Where does the prince escape

Chapter 91 The Struggle between Two Women

If you want to find a logical explanation, you can only say that Lin Jifu fell in love with Liu Bing.

Only when a woman falls in love with a man will this woman protect him in every way.

Liu Bing is weak by nature. Lin Jifu is sandwiched between Liu Bing and Xuanyuan Yulin. Her balance is biased towards Liu Bing, and she chose to protect Liu Bing.

Now Liu Sang has returned to Wuyou Country. If Lin Jifu's 'disease' is cured, the Lord of Wuyou Country will unite with Liu Sang to attack the Wuyue Kingdom. At that time, Lin Jifu will definitely help Liu Bing.

For Xuanyuan Yulin, this is equivalent to making an enemy with his own hands.

"Do you really want to cure Lin Jifu?" Bi Huantong asked tentatively.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly: "The sheep have entered the tiger's mouth. Can it be cured?"

Bi Huan Tong Yilin: "What do you mean?"

"Qinglong likes to send Fu. Qinglong followed her this time. In addition to secretly assisting, he wanted to follow her. The news has always been conveyed to me by Qinglong. There are true and false, but Qinglong knew that I would let her go so easily, so he secretly tricked the group of doctors to let Liu Bing hair. Buhuangbang recruited famous doctors in the world, which is a signal he gave me," Xuanyuan Yulin said slowly: "He doesn't want to poison him anymore. He wants me to take back his order."

"Qinglong threatened you?" Bi Huantong was surprised and said as if to think of something, "Your Majesty, you actually know it for a long time, right? Why did you come in?"

"Qinglong is letting go. Soon he will expose my identity. He will unite with Liu Sang to get rid of me. However, we have two days. In these two days, I will fight back."

Two days... She remembered that Xuanyuanyu said today that it would take two days to make the antidote. In these two days, they should be safe, but there will be a lot of surveillance around!

"Qinglong was trained by the king himself. He is my sword, but it will in turn become a deadly weapon. Qinglong knows my deployment in Wuyou Kingdom. In these two days, he will destroy everything I have done."

Although Xuanyuan Yulin said this lightly, it revealed many chilling information. He was killed by people trained by himself. At this moment, Bi Huantong really felt what betrayal was.

Eior Xuanyuan Yulin dies, or Liu Sang dies!

As soon as Liu Sang dies, the next one is flowing ice!

With a heart, Bi Huantong frowned. Liu Bing was not Ling Yuexuan, but she didn't want to see Liu Bing die... She was reluctant.

In her last life, she was beaten to death by Ling Yuexuan. After traveling through time, she was reluctant to die with people similar to him. For a while, she felt that she was really useless.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself. But she can't be cruel.

She knew that she was in love with Xuanyuan Yulin at this moment, but she couldn't give up her attachment to Ling Yuexuan... What should she do...

"Tong'er, what are you thinking?"

The chaotic thought was pulled back, and Bi Huantong hurriedly shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes were cold and slowly approached, and his fingers gently raised her chin: "Tonger, do you have anything to hide from me?"

"No, nothing, the prince is too worried." She can't say that if she tells Xuanyuan Yulin that she cares about Liu Bing, then Xuanyuan Yulin will kill Liu Bing immediately!


His eyes were condensed and bottomless. Xuanyuan Yulin said word by word, "What is the relationship between Liubing and you?"

In Xuanyuan Yulin's words, Bi Huantong was shocked and hurriedly said, "Didn't I say that Liubing is like a friend..."

"What does this friend have to do with you?" Xuanyuan Yulin asked aggressively.

"It's a good friend!"

"A man has a good relationship with a woman?" There was a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and Xuanyuan Yulin did not say anything.

Bihuantong squeezed his lips. Why is Xuanyuan Yulin so smart? It's not good to be stupid!

"Everyone is dead, why did you say that!" Don't say it, don't kill her! If she had said it, Xuanyuan Yulin would not let her go, nor would she let go of the ice!

In addition, there is really nothing to say about people thousands of years apart.

Xuanyuan Yulin half squinted his eyes, as if he had guessed a little. As soon as he wanted to speak, he heard a few knocks on the door. The two rationaleed their emotions. At this time, they saw the door being pushed open. Outside the door stood Dr. Xue, A Feng, and a father-in-law dressed in red.

This father-in-law is very gorgeously dressed and has excellent clothes. He doesn't look like an ordinary father-in-law.

"Doctor Xue, which one is Yuan Tong?" The father-in-law asked in a sharp voice.

Dr. Xue pointed to Bi Huantong and said, "Go back to Grandpa Li, she is."

Grandpa Li glanced at her and said, "Ok, let's go. The Queen wants to see you!"

Bi Huantong felt ached heart. Why did Lin Jifu only call her to see her?

"Li, Eunuch Li, please wait a moment," Bi Huantong quickly stepped forward and said, "The queen's illness was diagnosed and treated by the villain's grandfather. If you want to see it, it should also be right to see my grandfather. The villain is panicked and afraid of losing his etiquette. I don't know what's wrong with the queen calling the villain to go forward?"

"Who does the queen want to see? Should we, as slaves, ask why? As for what it is, you will know when you go there. Grandpa Li looked disdainful and turned away as soon as he brushed the dust.

Bi Huantong glanced at Xuanyuan Yulin. There was a trace of doubt in his eyes, but nodded to her. Bi Huantong had no choice but to follow Eunuch Li.

Dare to say that Eunuch Li has a lot of identities and openly looks at the two of them. He must be the favorite minister around Lin Jifu, a celebrity in Weiyang Palace.

It's a long journey from the Imperial Medical Supervisor to Weiyang Palace. After walking for a long time, Lin Jifu had already been waiting for her in the bedroom. Eunuch Li owed and said, "Queen, Yuan Tong has brought it."

"Go down." Lin Jifu waved her hand.

"Yes." Grandpa Li answered and leaned down and retreated.

Lin Jifu was half lying **, and it seemed that her breath was much better. She was looking at her with a smile. This face made her feel slightly cold.

Those who come are not good, and those who are good do not come.

"Grass people see the Queen..." She leaned over and saluted.

"Ok, don't pretend. Now there are only you and me in this bedroom. Why make up?" Lin Jifu said coldly.

Bi Huantong raised her eyebrows and straightened up: "What did the queen ask me to do?"

"Bi Huantong, you are really powerful. Even the prince is fascinated by you. Could it be that you are a fox?"

Bi Huantong sneered and said, "The fox is very coquettish. I have never coquettished. It's like you, the queen, who swore the king of a country obediently. It seems that you are much more skill than me."

"Hmm! I should have killed you six months ago!" Lin Jifu's eyes were cold: "Don't be too arrogant. You are now in a worry-free country."

"Lin Jifu! As a subordinate of the prince, you actually did such a thing. What is your intention to lead the prince to Wuyou country!" Bi Huantong said harshly.

Lin Jifu said slightly: "I led the prince to the worry-free country...? Maybe, I miss the prince. I want to see that he doesn't care about me. After all, my body... has been given to him.

As soon as this word came out, Bi Huantong's whole body was shocked!

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Jifu narrowed her eyes and smiled: "The prince is very familiar with my body. Since that day, I have swore that I only belong to the prince."

Is Xuanyuan Yulin related to Lin Jifu?!

Is it the two of them...

Her heart was as painful as being cut with a knife. Bi Huantong clenched her teeth. No, even if it was true, she could not mess up. Lin Jifu may just be angry with her. Whether it really matters, she can ask Xuanyuan Yulin for proof.

took a deep breath, endured the sadness, smiled without anger, and said slowly, "Lin Jifu, you said you were the prince, but you kept saying that you were the palace. Didn't you want to set up an archway for yourself as a bitch? Will the prince like such a shameless woman? Haha!"

Lin Jifu's face sank: "You! How dare you insult me?!"

"Insult? I'm just telling the truth."

Lin Jifu gritted his teeth, and his sharp eyes couldn't wait to tear Bi Huantong apart. Bi Huantong smiled secretly, and there was a feeling of pleasure in winning back a game.

Lin Jifu's cold personality, if she is a killer, it is absolutely frightening, but if she is a spy, she still has to restrain her temper.

Just like this moment, she should not be tit-for-tat with her.

"Hmm!" Lin Jifu snorted coldly and her face softened a little. She waved to her and said, "Come here."

"Why? What if I don't come?" Four words are clearly engraved on Lin Jifu's face: bad intentions.

"Are you really coming?"

"But!" The past was a fool!

"Good! No matter how much you can't get past, you can't run away this time!" After Lin Jifu finished speaking, she grabbed the clothes on her chest and tore them hard. She only heard a 'hist' sound. Most of the clothes on her chest were cracked, and the red belly pocket was obvious, crisp/chest half exposed!

Bi Huantong screamed secretly and was about to leave, but she heard Lin Jifu shout: "Come on, come on! Help!!"

Lin Jifu shouted like this, and a group of people rushed in in an instant. Looking at Lin Jifu like this, everyone was stunned on the spot!

"Catch her quickly. She is disrespectful to me. Catch her quickly!" Lin Jifu roared hoarsely.

As soon as everyone coaxed up, they pressed Bi Huantong to the ground. Looking at these palace people with teeth and claws, Bi Huantong could knock them down as long as she moved her fingers. But if so, wouldn't she admit that she really offrompted Lin Jifu?!

As soon as her eyes turned, Lin Jifu did the first day of the first lunar month, and she did the fifteenth!

Remembering this, she gave up resistance, and the palace people tied her up with their hands and feet. In the chaos, she received a lot of punches and feet. For the people who beat her, she wrote them down one by one.

Let's put up with it for the time being, and wait until she rectifies Lin Jifu before she settles accounts with these people one by one!

She wanted to persuade Xuanyuan Yulin to let Lin Jifu go, but it seemed unnecessary at this moment. This woman can't sympathize!