanyuan Yulin told her in detail what to say and what not to say. If she was afraid of revealing flaws, she would say nothing.

The carriage slowly drove into the worry-free country, and the traffic was very prosperous. Several people got out of the carriage and casually ate lunch at the roadside stall. After dinner, Xuanyuan Yulin ordered Xuanwu and others to protect them in the dark. He and Bi Huantong walked around the street.

The roadside store sells many exquisite small ornaments. Bi Huantong was originally a woman, so she paid more attention to her, but found that many women secretly sent autumn waves to her. She couldn't help shivering in her heart and withdrew her eyes lingering on the roadside.

"Ha ha, Grandpa is right. The good grandson has been targeted by many people." Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes condensed a touch of cunning.

Bi Huantong was a little embarrassed and squeezed her lips and said, "I know, Grandpa, when will we enter the imperial city?"

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled and did not answer, and continued to walk around the city. Bi Huantong had to follow patiently.

After wandering for a while, I saw a large number of people not far ahead. The two of them came forward and saw an imperial list of visiting famous doctors on the imperial city list, and everyone looked at it with great interest.

"I don't know what the exam is. If I have passed this test, it will be an official worship of Taifu!"

"Yes, yes, Taifu is the first member of the dynasty. After becoming a prime minister, he can enjoy endless wealth and glory!"

"It's so strange. Didn't your majesty recruit a royal doctor? The royal doctor is the royal doctor. What's the matter with Guan Taifu?"

"Don't care so much. If you have this ability, try it. After becoming a Taifu, you can shine!"


Everyone is talking about it, but no one really lifts this imperial list. It seems strange. Although the royal doctor is an important member of the court, according to common sense, it is impossible for the official position to rise to Taifu. This Taifu is the emperor's mentor!

"Ha ha!" Xuanyuan Yulin brushed the white beard in his hand, smiled, and withdrew from the crowd.

"Grandpa, what are you laughing at?"

"It seems that the worry-free lord is really anxious."

"What's going on?" Bi Huantong is very puzzled.

"Taifu is the saint's mentor, and the royal doctor has been promoted to Taifu... That is to say, the emperor treats this person as a benefactor. It can be imagined that there must be something important waiting for the future Taifu to do, and the royal doctor... Of course, it is a doctor, and the healer still worships Taifu, which means that this person to be treated is right. It is very important for the Holy Spirit to heal the man, just like the Holy Spirit's benefactor.

"The benefactor..." Bi Huantong muttered softly, and his eyes lit up: "Grandpa said that the person is the queen?"

"Exactly," Xuanyuan Yulin half squinted and smiled, "It seems that the queen's illness cannot be delayed. Your Majesty can't calm down."

"Does Grandpa know what the queen is suffering from? If we enter the palace, are you sure? Compared with the person Xuanyuan Yulin is looking for, she thinks it is important to cure the queen's illness.

What a pair of fairy couples, two flying winged birds, if there is only one left, it will be too cruel.

Xuanyuan Yulin looked at her thoughtfully: "What's wrong with the queen? It can't be determined until Grandpa enters the imperial city. As for whether it can be cured, it depends on whether the queen is willing to cooperate."

Bi Huantong was very surprised. Since the queen was so ill and had a doctor to treat her, why didn't she cooperate? Is there anything difficult for the Queen to say?

Or what does Xuanyuan Yulin know?

What does Grandpa mean? Why do you talk like this?"

"Ha ha!" Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes were bent with a smile, and wrinkles appeared at the end of his eyes: "Sun'er will know when he enters the imperial city with me!"

Speaking of this, Xuanyuan Yulin looked at the sky and muttered, "It should be almost ready." Then he turned around and walked to the alley.

Bi Huantong was very confused and gradually moved away from the noisy street. When the two walked to a remote alley, Xuanyuan Yulin turned left, flashed into a small alley, glanced behind him, and waited for a long time before regularly on the ground three times with a crutch.

Seeing a flower in front of him, Xuanwu appeared in front of him, and Xuanwu still hung a medicine box on his body.

"Grandpa Yuan, Xiaowu has bought what you want."

Listening to Xuanwu's slightly astringent voice, Bi Huantong smiled secretly and suddenly changed his name. No wonder he was very awkward.

"Um..." Xuanyuan Yulin gave a long hum and looked at Bi Huantong.

Bi Huantong was so surprised that he took the medicine box from Xuanwu's hand and hung it half on his shoulder.

Who said that she is now her grandson? Of course, she did these heavy efforts...

"What a good grandson." Xuanyuan Yulin said with a joking face and pulled the elder when he said this.

Bi Huantong curled his lips and ignored him.

"Ha ha!" Xuanyuan Yulin smiled and waved to Xuanwu, and Xuanwu disappeared in front of him in an instant.

"Let's go, I'm going to the palace." Xuanyuan Yulin said lightly and walked back.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Xuanyuan Yulin unhurriedly unveiled the imperial list. The soldiers looked at him up and down. Although the old man in front of him was old, he faintly showed a fairy spirit and asked, "Does the old man want to be a royal doctor in the imperial city?"

"Yes, I have been practicing medicine for many years and have treated many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Please introduce me."

The soldiers looked at each other and said, "Who is this behind the old man?"

"Oh, he is my little grandson who practiced medicine with my husband."

Speaking of himself, Bi Huantong picked up the medicine box and smiled at the two soldiers: "Grandpa has walked a lot today. Please introduce the two soldiers."

The two soldiers looked at them carefully again and said for a long time, "Old man, please come with us."

After passing through the heavy palace gate, the two of them walked around the imperial city for a long time and saw many palace people before being taken to a room. The decoration of the room was very simple, but quite neat. The palace people told them to settle down here for the time being, and without saying much, they retreated.

Until it was dusk, no one came to meet except the palace people who brought the food.

The food was very light, but Xuanyuan Yulin was very satisfied. After the dinner, few people came to the wing room to ask after the tableware away.

It's already nightfall, and the moon is hanging in the sky.

Although their current identity is grandfather and grandson, Bi Huantong felt very strange when they lived in the same room, but there was nothing he could do. Xuanyuan Yulin was looking at the medicine box, and she nestled in the corner, far away from Xuanyuan Yulin.

"Tong'er, get closer to Grandpa. Grandpa won't scold you. What are you afraid of?" Xuanyuan Yulin lined up the medicine bottle on the table, lifted the cap, and sniffed it as seriously. Gently glanced out of the room.

Bi Huantong immediately agreed that this was in the imperial city. They were grandfathers and grandchildren. The grandson was so far away from his grandfather that it was very suspicious, so he squeezed his lips and reluctantly sat back to him.

"You have to remember what Grandpa said next."


Next, Xuanyuan Yulin explained a bottle of medicine to Bi Huantong in detail. Her voice was extremely low and sounded like the sound of mosquitoes, but she heard it clearly.

Presumably, nothing can hear this voice clearly except her.

She has a very high understanding and memory. Xuanyuan Yulin said it again. She has remembered 90%. She knows that Xuanyuan Yulin did this just in case. After all, her current role is the grandson of the old man.

Although she also knows a lot of medical science, the drugs in Xuanyuan Yulin's box are very strange. Many of them have never been seen before. Presumably these were prepared by him.

By the way, the drugs and utensils in this medicine box are really complete, as if telling others that the doctor is extraordinary professional.

"Do you remember it all?"

"Well, remember."

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly: "That's good. It's getting late. Tonger, go to bed early. You have something to deal with tomorrow."

Bi Huantong nodded. They unveiled the imperial list. It is impossible to just leave them aside. Even if no one comes today, someone will definitely come tomorrow. Maybe they will give them some surprise.

After running around for a day, she was indeed a little tired. Unfortunately, she didn't find a very bad thing until now. There was only one bed in this room!

That means that she must sleep with Xuanyuan Yulin tonight.

Seeing her concerns, Xuanyuan Yulin brushed his white beard and said, "The bed is a little narrow. The little grandson will only have one night. In the past, didn't the little grandson quarrel with his grandfather every night, hehe!"

A black line fell on Bi Huantong's face. Looking at his squinting smile, she really wanted to punch him...

However, it can be seen that Xuanyuan Yulin is more wary than her. They sleep in the same bed, and it is expected that he will not do anything tonight!

Thinking about this, she didn't think much about it. She stretched out and lay down**.

Until she was about to fall asleep, Xuanyuan Yulin did not come to **. She stood up and looked at the moon quietly. She didn't know what she was thinking.

In a daze, she felt a warmth around her, as if floating in the gentle waves of water, which was very comfortable. She couldn't help opening her body and relaxing her body. It felt so good...

It was not until she woke up the next day that she found that a bear's paw was on Xuanyuan Yulin's chest, and one foot pressed on his leg unscrupulously, lying in a large shape**, and then she saw him looking at himself with a helpless face and a trace of doting in his eyes.

She was shocked and withdrew reflexively. Oh, my God, it was she who dared to eat tofu last night. When did she put her hands and legs on him?!