Where does the prince escape

Chapter 100 Supplement with Shape

(Dear friends, the update will resume at 6:15 tomorrow, please pay attention)

"No, no, your lord, you can't die!" As if his heart had been pounded out, Bi Huantong roared and accelerated the input speed of Zhenqi.

"Little fool...don't mess around... I... I can still hold on for a while... Cough..."

Before he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Yulin coughed violently, and black blood kept gushing out of the corners of his mouth, which made Bi Huantong feel distressed.

Black blood stained a large piece of clothes on Xuanyuan Yulin's chest, and Bi Huantong hugged his body tightly: "Your Majesty, tell Tonger what to do?"

Xuanyuan Yulin took a difficult breath and said, "I have anti-toxic drugs on my body... at my waist..."

Bi Huantong quickly reached to his waist, took out a red medicine bottle, poured a pill out, and fed it to his mouth.

The killing sound around her was earth-shaking, and Bi Huantong ignored it at all. In this world, only she and he were holding him on the verge of death. At this moment, she had to admit that she had fallen in love with him.

I'm undeniably in love with him!

"Your Majesty, don't be fine, don't be fine." Touching his face, she muttered softly. I don't know how long it took to find that his breathing gradually returned to a little smooth, and her heart slowed down a little.

The killing sound in the distance is getting weaker and the smell of blood is stronger, but she doesn't want to pay attention to it. In her world, she only hopes that Xuanyuan Yulin is safe.

As long as he is safe, even if he uses her again, who let her fall in love with him? Yes, she is defeated.

The figure around him flashed, and Xuanwu and Baihu appeared in front of him. Seeing this situation, Xuanwu hurried forward and took the pulse. His eyes sank and he was about to be cured, but he heard Xuanyuan Yulin humming, so he knelt down respectfully.

"Your Majesty, the army of Worry-free country has been defeated, and now it has returned to the imperial city. Prince, please issue a second order."

Xuanyuan Yulin opened his mouth and said angrily, "All the people in the moon country retreat... bring the green dragon and rosefinch... back..."

"Yes!" Xuanwu answered, and the two looked at each other. The white tiger immediately took out the wolf smoke in his arms and released it into the sky. He only heard a loud sound of 'Peng', and the red smoke rushed straight to the sky. The man in white and the white tiger quickly returned to the team. After winning, no one had the heart to fight.

The military discipline is very strict!

"Tong'er...s send me back to the town government as soon as possible... There is an antidote in the mansion..." Holding up the last trace of strength, Xuanyuan Yulin said this and fainted in Bi Huantong's arms.

No matter what she calls, he is unconscious...

The moon country won, but unexpectedly retreated. In the eyes of outsiders, they may not understand, and they also feel very sorry. But the life of the coach is above all else.

In the eyes of the killers of 'picking the star building', Xuanyuan Yulin is the most important!

The carriage has been driving smoothly and has been walking for a day and a night. It won't be long before she can return to the Moonland. Bi Huantong hugged him tightly, and she has never let go all this day and night.

Xuanyuan Yulin's situation is very unstable, and his pulse seems to be sometimes rapid and sometimes slow, and he has stopped beating several times. At this moment, Bi Huantong's mood is like riding a roller coaster, with great ups and downs.

Black blood kept flowing out of Xuanyuan Yulin's mouth. In a day, he had soaked a lot of towels. If he bleeds like this and didn't have to cover the moon country, Xuanyuan Yulin would die from excessive blood loss!

Looking at his lips getting paler and paler, there was no trace of blood left in the end. His heart was cut like a knife, and his strength seemed to have been drained. She and his body were cold.

She is scared and he is in severe pain.

I wanted to feed him some soup, but he drank and vomited. One day and one night, the particles did not enter, and only drank some water to maintain the most basic needs of life.

There is still a day and a night away from the moon country. If no measures are taken, Xuanyuan Yulin will not be able to go back to the town government!

You can't stop to find a doctor. Xuanyuan Yulin's life is competing with time at this moment, and every minute and second is in danger. If you don't stop, you must find a way!

His eyes fixedly looked at the towel in his hand. The black blood inside was still warm, and Xuanyuan Yulin just spit it out... There was a flash in his mind, so let's make up the shape!

Taking out the machete on her arm, she stroked her wrist. Suddenly, the blood flowed like a pillar, and the pain went straight to her heart. Bi Huantong ignored it. She gently pressed Xuanyuan Yulin, pressed his mouth open, put the injured wrist into his mouth, and let the warm blood flow into his throat.

The best tonic now is blood. She will give him as much as he vomited!

The warm blood penetrated his throat. He hummed in his arms, but did not wake up. Bi Huantong saw that his throat moved slightly, and he was happy. He drank the blood down!

She cut the main blood vessels of her body. If she didn't stop the bleeding, the wound would be broken and impossible to fuse by herself. Her hand kept putting her hand on his mouth until her consciousness gradually became confused. Seeing that the overflowing blood was drunk by him a lot, she was slightly relieved and sealed several big holes on her body from her clothes. A piece of cloth was torn down and the wound was tightened.

If 40% of the blood is lost by the human body, it will die. She wants to save Xuanyuan Yulin, but she doesn't want him to die first. She doesn't want to leave him so soon.

At least, let her stay with him for a longer time.

She fed him a lot of blood. If he didn't spit any more blood, it should be no problem to hold on and return to the Moon.

After observing for a while, Xuanyuan Yulin did not spit out black blood again, which proved that the basic nutrition line was guarded. Bi Huantong breathed a sigh of relief, and the nerve line that had been collapsing was not slightly loosened until now.

If she guesses correctly, there should still be a silver needle on Xuanyuan Yulin.

Suching this, she put her hand and groped on him. Unexpectedly, a complete set of silver needles was placed in his arms.

The next step is to do some basic acupuncture to make Xuanyuan Yulin live more confidently.

The carriage galloped. Although the body was stable, it also shook slightly. Bi Huantong condensed his mind and focused on stabbed the silver needle into his acupuncture point.

I don't know how long it took. I only saw a dim yellow outside the window. Unconsciously, it was already sunset. If the carriage ran for another night, it could return to the moon-occupation country.

Her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. She didn't close her eyes for two days and nights, and her body shed so much blood, which was also one of the reasons. When she picked up a silver needle, she stabbed her to her pain hole. Her body was so excited. For a moment, she sweated coldly and her sleepiness was driven away.

I pulled out the silver needle and wanted to put it back in the leather box, but suddenly thought that I stabbed the silver needle into the flesh of Xuanyuan Yulin. After waiting for a while, I looked at the silver needle carefully and saw that the silver needle had not turned black. I pinched the position under the silver needle. Although the blood shed was also black, it was faintly with a little blood.

As long as you arrive at the Moon City tomorrow and return to the town, Xuanyuan Yulin will be safe.

When I thought about this, I couldn't help holding Xuanyuan Yulin in my hand, raised the curtains, and looked at the sunset outside the window. The warm scene surrounded my heart. I held him quietly in my arms, quietly looked at the sky and earth, and spent every minute of my life with him.

It was very bad. She finally fell asleep and felt the light flying across her face. Listening to the sound of the running horseshoe, she slept soundly.

When she woke up, it was already dawn. She looked at the scenery outside the window and knew that it was not far from the Moonlight Kingdom, and she would arrive in about an hour, so she looked down at Xuanyuan Yulin.

As soon as he lowered his head, he met Xuanyuan Yulin's clean eyes and was shocked when he woke up!

"Tong'er...morning." Xuanyuan Yulin said lightly, very weak.

"Uh...morning." Dizzy, he actually woke up earlier than her. Why is she so careless to take care of people?

"I'm sorry, Tong'er fell asleep. How are you feeling now, prince?"

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly and said, "It's really difficult for my Tonger. My body is fine for the time being.

Bi Huantong breathed a sigh of relief and said happily, "That's good. I'll be in the moonlight later. Please bear with it for a while."

"Hmm." Xuanyuan Yulin answered weakly and slowly closed his eyes: "Tonger, I will take a break. If you arrive, wake me up."

She was so beautiful last night that he watched it all night.

"Hmm." Bi Huantong nodded and pulled the quilt covering him. After a while, he heard him breathing evenly in his arms.

I fell asleep so quickly.

The scenery on both sides quickly retreated, and soon, it was heard a faint noise from the distance, covering the moon country in front of him.

No sound is more beautiful than the sound she heard now. At this moment, she really felt what home is.

The long-lost familiar feeling.

Since the retreat of Wuyouguo, the killers picking the Star Tower have returned to you, and many killers have been left to protect them along the way. Several times, Bi Huantong heard the sound of tearing and killing beside him. Later, according to Xuanwu and Baihu, half of the killing sound was to kill the soldiers chased by Wuyou Kingdom, and the other half was caused by the bandit hegemony on the road.

There are many mountain thieves lurking on these mountain roads.

In the face of the elites among the killers, these road robbers are simply not worth mentioning.

So whenever she heard the sound of tearing, she quickly calmed down. But the carriage has not slowed down a bit.

It can be imagined that the people who blocked the road were killed mercilessly and at the fastest speed.

Entering the capital of the month, where there was a large flow of people, the carriage slowed down, walked for a while, and saw the three big characters of Zhenguofu from afar.

I'm home.

Yes, it is the real home, the home of her and Xuanyuan Yulin.

A home she had never imagined.

Just as she never thought she would admit her love for Xuanyuan Yulin.

The carriage stopped in front of the Zhenguo Mansion. Bi Huantong was thinking about how to wake up Xuanyuan Yulin, but she heard him muttered in his arms: "Tong'er...aren?"